Scavenger Hunt:: Apple announcement day.
1So... given that most of the things for the apple announcement are out there (unconfirmed but I don't think there will be a lot that will surprise us) What is the one thing you are most looking for/One thing you think will be a big surprise for people?
50 points (one per person) per guess/looking forward to. Closes when the announcement is live.
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Apple Porn
We should do Apple keynote bingo!
Also, looking forward to a rose gold iPhone! :DDD
@hollboll Should the free space be called " Jonny Iovine"?
@hollboll It looks like there is a site that has bingo cards of this... Although, it looks like some of the spots were made by android fanboys...
@sohmageek I printed a blank one and am writing in my own stuff.

@hollboll DIY
@hollboll Nice... I may be late to the party however... I'm going to be leaving here in a few... I could tell you where I'm going but it'll make you really jealous...
@hollboll def gotta be an ~*apple watch*~ square (and yes the sparkles are required)
@Lotsofgoats Already got one! ;) I just tried taking a picture of the watch with the camera app up.. seeing how far into the watch I could see... Lighting is horrible though.. If I could figure out how to fix that. Maybe @pavlov if you came back you could help me with it! :) But I can see 5 deep I think...
@hollboll Is every square 'rose gold iPhone'? :)
@sohmageek Unfortunately our FFL draft is scheduled at the same time as the apple annoincement :( I would normally blame @sohmageek, but this one is clearly @JonT's fault..
@brhfl here's mine
@hollboll you're going to have bingo in the first 2 minutes.
@hollboll Love it!
@hollboll How well did you do?
@Bogie There's at least one bingo in there for sure (iPad → Product Red)… good work, @hollboll!
@brhfl I think the bottom row hit it as well
@Bogie @brhfl I did well! 4 @Bingo's.
@hollboll I just randomly shouted my name out during the day and feel like I already won
Apple Bidet
@darksaber99999 is it a bidet for apples or is it a bidet that shoots apples out? neither of those sound great tbh
@Lotsofgoats It's a bidet that shoots apple juice - for that clean, sticky feeling.
I'd like to see them release an iPhone 7 but I'm guessing it will stick with the trend of 6s.
Granted, the only thing I may consider buying is a new iPad (Pro?). My iPad 2 is getting a little slow with all the god damn updates
@Bogie I'd love to update the mini ver 1, but I like it still and it's not causing issues... so I'll probably stick with it. :)
I escaped the apple cult years ago. I'm not going back. What would be surprising, though, is apple releasing something that doesn't mostly mimic devices that have been out for a couple of years. Not that I expect those surprises.
i look forward to apple announcement day being over so my apple owning friends will shut their pie holes about it.
to be fair, i'm not exactly pleased with Samsung right now either.
I'm mostly looking forward to my iphone 5 being even more outdated but the "use thicker aluminum so our phones don't bend" feature is probably pretty nice.
I got all excited when I saw force touch. I thought it would make it so much easier for those times that my phone is across the room and I don't want to get up to retrieve it ;)
I am looking forward to when the hype settles down and it is out of the media. I am looking forward to it being over.
I'm looking forward to the new camera the most I think. I've got an iPhone 5 now, and my wife has a 4s.. We've been waiting to upgrade when these new ones come out, so I'm more excited than usual for an apple announcement. Basically every feature will be an upgrade over our current phones, so it'll be all good!
I'm looking forward to the part where they announce a thing that is in no way, shape or form a surprise or innovation and all the people in the crowd clap in the most over zealous manner possible and a lady faints because she is so overwhelmed at the magic of her Apple overlords.
@MEHcus I read this as "... and possible lady farts..." I thought, wait, clapping in an over zealous manner and possible lady farts? Well, I mean, it seems possible from all of the unwarranted excitement. Rather explicit, but by no means unlikely.
@MEHcus I like that she starts twerking and dropping it like it's hot..
Apple Pi. That's not a thing yet, is it? a la code.
@KDemo I wish I could star this more than once.
Looking forward to drastic price cuts.
"Look. We realize we can only coast off being the cool company for so long. Now that we have competitors with superior products, we're going to have to change our marketing strategy. The new iPhone will cost $199 no cell contract required. Also, many of the most popular apps will be free. The phone will feature multiple ports that will allow you to use all the cables and docks you've already purchased."
@medz I Think you got that confused with Android...
I think the new Apple TV is going to have a voice interface. Siri's going to watch TV with you. The remote might have a mic.
The rumor mill has it that the iPad Pro might come with a stylus. Lord Steve was dead set against stylii but now he's just dead and can't fight it. I wish they'd just combine an ipad with a macbook. If they make a Surface-like tablet I'll break my own rule (never buy first-gen Apple anything) and preorder it sight-unseen.
@james_hardiman you got your wish I guess
@kadagan At least the Stylus is optional for the iPad Pro. I'm not getting one, though. Out of my price range. My AppleTV is due for an upgrade so I'm in on that one.
@james_hardiman Which apple TV do you currently have?
@sohmageek second gen. 720p. ( It's nice, but youtube stopped working on it and I'm sure other stuff will soon. I think it's still hackable but I never bothered.
@james_hardiman yes that is one of the more valuable versions. I have the one just prior to the one just announced. However the version I have isn't jail breakable.
I'm looking forward to... sending anyone in this forum my OnePlus 2 invite. It expires in an hour and it's up for grabs.
I'm looking forward to an Apple Newton.
@SargassoC I have one of those! Bust it out every now and again, still brings me joy…
@brhfl It was like a forward-thinking Palm Pilot. . . sigh.
Well, the opening line of the Verge's liveblog announcement thingy is 'Today's Apple event is likely to emphasize the power of polish.', so I guess I'm looking forward to pierogies. Mmm.
@brhfl i think they mean this kind of polish

@marklog I mean, it can be both, right?
*Watches GIF looping while nomming pierogies.*
Apple earrings.
Apple Juice. Its a smart juicer. Or a water filter for your frig that turns water to cider. Either way. Theyz in your kichun on all yur devises
There are no Apple devices in this house, and we're limited to CNBC or CNET (which just crashed). Darn. If the $199. price @medz mentioned ever happened, MAYBE I'd buy an iPhone. Otherwise, off to do housework. Will check in later.
holy shit plot twist, apple partners up with microsoft and then offers an ipad version of the surface, (in)complete with expensive peripherals?!?!?!?1?!
I always wanted to spend $100 on a pencil.