@Pavlov That’s what I was gonna say. Even though I would normally vote for TMBG in any contest. And I love The New Pornographers. But I have strong burnt-in neural pathways of the Electric Company theme. It was on right after Sesame Street on KQED Channel 9.
@Pavlov OMG My childhood. Thanks for reminding me about this show. Loved it, and also always watched it after Sesame Street. Loved when Spidey showed up.
I recall there was a show called Zoom that I loved as well. (Zooma-Zooma-Zooma-Zoom!)
@Pavlov OK, I felt compelled to get my nostalgia on, and found this video on YouTube. I had NO idea Morgan Freeman was a regular on that show (despite being clearly shown in the thumbnail above). Crazy.
@2many2no I love Reddy Kilowatt. My dad was a cable splicer for PG&E for 36 years. I remember the class getting Reddy Kilowatt comic books in early grammar school. Not that that means it actually happened—just that I remember it.
The Electronic Anthology Project. Oh, the best “electric” song, not the best “guitar-driven-northwest-indie-rock-redone-as-new-wave-music-cause-why-the-fuck-not”. My bad.
I picked “electric avenue” not because it was the best, but because it was the first one that popped into my head. So that would at least be the “most catchy” or “most memorable”. But not the best in some musicological sense. I will have to contemplate this further at a later time.
@growyoungagain Me too! I hated this song when it came out. I probably would dislike it less if I heard it now, though. But I’m not going to click the link and listen to it.
This poll is racist and I refuse to vote in it - it doesn’t include Judas Priest’s stellar “Electric Eye”, not only the best electric song, but one of the best songs ever in general.
I picked She’s electric by Oasis, because I hoped it would receive enough votes to convince those Gallagher boys to settle their differences and tour one more time.
@brumagem Though it now sounds dated, the then “high tech” sound of this was quite unique back in the 1970’s and like nothing I had ever heard. When I was grown and took my kids to Disney, they would conk out long before the nightly parade time. I am curious if it would have held the attention of the 21st century kids.
@DrWorm It does. Came back recently and my kids (6+8) loved it. But it was probably the lights more than the music.
Long video for anyone interested - (just browse it).
I was scrolling through the forum, looking for something else, when I remembered that this poll did not contain Electric Love from the tv show Bob’s Burgers. I checked the comments and didn’t see it, so here it is:
Better audio:
@Pavlov That’s what I was gonna say. Even though I would normally vote for TMBG in any contest. And I love The New Pornographers. But I have strong burnt-in neural pathways of the Electric Company theme. It was on right after Sesame Street on KQED Channel 9.
@Pavlov OMG My childhood. Thanks for reminding me about this show. Loved it, and also always watched it after Sesame Street. Loved when Spidey showed up.
I recall there was a show called Zoom that I loved as well. (Zooma-Zooma-Zooma-Zoom!)
@Pavlov OK, I felt compelled to get my nostalgia on, and found this video on YouTube. I had NO idea Morgan Freeman was a regular on that show (despite being clearly shown in the thumbnail above). Crazy.
@ACraigL Box 350, Boston Mass
Was upset not to see the electric slide…googled it and saw “Electric Boogie”. I would blame the poll maker, but we all know who’s fault it really is…
Damnit @dashcloud!
@TaRDy Dang, I need to change my vote. I also blame the goat for Marcia Griffiths not having a more accurate name for her song. Curse you, @dashcloud!
@TaRDy @jqubed Part of my plan to make you learn things this month!
/giphy noooooooooooooooooo

‘Electric Barbarella’, Duran Duran.
Electric Feel by MGMT
@shawn_mitch came to post but you beat me… here is the song
“The Body Electric” - Rush
@2many2no I love Reddy Kilowatt. My dad was a cable splicer for PG&E for 36 years. I remember the class getting Reddy Kilowatt comic books in early grammar school. Not that that means it actually happened—just that I remember it.
I submit Louie the lightning bug
The Electronic Anthology Project. Oh, the best “electric” song, not the best “guitar-driven-northwest-indie-rock-redone-as-new-wave-music-cause-why-the-fuck-not”. My bad.
Alphawezen "Electricity Drive"
@legendornothing that would be Marcia Griffiths “Electric Boogie”
Bubble pop electric, Gwen Stefani
/giphy bubble pop electric

Hahaha just kidding
I picked “electric avenue” not because it was the best, but because it was the first one that popped into my head. So that would at least be the “most catchy” or “most memorable”. But not the best in some musicological sense. I will have to contemplate this further at a later time.
@awk it’s a classic…
@awk - I picked it because of a memorable 80s trip to Puerto Vallarta and the “City Dump” Disco.
@awk I strongly dislike this song, and unfortunately it also is the one that I recognized.
@growyoungagain Me too! I hated this song when it came out. I probably would dislike it less if I heard it now, though. But I’m not going to click the link and listen to it.
“I Sing the Body Electric” from Fame (1980).
The Metallica cover of Diamondhead’s “It’s Electric”.
This poll is racist and I refuse to vote in it - it doesn’t include Judas Priest’s stellar “Electric Eye”, not only the best electric song, but one of the best songs ever in general.
@serpent and homophobic.
Goddamn Electric!
It doesn’t have “electric” in the title, but I think “Danger! High Voltage!” by Electric Six at least merits a mention.
This my new anthem here on Meh.
Electric Light Orchestra "Don’t Bring Me Down"
@mfladd Anything by ELO is better than any of those songs.
Mr Big - Electrified
I picked She’s electric by Oasis, because I hoped it would receive enough votes to convince those Gallagher boys to settle their differences and tour one more time.
@AmazingChicken Electric Dreams, Electric Sighs. With Electric Guitar, Electric Violin, Electric Banjo, Electric Electricity. Happy Thursday, all.
Why mnot Electric Bugaloo
Disney’s Main Street Electrical Parade:
@brumagem Though it now sounds dated, the then “high tech” sound of this was quite unique back in the 1970’s and like nothing I had ever heard. When I was grown and took my kids to Disney, they would conk out long before the nightly parade time. I am curious if it would have held the attention of the 21st century kids.
@DrWorm It does. Came back recently and my kids (6+8) loved it. But it was probably the lights more than the music.
Long video for anyone interested - (just browse it).
Electric Feel by MGMT
Electric Wizard by… Electric Wizard.
I was scrolling through the forum, looking for something else, when I remembered that this poll did not contain Electric Love from the tv show Bob’s Burgers. I checked the comments and didn’t see it, so here it is: