@Willijs3 I was a scout too. I quit shortly after Webelos. Because we never discussed our plans it turned out that @Moose did what I was going to do but much, much better.
OK... A few questions... Can I thread jack and say the winning team gets 5K points added to the scavenger hunt... 2nd place gets 2.5K 3rd gets 1K points... Last gets.... Yelled at for violating speaker docks! before the race... I have one to say... (SERIOUSLY @HOLLBOLL ANOTHER WHITE ONE?!?!?!?) Anyway... Now that the Thread Jack on Scavenger hunt is over...
@JonT why are you the only one representing from Meh... Field trips = free advertising... :) So... now that I've said points... I can't root for anyone... so.... Go Patriots! Get me my free Dunkin Coffee! Also Why wear e-meh? Is it like E-mail but just meh? How do you wear electronic items... iPads displaying the items covering naughty bits?
Team Hollboll!
@hollboll Purple!!!!
@Moose You.
Who will win!?!? Probably not me
@moose had that incredulous look like "Are these clowns kidding? There is no competition." Go look, you see it as well.
Because it's on skateboard wheels, I think @moose will win. And because it's all "Mad Max" like.
can we make bets
Out of the four of you, who was a Scout when they were younger? I'll put money down that @Moose was.
@Willijs3 You'd be right; made it to Star or Life and then quit. Tying knots and starting fires didn't help me much here though. First aid, however...
@Moose Knots are always helpful.
@Willijs3 I was a scout too. I quit shortly after Webelos. Because we never discussed our plans it turned out that @Moose did what I was going to do but much, much better.
uh is there a weight limit tho
cuz if not, probably the fucking gigantic one wins
OK... A few questions... Can I thread jack and say the winning team gets 5K points added to the scavenger hunt... 2nd place gets 2.5K 3rd gets 1K points... Last gets.... Yelled at for violating speaker docks! before the race... I have one to say... (SERIOUSLY @HOLLBOLL ANOTHER WHITE ONE?!?!?!?) Anyway... Now that the Thread Jack on Scavenger hunt is over...
@JonT why are you the only one representing from Meh... Field trips = free advertising... :) So... now that I've said points... I can't root for anyone... so.... Go Patriots! Get me my free Dunkin Coffee!
Also Why wear e-meh?
Is it like E-mail but just meh? How do you wear electronic items... iPads displaying the items covering naughty bits?
One other thing... How do I get periscope to work? I have only ever clicked on your links to periscope... Not sure how to navigate to you.
@sohmageek there's an app or you can go to the website on desktop
@hollboll I've used the app but you guys always provide links :)
@sohmageek https://www.periscope.tv/WeAreMeh
And how quickly does periscope use my monthly data allotment? haha
@kadagan I'll let you know :)
Mehcus! cuz I'm team player lol
@stardate820926 - Go @MEHcus!
We're doing one more spin of the Wheel of Destruction and then we'll get our derby on!
Periscope LIVE now.
@JonT I've got my very mediocre derby hat ready!

@stardate820926 Very nice!
so what happened. it froze. and then you were gone.
I was late, i tap pears all i missed was a lot of static. and frozen frame.
@ceagee Whoa. Pear-tapping is not something you should talk about in public.
@christinewas I mean, if he was punching tangerines, that'd be totally different.
@jaremelz Totally.
@jaremelz @christinewas multi-tasking + auto correct is a very dangerous combination.
@christinewas - A drive-by fruiting? Just say no!
@ceagee That auto correct did some odd things to my trivia answers.