A lot of the Chinese importers will have a US warehouse for high volume items. When shopping those sites, there’s often an icon on the warehouse items so you know you won’t have to wait for shipping from China. (Not that it would be any slower than shipping from Carollton via PB.)
@mossygreen@walarney Reading the reviews, apparently it originally said “Made in the USA” and they got soundly flamed for the lie. This was their solution.
And it’s also SHIPPED in the US! Astounding!
@mossygreen Yeah but if they use PB it probably will go by way of China :snicker:
That is amusing.
/giphy facepalm

Is it 1 mask and 99 pieces of metal?
that’s my guess, lol
@Cerridwyn @mike808 Actually zero mask, and 100 metals.
A lot of the Chinese importers will have a US warehouse for high volume items. When shopping those sites, there’s often an icon on the warehouse items so you know you won’t have to wait for shipping from China. (Not that it would be any slower than shipping from Carollton via PB.)
@walarney Don’t spoil our fun with logic and facts!
@mossygreen @walarney Reading the reviews, apparently it originally said “Made in the USA” and they got soundly flamed for the lie. This was their solution.