Down side, month not half over, my wife dies after a decade of Alzheimer’s. I’d spent the
previous three nights by her side expecting it. Other family was there days. Two hours later a former US president gets shot.
Up sIde, month not as terriibly life-taking Texas hot as last years’.
To be trite, life is what it is.
I’ve survived good and bad.
Might survive August.
@phendrick This is not specifically in response to you, yours is just the one I was reading when I thought of it.
I am reminded of that old Buddhist proverb about the man who had a string of things happen to him (or his son) and everyone in town consoled or congratulated him, but he always plays it down since we don’t know how it will turn out. (In particular, each bit of “good” or “bad” luck in the story led to something opposite.)
I need to save a copy the next time I find a good version of that story. In the meantime, apparently it’s called “The old man lost his horse” on Wikipedia.
@mycya4me@phendrick Yeah that sounds incredibly tough. (This is the weirdest Meh forum of all time, but that’s OK). My mother-in-law died a week before last Christmas; she definitely had dementia but still knew who we all were at her 88th birthday shortly before that. Then it was the almost expected fall/hospital/stroke/heart-attack I think.
My mother was 95 and up till a week before she went to the hospital was still driving herself to a local casino, about 3 mi, and would text me that she was “going to work.” She wanted to be independent till the end, and basically was. Then and it’s hard to say “fortunately” but in a way it was, things happened quickly with a cancer we knew she had been living with for a few years. Obviously a tough time as I’m sure it is for you too. Again, strangest Meh forum ever. But glad we can be here for each other.
The eastern variant of the fable is longer: I remember it was about a pilgrim who felt a woe (I think it was being away from their fiance), then met a monk who said to be patient that this stress was temporary. The next day the pilgrim received word that his fiance and her family would meet them at the next waypoint and felt exhalation. The monk repeated his warning: this happiness was only temporary too.
I ran into that saying some time in high school, I think. Seems it was attributed to some Saint. Was fitting at the time & I hung onto it as a motto. Have used it innumerable occasions since. Helped while I was in Basic Training. Even had it on a little window sill decoration in my kitchen.
(Next election, one side or the other can invoke it…)
@phendrick@pmarin Yes that is one think I like about Meh’s forums, you never know what/ who you will encounter! That is Great! Yes I understand what all you were going through. My Mom stopped driving a couple years ago, So I was the driver. I became cook. My skill improved greatly!
Mom had to have nursing care starting a day or so before Halloween. Then the last time she was really active was on June 27, she really started going down after that, she passed July 10th & I got the call about 9:30a that morning!
@hchavers@mycya4me was going to click on the button to share my support and then realized it may mean “Yay!” But what I wanted to mean is I feel you bro/sis.
My mother died at end of May and I’m only son so lots to deal with. Sister in law came out to help but then we had a weird spat about something not that important (really, her creepy husband not her and he wasn’t even here but that was the root of it) so that didn’t go well. Hospitalized with an ulcer for 2 days. It’s been way too friggin’ hot. IRS reminded me I never turned in a tax return for a Covid year. Reminds me of the old joke “Other than that, Mrs Lincoln, how was the play?”
@hchavers@pmarin I understand,
I have a sister (what she thinks of me, well does #$^&@& mean anything?) I know that my Mom was major league pissed at her & her two kids! But the good part she lives in Fla. I live 100’s of miles away!!
So I have No direct blood family, But have some really good friends!
So go find them.
I came here to say “fine and okay” are pretty much the same, no? then read some of your stories and just want to send love and healing vibes to all. hope august gets better for everyone who’s had it tough.
@catthegreat Nice of you to say that. It’s true maybe it helps to just have a forum to share and even though I’ve never met any of the people in person, it’s like “I know them” by the user name I might have seen for years and learned about their lives, at least a little bit of it, good and bad. Similar on the wine site.
I do think the Meh Mods are probably a bit overwhelmed that their simple entertaining poll question turned into online therapy session but honestly think it has been going well so far and hopefully helps some of us, including me.
EDIT when you bought your last IRK you probably did not know it came with group therapy.
A few minutes ago, I got a phone call confirming that the plans for tomorrow are definitely “go”. This involves something that was supposed to have been done Tuesday, but unresponsive parties delayed the acquisition of the required paperwork until it almost got rescheduled at the last second again.
I may be a bit loopy tomorrow afternoon. I may be a lot invisible online.
@werehatrack whatever it is, hope it goes well for you. Please let us know how you are doing, whatever it is. I think “loopy” is OK here. Always was worried about the call on the shoe phone though.
/image Maxwell Smart shoe phone
@milstarr@mycya4me Houston in Summer? Yeah glad I had the experience, no desire to try that again. I did live there for a few months in an apartment for work, in Winter though. But had to sometimes go back at any time of year including August. Worst is that your best friend is the Holiday Inn air conditioner on the wall under the window, with the push-buttons, some of you will remember, probably same buttons as used on kitchen blenders of the day. So you had a choice of marginally adequate cooling but it was so loud you decide to turn it off so you can sleep, then a few hours into the night you are so hot and sweaty you have no choice but to turn it on again.
EDIT sorry may it presumptive to think Houston. It may be any other fine Southern cities. Which do have great food by the way; I miss that.
I moved to PNW (OR/WA) for nice cool Summers and tomorrow scheduled for 99° but I guess it’s a dry heat.
@milstarr@mycya4me@pmarin Houston’s summers are starting to remind me of the ones where I grew up; Miami. The difference is that in Miami, “summer” can run from anywhere around mid-February to late December, and the humidity is always high. Here, it’s pretty much late May through late October, and at least one or two of those may see humidity under 40%.
@macromeh Nope, the good news for me is one more horrible hot Summer month done with; that much closer to what is often beautiful September and October. And even the Wintery months are OK with me.
The only correct answer is meh.
Down side, month not half over, my wife dies after a decade of Alzheimer’s. I’d spent the
previous three nights by her side expecting it. Other family was there days. Two hours later a former US president gets shot.
Up sIde, month not as terriibly life-taking Texas hot as last years’.
To be trite, life is what it is.
I’ve survived good and bad.
Might survive August.
@phendrick This is not specifically in response to you, yours is just the one I was reading when I thought of it.
I am reminded of that old
Buddhistproverb about the man who had a string of things happen to him (or his son) and everyone in town consoled or congratulated him, but he always plays it down since we don’t know how it will turn out. (In particular, each bit of “good” or “bad” luck in the story led to something opposite.)I need to save a copy the next time I find a good version of that story. In the meantime, apparently it’s called “The old man lost his horse” on Wikipedia.
@phendrick Yes my Mom died of “End stage Dementia” that is what is listed on the death cert. I have been her caregiver for several years.
@mycya4me @phendrick Yeah that sounds incredibly tough. (This is the weirdest Meh forum of all time, but that’s OK). My mother-in-law died a week before last Christmas; she definitely had dementia but still knew who we all were at her 88th birthday shortly before that. Then it was the almost expected fall/hospital/stroke/heart-attack I think.
My mother was 95 and up till a week before she went to the hospital was still driving herself to a local casino, about 3 mi, and would text me that she was “going to work.” She wanted to be independent till the end, and basically was. Then and it’s hard to say “fortunately” but in a way it was, things happened quickly with a cancer we knew she had been living with for a few years. Obviously a tough time as I’m sure it is for you too. Again, strangest Meh forum ever. But glad we can be here for each other.
@phendrick @xobzoo
This too, shall pass
The eastern variant of the fable is longer: I remember it was about a pilgrim who felt a woe (I think it was being away from their fiance), then met a monk who said to be patient that this stress was temporary. The next day the pilgrim received word that his fiance and her family would meet them at the next waypoint and felt exhalation. The monk repeated his warning: this happiness was only temporary too.
@xobzoo Funny that I’ve lived so long & was not aware of that old tale. TThanks.
Also weird that there was no mention of IRKs in it.
@pakopako @xobzoo
I ran into that saying some time in high school, I think. Seems it was attributed to some Saint. Was fitting at the time & I hung onto it as a motto. Have used it innumerable occasions since. Helped while I was in Basic Training. Even had it on a little window sill decoration in my kitchen.
(Next election, one side or the other can invoke it…)
@phendrick @pmarin Yes that is one think I like about Meh’s forums, you never know what/ who you will encounter! That is Great! Yes I understand what all you were going through. My Mom stopped driving a couple years ago, So I was the driver. I became cook. My skill improved greatly!
Mom had to have nursing care starting a day or so before Halloween. Then the last time she was really active was on June 27, she really started going down after that, she passed July 10th & I got the call about 9:30a that morning!
I will let you know when it is over. Maybe.
Home repairs, car repairs, sickness, cancelled family gathering, death; no, not a great month.
@hchavers I can relate, that as my Mom died 7/10.
@hchavers @mycya4me was going to click on the button to share my support and then realized it may mean “Yay!” But what I wanted to mean is I feel you bro/sis.
My mother died at end of May and I’m only son so lots to deal with. Sister in law came out to help but then we had a weird spat about something not that important (really, her creepy husband not her and he wasn’t even here but that was the root of it) so that didn’t go well. Hospitalized with an ulcer for 2 days. It’s been way too friggin’ hot. IRS reminded me I never turned in a tax return for a Covid year. Reminds me of the old joke “Other than that, Mrs Lincoln, how was the play?”
@hchavers @mycya4me @pmarin
/giphy I feel you
@hchavers @pmarin I understand,
I have a sister (what she thinks of me, well does #$^&@& mean anything?) I know that my Mom was major league pissed at her & her two kids! But the good part she lives in Fla. I live 100’s of miles away!!
So I have No direct blood family, But have some really good friends!
So go find them.
@hchavers @phendrick @pmarin Thank You!
@hchavers @mycya4me @pmarin Friends are the family you like
@hchavers @pakopako @pmarin I agree. I have some friends at the SciFi cons I attend, Yes, they are a Family! A Strange Geeky/ Nerdy family!
Didn’t kill anyone.
@OnionSoup The month didn’t, or you didn’t? (An answer of “yes” is valid.)
@werehatrack I’m waiting to hear back from my lawyer on how to answer that.
I came here to say “fine and okay” are pretty much the same, no? then read some of your stories and just want to send love and healing vibes to all. hope august gets better for everyone who’s had it tough.
@catthegreat Nice of you to say that. It’s true maybe it helps to just have a forum to share and even though I’ve never met any of the people in person, it’s like “I know them” by the user name I might have seen for years and learned about their lives, at least a little bit of it, good and bad. Similar on the wine site.
I do think the Meh Mods are probably a bit overwhelmed that their simple entertaining poll question turned into online therapy session but honestly think it has been going well so far and hopefully helps some of us, including me.
EDIT when you bought your last IRK you probably did not know it came with group therapy.
A few minutes ago, I got a phone call confirming that the plans for tomorrow are definitely “go”. This involves something that was supposed to have been done Tuesday, but unresponsive parties delayed the acquisition of the required paperwork until it almost got rescheduled at the last second again.
I may be a bit loopy tomorrow afternoon. I may be a lot invisible online.
@werehatrack whatever it is, hope it goes well for you. Please let us know how you are doing, whatever it is. I think “loopy” is OK here. Always was worried about the call on the shoe phone though.
/image Maxwell Smart shoe phone
Very very hot.
@milstarr What!!! Nope, not until when you have a lot of Humidity included in… like 80-90+%
@milstarr @mycya4me Houston in Summer? Yeah glad I had the experience, no desire to try that again. I did live there for a few months in an apartment for work, in Winter though. But had to sometimes go back at any time of year including August. Worst is that your best friend is the Holiday Inn air conditioner on the wall under the window, with the push-buttons, some of you will remember, probably same buttons as used on kitchen blenders of the day. So you had a choice of marginally adequate cooling but it was so loud you decide to turn it off so you can sleep, then a few hours into the night you are so hot and sweaty you have no choice but to turn it on again.
EDIT sorry may it presumptive to think Houston. It may be any other fine Southern cities. Which do have great food by the way; I miss that.
I moved to PNW (OR/WA) for nice cool Summers and tomorrow scheduled for 99° but I guess it’s a dry heat.
@milstarr @mycya4me @pmarin Houston’s summers are starting to remind me of the ones where I grew up; Miami. The difference is that in Miami, “summer” can run from anywhere around mid-February to late December, and the humidity is always high. Here, it’s pretty much late May through late October, and at least one or two of those may see humidity under 40%.
@milstarr @pmarin @werehatrack Farther south The same, But the humidity is much higher
Too damn short - How can it be August tomorrow already?
@macromeh Nope, the good news for me is one more horrible hot Summer month done with; that much closer to what is often beautiful September and October. And even the Wintery months are OK with me.