The bears are hungry, so take one to chipotle
10Or maybe watch them live on camera
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Or maybe watch them live on camera
Thanks for posting this - the main site has multiple cams on this location as well as oodles of other wildlife cams for all sorts of locations and animals.
Kittens and puppies, too!
I’m hungry too! Who is taking me to chipotle?
i thought you were taking all of us!
@f00l @OnionSoup Now that you mention it, I think this guy got lost looking for Chipotle’s Anchorage franchise!
@ircon96 @OnionSoup
I guess the bear he was taking along with him just got so hungry and fed up with not getting closer to the restaurant at the fair just decided to go find his own dinner
I guess that guy was lucky that he wasn’t the dinner
@f00l @OnionSoup IKR?? You’ve got to be careful when choosing a dining companion, for sure!
I saw a bear near my house last week. It wasn’t very big and my phone doesn’t have much zoom. This is from about 50 yards.
Which state do you live in?
@f00l @walarney I encountered a bear on the street right around the corner from my house the year before last. At first I thought it was a Newfoundland dog. Then it saw me and veered off and ran up a driveway. It was so fast I didn’t have time to get scared.
@f00l western Washington.
@f00l @Kyeh I thought similar when I saw one in the road a few years ago near my previous home.