Sad, but not that sad (VMP)


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So this afternoon I finally said goodbye to VMP.

I had turned VMP on for most months during the first several years of (back when you could turn VMP on & off), but was forced to leave it on or lose VMP when made VMP a grandfather thing March 2017. (Damn, I’m a sucker, can it already be four years?)

Sad, because we bought some good stuff at good prices (and won some free stuff due to @JonT’s shenanigans). And kept occasionally buying stuff enough to sorta justify the $5/month charge. Until the past 5 months. Dry spell in spite of visiting every day and even losing a bit of sleep futilely watching the Mehrathons.

But not so sad to kill that $5/month cost since I am as Scot-cheap as anybody you’ll find and could no longer excuse that fee to my spouse.

So @unixrab, you turned out to be right in the end…