Somewhere in the middle, but all sides still have some work to do
Here in CO, we don’t know how to determine driving while impaired. Got at least one dead kid thanks to overindulging parents. At my kids’ school, it’s already obvious, parents who get high a lot aren’t parenting and their kids’ grades are suffering, evident across K-12.
All I’m saying is, all sides still have some work to do. It’s hard to do a 180 on a law that has far reaching effects.
@MehnofLaMehncha I live within 15 miles of 6 or 7 legal Recreational Marijuana stores. They keep opening up all the time. I certainly hope there’s little problems with Washington legalizing pot… We’ll see…
@MehnofLaMehncha In Idaho if a cop pulls you over for driving recklessly but you aren’t drunk on booze they may call a drug identification expert to the scene who will try to determine you are driving impaired (whether on a prescription medication or illegal drug) or if you were just driving like an asshole. Thereby determining if will be hauled of to jail for dui or just given a reckless driving ticket and a court date. Since there as so few of these cops with this specific training you will definitely be late for were-ever you are going.
I think it should be legal (the hemp side more than the THC side) with the caveat that businesses still have the right to not hire/ fire someone that uses a mind altering chemical.
@Kirgen that’s total bullshit, If your using in your own spare time and while not on the job, then you aren’t taking anything away from your employer. exactly how is that different then firing someone who likes to practice their religious beliefs in their spare time?
@jbartus There really aren’t any good test for people under the affects of weed. I agree no one should be impaired at work, but outside of work is their business just legalize it already. I would still rather have a parachute a guy on weed packed compared to someone completely wasted.
@gosuion no argument there but if you’re packing my parachute I don’t want you to be either. As you said, do it on your own time. You wouldn’t show up to work drunk, don’t show up high either. ^^
@gosuion There are urinalysis for cannabis but the results cannot determine how impaired you would be. I know the test works because I get randomly drug tested for it periodically. Of course it’s negative because I never touch the stuff.
Has legality really mattered before in terms of accessibility? The difference is the dollars in the hands of the street pharmacists or some more of it in the hands of the government.
On a different note, both my meh face and poll count is at 420. I think I’ll abstain from both today.
@1337 how the fuck would you know? Until weed is available in every grocery store, gas station, and restaurant, with multi-billion dollar ad campaigns encouraging it’s conspicuous consumption, there is no reasonable way to make that assumption.
Unless of course you have some sort of device or magic that lets you see across the myriad possibilities into a universe where it is; and if you do I would hope you have better things to do with device/power than annoying me a deal a day website.
@jro2020 It’s probably because it’s physically impossible to OD on THC (there have been 0 recorded deaths since we discovered writing). Also it’s not addictive nor a depressant. Overall it’s a pretty mundane point to make. Maybe you should chill out brooooooooo. /giphy ganjabro
@jro2020 Not to be a party pooper but that traditional view of addiction is really pasé. Not to say withdrawal symptoms don’t exist, but anything can be addictive in that sense. I could do a word-place with reddit in that article and it would still be valid.
All I’m saying is that it is probably also true for marijuana.
My stance is a little weird - I don’t think marijuana should be legal, but I also don’t think alcohol or tobacco should be legal either.
I know, prohibition didn’t work so well in the past; but if I could magically make people disinterested in recreational drug use, I would. I wonder if there’s a pill for that…
I’m sick of marijuana being illegal. I’m sick of boobie-trapped fields on the north coast. I’m sick of public lands being decimated by unregulated grows. I’m sick of the cost of criminalization. I’m especially sick of people getting killed over this. The danger is not in the drug, it’s in the laws.
Any substance you want to introduce into your body, as long as doing so doesn’t place another person in harm’s way or cause another any jeopardy, should be a basic human right.
Legalize / decriminalize / tax and provide pharmaceutical grade substances at your corner pharmacy - of everything.
@Pav so basically alcohol should be made and other judgement impairing and reaction dulling drugs like marijuana should not be a basic human right, because we live in a society where operating potentially lethal machines (cars and other heavy machinery) is a necessity.
Your first sentence kinda contradicts the second.
And Darwin’s theory of natural selection probably not relevant; unless you are suggesting that a subset of a species that is capable of recognizing a bad choice from a good one has a higher probability of survival
@Pavlov fun article that in it’s conclusion comes down on the side of drug abuse is bad. I like the works of archaeologist Patrick McGovern who is at least able to suppose a case where a desire to abuse a drug had a positive effect on the survivability of a species.
@Pavlov and there is clearly a contradiction between the first two sentences. By using the qualifer that “, as long as doing so doesn’t place another person in harm’s way or cause another any jeopardy,” something should be a human right you imply that something that does does put another in harms way or jeopardy is not a human right. If it is not a human right to put such things in your body, then what would be the point of providing them at your corner pharmacy? After all everything clearly includes substances which do so.
@jro2020 “Your right to swing your arms ends just where the other man’s nose begins.” - Zechariah Chafee
Introducing any substance you wish into your body, should, IMO, be a basic human right. A right that you, or any other, should be free to exercise as long as your doing so doesn’t harm or place in jeopardy another person.
@Pavlov yup like i said clear contradiction between first sentence and second. Because my pharmaceutical grade uranium and plutonium that i want to use to poison myself will probably give the pharmacist cancer.
@Pavlov And just in-case you were wondering where I stand on the actual issue, I do take road trips to Washington so my fiance can partake in some edible fun in the safety of our hotel room if we get a long enough weekend. I’m just giving you crap because your comment actually comes down more on the side of keeping marijuana illegal than it being legal.
I worked with a woman that lit her babies crib on fire with the embers from a blunt and burned her baby to a cinder before she noticed since she was so high. Yeah I know this type of thing happens when people mix alcohol and tobacco also but if i hear one more shit head say that marijuana never killed anyone I think I’m gonna scream
@jro2020 Sure you did. Name? Police report? What never in the news? Please tell us more. I hear about toxicity and other bizrre things, but never any proof. Was she was high on PCP, Crack, Weed and Ajax? Must have been the weed.
@Bananabrains she claims it was just weed, I will try to find the Post Register article this was while i was working at the Ammon Walmart which means it as 2006 or 2007. Creepy broad had a little necklace that had some of her babies ashes in it. I found out she was the person from the story cause i commented on her necklace a lot of people wear “blessed oil” over there.
Okay she said baby the kid was four years old so i wouldn’t have called him a baby. And it was a pipe. Mis-remembered the details still remember the lady.
@PurplePawprints well yeah In the same way that loaded handguns and no gun safety training don’t kill kids; Or drinking and driving don’t kill people; or leaving toxic chemicals in unlocked cabinets within the reach of toddlers doesn’t kill kids.
If you want to be reductive yeah all forms of murder and manslaughter down to a person making a poor choice.
You’re so sure that your little view of the world is correct. But guess what just because you’re a banana brained internet troll doesn’t mean everyone is.
@jro2020 I’m glad you finally understand! Any of those deaths are directly attributed to bad decisions made by people and not the product itself. Thank goodness you are finally seeing reason.
@jro2020 i think the point being made is that marijuana has not directly killed anyone. indirectly, sure, i can go with that. but not directly. you drink too much alcohol at once, you can die. you take too much heroin at once, you can die. you drink too much water at once, you can die.
you smoke too much pot… well, never heard of anyone dying.
@jro2020 Drunk driving is not a product, it’s a fucking action. You’re comparing apples and oranges. The product is not to blame for someone’s bad decisions. How fucking hard is it to get it through your head? Also, where the fuck did I argue that drunk driving doesn’t kill people? You need to go back to troll school because you clearly suck at.
@carl669 Why, because I’m sick of ignorant mother fuckers purposefully ignoring any evidence that disputes their own position.
Yeah the depressant effects of THC are probably going make you incapable of consuming enough weed to kill yourself via toxicity. (lord knows how long before some asshole decides to prove just how safe thc is starts drinking concentrates and we find out the estimated lethal dose wasn’t what we estimated)
But it takes a real cold calculating motherfucker with a seriously fucked up agenda to say no one has died from doing something when they actually mean no one has died from doing something a specific way.
It is equivalent to saying no animals have been killed by logging because none have ever been chainsawed in half. When every study ever shows that habitat destruction kills animals.
Or the equivalent of saying no one has died of alcohol poisoning who was drinking responsibly.
The fact that no one has died in one particular way from using a thing does not mean that no one has died from it.
People who deflect, deny, and minimize make me argh so much.
And why get all nasty about it?!?!? Because I told you ignorant mother fuckers that if one more person did it was gonna scream and this is the internet equivalent of me screaming.
@jro2020 Not sure why I am a troll if I doubt an Internet post. You mention she was creepy broad, so maybe more than just weed an issue with her. At least you corrected yourself about the “baby” and “crib”.
Can you also cite when alcohol and tobacco can cause increased effects? I could not find any references. I am really interested in what you can say about this.
You say I am a troll, but your statement was outrageous, I called you out. Great you found a poster child for your soapbox, why not start your own web site with other thousands who died directly from MJ? Yes, we do know about toxicity. This was a case of someone who indirectly caused a death due to intoxication ( she hid the pipe in the room and fell asleep and awoke during the fire). Could have easily have been a crack pipe. Legally still the same issue: there was a death and when you are not in control you are liable.
Still, no matter how much, you won’t die. You may get very unproductive or poor, but death would be accidental and not like booze where you actually harm your body. I do know smokers with a sort of chronic cough after 40 years of smoking, but that is to be expected.
Per DEA ruling…
Drugs used in medicine are routinely given what is called an LD-50. The LD-50 rating indicates at what dosage fifty percent of test animals receiving a drug will die as a result of drug induced toxicity. A number of researchers have attempted to determine marijuana’s LD-50 rating in test animals, without success. Simply stated, researchers have been unable to give animals enough marijuana to induce death.
At present it is estimated that marijuana’s LD-50 is around 1:20,000 or 1:40,000. In layman terms this means that in order to induce death a marijuana smoker would have to consume 20,000 to 40,000 times as much marijuana as is contained in one marijuana cigarette… A smoker would theoretically have to consume nearly 1,500 pounds of marijuana within about 15 minutes to induce a lethal response.
In the end you didn’t just make a post or comment, you posted and commented again and again. Start a website and let us know so we can visit. You seem to have a LOT of time on your hands.
Without even getting into the Marijuana debate, I work for the state, and my Paycheck won’t get posted till 5 AM, I spent all my money in Vegas for my B’day, what was left, I spent at a River City Rockfest this weekend… Can’t say I regret it, but never been this broke in years… LOL Then again, I will weigh in on Weed… ETOH is So Much Worse…(Alcohol) , but I am a Nurse, work for the State, can’t smoke, so am popping a beer…lol. So, if any are left when I wake up, in for 2 maybe… And jro2020, YOUR FRIEND WAS AN IDIOT!!!
Premeditation. If you do any drug, legal or not, and commit violence it is treated as an escalating factor. Car accident and kill someone while under the influence? Congrats you get depraved indifference or actual premeditation tacked on to the charges.
I’m not opposed to including alcohol in that.
If you partake legally at home or in controlled circumstances, don’t cause problems, don’t DUI, OUI, FUI, or hurt anyone, and ideally don’t impose more medical expenses on the perpetually bloating medical welfare costs, then its a small-L libertarian thing.
@duodec Basically what I was going to say, but better worded. Honestly, I don’t care what another person puts in their body as long as it doesn’t have a detrimental effect on other people. Really, we have other laws to cover that. Attack people when you’re drunk? Assault charges cover that. Quit taking care of your kids to get high? Criminal neglect. Pretty much anything bad you could do already has an associated crime besides “posession” and such. If you aren’t able to control yourself on drugs, you should control your use.
Okay, I’m new to meh. My question has nothing to do with marijuana. I just want to know, will meh send me an email every day at midnight to let me know the deal for the day, or do I have to remember to go to the site myself daily to check it out?
@duodec Okay, thanks for the insight. And it’s midnight eastern time, right? So ten, for me here in Colorado? What are some off the good deals you’ve purchased?
@gaileee Several fukus, one fuko, batteries, t-shirts, timer switches, R/C helos and mini quadcopters, k-nex, rope lights… quite a few items since Meh langourously meandered onto the stage.
Yes, midnight for the easterlings, 11PM here near chi-pit, 10PM Mountain.
I wrote out a whole personal backstory, but fuck it. TL;DR: With further research and education it becomes clear that it needs legalized, especially for medical uses and removing the completely race-biased policing of it.
@JerseyFrank Yeah, my vote wasn’t exactly what I wanted, but it was the closest. I don’t think it should be illegal to possess or use marijuana, but I don’t think just anyone should be able to deal it, so I chose “decriminalize possession, but illegal to sell”. But, in my mind, that doesn’t include the stores in states where it’s now legal that sell it with some types of quality controls.
I think it should be regulated no stricter than alcohol and cigarettes. I have no intention of using any of them. The laws make no sense when you compare them. If they restrict where you can smoke to the same places it is legal to smoke cigs and keep people from driving while stoned, I’m happy.
Far less dangerous than alcohol on many levels.
And to the person who was worried about not having a toxicology test for drivers, a standard road-side sobriety test should be fine. If you pass it you are alert and coordinated enough to drive, no?
“No, no, no, no, I don’t smoke it no more
I’m tired of waking up on the floor
No, thank you, please, it only makes me sneeze
And then it makes it hard to find the door”
@thismyusername I woke up on the floor after drinking too much Rumple Minze. This was MANY years ago. I suppose other chemicals might have contributed to my position - I don’t remember much of the episode
/giphy Rumple Minze
Somewhere in the middle, but all sides still have some work to do
Here in CO, we don’t know how to determine driving while impaired. Got at least one dead kid thanks to overindulging parents. At my kids’ school, it’s already obvious, parents who get high a lot aren’t parenting and their kids’ grades are suffering, evident across K-12.
All I’m saying is, all sides still have some work to do. It’s hard to do a 180 on a law that has far reaching effects.
@MehnofLaMehncha I live within 15 miles of 6 or 7 legal Recreational Marijuana stores. They keep opening up all the time. I certainly hope there’s little problems with Washington legalizing pot… We’ll see…
@MehnofLaMehncha In Idaho if a cop pulls you over for driving recklessly but you aren’t drunk on booze they may call a drug identification expert to the scene who will try to determine you are driving impaired (whether on a prescription medication or illegal drug) or if you were just driving like an asshole. Thereby determining if will be hauled of to jail for dui or just given a reckless driving ticket and a court date. Since there as so few of these cops with this specific training you will definitely be late for were-ever you are going.
I think it should be legal (the hemp side more than the THC side) with the caveat that businesses still have the right to not hire/ fire someone that uses a mind altering chemical.
@Kirgen that’s total bullshit, If your using in your own spare time and while not on the job, then you aren’t taking anything away from your employer. exactly how is that different then firing someone who likes to practice their religious beliefs in their spare time?
@upbeatanime Do you want to use the parachute packed by someone impaired by drugs (prescription or recreational) or alcohol?
@Mehrocco_Mole of course not, no one should be impaired while on the job…alcohol or otherwise.
@upbeatanime so how do you test for impairment by weed?
@Kirgen You mean they should be able to fire someone that drinks alcohol?
@jbartus There really aren’t any good test for people under the affects of weed. I agree no one should be impaired at work, but outside of work is their business just legalize it already. I would still rather have a parachute a guy on weed packed compared to someone completely wasted.
@gosuion no argument there but if you’re packing my parachute I don’t want you to be either. As you said, do it on your own time. You wouldn’t show up to work drunk, don’t show up high either. ^^
@gosuion There are urinalysis for cannabis but the results cannot determine how impaired you would be. I know the test works because I get randomly drug tested for it periodically. Of course it’s negative because I never touch the stuff.
@Mehrocco_Mole I thought the rule was to pack your own parachute, making that not a good example.
@Kirgen caffeine is a mind altering chemical.
what the hell is wrong with you “legalize it” freaks?? haven’t you seen that documentary Reefer Madness?!
Has legality really mattered before in terms of accessibility? The difference is the dollars in the hands of the street pharmacists or some more of it in the hands of the government.
On a different note, both my meh face and poll count is at 420. I think I’ll abstain from both today.
Alcohol kills 1000s of people a year & alcoholism ruins more families/lives than cannabis ever has or ever will.
Good point! Let’s outlaw alcohol!
@DVDBZN That went so well the last time it happened.
@1337 how the fuck would you know? Until weed is available in every grocery store, gas station, and restaurant, with multi-billion dollar ad campaigns encouraging it’s conspicuous consumption, there is no reasonable way to make that assumption.
Unless of course you have some sort of device or magic that lets you see across the myriad possibilities into a universe where it is; and if you do I would hope you have better things to do with device/power than annoying me a deal a day website.
@jro2020 It’s probably because it’s physically impossible to OD on THC (there have been 0 recorded deaths since we discovered writing). Also it’s not addictive nor a depressant. Overall it’s a pretty mundane point to make. Maybe you should chill out brooooooooo. /giphy ganjabro
@DrunkCat not to be picky but of the three things you said here only one of them is true.
@jro2020 Not to be a party pooper but that traditional view of addiction is really pasé. Not to say withdrawal symptoms don’t exist, but anything can be addictive in that sense. I could do a word-place with reddit in that article and it would still be valid.
That’s probably maybe very convincing.
@DrunkCat i think you have to start the post with /giphy for it to work
/giphy ganja bro

Really as long as it doesn’t have an effect on me, I don’t care. Let people do what they want.
@gjherman yes deffinetely all people should be allowed to drive high and drunk as long as they don’t run me over. oh wait
@jro2020 DUI’s…we have a system for this.
@upbeatanime yeah we do but apparently @gjherman would prefer if we did away with it
@jro2020 Well, it seems to me that someone driving drunk/high could very well have an effect on others.
Or did you miss that part?
My stance is a little weird - I don’t think marijuana should be legal, but I also don’t think alcohol or tobacco should be legal either.
I know, prohibition didn’t work so well in the past; but if I could magically make people disinterested in recreational drug use, I would. I wonder if there’s a pill for that…
@ianrbuck There is but it’s illegal. Sorry.
@SSteve You win an internet
I’m sick of marijuana being illegal. I’m sick of boobie-trapped fields on the north coast. I’m sick of public lands being decimated by unregulated grows. I’m sick of the cost of criminalization. I’m especially sick of people getting killed over this. The danger is not in the drug, it’s in the laws.
Any substance you want to introduce into your body, as long as doing so doesn’t place another person in harm’s way or cause another any jeopardy, should be a basic human right.
Legalize / decriminalize / tax and provide pharmaceutical grade substances at your corner pharmacy - of everything.
Darwin for the win.
@Pav so basically alcohol should be made and other judgement impairing and reaction dulling drugs like marijuana should not be a basic human right, because we live in a society where operating potentially lethal machines (cars and other heavy machinery) is a necessity.
Your first sentence kinda contradicts the second.
And Darwin’s theory of natural selection probably not relevant; unless you are suggesting that a subset of a species that is capable of recognizing a bad choice from a good one has a higher probability of survival
@jro2020 There’s no contradiction in my opinion.
As for natural selection being relevant - a good place to begin down that rabbit hole may be found here:
Admittedly, a great article that raises many more questions than provides answers.
@Pavlov fun article that in it’s conclusion comes down on the side of drug abuse is bad. I like the works of archaeologist Patrick McGovern who is at least able to suppose a case where a desire to abuse a drug had a positive effect on the survivability of a species.
@Pavlov and there is clearly a contradiction between the first two sentences. By using the qualifer that “, as long as doing so doesn’t place another person in harm’s way or cause another any jeopardy,” something should be a human right you imply that something that does does put another in harms way or jeopardy is not a human right. If it is not a human right to put such things in your body, then what would be the point of providing them at your corner pharmacy? After all everything clearly includes substances which do so.
@jro2020 “Your right to swing your arms ends just where the other man’s nose begins.” - Zechariah Chafee
Introducing any substance you wish into your body, should, IMO, be a basic human right. A right that you, or any other, should be free to exercise as long as your doing so doesn’t harm or place in jeopardy another person.
@Pavlov yup like i said clear contradiction between first sentence and second. Because my pharmaceutical grade uranium and plutonium that i want to use to poison myself will probably give the pharmacist cancer.
@Pavlov And just in-case you were wondering where I stand on the actual issue, I do take road trips to Washington so my fiance can partake in some edible fun in the safety of our hotel room if we get a long enough weekend. I’m just giving you crap because your comment actually comes down more on the side of keeping marijuana illegal than it being legal.
@jro2020 you might actually be a (Dugtrio)
Great survey considering the demographic.
“How much money would you like?”
a) None
b) $1
c) $1.10
d) $2.18
e) $2.19
I worked with a woman that lit her babies crib on fire with the embers from a blunt and burned her baby to a cinder before she noticed since she was so high. Yeah I know this type of thing happens when people mix alcohol and tobacco also but if i hear one more shit head say that marijuana never killed anyone I think I’m gonna scream
@jro2020 cool story, broseph.
@jro2020 Sure you did. Name? Police report? What never in the news? Please tell us more. I hear about toxicity and other bizrre things, but never any proof. Was she was high on PCP, Crack, Weed and Ajax? Must have been the weed.
@jro2020 Yeah, weed didn’t cause that baby’s death, shitty neglectful parenting did.
@Bananabrains she claims it was just weed, I will try to find the Post Register article this was while i was working at the Ammon Walmart which means it as 2006 or 2007. Creepy broad had a little necklace that had some of her babies ashes in it. I found out she was the person from the story cause i commented on her necklace a lot of people wear “blessed oil” over there.
Savannah Berrey
Okay she said baby the kid was four years old so i wouldn’t have called him a baby. And it was a pipe. Mis-remembered the details still remember the lady.
@PurplePawprints well yeah In the same way that loaded handguns and no gun safety training don’t kill kids; Or drinking and driving don’t kill people; or leaving toxic chemicals in unlocked cabinets within the reach of toddlers doesn’t kill kids.
If you want to be reductive yeah all forms of murder and manslaughter down to a person making a poor choice.
@Bananabrains Oooh burn, banana for brains it did make the news and she did get convicted of manslaughter. Suck it Troll.
You’re so sure that your little view of the world is correct. But guess what just because you’re a banana brained internet troll doesn’t mean everyone is.
@jro2020 I’m glad you finally understand! Any of those deaths are directly attributed to bad decisions made by people and not the product itself. Thank goodness you are finally seeing reason.
@PurplePawprints okay now what if said product directly alters someones ability to make decisions. Ohh shit that could be considered a cause.
I think you are the only mother fucker stupid enough to argue that drunk driving doesn’t kill people.
@jro2020 i think the point being made is that marijuana has not directly killed anyone. indirectly, sure, i can go with that. but not directly. you drink too much alcohol at once, you can die. you take too much heroin at once, you can die. you drink too much water at once, you can die.
you smoke too much pot… well, never heard of anyone dying.
on a side note, why get all nasty about it?
@jro2020 Drunk driving is not a product, it’s a fucking action. You’re comparing apples and oranges. The product is not to blame for someone’s bad decisions. How fucking hard is it to get it through your head? Also, where the fuck did I argue that drunk driving doesn’t kill people? You need to go back to troll school because you clearly suck at.
@carl669 Why, because I’m sick of ignorant mother fuckers purposefully ignoring any evidence that disputes their own position.
Yeah the depressant effects of THC are probably going make you incapable of consuming enough weed to kill yourself via toxicity. (lord knows how long before some asshole decides to prove just how safe thc is starts drinking concentrates and we find out the estimated lethal dose wasn’t what we estimated)
But it takes a real cold calculating motherfucker with a seriously fucked up agenda to say no one has died from doing something when they actually mean no one has died from doing something a specific way.
It is equivalent to saying no animals have been killed by logging because none have ever been chainsawed in half. When every study ever shows that habitat destruction kills animals.
Or the equivalent of saying no one has died of alcohol poisoning who was drinking responsibly.
The fact that no one has died in one particular way from using a thing does not mean that no one has died from it.
People who deflect, deny, and minimize make me argh so much.
And why get all nasty about it?!?!? Because I told you ignorant mother fuckers that if one more person did it was gonna scream and this is the internet equivalent of me screaming.
@jro2020 You’d probably be a lot calmer about all this if you’d just chill and smoke a bowl.
@jro2020 oh why oh why is it always Idaho Falls, Ammon, or poky? (Have lived in IF since '94)
@jro2020 then we shall agree to disagree. cheers.
pretty sure the pot didn’t kill anyone but the fire did
/giphy scream

@jro2020 Not sure why I am a troll if I doubt an Internet post. You mention she was creepy broad, so maybe more than just weed an issue with her. At least you corrected yourself about the “baby” and “crib”.
Can you also cite when alcohol and tobacco can cause increased effects? I could not find any references. I am really interested in what you can say about this.
You say I am a troll, but your statement was outrageous, I called you out. Great you found a poster child for your soapbox, why not start your own web site with other thousands who died directly from MJ? Yes, we do know about toxicity. This was a case of someone who indirectly caused a death due to intoxication ( she hid the pipe in the room and fell asleep and awoke during the fire). Could have easily have been a crack pipe. Legally still the same issue: there was a death and when you are not in control you are liable.
Still, no matter how much, you won’t die. You may get very unproductive or poor, but death would be accidental and not like booze where you actually harm your body. I do know smokers with a sort of chronic cough after 40 years of smoking, but that is to be expected.
Per DEA ruling…
Drugs used in medicine are routinely given what is called an LD-50. The LD-50 rating indicates at what dosage fifty percent of test animals receiving a drug will die as a result of drug induced toxicity. A number of researchers have attempted to determine marijuana’s LD-50 rating in test animals, without success. Simply stated, researchers have been unable to give animals enough marijuana to induce death.
At present it is estimated that marijuana’s LD-50 is around 1:20,000 or 1:40,000. In layman terms this means that in order to induce death a marijuana smoker would have to consume 20,000 to 40,000 times as much marijuana as is contained in one marijuana cigarette… A smoker would theoretically have to consume nearly 1,500 pounds of marijuana within about 15 minutes to induce a lethal response.
In the end you didn’t just make a post or comment, you posted and commented again and again. Start a website and let us know so we can visit. You seem to have a LOT of time on your hands.
@Bananabrains you’re not only a (tribble) you are a (Minotaur)
@Kirgen because mormons (humans just like all of us.)
(there was too much for me to bother with editing on my phone. ~TC)
/giphy confused

@jro2020 I have nothing productive to add, just got confused by your mormon statement.
@hallmike Yeah, seems like this may be one of those times @Thumperchick needs to step in. We’ve moved into personal attacks.
@PurplePawprints thanks for the tag.
@Thumperchick You’re welcome. Thanks for doing what needed to be done.
Without even getting into the Marijuana debate, I work for the state, and my Paycheck won’t get posted till 5 AM, I spent all my money in Vegas for my B’day, what was left, I spent at a River City Rockfest this weekend… Can’t say I regret it, but never been this broke in years… LOL Then again, I will weigh in on Weed… ETOH is So Much Worse…(Alcohol) , but I am a Nurse, work for the State, can’t smoke, so am popping a beer…lol. So, if any are left when I wake up, in for 2 maybe… And jro2020, YOUR FRIEND WAS AN IDIOT!!!
@Mandamm never said that cow-worker was my friend just someone I worked with
Premeditation. If you do any drug, legal or not, and commit violence it is treated as an escalating factor. Car accident and kill someone while under the influence? Congrats you get depraved indifference or actual premeditation tacked on to the charges.
I’m not opposed to including alcohol in that.
If you partake legally at home or in controlled circumstances, don’t cause problems, don’t DUI, OUI, FUI, or hurt anyone, and ideally don’t impose more medical expenses on the perpetually bloating medical welfare costs, then its a small-L libertarian thing.
@duodec Basically what I was going to say, but better worded. Honestly, I don’t care what another person puts in their body as long as it doesn’t have a detrimental effect on other people. Really, we have other laws to cover that. Attack people when you’re drunk? Assault charges cover that. Quit taking care of your kids to get high? Criminal neglect. Pretty much anything bad you could do already has an associated crime besides “posession” and such. If you aren’t able to control yourself on drugs, you should control your use.
I watched a documentary called Trainspotting once. I know the ills of marijuana use.
@jmendenhall From what I remember, that was more about heroin.
This is the United States of America, where we are free to pursue happiness as we see fit, and tax the shit out of it.
Okay, I’m new to meh. My question has nothing to do with marijuana. I just want to know, will meh send me an email every day at midnight to let me know the deal for the day, or do I have to remember to go to the site myself daily to check it out?
@gaileee You have to go to the site. You can download the mehstalker app on the Android store though, and it will send an alert on a daily basis
@gaileee If you have an android phone, just say “Ok Google set alarm for 12 am.” I’m sure there’s a similar Siri command too.
@cengland0 @gaileee “…alarm for 11:58 pm” or you may miss a hot item/fuko (–long-live-fuko) while struggling to remember why you are up or have to boot up/unlock computer screen…
@mollama I usually don’t help people acquire a Fuko because that adds to the competition for me.
@gaileee If you are on Twitter, Meh also tweets the new item when it goes up. Maybe not fast enough to catch a fuko though…
@duodec Okay, thanks for the insight. And it’s midnight eastern time, right? So ten, for me here in Colorado? What are some off the good deals you’ve purchased?
@gaileee Several fukus, one fuko, batteries, t-shirts, timer switches, R/C helos and mini quadcopters, k-nex, rope lights… quite a few items since Meh langourously meandered onto the stage.
Yes, midnight for the easterlings, 11PM here near chi-pit, 10PM Mountain.
@gaileee you can look at past deals if interested in what’s been sold before - it’s near the top
/giphy welcome to meh.

@DMlivezey Thanks!.
I wrote out a whole personal backstory, but fuck it. TL;DR: With further research and education it becomes clear that it needs legalized, especially for medical uses and removing the completely race-biased policing of it.
I need to remove my vote, because it made no sense.
Even if you don’t use it, I ask this…who would you rather be stuck on public transportation with…stoners or drunks.
I’ve never had anyone say drunks.
Cool. Thanks for the lowdown.
I don’t think recreational marijuana has any business being (il)legal as medical marijuana. Keep recreational weed recreational.
@JerseyFrank Yeah, my vote wasn’t exactly what I wanted, but it was the closest. I don’t think it should be illegal to possess or use marijuana, but I don’t think just anyone should be able to deal it, so I chose “decriminalize possession, but illegal to sell”. But, in my mind, that doesn’t include the stores in states where it’s now legal that sell it with some types of quality controls.
The people of Meh have spoken!

/giphy potheads
I think it should be regulated no stricter than alcohol and cigarettes. I have no intention of using any of them. The laws make no sense when you compare them. If they restrict where you can smoke to the same places it is legal to smoke cigs and keep people from driving while stoned, I’m happy.
@infornography I think cigs are ridiculously privileged. You can have smoke breaks at work but nature forbid you get a scotch break.
@mfladd Y’all knew what you were gonna get with this.
@DrunkCat How am I included with Y’all? I didn’t create this poll. I am just another innocent bystander.
@mfladd /giphy lies

/giphy lies

/giphy newline bullshit
@DrunkCat new line beats the old bullshit of having to be the first thing in the post and use every single word in the post as the terms.
/giphy improvement

Far less dangerous than alcohol on many levels.
And to the person who was worried about not having a toxicology test for drivers, a standard road-side sobriety test should be fine. If you pass it you are alert and coordinated enough to drive, no?
Purple! Recreational marijuana should be purple.
@TheCO2 I love purple.
@Barney I was wondering how long it would take you.
@TheCO2
Extremely offensive product today. Should be ashamed.
@eatmyfatcock yea! stuff should spoil!!! freezer burn is good!!! I prefer it when my food goes bad due to oxidation!!!
I like it when my food has fuzz on it
@FroodyFrog heck yea, cheese with extra mold please!
Now you’re speaking my language.
“No, no, no, no, I don’t smoke it no more
I’m tired of waking up on the floor
No, thank you, please, it only makes me sneeze
And then it makes it hard to find the door”
I don’t do any fun things anymore.
@Barney okay Ringo, let’s find fun things to do!
@jbartus seriously that was 1974… I hate to tell Ringo but I think it might have been laced with something… waking up on the floor?
@thismyusername I woke up on the floor after drinking too much Rumple Minze. This was MANY years ago. I suppose other chemicals might have contributed to my position - I don’t remember much of the episode

/giphy Rumple Minze
@compunaut I’m pretty sure I would have remembered THAT ^^^
@compunaut naw waking up on the floor (and other random places) is a standard side effect of alcohol
@thismyusername Is that purple hair?
@Barney indeed it is
@thismyusername I love purple.
@Barney you don’t say!
/giphy shocked

I would legalize all drugs