@Cythwulf He can interact with R2D2. The Sphero R2Q5 I bought last week is in the back of my car waiting to be returned. I’m trying to be an adult today.
@Pony same! i don’t have $75 and even if i did there’s quite a few things waiting on the ‘need’ list. womp womp. my partner and i have been looking at these since they came out with the ‘aw hell no’ pricetag.
I got the Bb9E version of this for my husband for the holidays. He enjoyed playing with it for awhile, like most toys. This is a great price for this product.
@shahnm You and I were lucky I guess. I knew a kid that couldn’t even afford a floor. He was constantly falling through an infinite void. Nice kid but only knew him for about 3 seconds.
I have the original one of these that came out (no fake dirt, no “force band”) and while it’s fun just know that it’s going to wind up sitting on your desk or a shelf after you’ve used it a few times.
@adamselby Worse yet, you know that they’ll probably never be worth much as a collector’s item because hundreds of thousands of other people will have their “battle worn” BB-8’s sitting on a shelf or display case collecting dust as well.
@bugger it’s 4 1/2 inches tall, so you can pay $12.50 an inch for it and then kick in ten bucks for the force band and three bucks for the charger and you can get it for this price here, but only today while supplies last.
These little guys are a lot of fun. Your floor needs to be really clean, though, or the wheels in his head get all jammed up with dog or cat hair or dirt. You can just run him around without his head- the cute noises BB- 8 makes come out of your device and not out of the robot. Plus he can swim headless- totally waterproof. Heads are over rated I guess.
@fastharry At this stage, you could only be disappointed by them. That’s not to say they aren’t fun movies (they are) but they carry so much cultural weight behind them now, you sort of get buried by it. Frankly, having that tucked into your back pocket as a conversation starter is probably more valuable than having actually seen them at this point.
@fastharry@Snshyn75 I rarely watch movies when they are new now; I generally wait until they are free or at least included with some subscription I have.
I really enjoyed the first Star Wars, although I doubt it would have the same impact now that it did forty-one years ago.
I think the biggest fans are those who saw it as children, and that wasn’t an option for us.
I read the Lord of the Rings books in high school, so I was looking forward to the movies. That’s different.
Yeah, when these things hit ten bucks then I might buy one.
They promise a period of entertainment about equivalent to rolling a ball up a hill and catching it again when it comes back down.
FWIW my older son spent some significant dough on the waist (for him) high version at Target right after Christmas. That one is verifiably awesome - and it still just sits in the corner.
@rprussell I spent about $180 for a Darkside Ollie and Force Band for my nephew for Christmas 2016. He fussed about with it that afternoon, don’t think it’s seen the word outside his closet since.
I wouldn’t mind getting that one back. It’s SO fast and tons of power compared with the BB8
All Spheros can be fun, but they are a tool for making your own fun rather than something that will entertain you. The fun comes from figuring out what you can make it do rather than the actual doing of it, not too dissimilar from building toys like legos.
And while I largely agree with the “you know if you want this or not already” sentiment, if you are close to being in the former camp you should know that if you watch TFA with it, it will react to what’s happening on screen which is pretty cute.
Our family got a whole family of Droids for Christmas. We have this BB8, R2, BB9E as well as Darkside and Ollie. Everyone sits in their chargers on the end of a table in the family room. It is amusing to hear them spontaneously start chattering to each other. Also, my daughter uses the Force band and takes BB8 for a walk outside like a dog. I use Darkside to chase down BB8 and attempt to knock off his head. Good times.
@jjsesler That’s awesome! I used to take my Sphero, Stevie Johnson, to the track while I walked. I need to try it with the force band I haven’t even taken out of its box yet.
I bought two Ollie’s here. They’re so much fun! I just wish we didn’t have so many drainage culverts here.
@chadp@kdemo yeah they totes jacked our 100% original and not stolen idea, I’m pretty mad. I still have that busted piece of crap on my shelf at home though! @Seeds That was three years ago, when we made droids. Now we make breakfast.
@ChadP@kdemo@Moose Ahhhh I see. I thought it was starting with yesterday’s product and you took a droid thing and put it in a new case. Starting with a sphero from years ago makes much more sense.
What’s in the Box?
1x Battle-Worn BB-8 Droid
1x Battle-Worn Induction Charging Base
1x Force Band
1x Collector’s Tin
2x Micro USB Cables
BB8 and force band
Side view
Cardboard box and metal box
Force band
BB8 charging
This image isn’t canon, BB8 never went to Endor
Gesture controls!
Price Comparison
$96 at Amazon
1 Year Sphero
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
I maintain… if it’s not at least 50% off or more
I’m not in for this day’s score!
@mcemanuel Well it is a little over half off the original $150 price tag. https://www.theverge.com/2015/9/3/9253461/star-wars-bb8-droid-toy-video-price-release-date
Retail (price) is the operative word!
@mcemanuel It was actually $150 for the first few months anyway: https://camelcamelcamel.com/Sphero-Original-BB-8-Droid-Trainer/product/B0107H5FJ6
I feel like this is aimed at @sammydog01 and @ruouttaurmind…
@PlacidPenguin I already have one. But do I need two…
@PlacidPenguin @sammydog01 You can use it to provide companionship to your existing BB8. Or perhaps combine them into a BBBB16…
@sammydog01 You do, if only for the function to have them interact with each other.
@Cythwulf He can interact with R2D2. The Sphero R2Q5 I bought last week is in the back of my car waiting to be returned. I’m trying to be an adult today.
@sammydog01 I’ll go out on a limb and say he’s being returned because of all the blast scoring in your kitchen from the two of them fighting?
I do not endorse or condone such reckless behavior.
So… because she has a kid and I behave like a kid?
@Cythwulf Haha! Actually it was this video.
Plus my new three dollar Zoomer Dalmatian is really fun.
@sammydog01 Three bucks?? Good find!
I don’t know what in the hell it is, but I know I don’t want or need it.
@Felton10 who shops Meh for things they need?
@craigthom @Felton10 I’m still waiting on Meh to list my super cancer medication. I’ve only get one week left or I’ll die.
@cutitdown Considering this is a site that has no shame in selling bricks of candy corn, you probably don’t want to buy any meds here.
@craigthom @Felton10 or want?
The Force is Meh…
@somf69 I am with the Force and the Force is with Meh.
Sixty nine duuude!
Aw, man! I wish! If I wasn’t broke, I’d totally buy it.
@Pony same! i don’t have $75 and even if i did there’s quite a few things waiting on the ‘need’ list. womp womp. my partner and i have been looking at these since they came out with the ‘aw hell no’ pricetag.
/giphy 69!

@somf69 Huh. You got a censored giphy.
@shahnm actually the first one was a bit stronger than this so I changed it
@somf69 When I saw the price came straight here in hopes that someone already made this joke. I was not disappointed.

Riddle: What is stored (by the wise people, anyway) in the refrigerator, and needed to power this toy?
@shahnm Vodka.
@payote Partial credit. Vodka is what is needed to enjoy playing with this toy.
@shahnm bb8eries
@shahnm Regret
I got the Bb9E version of this for my husband for the holidays. He enjoyed playing with it for awhile, like most toys. This is a great price for this product.
In my day, we just rolled a tennis ball across the floor. Built character.
@awk We didn’t even have a tennis ball. We hocked up a loogie, and when it dried enough, we rolled that across the floor. And we were thankful.
@shahnm You and I were lucky I guess. I knew a kid that couldn’t even afford a floor. He was constantly falling through an infinite void. Nice kid but only knew him for about 3 seconds.

@awk Yeah, I remember that time he passed through my neighborhood.
@awk @shahnm
@awk @shahnm I think I met him!
How is good ol’ Fallon doing these days?
@awk @G1 He never amounted to much - still a bit of a transient…
Why isn’t IG-88 on this list??
@tonylegrone Maybe they gotta player hate on IG-88.
@atannir you just made my day
@tonylegrone No love for hk-47?
@fuzzyninja sad to say i had look that up. I never played KOTOR. Always heard it was the best though.
this thing can chase it around the house
Rogue One was underrated.
@payote HIGHLY underrated. Especially compared to Last Jedi.
Bot meh —
I have one of these. My cats hate it. It’s kinda my fault, tho.
Hold on, is this a forward-looking statement without an appropriate disclaimer? I think I need to make some phone calls.
/giphy shame shame

@awk pretty sure that’s just puffery.
“There are many features, but really, you’re either going to buy this thing as soon as you see it or not, so…”
Rarely a truer statement they’ve made.
This sucker is in for one.
/giphy thievish short recess

Today’s Meh face seems to have had a stroke…
If you cannot come out and say it supports Android, and you are going to push Apple, then I am not buying one from you.
@alose it says iOS and Android compatible twice in the specs above…?
@djslack Does not say on the main page.
@alose Check the 6th picture on the product page.
/giphy google play

I have the original one of these that came out (no fake dirt, no “force band”) and while it’s fun just know that it’s going to wind up sitting on your desk or a shelf after you’ve used it a few times.
@adamselby Worse yet, you know that they’ll probably never be worth much as a collector’s item because hundreds of thousands of other people will have their “battle worn” BB-8’s sitting on a shelf or display case collecting dust as well.
This thing is like 1.5 inches tall… I will pay 12.50 an inch max… That’s the going rate, right?

/giphy that’s what she said
@bugger it’s 4 1/2 inches tall, so you can pay $12.50 an inch for it and then kick in ten bucks for the force band and three bucks for the charger and you can get it for this price here, but only today while supplies last.
The great thing is that BB-8 looks like a BB and an 8.
@atannir That is pretty great.

These aren’t bad. I bought one for one of my sons 2 years ago. It works with several of the other Sphero apps, too (but not all of them).
@earmstrong Why do you hate the other son?
These little guys are a lot of fun. Your floor needs to be really clean, though, or the wheels in his head get all jammed up with dog or cat hair or dirt. You can just run him around without his head- the cute noises BB- 8 makes come out of your device and not out of the robot. Plus he can swim headless- totally waterproof. Heads are over rated I guess.
@keili30 It worked! Your order number is: vain-abashed-regret
/image vain abashed regret

@keili30 @mediocrebot I liked that. Do I miss school or something? It was like a fun survey.
I am a Star Wars collector of stationary, inanimate memorabilia. This BB8 looks like it does something. Pass.
@hchavers It’ll only do stuff for a little while. Then you’ll get bored with it and it will sit there, as stationary and inanimate as you like…
star wars is stupid. hard pass
Is this the same one at Costco for $59.99?
@jayman007 nice find.
@jayman007 oh snap
@jayman007 I think the link should be for “same one” or just “one”; “this” refers to Meh’s sale.
@craigthom @jayman007

/giphy pronoun trouble
@jayman007 shipping included too, dang. i have bookmarked it.
63 years old…never saw star wars…Am I missing something?
@fastharry You aren’t that much older than me. I saw the original Star Wars when I was seventeen and loved it.
@fastharry At this stage, you could only be disappointed by them. That’s not to say they aren’t fun movies (they are) but they carry so much cultural weight behind them now, you sort of get buried by it. Frankly, having that tucked into your back pocket as a conversation starter is probably more valuable than having actually seen them at this point.
@grovberg lol…it does work that way…
@fastharry Whaaaaatttttt?!?
@Snshyn75 yep, never saw it…Close encounters of the third kind came out and i was hooked on that, lol…Heck, I never even saw LOTR till 3 years ago…
@fastharry @Snshyn75 lotr puts me to sleep. idk why but i just never got into that elves n’ shit fantasy stuff.
@jerk_nugget @Snshyn75 me neither…but i dig the Biblical references…
@fastharry @Snshyn75 I rarely watch movies when they are new now; I generally wait until they are free or at least included with some subscription I have.
I really enjoyed the first Star Wars, although I doubt it would have the same impact now that it did forty-one years ago.
I think the biggest fans are those who saw it as children, and that wasn’t an option for us.
I read the Lord of the Rings books in high school, so I was looking forward to the movies. That’s different.
Yeah, when these things hit ten bucks then I might buy one.
They promise a period of entertainment about equivalent to rolling a ball up a hill and catching it again when it comes back down.
FWIW my older son spent some significant dough on the waist (for him) high version at Target right after Christmas. That one is verifiably awesome - and it still just sits in the corner.
@rprussell I spent about $180 for a Darkside Ollie and Force Band for my nephew for Christmas 2016. He fussed about with it that afternoon, don’t think it’s seen the word outside his closet since.
I wouldn’t mind getting that one back. It’s SO fast and tons of power compared with the BB8
@ruouttaurmind What’s the force band, anyway?
Fancy gyro/6-axis sensor?
@rprussell Yup, more or less. You can use it in lieu of a phone or tablet to control the Sphero devices. Here’s the product page at Sphero.com.
All Spheros can be fun, but they are a tool for making your own fun rather than something that will entertain you. The fun comes from figuring out what you can make it do rather than the actual doing of it, not too dissimilar from building toys like legos.
And while I largely agree with the “you know if you want this or not already” sentiment, if you are close to being in the former camp you should know that if you watch TFA with it, it will react to what’s happening on screen which is pretty cute.
If you watch TFA with me, I will also react.
Disappointed. I thought this was a super-cool new Roomba when I first saw it. Hard pass.
Our family got a whole family of Droids for Christmas. We have this BB8, R2, BB9E as well as Darkside and Ollie. Everyone sits in their chargers on the end of a table in the family room. It is amusing to hear them spontaneously start chattering to each other. Also, my daughter uses the Force band and takes BB8 for a walk outside like a dog. I use Darkside to chase down BB8 and attempt to knock off his head. Good times.
@jjsesler That’s awesome! I used to take my Sphero, Stevie Johnson, to the track while I walked. I need to try it with the force band I haven’t even taken out of its box yet.
I bought two Ollie’s here. They’re so much fun! I just wish we didn’t have so many drainage culverts here.
Ancestor? The prequels really did a number on you, didn’t they?
@stinks Do we know when both droids were originally born/made?
@medz @stinks boooooooo. just take the hit you deserve gracefully.
So there’s that. “Spiritual progeny”?
Not for me, but Star Wars or not, this is a good price for a sphero of this size.
@Vrysen It worked! Your order number is: paranoid-chapped-custard
/image paranoid chapped custard

This was just posted over at dealnews, Costco $60
Looks like the sale’s going to end with some of these still left over.
Meanwhile, I also note that my Fuko has not yet shipped.
/giphy a guy can dream

A day late and a droid short. (sorry @moose)
@kdemo wait, so what did they actually do here?
@chadp @kdemo yeah they totes jacked our 100% original and not stolen idea, I’m pretty mad. I still have that busted piece of crap on my shelf at home though!
@Seeds That was three years ago, when we made droids. Now we make breakfast.
@ChadP @Moose @Seeds - It completely would have worked if it were just smoother.
Sphero owes you!
@ChadP @kdemo @Moose Ahhhh I see. I thought it was starting with yesterday’s product and you took a droid thing and put it in a new case. Starting with a sphero from years ago makes much more sense.
I never received mine in the mail. 75 dollars down the drain.
@SeveralPeople Don’t contact https://meh.com/support whatever you do, they might fix or trace your problem.
I saw a BB-8 Pez dispenser at Big Lots today. Not quite as cool, but WAAAY cheaper.
And it comes with candy!