@moonhat@UncleVinny Yes, in Washington. Try to keep the beers local. I’m actually going by the Silver City taproom next week to pick up some Kwik Stout.
I had a couple of (almost) clever ones done, and was on my way out the door to do another, when…
it occurred to me that this is the Meh week of “poo.”
So I sank to the least common denominator - Meh Bideh Power!
Two thoughts:
Don’t try this at home if you’re the type that gets a little hazy on the order that things should happen. And at least do a “dry” run so your nice-ish camera/phone doesn’t suffer the consequences
I really hope my wife doesn’t see what I did with one of her glass bowls.
Smh…one too many martinis tonight
…walking away… I have to be reading it wrong!
@mikibell What about a wet paper towel?
@Seeds … My thoughts were not so pure!
@mikibell i have no idea what you’re talking about. What did you have in mind?
@Seeds my husband is a handsome man!!
@mikibell so write your username by hand on him and post him up.
@Seeds huh…at the moment…that image would be banned faster than the f-bomb in the header title!!
@mikibell throw a wet paper towel on him. then you have a twofer
@Seeds that would be a bad way to kill the warm fuzzy feeling!.. Course he is snoring, so the temptation is real!!
@moonhat how come my pics are always sideways??
@moonhat summon the @narfcake
@narfcake @Seeds narfy, help!
@moonhat @Seeds
(It’s resized and uploaded back.)
@narfcake @Seeds thank you, you are ever so nice!
Fine. When used (in)appropriately.
@cinoclav oh my…
/giphy teehee
Here’s some of the beer currently in the fridge. The one without a label is a home-brew pale ale.
@metaphore oh hells yes, that looks great. You are in WA, yes?
@metaphore @moonhat silver city! that’s my cousin’s brewery! I think it’s actually good stuff, so I’m extra proud of him.
@moonhat @UncleVinny Yes, in Washington. Try to keep the beers local. I’m actually going by the Silver City taproom next week to pick up some Kwik Stout.
@metaphore @UncleVinny I knew it! me too.
@narfcake Who’s @NARFCAV?
@narfcake Hiding behind an Ocean Spray bottle?
@therealjrn @heartny Since SOME people here into graphology, my obscured name ought to keep them busy.
@heartny @narfcake @therealjrn
Just got online, so obviously you’re not referring to me.
@heartny @narfcake @therealjrn
As far as graphology goes, I’m split between line graphs and bar graphs.
Hmm, who all bought the meh vibrators…
Sea sponge.
Though I guess if you touch one in the sea you are probably already wet?
I like when it gets all steamy in my bedroom…
If the vapour touches me, I get wet (and potentially scalded).
I spray my dogs with this when they get the “Bad Dog!” treatment.
…Somewhat effective on spouses too.
I had a couple of (almost) clever ones done, and was on my way out the door to do another, when…
it occurred to me that this is the Meh week of “poo.”
So I sank to the least common denominator -
Meh Bideh Power!
Two thoughts:
Same bottle as the one from earlier this week. I only opened it this morning at about 1:17.
I guess technically you’re usually wet when you use this.
Look at how fucking pretty it is.
I’m not at home so I couldn’t show what I really wanted to show for this one. Oh well.
@RiotDemon pretty, but I have to know what you wanted to show
Congrats @heartny for most stars.
Another tie for my favorite, random thing picker chooses…
Congrats @cinoclav
@Seeds Lol - Thanks. Karma I guess for the random picker not choosing me the other time.
@cinoclav @Seeds It’s hard to beat a hand. Or something like that.