Shopping mania in reverse? Tip-toeing toward the long goal of minimalism.


3 carloads to Goodwill so far this week.

Various phone calls to various local close-in persons. Want this? Want that?

The good stuff is given away personally or sometimes sold. Don’t wanna bother with a garage sale tho.

The “I can’t decide” stuff gets set aside very quickly for “later”. I don’t wanna get stuck obsessing over “fraught” items right now; perhaps by the time I come 'round to dealing with them again, I’ll have worked up a personal philosophy and mental habit set that allows for efficient decisions instead of complicated, painful indecision.

Eventually I hope to be worthy of the project title of “de-cluttering”, but it seems early days to claim any achievement yet.


/giphy clutter

Thoughts and tips are welcome; even those that point out that this project is pointless or hopeless; or observe that my personal potential here is rather low.

Marie Kondo’s book and similar have their moments, even tho my methods reduce essentially to “easy decisions first”. Let the Anxiety Dragon sleep for a bit longer.