Spooky Goat day three!

mossygreen had some videos to watch said

Creepy music!

It doesn’t have to be upsetting, but maybe disturbing, definitely disquieting. Last year I went to someone’s drive-by home Halloween light show, and about half of the songs was stuff they’d play at Fright Fest and the other half was Disney villain songs. Not even scary Disney villains, just… Disney villains. Which is fine, just not my thing, possibly a generational difference. Anyway, I thought at the time if I had a Halloween light show outside my house, I’d score it with “Aumgn” by Can because that song is intermittently creepy as hell and possibly based on Crowley chants.

Am I just very into progressive instrumentals right now? Because I’d also use “Black Mass (Electric Storm in Hell)” by pioneering electronic music group White Noise (which featured Delia Derbyshire, the woman most famous for her original electronic recording of the Doctor Who theme).

Arguably the most disturbing song I will actually listen to (there are many I won’t) is “Drip, Drip” by the early '70’s progressive band Comus. It’s truly, jaw-droppingly, inexplicably weird–an acoustic folk song about… a torture murder? Why?

I’ll end with Coven’s “Satanic Mass,” just because it’s dumb and I can never post it in the Driving Game because it’s not music. It’s a Satanic mass. I don’t think you could use it in a light show.

Feel free to post anything you think would be appropriately creepy, we could get a couple different Halloween song lists going for different moods.