@ELUNO So they are saying that if while camping, and you have a USB port juiced up and ready to go... you can pay Meh $20 so you can awkwardly shower at the side of a creek instead of just diving in and doing it old school (and more fun anyway, some call it swimming) instead of that thing clogging?
@Veloslave ... Some of us don't buy take out on camping trips.. We actually tote utensils and hanging pots, search for wild veggies and make our own stews.. Doesn't everybody?
@Veloslave ... Yeah, just like that, and keep the 'lil motor charged using the meh solar charger from a few months back. It won't take any longer then a few minutes to have luke warm water for a nice shower unless you like it very hot.
@ELUNO ... NOW you tell me when it's too late to back out. I got it! I just won't buy two-for-Tuesday this week and it'll all balance out - just hope they offer more Snap Cables (a good product to meh).
@unkabob What size stew pot do take camping? Not sure how much water this thing uses, but seems like you would need a rather large pot to have enough water, a much larger pot than you are probably taking camping...
@MrMark .. A regular black hanging pot (I would guess 3 to 5 gal I'm not sure) but the way I would do it since I have a ten gallon water barrel as well is to mix hot water into the barrel and adding cool water making tepid water since hot water is not really neessary (you know, like the three bear ordeal). We've done this before and it worked on paper but it's kinda difficult placing a ten gallon barrel on a tree limb so gravity can do it's job and by putting it on the top of our jeep makes it hard to fill but this 'lil jewel will allow us to use our dressing tent (well, a tarp wrapped around a couple trees) anyway, Iwas sold.. tried to use a water pump once but had to tote a long extension cord to reach the cigarette outlet holding the AC converter so maybe this will do the trick and if not then this lesson learned didn't cost me quite as much.
@ELUNO There's a big problem with this - the laws of physics. First of all they're not consistent with their claims of battery capacity (2200MAH ≠ 2.5 A). Worse, back of the envelope calculations on the power needed to lift 2.5 liters/min a height of five feet says that it'll take ~0.625W, and that's ignoring friction losses, inefficiences, voltage drop, and the like. If they're using a 2200 MAH pack and it completely discharged you'd get ~13 minutes of run time. That's ignoring losses etc. My guess is that it'll run for 5 - 8 minutes. No MAH? MEH!
@Thinkerer Actually, I don't believe that is how it works. The 2200mAH is the capacity and the 2.5A is the maximum output. If you used 2.2 A for one hour, your battery would be depleted. However, you could use 4.4 Amps (if the product would allow you) and it would give you 30 minutes of use. (Not exactly but you get the idea -- there is actually loss due to heat loss at higher outputs)
@saodell@wyk3d for camping... among other things, like washing the dog's muddy paws before it gets in the car... spraying down filthy children... I have actually been waiting for a decent price to buy on of these for camping trips. The usb is how the selected to charge it for better or worse, the other ones that are out there have to be plugged into a power source, so this is pretty handy.
i'm a wuss and went to a place that's renting me a loaded Airstream so i don't need this thing, who needs this thing, what engineer said "hey this thing is a great idea"
@cercopithecoid but you gotta be damned patient with solar bags when camping in the upper Midwest, especially in the spring/fall. Dropping this gadget's intake hose in a pot of fire-warmed water sounds pretty good.
@RedOak ... Yesser, gather some water in a stew pot, put it over a fire for a few minutes and have a real (warm) shower. Use that solar power pack you bought a few months ago to keep the 'lil motor charged and BOOM! Livin' the good life in the wilderness. (TV optional).
As a middle school teacher, this will be very effective for many of my students. A spray bottle just isn't strong enough to get them to shut-up anymore.
@KevinTJ my mom is a 8th grade teacher in a shitty school. She keeps wasp spray. The stuff that shoots really far. Everyone knows she has it, no one fucks with her.
@wienerdogsrule That's what I carry on my bicycle! If anyone fucks with me, it shoots 4 feet out in a stream and will blind the mofo while I pedal away.
@Lrok Only 4 feet- ours shoots 20-25' easy- you need to upgrade! Or just get bear spray... In NYS pepper spray is not legal to buy online, but Bear spray IS!
Hmmmm...flow is 2.5 L/minute......and pop is sold in two liter bottles.....I'd need approximately 12.5 two liters for a ten minute shower. Hmmm.....coke or pepsi?? Which cleans better?
Can you guys like sell actual shower heads? Like seriously, why this, why? If you guys sell actual showerheads I will actually buy one actual showerhead. Like seriously.
Nothing says "useless Chinese crap from Aliexpress" quite like Ivation. This is so past scraping the bottom of the barrel that it's like you guys accidentally posted something you got in your Mystery Bag from Daily Steals. THAT'S how bad this is!
@Veloslave How much do you think it costs to ship, buy the box it goes in, pay the employee to pack it, pay someone to negotiate with the original holder of the stock, pay the rent of the warehouse, and the salary of all the employees that are involved in this product deployment?
It might be crap but I'm taking the $20 bet given the Amazon reviews seem good. Although the meh discount vs Amazon ($35) could be better.
Kinda surprised to see this nichy item on Meh.
But we dry camp on some remote property. Have to haul in water. We have a solar shower bag but get impatient and dump a pot of fire-heated water into it. Since the bag is suspended about 7 feet in the air, pumping directly from a heated water bucket seams like a pretty friendly alternative.
Per the write up, taking a shower in salty Pacific Ocean water doesn't sound like much fun. Might not be so great for the health of this shower device either.
@badmnky yep, that would be the initial plan. And once we have a small cabin built this might initially be handy to move rain water to a gravity fed tank.
@mcanavino Ahh, you misunderstood my cryptic comment. Oops. The plan is this: Bath daughter, use pump to bucket bath water, use shower head and bucketed bath water to bath dog in garden.
@Stallion Thanks for the videos. First one is shockingly long and boring. I don't know how that guy talked about a single-function device for over six minutes.
Ok, ordered. I will put it with my "lifestraw family" water filter I got cheap along with some grimeboss power wipes, some colgate wisps, a solar+battery charger and I will put a Insteon branded Foscam in there just to be safe.
How did they know that I didn't know that I needed this for my 96 hour emergency kit? You know, most people can survive about 3 days in their own grime, but by day 4 the wives and daughters will be seriously loosing it if they don't get a shower.
I did a 6-day, 200 mile rafting trip down the Colorado river and while not really necessary, this would not have been a terrible addition to the trip. A few folks brought along a sun/gravity shower, so I could see having something like this for a trip of that magnitude.
I like this! Recently I was in Chile at a friend's house and the well water basically dried up. We had to heat water on the stove and fill a 5 gallon bucket and stand in the shower and ladle water onto ourselves. This would have been a useful item. Getting it for when I go back.
In for one as a gift for my parents who recently started a driving around the country living in a utility van, sleeping in parking lots. This will be perfect for them. Currently they just do sponge baths at rest areas I think.
Did something change or break in the operations area of Meh? I'm conditioned to hearing a text from my bank soon after buying on Meh – in fact, a double text if I've reactivated VMP since those are separate transactions. Did get the order confirmation email. Silence last night.@JonT@Shawn?
@RedOak Looks like smooth sailing over here. I see your order placed at 12:12am ET and a credit card auth at the same time. Possibly something changed at your bank?
@shawn haven't checked the bank online - thanks for confirming. Strange in that the alarm clocks we bought at the beginning of the month triggered bank texts almost immediately just like previous Meh buys.
We're currently in the pan handle of FL and the cell signal is not wonderful - that could also be it.
I can't believe (though I should) the level of shit that meh gets for offering a unique and (to some) useful product. It's not a speaker doc. It's not something else that we've seen over and over again. That in itself is awesome. If you don't like it, you don't have to buy it. Some people are apparently astonished and offended that not everything is just for them.
BTW, no, I didn't buy one, but as with the recent animal fans, its presence somehow encourages me.
I feel like we've broken through some kind of barrier here. I know that Christine lurks out here somewhere too, but I don't know what her username is. I'm pretty sure she knows mine, but I'm not sure how much of my vulgarity she's subjected herself too. Actually I've found this space deeply therapeutic, though I don't hang here often (well, not as often as I did once). It's weird is all, seeing someone other than denboy and snapster that I've seen in person (not that I claim to actually know snapster, but we attended a party together, and I've stalked him in Chilada's). But it's nice to see you. :-)
So, yeah, I totally thought of them when I saw this. I kinda hope they did. Seems like a cool deal and something that they'd make good use of. If we got one, we'd probably only ever use it indoors. I'd say in the back yard, but the neighbors have a good view of that, sooooo . . . .
Just joined Meh about 3 weeks ago so far ive purchased , 2 for Tuesday head phones (ok for 9 bucks each ) 2x Grime Boss ( GREAT BUY),The 808 Blue tooth duo head phones (awesome) the Copper cups on 2 fer Tues. ( beautiful and usefull) Italian Drinking Glasses ( WORTH THE PRICE) 2 x eagle fans ( we shall see on those but i think worth 20 bucks) The projection clock ( love it and functions great) and 2x the Belkin blooth keyboard ( very good price and needed it) So lets just say the price of admission $5.00 is an extreme bargin if they come up with 5 or six great items a month im in ...THANK YOU MEH YOU DONT DESERVE THE ABUSE !
This is exactly the type of item I like to see on meh. It's unique (ie I've never seen nor heard of it before), and I don't want it, thereby enabling me to keep my money. Win-win! Well, for me. Not so much for meh. Although, they still get my VMP money, so... they've got that going for them, which is nice.
@gommiebears I was thinking the same thing. When I seen it last night I was like when would I ever need to use this thing? Now that it's sold out, I can think of a hundred different uses for it. I missed the boat on this one! I hate that I'm not an impulse buyer!
This would be ideal for a multi-day power outage. We often go three or more years between such events. I would have bought one, if I was confident that the battery would be able to hold a charge after sitting in a box for several years.
Even though I didn't buy it, I do appreciate the items that verge on the bazaar.
OK - I've had some pretty Meh! experiences lately with acid spewing AAA batteries and broken beer glasses - but I have to say - this was an awesome purchase.
Have washed my 2 Irish Wheaten Terriers with this hand held pump - and it makes the process so easy. Steady easy shower stream - didn't bug the dogs and beats dipping a cup to rinse.
If it comes up again - I'd say its good to go if anyone has any doubts.
Kudos to the meh shipping dept! (@JonT, do they have an @_ _ ?)
New meh record for us (upper Midwest). Bought the deal on Mon and it arrived Fri afternoon. (Unfortunately we had left for a weekend camping trip that morning, so could not test it.)
Noodling a feedback loop (to conserve H2O) mod to use this for off-grid camping showers without having to pull the pump out of the bucket to turn it on and off during the shower.
This is coolest off grid device ever. Charges quickly w my solar chargers. Gives water a little filtration so i can rinse the days grubby work from my eyes. Camping is short term. Off grid is long term. Bathing is important. I have done off grid in alaska w a bucket and a pitcher... it worked and was better than nothin but i cut my long auburn hair. That was 30 years ago. Now i have retired to hawaii and choose to b off grid. This is one of the coolest devices ever. And it recharges. Neighbor is spending big bucks buying batteries, i just flip open a solar charger, plug in and go whack more staghorn fern down. Psi is awesome also. 5to 7 showers but i dont just leave it run. I got mine from amazon aprx 40 bucks. Worth every penny
@handywomanoffgr Thanks for scaring the hell out of me. Saw this thread pop up with 'Monday May 18th' and thought, "Crap! I don't remember this being on sale this week! Did I miss a click?!?"
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 Year Ivation
Estimated Delivery: 5/28 - 6/1
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Shower wand
1x Pump
1x Tube
1x Hanging hook
1x Suction cup
1x User manual
1x USB charging cable
Shower head
Everything included
Price Comparison
$79.99 List, $34.99 at Amazon
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, March 18th - Friday, March 22nd
Seriously Meh? SERIOUSLY!?!?!
@ELUNO So they are saying that if while camping, and you have a USB port juiced up and ready to go... you can pay Meh $20 so you can awkwardly shower at the side of a creek instead of just diving in and doing it old school (and more fun anyway, some call it swimming) instead of that thing clogging?
@Veloslave ... Well, you can also gather some water in a stew pot, put it over a fire for a few minutes and have a real (warm) shower.
@unkabob Hah... if you have items like a stew pot along, then you should be taking a nicer shower than that!
@unkabob Anyway... WTH? Build a fire, rig it to hold a freaking stew pot full of water and you will have a warm shower in a "Few minutes???"
@Veloslave ... Some of us don't buy take out on camping trips.. We actually tote utensils and hanging pots, search for wild veggies and make our own stews.. Doesn't everybody?
@Veloslave ... Yeah, just like that, and keep the 'lil motor charged using the meh solar charger from a few months back. It won't take any longer then a few minutes to have luke warm water for a nice shower unless you like it very hot.
@unkabob But using this goes against all of that.
@ELUNO ... NOW you tell me when it's too late to back out. I got it! I just won't buy two-for-Tuesday this week and it'll all balance out - just hope they offer more Snap Cables (a good product to meh).
@unkabob What size stew pot do take camping? Not sure how much water this thing uses, but seems like you would need a rather large pot to have enough water, a much larger pot than you are probably taking camping...
@MrMark .. A regular black hanging pot (I would guess 3 to 5 gal I'm not sure) but the way I would do it since I have a ten gallon water barrel as well is to mix hot water into the barrel and adding cool water making tepid water since hot water is not really neessary (you know, like the three bear ordeal). We've done this before and it worked on paper but it's kinda difficult placing a ten gallon barrel on a tree limb so gravity can do it's job and by putting it on the top of our jeep makes it hard to fill but this 'lil jewel will allow us to use our dressing tent (well, a tarp wrapped around a couple trees) anyway, Iwas sold.. tried to use a water pump once but had to tote a long extension cord to reach the cigarette outlet holding the AC converter so maybe this will do the trick and if not then this lesson learned didn't cost me quite as much.
@ELUNO There's a big problem with this - the laws of physics. First of all they're not consistent with their claims of battery capacity (2200MAH ≠ 2.5 A). Worse, back of the envelope calculations on the power needed to lift 2.5 liters/min a height of five feet says that it'll take ~0.625W, and that's ignoring friction losses, inefficiences, voltage drop, and the like. If they're using a 2200 MAH pack and it completely discharged you'd get ~13 minutes of run time. That's ignoring losses etc. My guess is that it'll run for 5 - 8 minutes. No MAH? MEH!
@Thinkerer I think it is time to go back to the basics:
@Thinkerer Actually, I don't believe that is how it works. The 2200mAH is the capacity and the 2.5A is the maximum output. If you used 2.2 A for one hour, your battery would be depleted. However, you could use 4.4 Amps (if the product would allow you) and it would give you 30 minutes of use. (Not exactly but you get the idea -- there is actually loss due to heat loss at higher outputs)
In summary, mAH is a different spec than A.
@RandyWalker I said "captain." I said "wat?"
@RandyWalker Be Sensible man!
Why does this exist?
@wyk3d and why usb?
@saodell @wyk3d for camping... among other things, like washing the dog's muddy paws before it gets in the car... spraying down filthy children... I have actually been waiting for a decent price to buy on of these for camping trips. The usb is how the selected to charge it for better or worse, the other ones that are out there have to be plugged into a power source, so this is pretty handy.
@saodell A lot of people I know take battery packs and/or solar panels camping these days… that all output USB.
This deal needs a shower. It stinks.
@TehChrisReed topkek
Perfect if you live in van down by the river!
@somf69 Preferably a warm river
@somf69 ... How did you know..?
@somf69 I should have posted this last night...
i'm going camping soon!
i'm a wuss and went to a place that's renting me a loaded Airstream so i don't need this thing, who needs this thing, what engineer said "hey this thing is a great idea"
@minivanmegafun all engineers say that ;doesn't necessarily mean that all agree
@CrossIT you mean engineers you know take showers or bathe?
@minivanmegafun It sounds like you are going to have a great time on your trip, but also that we have different definitions of the word camping.
@minivanmegafun I don't think commas work like you think they work.
Brain does not Compute
whiskey Tango Foxtrot
It's April 1st again already???
Solar showers are 1/2 the price and it's not very often that you forget to charge the gravity.
@cercopithecoid but you gotta be damned patient with solar bags when camping in the upper Midwest, especially in the spring/fall. Dropping this gadget's intake hose in a pot of fire-warmed water sounds pretty good.
@RedOak ... Yesser, gather some water in a stew pot, put it over a fire for a few minutes and have a real (warm) shower. Use that solar power pack you bought a few months ago to keep the 'lil motor charged and BOOM! Livin' the good life in the wilderness. (TV optional).
Singing in the meh
@moorepet What a glorious feelin', I'm happy again
Ok, now I've seen everything. A portable shower head should have more settings.
@sp3ar reviews say not so strong
As a middle school teacher, this will be very effective for many of my students. A spray bottle just isn't strong enough to get them to shut-up anymore.
@KevinTJ hey, it works with cats...
@KevinTJ my mom is a 8th grade teacher in a shitty school. She keeps wasp spray. The stuff that shoots really far. Everyone knows she has it, no one fucks with her.
@wienerdogsrule Wasp spray will also scare off the wasps from entering the classroom though.
@wienerdogsrule That's what I carry on my bicycle! If anyone fucks with me, it shoots 4 feet out in a stream and will blind the mofo while I pedal away.
@Lrok Only 4 feet- ours shoots 20-25' easy- you need to upgrade! Or just get bear spray... In NYS pepper spray is not legal to buy online, but Bear spray IS!
Hard to believe that an item like this didn't sell well.
@boc It sold out between my seeing it and signing in on my work computer to buy it a few minutes ago.
@PhysAssist Consider yourself saved from certain disappointment.
@boc Fair enough. Thx.
@Pavlov No, shower.
@Pavlov I snooze I lose
So this is a $20 spray bottle?
@elpepe Pretty much, yeah.
@elpepe ... No, it's an ELECTRIC spray bottle.
Glad it comes in red so that some hunter doesn't assume it's a bear taking a shower in the woods!
I'm actually considering if I can use this for my plants, but it's probably not potable-water grade materials.
@Cappo If it's meant to be a shower I hope it is!
@Cappo you don't need potable water for plants
@njd They're food plants.
@Mehrocco_Mole You'd be surprised. As long as you're not drinking it, it wouldn't matter much if a little plastic chemicals leeched out.
Can I pressure wash my house or driveway with this?
@SteveOOO very gently
OK Take a shower for 5 seconds or take a dip in the ocean or lake your call duh..
@mellowirishgent ... Dip, Brrrr!... Shower, warm (using optional camp fire and stew pot).
Hmmmm...flow is 2.5 L/minute......and pop is sold in two liter bottles.....I'd need approximately 12.5 two liters for a ten minute shower. Hmmm.....coke or pepsi?? Which cleans better?
@eeterrific coke is used to degrease engines i hear, I'd go with coke.
Today's face looks more like dreadlocks than water.
@Fej Or a horrible industrial bread slicer accident
@Fej I think it's shower hair.
@Fej Meh, mon!
Another Ivation product? Meh must have struck a closeout deal with them methinks.
Okay, okay, I get the hint, I'll take a damn shower.
I might have considered it if it was not powered. More stillsuit, less phone charger.
Can you guys like sell actual shower heads? Like seriously, why this, why? If you guys sell actual showerheads I will actually buy one actual showerhead. Like seriously.
Nothing says "useless Chinese crap from Aliexpress" quite like Ivation. This is so past scraping the bottom of the barrel that it's like you guys accidentally posted something you got in your Mystery Bag from Daily Steals. THAT'S how bad this is!
@Superjimtendo C'mon... give them a break! Alibaba can't move all of their inventory.
My Ivation remote control outlets work from a range of about 3 inches, which may be how far this shower head sprays.
@MehAmphetamine I like my Ivation remote control outlets and wish I bought more.
C'mon Meh.... just because you can buy them all at a dollar a pop and make nineteen for each still doesn't mean you can sell em.
You know we all Meh you but this one looks like Fukubukuro fodder for sure
@Veloslave How much do you think it costs to ship, buy the box it goes in, pay the employee to pack it, pay someone to negotiate with the original holder of the stock, pay the rent of the warehouse, and the salary of all the employees that are involved in this product deployment?
Is it Friday yet? Weird shit is supposed to be on Friday, not Monday.
@narfcake Random Weird Shit Day, just to see who's paying attention. And of course you only have yourself to blame.
@narfcake Do speaker docks count as weird shit? Because that's what I've been taught to expect on Fridays.
@heartny BLEAT!
@lljk Regular ones, not weird enough, and that'll only qualify for #SDF. Ones shaped like a pig, a pup, or a plane, yes - that's #WSF.
Georgia Red!
More Fuku-foder I see.
@Kerig3 fodder
@Kerig3 ... Mudder
@unkabob camp meh-nada
This is just what I need to supercharge my CamelBak.
It might be crap but I'm taking the $20 bet given the Amazon reviews seem good. Although the meh discount vs Amazon ($35) could be better.
Kinda surprised to see this nichy item on Meh.
But we dry camp on some remote property. Have to haul in water. We have a solar shower bag but get impatient and dump a pot of fire-heated water into it. Since the bag is suspended about 7 feet in the air, pumping directly from a heated water bucket seams like a pretty friendly alternative.
Per the write up, taking a shower in salty Pacific Ocean water doesn't sound like much fun. Might not be so great for the health of this shower device either.
@RedOak Using this as a pump to fill your shower bag might be a good use actually. You could do it quicker and cheaper with a cordless drill powered pump like this too:
@belowi or... just use this as it's designed and cut out the middle man by pumping directly from a bucket of water onto yourself.
@badmnky yep, that would be the initial plan. And once we have a small cabin built this might initially be handy to move rain water to a gravity fed tank.
Help!!! I'm actually about to buy this! For my small boat to wash off the salt water when needed and tired of being salty
Might this work well with my solar charging battery pack I got a few weeks ago?
Trying so hard not to buy it, ugh. It's so temping. Damn you Meh! This isn't Meh enough for my wallet.
Looks like Burning Man gear to me.
@BethanyAnne per one of the Amazon reviews.
Looks like a great way to get water from tub to garden via dog.
@dalekjoe That process usually resolves itself without 3rd party intervension.
@mcanavino Ahh, you misunderstood my cryptic comment. Oops. The plan is this: Bath daughter, use pump to bucket bath water, use shower head and bucketed bath water to bath dog in garden.
Video Reviews, looks like it actually sprays pretty awesome:
@Stallion Thanks for the videos. First one is shockingly long and boring. I don't know how that guy talked about a single-function device for over six minutes.
@ACraigL Six minutes is shockingly long for a review video?
@cengland0 Maybe not, but that one seemed like it lasted forever.
@ACraigL I think it's just his voice that makes me want to fall asleep.
@kadagan He sounds like Super Dave Osbourne.
Ok, ordered. I will put it with my "lifestraw family" water filter I got cheap along with some grimeboss power wipes, some colgate wisps, a solar+battery charger and I will put a Insteon branded Foscam in there just to be safe.
My zombie survival kit is coming along nicely.
Thought about using this somehow for homebrewing (fly sparging), but on second thought it probably wouldn't be safe to use with 170 degree water.
@hoborg Great for cleaning homebrewing equipment though, if you're like me and have a very shallow sink.
@grum ahh or maybe could hook it up to a beer line and pump PBW through it? if the proper fittings can attach on the other end
"Rechargeable Portable Shower"
Uhhhh.... What?!
If only Meh had included the optional enema nozzle I'd bet Mr Kroft would have been in for one for priming the champagne fountain. ;)
How did they know that I didn't know that I needed this for my 96 hour emergency kit? You know, most people can survive about 3 days in their own grime, but by day 4 the wives and daughters will be seriously loosing it if they don't get a shower.
I did a 6-day, 200 mile rafting trip down the Colorado river and while not really necessary, this would not have been a terrible addition to the trip. A few folks brought along a sun/gravity shower, so I could see having something like this for a trip of that magnitude.
I like this! Recently I was in Chile at a friend's house and the well water basically dried up. We had to heat water on the stove and fill a 5 gallon bucket and stand in the shower and ladle water onto ourselves. This would have been a useful item. Getting it for when I go back.
In for one as a gift for my parents who recently started a driving around the country living in a utility van, sleeping in parking lots. This will be perfect for them. Currently they just do sponge baths at rest areas I think.
Did something change or break in the operations area of Meh? I'm conditioned to hearing a text from my bank soon after buying on Meh – in fact, a double text if I've reactivated VMP since those are separate transactions. Did get the order confirmation email. Silence last night. @JonT @Shawn?
@RedOak Looks like smooth sailing over here. I see your order placed at 12:12am ET and a credit card auth at the same time. Possibly something changed at your bank?
@shawn haven't checked the bank online - thanks for confirming. Strange in that the alarm clocks we bought at the beginning of the month triggered bank texts almost immediately just like previous Meh buys.
We're currently in the pan handle of FL and the cell signal is not wonderful - that could also be it.
The baby arm should have been the lucky one to give Glen a shower
Sold out before 10:20 AM central. I kinda like seeing the sale go live at 11pm rather than midnite! We're traveling.
I can't believe (though I should) the level of shit that meh gets for offering a unique and (to some) useful product. It's not a speaker doc. It's not something else that we've seen over and over again. That in itself is awesome. If you don't like it, you don't have to buy it. Some people are apparently astonished and offended that not everything is just for them.
BTW, no, I didn't buy one, but as with the recent animal fans, its presence somehow encourages me.
To those who love to bitch:
@joelmw Alas, this is the internet. It'd be soooo much nicer if folks just went with what it was made for ... http://shirt.woot.com/offers/the-internet-defined
@joelmw I wonder if Christine bought one. It kind of seems right up their alley. Assuming of course, the product isn't total crap lol
@stardate820926 Hey, stardate! ;-)
I feel like we've broken through some kind of barrier here. I know that Christine lurks out here somewhere too, but I don't know what her username is. I'm pretty sure she knows mine, but I'm not sure how much of my vulgarity she's subjected herself too. Actually I've found this space deeply therapeutic, though I don't hang here often (well, not as often as I did once). It's weird is all, seeing someone other than denboy and snapster that I've seen in person (not that I claim to actually know snapster, but we attended a party together, and I've stalked him in Chilada's). But it's nice to see you. :-)
So, yeah, I totally thought of them when I saw this. I kinda hope they did. Seems like a cool deal and something that they'd make good use of. If we got one, we'd probably only ever use it indoors. I'd say in the back yard, but the neighbors have a good view of that, sooooo . . . .
ok... I don't know which is more impressive... they sold out, or they sold 399 of them in <12 hours... I bet it was because it came in red...
@sohmageek only one would have sold if @Barney had his way
@somf69 Her. @Barney is female.
Just joined Meh about 3 weeks ago so far ive purchased , 2 for Tuesday head phones (ok for 9 bucks each ) 2x Grime Boss ( GREAT BUY),The 808 Blue tooth duo head phones (awesome) the Copper cups on 2 fer Tues. ( beautiful and usefull) Italian Drinking Glasses ( WORTH THE PRICE) 2 x eagle fans ( we shall see on those but i think worth 20 bucks) The projection clock ( love it and functions great) and 2x the Belkin blooth keyboard ( very good price and needed it) So lets just say the price of admission $5.00 is an extreme bargin if they come up with 5 or six great items a month im in ...THANK YOU MEH YOU DONT DESERVE THE ABUSE !
@mellowirishgent why yes......yes they do
@mellowirishgent I think the only thing getting abused here is your wallet.
@lljk really total was $113.00 that may break your wallet but not mine its approx 90 mins pay for me ..
@mellowirishgent 90 minutes' pay? Man, you don't need cheap crap like this, you've got the money for expensive crap.
@lljk I like both
This is exactly the type of item I like to see on meh. It's unique (ie I've never seen nor heard of it before), and I don't want it, thereby enabling me to keep my money. Win-win! Well, for me. Not so much for meh. Although, they still get my VMP money, so... they've got that going for them, which is nice.
@DaveInSoCal Well put, dragon bro.
No Georgia Red. . . for that alone, meh.
I should have ordered it when I had a chance.
@gommiebears I was thinking the same thing. When I seen it last night I was like when would I ever need to use this thing? Now that it's sold out, I can think of a hundred different uses for it. I missed the boat on this one! I hate that I'm not an impulse buyer!
This would be ideal for a multi-day power outage. We often go three or more years between such events. I would have bought one, if I was confident that the battery would be able to hold a charge after sitting in a box for several years.
Even though I didn't buy it, I do appreciate the items that verge on the bazaar.
@hamjudo bizarre* ;P although meh is a very mediocre form of a bazaar, I'd say.
OK - I've had some pretty Meh! experiences lately with acid spewing AAA batteries and broken beer glasses - but I have to say - this was an awesome purchase.
Have washed my 2 Irish Wheaten Terriers with this hand held pump - and it makes the process so easy. Steady easy shower stream - didn't bug the dogs and beats dipping a cup to rinse.
If it comes up again - I'd say its good to go if anyone has any doubts.
Connections all tight - no dripping or leaking.
Kudos to the meh shipping dept! (@JonT, do they have an @_ _ ?)
New meh record for us (upper Midwest). Bought the deal on Mon and it arrived Fri afternoon. (Unfortunately we had left for a weekend camping trip that morning, so could not test it.)
Noodling a feedback loop (to conserve H2O) mod to use this for off-grid camping showers without having to pull the pump out of the bucket to turn it on and off during the shower.
This is coolest off grid device ever. Charges quickly w my solar chargers. Gives water a little filtration so i can rinse the days grubby work from my eyes. Camping is short term. Off grid is long term. Bathing is important. I have done off grid in alaska w a bucket and a pitcher... it worked and was better than nothin but i cut my long auburn hair. That was 30 years ago. Now i have retired to hawaii and choose to b off grid. This is one of the coolest devices ever. And it recharges. Neighbor is spending big bucks buying batteries, i just flip open a solar charger, plug in and go whack more staghorn fern down. Psi is awesome also. 5to 7 showers but i dont just leave it run. I got mine from amazon aprx 40 bucks. Worth every penny
@handywomanoffgr Thanks for scaring the hell out of me. Saw this thread pop up with 'Monday May 18th' and thought, "Crap! I don't remember this being on sale this week! Did I miss a click?!?"
Then I saw that it was from 2015.
Say what. Posted yesterday. Do u read or just blab?
@handywomanoffgr no this thread was started in 2015 when this item was sold.