Scavenger hunt:: 2/3 of the way there!
2What is your favorite book? OK... Here's the fun part... Flip to page 42, type us the 3rd paragraph 2nd 3rd and 4th sentence... let's see if we can figure it out... :) If it's a series, just listing the name of the series is good enough. IF page 42 seems to be a blank page, or doesn't have 3 paragraphs, count paragraphs starting on page 42. the 3rd one that shows up :) 50 points for posting the lines. If someone from your team guesses it, no additional points, opposing team guesses it 100 points for them. IF no one guesses it double your score (entire score, after the 50 is posted.) Only 1 book/person.
- 15 comments, 49 replies
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This is all there is to the particular location you've requested.
"We are talking about poor Dartmoor, Lord Henry," cried the Duchess, nodding pleasantly to him across the table. "Do you think he will really marry this fascinating young person? "
The Picture of Dorian Gray
@hallmike ding ding ding
what if there aren't 42 pages?
shut up don't judge me
And what if it's only pictures?
@Lotsofgoats Do your best @hallmike Something with words would be good
She dropped her tasting spoon and tried her best to run despite the invincible weight of her age, screaming like a madwoman without knowing yet what had happened under the mango leaves, and her heart jumped inside her ribs when she saw her man lying on his back in the mud, dead to this life but still resisting death’s final blow for one last minute so that she would have time to come to him. He recognized her despite the uproar, through his tears of unrepeatable sorrow at dying without her, and he looked at her for the last and final time with eyes more luminous, more grief-stricken, more grateful than she had ever seen them in half a century of a shared life, and he managed to say to her with his last breath: “Only God knows how much I loved you.”
Love in the Time of Cholera
@hallmike - Yup! Crazy how dramatic that paragraph turned out to be.
His eyes turned inside out. His feet began to leak out of the top of his head. The room folded flat around him, spun around, shifted out of existence and left him sliding into his own navel.
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
@hallmike you got it!
As an unaffiliated person, I'll throw up an entry here:
A lot of people hang around in front of The Black Sun saying weird things. You ignore them. But this gets Hiro's attention.
Oddity the first: The guy knows Hiro's name. But people have ways of getting that information. It's probably nothing.
The second: This sounds like an offer from a drug pusher. Which would be normal in front of a Reality bar. But this is the Metaverse. And you can't sell drugs in the Metaverse, because you can't get high by looking at something.
@dashcloud Snow Crash!
@stardate820926 Congrats!
He could tuck enough snuff under it to last a normal person at least a month; in general the lip lived a life of its own, there toward the bottom of his face. Even when he was just sitting quietly, studying his cards, the lip waved and wiggled as if it had a breeze blowing across it, which in fact it did. Lippy had something wrong with his nose and breathed with his mouth wide open.
@lisaviolet Lonesome Dove
Mine is a little tougher because it's mostly pictures. You might get the subject from page 42's picture caption but I will give 50 bonus points to whoever guesses the actual book title first.
"Early Basket grouping, Stanwood, WA, 1978"
@hallmike - Chihuly Baskets?
@hallmike I got the subject- he did a exhibit at our art museum last year- it was amazing! No guess on the specific book though.
@KDemo I love his work! I went to the museum in Seattle last year and used almost a whole memory card on pictures (this was day one of a 9 day trip hahaha)
@KDemo Correct subject, wrong book title.
@hallmike - Should I list them all? I think not :(
@hallmike How about this one? Chihuly: Form from Fire
@sammydog01 One of your F words is the single word title - close enough to give you the bonus points!
@stardate820926 We love his stuff too. We've been to his exhibits in Dallas, Phoenix, Miami and St Louis. Here is a pic of him signing my wife's umbrella. (I'm in the blue shirt on the right)

@hallmike - A friend of mine won a dinner for 10 at his floating home in a charity auction. The pictures were amazing! From his table
to his pool -
it looked just incredible. No, I wasn't one of the 10 friends.
@KDemo That would have been so cool!
@hallmike - I know! The dinner was catered by his favorite chef, but oddly, I don't think Chihuly made an appearance.
Therese was standing in front of it, as trusting and modest as always, her prominent left ear perhaps a trifle more crooked.
'I make so bold,' she reminded him impertinently.
What little blood Kien had rushed to his head.
@brhfl Tower of Babel?
@brhfl Auto-da-fe?
@sammydog01 Correct! And I spared everyone by pulling it out of that book and not my copy of Die Blendung. :)
(note: page 42 was actually blank. what are the odds? so here the 3rd paragraph, 2,3,4th sentence from page 43)
Manhattan and Atlanta burn solid white. Then they start to pulse, the rate of traffic threatening to overload your simulation. Your map is about to go nova.
@carl669 Neuromancer.
@brhfl yep!
@carl669 Fine choice!
All Villefort's influence barely enabled him to stifle the secret Dantes had so nearly divulged. The king's procureur alone was deprived of his office, being suspected of royalism.
However, scarcely was the imperial power established—that is, scarcely had the emperor re-entered the Tuileries and begun to issue orders from the closet into which we have introduced our readers,—he found on the table there Louis XVIII.'s half-filled snuff-box,—scarcely had this occurred when Marseilles began, in spite of the authorities, to rekindle the flames of civil war, always smouldering in the south, and it required but little to excite the populace to acts of far greater violence than the shouts and insults with which they assailed the royalists whenever they ventured abroad.
@Thumperchick Count of Monte Cristo?
@Teripie yes!
Page 42 is a photo, so here's page 43:
She's always with me
especially if my gut
can't digest toenails
@sammydog01 That's the second paragraph
Zombie Haiku
@hallmike Correct!
"I can only tell you that it was not so, that I was met at every turn by incredulity, born partly of stupidity and partly of jealousy. It is not my nature, sir, to cringe to any man, or to seek to prove a fact if my word has been doubted. After the first I have not condescended to show such corroborative proofs as I possess."
The Lost World
@hallmike Yes.
This thread just reinforces the fact that there are no secrets from Google. It's depressing to me, as if there are no mysteries in life, until I want to research something, then I'm in technological bliss.
@KDemo Agreed, though I'm just going to keep on pretending that @sammydog01 is a big Canetti fan.
@brhfl - Ha ha. Well, no doubt she's a really good Googler.
@KDemo If you think there are no secrets from Google, then you've never desperately googled an error message or something weird that happened, hoping to find someone or somewhere that has the answer- and if you're really unlucky, you find the post you put up last time asking about that same problem.
@brhfl @KDemo Auto-Da-Fe stands out as a study of a type of man who isolates himself in self-sufficient specialization only to succumb helplessly in a world of ruthlessly harsh realities. Just kidding, I googled it. But I learned the name of a Nobel prize winner!
@dashcloud - Oh yes, I've been there. At my novice level, though, I usually find some form of a suggestion. Error messages are easier than weird events, I never know the terms to describe those.
@sammydog01 - Awww, you just ruined @brhfl's denial fantasy ;-)
@sammydog01 Honestly, I don't know if Die Blendung is my favorite novel (my favorite book would likely be a collection of poetry which I suspect wouldn't have worked well here), but it's up there, and it's one of the few things I have readily on hand after having moved. And, it seemed like a good 'obscurity test' for this thread. But yes, thanks for ruining the dream ;)
@brhfl I used a poetry book- "Zombie Haiku". See, I'm cultured.
@sammydog01 - I bow to your superior level of culture. Even if it's Zombie culture. And you're a better googler than I.
(I skipped the 3rd paragraph which only had 2 sentences.)
@Bogie Apparently that is from No More Mr. Nice Guy! - A Proven Plan for Getting What You Want In Love, Sex and Life.
@curtise That'd be correct. Great self-help/self-discovery book.
"You can walk it in twenty minutes. There's two motels there, one of them a Holiday Inn with a good restaurant as well. You should be able to still get a room till this thing clears up."
-Google gives up which book it is right away.. but it's page 42 paragraph 3, sentences 2, 3, and 4 of my favorite book.. haha
@kadagan One Second After
Sounds like an interesting book. I'm almost done with my current book series so this thread is giving me some great ideas lol
@stardate820926 It's a great book! I'm really into the post apocalyptic genre though.. lol.. This book covers one of the most real and likely scenarios that could happen.. There's a sequel coming out in the next month or so too.