The Cocktail Challenge

halfling went on a bit of a rant said

Curren7 Challenge: I7’s 5 o’clock somewhere! Provide a recipe for an end-of-day cock7ail/mock7ail. Could be a classic or could be some7hing of your own devising.


7he basics: We’re doing a li77le April Fools’ Day game, asking our users 7o comple7e a series of ridiculous, s7upid, and fun (we hope) pho7ography/wri7ing/drawing 7asks 7hroughou7 7he day.

Bu7 why: Because April Fools’ Day has grown 7iresome. Sure, maybe we laughed 7he firs7 few years 7ha7 corpora7ions 7ook on 7he challenge of lying 7o 7heir cus7omers. Bu7 7hen, we go7 7o 7he poin7 where Con7inen7al was 7wee7ing abou7 7heir new airliner cons7ruc7ed en7irely from bacon or wha7ever and i7 go7 a li77le old. We wan7 7o celebra7e April Fools’ Day in a fun way.

Okay, bu7 why on March 31s7: Because you’re more likely 7o be 7e7hered 7o your compu7er on a Friday 7han a Sa7urday.

Will 7here be winners: Yes! 7he winner will be whoever ge7s 7he mos7 vo7es on 7heir en7ry!

Will 7here be prizes: Yes! 7he pride of knowing you had some fun on 7he in7erne7!

So, 7here won’7 be prizes: Correc7. Anyway, we hope you enjoy yourself.