If there even is one the deal before the next day’s deal because then and only then will they know what crap they still have left to get rid of that way.
At least a 2 min time frame for one won’t be too short since they sell out in less than that.
@ananab bag of who knows what plus an IRK bag. Value can be from everything is broken except the IRK bag to some really nice stuff, or might not be broken but is sure beat up. It’s a take your chances, no give backs, no returns, only hit buy if you are willing to gamble and lose (bag is pretty nice though - like a thinner sort of cloth grocery bag).
@ananab@Kidsandliz I don’t know how many IRKs I got that had a busted missewn shipping bag. I was happier about the bag than the contents on my last one just because I was beginning to think the bag was just a joke.
@ananab mystery grab bag of stuff they can’t sell because they don’t have enough stock of it, or it is returned junk, or it is missing parts.
It’s usually worth well over $5 though. 2 of my 3 Irks had Food savers in them. We used one and intended to give the other away but it sat in the cupboard for 2 years… And now our first one died… so we’re glad we got two food savers in an Irk.
You also get things like hair dryers, purses, random clothing items of the wrong size, and bluetooth speakers alot.
I think it’s usually returned stuff of things they (or a partner) is not selling any more- or stuff so cheap, it’s not worth shipping alone so they bulk up the Irks with them.
It can be a bag filled with sadness, tears, and floor sweepings from Meh’s cavernous warehouse. Or… it could be filled with rainbows and lollipops. Ya never know!
I say 1 am
@zach_kay392 well you were right. Did you get one?
1am EST
Obviously 1 am is too obvious…
@tinamarie1974 I think you are likely right.
6:66 AM
If there even is one the deal before the next day’s deal because then and only then will they know what crap they still have left to get rid of that way.
At least a 2 min time frame for one won’t be too short since they sell out in less than that.
@Kidsandliz well, usually there is at least 2 foku bags per meh-rathon, but we will see
When you least expect it.
I’m guessing either no IRKs, or maybe around 8 or 10. It’d be particularly hilarious if they only did VMP.
But since the last IRKs just recently shipped… I could see them going without.
@smigit2002 Based on everything for sale tonight, they have plenty of unsold junk sitting around to send out to us.
@Collin1000 It just keeps coming…
11:00 PM PST
@H3xtor666 ding ding ding
What’s meh’s birthday again? That date, but in times.
OK, now!
@brainmist Everywhen.
11:12 PST
Got one
@H3xtor666 you had the time right also. I missed it by just a few seconds.
@stolicat …Now we wait for the disappointment
2:00 AM
/giphy boo

clicked as soon it posted, sold out, too bad…WTH ?
I missed it as I was typing here lol FML
My guess was 2am and I was correct! Unfortunately I wasn’t paying attention to the clock and was to busy comparing prices! Errrrr…
@Lynnerizer they may have it again later in the afternoon or late morning
is there typically more than one?
meh is my everything.
everything’s coming up roses and daffodils…
2:55 AM
what is a foku and a instant regret bag? Sorry i’m new
@ananab bag of who knows what plus an IRK bag. Value can be from everything is broken except the IRK bag to some really nice stuff, or might not be broken but is sure beat up. It’s a take your chances, no give backs, no returns, only hit buy if you are willing to gamble and lose (bag is pretty nice though - like a thinner sort of cloth grocery bag).
@ananab @Kidsandliz I don’t know how many IRKs I got that had a busted missewn shipping bag. I was happier about the bag than the contents on my last one just because I was beginning to think the bag was just a joke.
@ananab mystery grab bag of stuff they can’t sell because they don’t have enough stock of it, or it is returned junk, or it is missing parts.
It’s usually worth well over $5 though. 2 of my 3 Irks had Food savers in them. We used one and intended to give the other away but it sat in the cupboard for 2 years… And now our first one died… so we’re glad we got two food savers in an Irk.
You also get things like hair dryers, purses, random clothing items of the wrong size, and bluetooth speakers alot.
I think it’s usually returned stuff of things they (or a partner) is not selling any more- or stuff so cheap, it’s not worth shipping alone so they bulk up the Irks with them.
@Kidsandliz Thank you! I get it now
It can be a bag filled with sadness, tears, and floor sweepings from Meh’s cavernous warehouse. Or… it could be filled with rainbows and lollipops. Ya never know!
6:55pst is next I bet
3:14 AM
That makes 3 that I have missed this mehrathon
@carwinew I only spotted one, and of course captcha killed me.
Just sat through an hour of VMP crap hoping for an irk. Nope.
Greetings, new robot friend. In time you will come to accept your robotic ways.
6:10 AM
It’s almost take a friend to a Picnic Day…
2:00PM EST
3:10 PM
Now o’clock
Now 5/5 missed this meh-rathon. Am I lucky or what?
@carwinew you and me both. I clicked in every time just as they were already listed. Didn’t even get a chance to fail the captcha.
Beep beep boop boop. (I assume if you failed CAPTCHA you now understand Robot.)
Huh - thought for sure there would have been a VMP bag…
@syms Same. Wasted an hour.
@syms Annnnd once again my slow internet means no IRK for me.
5:21 PM
Really been on this site when it 1st showed up online but haven’t a clue what year it was.
6:45 PM
9:52 PM
10:42 PM
11:30 PM (don’t remember any being this late in the day before)