Spooky Goat day seventeen! Spooky Caramel Corn!

mossygreen went on a bit of a rant said

Spooky Caramel Corn!

I was at a thrift store last Thursday, excitedly showing my mother a Popcorn Factory jack-o-lantern tin bucket I was going to buy, when a man standing between us said, Do you make caramel corn? I smiled (he couldn’t see it because I was wearing a mask, but maybe he heard the smile in my voice), Oh, not in years. My mother said, Oh yes, I used to make it all the time. He responded, I have a really good recipe I know by heart, do you want it? And we were both like, YES.

I don’t know about you, but I am a firm believer that if a stranger offers you a recipe, you take that recipe. It could be an angel or the prophet Elijah, or a spooky ghost. There’s no way of knowing. [This is how I once got a meatloaf recipe from a psychic.]

To be honest: I wandered off, leaving my mother to accept the recipe, and she wasn’t paying super-close attention because it sounded like a recipe she’d used and she was going to check it out against internet recipes anyway. He wrote it on a small piece of notebook paper. Here it is:

[stove top]
Carmel Corn

2 c. brown sugar
2 sticks butter
1/2 c. lt. Kayo
1 t. vanilla

1 t. baking soda

oven 250

We didn’t write down any directions, so I think you cook everything together except for the baking soda for awhile (it’s not as picky as candy making, so maybe 10 minutes or something?), then you add the baking soda and it foams up, I think you let it stand for 10 minutes and then pour it over the popcorn (I don’t know how much popcorn), don’t try to mix it too much, then put it in the oven for awhile (maybe 10 minutes again? Mom wrote “10 min,” then “pour over popcorn”). He added to line the container you put it in (if you’re using, say, a Popcorn Factory jack-o-lantern bucket) with a plastic bag or some parchment paper.

So, yeah, look up a recipe just to check times, but enjoy this SPOOKY CARAMEL CORN RECIPE FROM A MYSTERIOUS STRANGER.

I will update if we make it soon.