Thank You Cards?


Certain events tend to come with a societal expectation of gift giving/receiving. Any event with the word "shower" in it is one of these. For these gifts, there is an expectation of a Thank You card or note to each person who gave a gift or did something to contribute.

These things drive me crazy. I find them out of place in the age of social media, texting, and phone calls. What's more, if you were there when I received the gift or kind gesture - I simply told you how much your efforts were appreciated. Why the dance afterwards with the card and the stamp? Does the fact that I knocked out a million TYC's with a hastily written list make my appreciation more genuine than when I looked you in the eye and said, "Thank you!"? Where do these things end? Do you have to answer a Thank You card with a You're Welcome post-it?

There are a few exceptions to this for me. My Grandmother will get a Thank You card for a gift or gesture, because I know she genuinely prefers to communicate via pen and parchment. Usually though, the card writing is a forced chore done simply to appease someone's (dated?) sense of decorum. Does that mean it's more appreciative, because I did something I find silly and wasteful?


What are your thoughts on Thank You cards and other old-school etiquette requirements?