Signs of the Time
20We’ve all seen the posts showing church signs with those witty little sayings. I even think some of them are hilarious. I found this exchange and had to share it. This is in West Mobile, AL; just across the border from us.
Post your favorite sign, a real sign, no photoshopped pictures allowed. A pat on the back and a warm handshake to the one with the most stars.
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BTW: Diamonds is the men’s club.
Reminds me of this exchange (that possibly inspired theirs?) that went viral between a local liquor store and a McDonalds’ across the street last year.
Took this one myself at a church near where I used to live.
Audi vs BMW on billboards several years back.
@narfcake that’s awesome. Point to BMW
Those in Seattle are familiar with the Wallingford Sign. Don’t want to spend 2 minutes watching a video, go here to see about 2 dozen of the previous signs.
I couldn’t get a picture of it, but years ago, on a very busy street in my city, as you were driving southbound, there was a sign for a well known, “by the hour” motel that would appear(hills+forced perspective) right next to a church sign that read, “What part of ‘no’ don’t you understand?” It wasn’t an intentional sign war I don’t think, just a divine coincidence.
you might need this if you sit to much
Didn’t take a picture. Local church sign this summer said:
Satan called, he wants his weather back.
@CaptAmehrican I can understand the “Enter” sign but I thought there was no Exit.
@CaptAmehrican I did a six month project for two years in Buffalo a while back. I found Amigone to be a great name for a funeral home but when I commented once, none of my co-workers (WNY natives) seemed as amused.
@Frcal yeah it is the owners last name. A nice family but an unfortunate last name for the funeral industry.
@CaptAmehrican Yeah but people are dying to use them.
@Frcal Sandusky Michigan has a family run funeral home. Hacker Funeral Parlors.
@cattylaq @therealjrn. Bunch of hacks!
@cattylaq Their website should be /dadjoke