5Here's how the game works... RULES: BY TEAMS One word at a time. We're going to write a small story. I'll start the story with One Word. someone will reply that word. Then someone will reply to that word ETC... One comment keep going people! 50 points, per word. I'd like to see the replies in the following format: @(personyouarereplyingto) (person's word they had said)Good #(TEAMNAMEHERE) (your word)Goat
So I was replying to the word good with the word Goat (if you don't know what team you are on click on the prior link. If you need a team I'll start a thread and post #noteamyet)
Don't reply to a fellow team member wait till another team posts a word. Unteamed wait until a team posts before adding another.
REMEMBER this is fun... the points are there mostly for bragging rights... Don't worry about who's winning or losing right now... it could change at any point.
- 14 comments, 302 replies
- Comment
No teams sign up here, I'll post when you have a team.
@sohmageek #noteamyet
Story starts here:
@sohmageek Goats #TEAMMEHCUS find
@stardate820926 find #TEAMHOLLBOLL themselves
@Lotsofgoats themselves #TEAMJONT happily
@Bogie happily #TEAMHOLLBOLL philandering
@sohmageek philandering #TEAMMOOSE at
@sammydog01 at #TEAMJONT the
@medz the #TEAMMOOSE bar
@kadagan bar. #TEAMJONT Out
@Bogie Out #TEAMMEHCUS there
@darksaber99999 there #TEAMHOLLBOLL in
@Lotsofgoats in #TEAMMOOSE the
@kadagan the #TEAMMEHCUS coniferous
@darksaber99999 coniferous #TEAMMOOSE forest
@OldCatLady forest, #TEAMMEHCUS @MEHcus
@darksaber99999 MEHcus #TEAMHOLLBOLL died.
@Lotsofgoats died. #TEAMJONT Hilarious
@medz Hilarious #TEAMMEHCUS how
@darksaber99999 how #TEAMHOLLBOLL he
@Lotsofgoats he #TEAMJONT managed
@Bogie managed #TEAMMEHCUS always
@darksaber99999 always #TEAMMOOSE to
@kadagan to #TEAMMEHCUS jerk
@darksaber99999 jerk #TEAMMOOSE the
@kadagan the #TEAMMEHCUS chicken
@darksaber99999 chicken #TEAMJONT perfectly.
@Bogie perfectly. #TEAMHOLLBOLL Meanwhile,
@Lotsofgoats Meanwhile #TEAMMEHCUS @Hollboll
@darksaber99999 @hollboll #TEAMMOOSE took
@kadagan took #TEAMMEHCUS umbrage
@darksaber99999 umbrage #TEAMHOLLBOLL with
@Lotsofgoats with #TEAMMEHCUS uncultured
@darksaber99999 uncultured #TEAMMOOSE organisms
@OldCatLady organisms #TEAMMEHCUS that
@darksaber99999 that #TEAMMOOSE slid
@OldCatLady slid #TEAMMEHCUS inside
@darksaber99999 inside #TEAMMOOSE her
@kadagan her #TEAMMEHCUS shoes
@jaremelz shoes, #TEAMMOOSE and
@kadagan and #TEAMMEHCUS violated
@darksaber99999 violated #TEAMMOOSE policy
@OldCatLady policy #TEAMMEHCUS regarding
@darksaber99999 regarding #TEAMMOOSE arbitrary
@sammydog01 arbitrary #TEAMMEHCUS sponge
@darksaber99999 sponge #TEAMMOOSE coral
@OldCatLady coral #TEAMMEHCUS whittling
@darksaber99999 whittling #TEAMMOOSE practice
@kadagan practice #TEAMMEHCUS during
@darksaber99999 during #TEAMMOOSE Ramadan.
@kadagan Ramadan. #TEAMHOLLBOLL Wal
@connorbush Wal #TEAMMOOSE copied
@kadagan copied #TEAMMEHCUS @kylethephotoguy
@darksaber99999 @kylethephotoguy #TEAMMOOSE and
@kadagan and #TEAMMEHCUS sculpted
@darksaber99999 sculpted #TEAMMOOSE @snapster
@kadagan @snapster #TEAMMEHCUS in
@darksaber99999 in #TEAMMOOSE the
@kadagan the #TEAMMEHCUS dark
@darksaber99999 dark #TEAMMOOSE with
@sammydog01 with #TEAMMEHCUS chocolate
@darksaber99999 chocolate #TEAMHOLLBOLL lube.
@Lotsofgoats lube. #TEAMMEHCUS Licking
@darksaber99999 Licking #TEAMMOOSE windows
@kadagan windows #TEAMMEHCUS pleased
@darksaber99999 pleased #TEAMMOOSE @JonT
@kadagan @JonT #TEAMMEHCUS in
@darksaber99999 in #TEAMMOOSE various
@kadagan various #TEAMMEHCUS ways
@darksaber99999 ways, #TEAMHOLLBOLL including
@Lotsofgoats including #TEAMMEHCUS philosophically
@darksaber99999 philosophically, #TEAMMOOSE morally
@kadagan morally, #TEAMMEHCUS and
@darksaber99999 and #goat TTM
@sohmageek TTM, #TEAMMEHCUS but
@darksaber99999 but #TEAMMOOSE never
@kadagan never #TEAMMEHCUS grunted
@darksaber99999 grunted #goat IRK!!!!!
@sohmageek irk!!!!!! #TEAMMOOSE actionably
@OldCatLady actionably #TEAMMEHCUS loud
@darksaber99999 loud. #TEAMHOLLBOLL Unrelatedly,
@Lotsofgoats Unrelatedly, #TEAMMEHCUS @hollboll
@darksaber99999 @hollboll #TEAMHOLLBOLL gracefully
@Lotsofgoats gracefully #TEAMMEHCUS danced
@stardate820926 danced #TEAMHOLLBOLL whilst
@connorbush whilst #TEAMMEHCUS @moose
@stardate820926 @moose #TEAMMOOSE played
@kadagan played #TEAMHOLLBOLL harpsichord
@Lotsofgoats harpsichord #TEAMMEHCUS and
@stardate820926 and #TEAMHOLLBOLL kazoo
@Lotsofgoats kazoo #TEAMMEHCUS until
@stardate820926 until #TEAMHOLLBOLL he
@Lotsofgoats he #TEAMHOLLBOLL vomited
@carl669 vomited #TEAMMEHCUS cat
@KDemo cat #TEAMMOOSE fur
@kadagan fur #TEAMMEHCUS into
@KDemo into #TEAMHOLLBOLL his
@Lotsofgoats his #TEAMMEHCUS hat
@KDemo hat #TEAMMOOSE hole
@kadagan hole #TEAMMEHCUS when
@KDemo when #TEAMHOLLBOLL aliens
@carl669 aliens #TEAMMOOSE wandered
@OldCatLady wandered #TEAMMEHCUS around
@KDemo around #TEAMMOOSE innocently
@OldCatLady innocently #TEAMHOLLBOLL through
@carl669 through #TEAMMEHCUS the
@kadagan the #TEAMHOLLBOLL infested
@carl669 infested #TEAMMOOSE wasteland
@kadagan wasteland #TEAMHOLLBOLL micturating
@carl669 micturating #TEAMMEHCUS on
@KDemo on #TEAMHOLLBOLL unsuspecting
@carl669 unsuspecting #TEAMMEHCUS dogs
@stardate820926 dogs-- #TEAMHOLLBOLL blasphemy.
@connorbush blasphemy. #TEAMMEHCUS Horse
@darksaber99999 Horse #TEAMHOLLBOLL meat
@connorbush meat #TEAMMEHCUS flavored
@stardate820926 flavored #TEAMHOLLBOLL meat
@Lotsofgoats meat #TEAMMEHCUS popcicles
@stardate820926 popcicles #TEAMHOLLBOLL help
@connorbush help #TEAMMEHCUS satisfy
@darksaber99999 satisfy #TEAMHOLLBOLL ulotrichous
@connorbush ulotrichous #TEAMMEHCUS employees
@darksaber99999 employees #TEAMHOLLBOLL at
@carl669 at #TEAMMEHCUS Mediocre
@darksaber99999 mediocre #TEAMHOLLBOLL Laboratories.
@connorbush Laboratories. #teamhollboll Some
@hollboll Some #TEAMMEHCUS manly
@darksaber99999 manly #TEAMHOLLBOLL muskrats
@carl669 muskrats #TEAMMEHCUS impress
@darksaber99999 impress #TEAMMOOSE balding
@OldCatLady balding #TEAMHOLLBOLL hipsters.
@carl669 hipsters #TEAMMOOSE vampirically
@OldCatLady vampirically #TEAMHOLLBOLL by
@connorbush by #TEAMMEHCUS emphatically
@stardate820926 emphatically #TEAMHOLLBOLL hornswoggling
@connorbush hornswoggling #TEAMMEHCUS their
@KDemo their #GOAT Fukubukuro
@sohmageek Fukubukuro #TEAMMEHCUS while
@KDemo while #TEAMMOOSE gyrating
@kadagan gyrating #TEAMMEHCUS to
@KDemo to #TEAMMOOSE operatic
@kadagan operatic #TEAMMEHCUS drum
@KDemo drum #TEAMMOOSE circle
@OldCatLady circle #TEAMMEHCUS evoking
@KDemo evoking #TEAMMOOSE Renaissance
@OldCatLady renaissance #TEAMMEHCUS opulence
@KDemo Opulence #goat flatulently.
@sohmageek flatulently. #TEAMHOLLBOLL Between
@Lotsofgoats between #TEAMMOOSE hiccups
@OldCatLady hiccups #TEAMMEHCUS which
@KDemo which #TEAMMOOSE erupted
@christinewas erupted #TEAMMEHCUS like
@KDemo like #TEAMMOOSE jets
@OldCatLady jets #TEAMMEHCUS twirling
@KDemo twirling #TEAMJONT batons
@juststephen batons #TEAMMEHCUS flaming
@KDemo flaming #TEAMHOLLBOLL with
@Lotsofgoats with #TEAMMEHCUS feral
@KDemo feral #TEAMMOOSE salamanders
@OldCatLady salamanders #TEAMMEHCUS from
@KDemo from #TEAMMOOSE his
@kadagan his #TEAMMEHCUS arse
@stardate820926 arse #teamjont then
@juststephen then #TEAMMEHCUS weasels
@KDemo weasels #TEAMMOOSE ate
@kadagan ate #TEAMMEHCUS his
@KDemo his #TEAMMOOSE drawers
@christinewas drawers #TEAMMEHCUS with
@KDemo with #TEAMMOOSE contemptuous
@christinewas contemptuous #TEAMMEHCUS reggae
@KDemo reggae #TEAMMOOSE -inspired
@christinewas -inspired #TEAMMEHCUS ketchup
@KDemo ketchup. #TEAMMOOSE Such
@christinewas such #TEAMMEHCUS effervescence
@KDemo effervescence #TEAMMOOSE has
@christinewas has #TEAMMEHCUS never
@KDemo never #TEAMMOOSE been
@christinewas been #TEAMMEHCUS splashed
@KDemo splashed #TEAMMOOSE upon
@christinewas upon #TEAMMEHCUS sohmageek's
@KDemo sohmageek's #TEAMMOOSE bedraggled
@christinewas bedraggled #TEAMMEHCUS Ferragamo
@KDemo Ferragamo #TEAMMOOSE trunks
@christinewas trunks. #TEAMMEHCUS Loosened
@jaremelz Loosened #TEAMMOOSE stitches
@christinewas stitches #TEAMMEHCUS display
@KDemo display #TEAMMOOSE his
@christinewas his #TEAMMEHCUS goat
@KDemo goat #TEAMMOOSE habits
@christinewas habits. #TEAMMEHCUS Meanwhile,
@KDemo Meanwhile, #TEAMMOOSE back
@christinewas back #TEAMMEHCUS under
@jaremelz under #TEAMMOOSE Moose's
@christinewas Moose's #TEAMMEHCUS radioactive
@KDemo radioactive #TEAMMOOSE pile
@christinewas pile #TEAMMEHCUS of
@jaremelz of #TEAMMOOSE slimy
@christinewas slimy #TEAMMEHCUS drones
@jaremelz drones, #TEAMMOOSE another
@christinewas another #TEAMMEHCUS turgid
@jaremelz turgid #TEAMMOOSE corpse
@christinewas corpse #TEAMMEHCUS languished
@jaremelz languished. #TEAMMOOSE Mfladd
@christinewas @mfladd #TEAMMEHCUS pitifully
@jaremelz pitifully #TEAMMOOSE wept
@christinewas wept #TEAMMEHCUS upon
@jaremelz upon #TEAMMOOSE the
@christinewas the #TEAMMEHCUS remains
@jaremelz remains #TEAMMOOSE of
@christinewas of #TEAMMEHCUS his
@jaremelz his #TEAMMOOSE victim
@christinewas victim, #TEAMMEHCUS unaware
@jaremelz unaware #TEAMMOOSE of
@christinewas of #TEAMMEHCUS the
@jaremelz the #TEAMMOOSE vengeful
@christinewas vengeful #TEAMMEHCUS spirit
@jaremelz spirit #TEAMMOOSE hovering
@christinewas hovering #TEAMMEHCUS directly
@jaremelz directly #TEAMMOOSE above
@christinewas above #goat . (End of this paragraph. I'll start a new one. Comment thread.
this is getting a little messy.. note that @sohmageek mentioned above not to comment on your own team's word.. just fyi because I missed it at first :)
@kadagan team mehcus is dropping the ball amirite
@Lotsofgoats I've been trying to post but I'm always too late
@stardate820926 I just threw in a place holder to snag a spot, then edit it to fit in.
@Bogie good strategy
@Lotsofgoats same here, aaagh.
Poor grammar and sexual innuendos already.
@Bogie just the way it should be ;)
@stardate820926 that's my teammate :)
@Bogie I wasn't trying to lead to sexual inuendoes, but I guess I left that door open.. I was curious how people would deal with it.. lol
(@MEHcus pls do not visit any forests today cuz I think you're a swell guy)
@Lotsofgoats I'll try to keep him out of the woods.
I love how 3 of us from different teams put @hollboll after the "Meanwhile," at the same time!
Me, @darksaber99999, and @jaremelz
@kadagan haha nice. trying to get back at me for killing off MEHcus maybe... if GRRM has taught us anything, killing off beloved characters makes for a good story (although I'm not sure the eulogy we wound up with is the best memorial)
grr.. I want to stop, but I keep laughing thinking at the possible next word!! I'm not trying to hog this thing, I promise!
@Lotsofgoats just fyi.. If I post one, even if it's the first one, and I like someone else's post more, I delete mine ASAP.
@sohmageek What is TTM?
@kadagan tiny tub mummy
@kadagan I was trying to figure that out too and then I just assumed it was something like a2m and stopped googling for it out of fear
@jaremelz ok, I've seen that show up a few times, but I don't get the reference.. lol.. thanks
@kadagan it came from Irk's breakfast quest, the story from Starblind
@jaremelz ok, that thread got way too long for me to keep up with ;) thanks again!
@Lotsofgoats a2m...... lol
Punctuation is encouraged/allowed?
@connorbush eventually
You guys summoned me here. Now what?
@hollboll Check your shoes.
@jaremelz I want to continue that with corpse. But I'm afraid.
@christinewas Don't be afraid, darling woman. It's late, and they've left the internet to us. We can't be blamed if things get weird.
@jaremelz Well, that appears to be all the encouragement I needed.
@jaremelz It's not like there were many pleasant places to go from there. At least not in my mind.
@christinewas Nice. And who thinks normally at this hour? Or, in the middle of the day for that matter.
@jaremelz @christinewas Don't kill me!
@christinewas Good one, that last word. I've missed teaming up on him.
2nd paragraph I'll start it off.
@sohmageek @mfladd #TEAMMOOSE lived
@sammydog01 lived #goat happily
@sohmageek happily #TEAMMOOSE in
@sammydog01 in #TEAMMEHCUS denial
@darksaber99999 denial #TEAMMOOSE of
@sammydog01 of #TEAMMEHCUS his
@jaremelz his #TEAMMOOSE precocious
@sammydog01 precious #TEAMHOLLBOLL hermitage.
@connorbush hermitage #TEAMMOOSE revolutionary
@OldCatLady revolutionary #TEAMMEHCUS hamsters
@darksaber99999 hamsters #TEAMMOOSE frantically
@darksaber99999 frantically #TEAMHOLLBOLL bumfuzzled
@OldCatLady frantically #TEAMMEHCUS squashed
@KDemo squashed #TEAMMOOSE demonic
@OldCatLady demonic #TEAMMEHCUS mosquitoes
@KDemo mosquitos #TEAMMOOSE silently
@sammydog01 silently #TEAMMEHCUS whilst
@jaremelz whilst #TEAMMOOSE fishing
@sammydog01 fishing #TEAMMEHCUS erratically
@jaremelz erratically #TEAMMOOSE for
@OldCatLady for #TEAMMEHCUS compliments
@darksaber99999 compliments. #TEAMHOLLBOLL Meanwhile,
@connorbush meanwhile #TEAMMEHCUS scientists
@stardate820926 scientists #TEAMMOOSE studying
@sammydog01 studying #TEAMMEHCUS Portugese
@KDemo Portugese #goat Peanuts
@sohmageek peanuts #TEAMMEHCUS osculated
@KDemo oscillated #TEAMMOOSE with
@sammydog01 with #TEAMMEHCUS lollygagging
@KDemo lollygagging #TEAMMOOSE leopardesses
@OldCatLady leopardesses. #TEAMMEHCUS Another
@KDemo Another #TEAMMOOSE troll
@sammydog01 troll #TEAMMEHCUS hungering
@KDemo hungering #TEAMMOOSE for
@sammydog01 for #TEAMMEHCUS powdered
@KDemo powdered #TEAMMOOSE narwhals
@sammydog01 (lol) narwhals #TEAMMEHCUS flavored
@KDemo flavored #TEAMMOOSE delicately
@sammydog01 delicately #TEAMMEHCUS with
@KDemo with #TEAMMOOSE essence
@sammydog01 essence #TEAMMEHCUS of
@KDemo of #TEAMMOOSE flamingo
@sammydog01 Flamingo #goat turds.
@sohmageek turds. #TEAMMEHCUS whistled
@KDemo Whistled #goat @Moose
@sohmageek @Moose #TEAMMEHCUS calls
@KDemo calls #GOAT @mehcus
@sohmageek @mehcus #TEAMMEHCUS answered
BTW ended here.
There may be some spelling mistakes as autocorrect doesn't like me... but I'm not going to find and fix them.
Goats Find Themselves happily Philandering at the bar. Out there in the coniferous forest @MEHcus died. Hilarious. How he managed always to jerk the chicken, perfectly. Meanwhile, @Hollboll took umbrage with uncultured organisms that slid inside her shoes and violated policy regarding arbitrary sponge. Coral Whittling practice during Ramadan. Wal copied @kylethephotoguy and sculpted @snapster in the dark with chocolate lube. Licking windows pleased @JonT in various ways including Philosophically, morally, and TTM, but never grunted “IRK!!!!” Actionably loud. Unrelatedly, @hollboll gracefully danced whilst @moose played harpsichord and kazoo until he vomited cat fur into his hat hole. When aliens wandered around innocently through the infested wasteland micturating on unsuspecting dogs. Blasphemy! Horse meat flavored meat popsicles help satisfy ulotrichous employees at mediocre laboratories. Some Manly muskrats impress balding hipsters campiracally by emphatically hornswoggling their fukubukuro while gyrating to operatic drum. Circle evoking Renaissance opulence flatulently, between hiccups which erupted like jets, twirling batons, with feral salamanders from his are. Then Weasels ate his drawers with contemptuous reggae-inspired Ketchup. Such effervescence has never been splashed upon Sohmageek’s Bedraggled Ferragamo trunks. Loosened stitches display his goat habits. Meanwhile back under @moose’s radioactive pile of slimy drones another turgid corpse languished. @mfladd pitifully wept upon the remains of his victim, unaware of the vengeful spirit hovering directly above.
@sohmageek - So, are there plans to publish? ;-)
@sohmageek I wonder when the movie will come out! This will be made into a movie, right?
@sohmageek It's like a dream. A terrible nightmare that almost makes sense, and when you wake up you shout out 'Feral salamanders!' because that's the important part.
HOLY CRAP! I'm going to need to print this one out... maybe tomorrow. ><
@sohmageek This was another favorite game.
@KDemo ditto