@jnicholson0619@phendrick Maybe they gave away whatever stock they had in IRKs, cuz this is what i got last time, with a bag stuck in the box. I haven’t had occasion to use it, so i can’t give a review, but i suppose if my furnace died, it might come in handy? But then again, so would my less-scary electric blanket &/or mattress pad, so…
@jnicholson0619@milstarr@phendrick Too bad it’s so big & heavy; i wouldn’t mind sending it to you, but i can’t imagine what the shipping would be. Unless you live somewhere within driving distance of New Hampshire, maybe you’ll get lucky with an IRK or something. Although, you might be better off with an electric blanket after all, cuz you can only use this thing for brief periods, with all exposed skin covered, no folds or wrinkles in it, etc. It just doesn’t seem very convenient or practical. Btw, i feel ya about being cold, i never used to have that problem, but the older i get, the more it happens & it sucks! (See previous mention of NH & the fact that it’s winter. Lol)
Re: shipping
Couldn’t I just pay you the $5 for the monthly, then cancel?
Better use yours while it works; reviews don’t attribute it with long life.
@milstarr Yeah, blankets are much less of a hassle!
@phendrick Nice try, but I’m not as generous as Meh with the shipping. Although, if FedEx had any decent people working there, they’d give me free shipping credits to make up for all their screw ups. I’m not holding my breath. (Btw, Meh is charging $6 now–you might have to check the couch cushions! )
5 bucks, not 6, for the VMP I’m hanging onto like a life raft rope. Worth it, especially for the discounts on the sister sites.
@Kyeh@mediocrebot I think all old people tend to look alike. Make my hair longer and add a couple weeks of whiskers, and that could be my driver’s license picture.
@phendrick I guess you threw me off by so cavalierly suggesting you could cancel; that & the dead goat obscuring your vaunted VMP status. I would still charge WAY more than $5 for my shipping scam (er, i mean scheme!), so it’s a good thing you’re planning on keeping it!
Product: Sharper Image Calming Heat Therapeutic Massaging Sauna Wrap
Model: CWT42001
Condition: New
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
$120 at Walmart
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Jan 27 - Tuesday, Jan 28
That lady looks dead and the guy looks like he’s in horrible pain. No thanks.
Y’all start out with none then? Says sold out, but no one bought any.
@jnicholson0619 Guess I’ll just have to wait for summer to sweat. That should be just about a month or so, here in Tèxas.
@jnicholson0619 @phendrick Maybe they gave away whatever stock they had in IRKs, cuz this is what i got last time, with a bag stuck in the box. I haven’t had occasion to use it, so i can’t give a review, but i suppose if my furnace died, it might come in handy? But then again, so would my less-scary electric blanket &/or mattress pad, so…
@ircon96 @jnicholson0619 @phendrick I would have been so happy with that! Looks warm. I’m cold as I type this. I’m cold a lot. It’s a me problem.
@ircon96 @milstarr @phendrick Im always cold, too. I was slightly disappointed to see it sold out.
@jnicholson0619 @milstarr @phendrick Too bad it’s so big & heavy; i wouldn’t mind sending it to you, but i can’t imagine what the shipping would be. Unless you live somewhere within driving distance of New Hampshire, maybe you’ll get lucky with an IRK or something.
Although, you might be better off with an electric blanket after all, cuz you can only use this thing for brief periods, with all exposed skin covered, no folds or wrinkles in it, etc. It just doesn’t seem very convenient or practical. Btw, i feel ya about being cold, i never used to have that problem, but the older i get, the more it happens & it sucks! (See previous mention of NH & the fact that it’s winter.
@ircon96 @jnicholson0619 @milstarr
Re: shipping
Couldn’t I just pay you the $5 for the monthly, then cancel?
Better use yours while it works; reviews don’t attribute it with long life.
@ircon96 @jnicholson0619 @phendrick Hmm it does seem picky about usage. Better off with heating blanket.
I’d say you got lucky!
@milstarr Yeah, blankets are much less of a hassle!
Nice try, but I’m not as generous as Meh with the shipping. Although, if FedEx had any decent people working there, they’d give me free shipping credits to make up for all their screw ups. I’m not holding my breath. (Btw, Meh is charging $6 now–you might have to check the couch cushions!
@ircon96 @jnicholson0619 @milstarr
5 bucks, not 6, for the VMP I’m hanging onto like a life raft rope. Worth it, especially for the discounts on the sister sites.
@ircon96 @jnicholson0619 @milstarr
/showme 5 bucks doing good
@mediocrebot meh. D- for creativity; B+ for likeness of Ol’ Abe.
@mediocrebot @phendrick Only he kind of also looks like Jefferson.
@mediocrebot if mediocrebot were to practice a lot more, and I could find the right threaded paper, …
/showme trading a C note for a musical score
@Kyeh @mediocrebot I think all old people tend to look alike. Make my hair longer and add a couple weeks of whiskers, and that could be my driver’s license picture.
/showme a group of old people
@mediocrebot Calling me a liar?
@mediocrebot @phendrick
I guess it did!
@Kyeh @phendrick You guys!
@phendrick I guess you threw me off by so cavalierly suggesting you could cancel; that & the dead goat obscuring your vaunted VMP status. I would still charge WAY more than $5 for my shipping scam (er, i mean scheme!), so it’s a good thing you’re planning on keeping it!