Recap cool cool


Alright so check it out
My yurbuds whoseitwhatsits came in the mail today. (Thank you to everyone who helped me out)

To say the least,
They suck.
A lot.

like they seriously suck.
Like, seriously.

But I'll give them two things.
1.) they don't lie. The earphones will not fall out. I tried everything; went for a run, went biking, other fitness related stuff, even did a hundred jumping jacks and they have really strong hold.
2.) they aren't bad if you can modify the sound.
So in your iPhone or android you should have an equalizer. iPhones have it in settings under music>equalizer>shitload of presets.
Androids however have an actual app that comes with the device which gives you both presets and allows you to freely modify audio as you please.
I recommend boosting treble or just dropping bass, I prefer the latter, because the sound gets more clear, but toy around if you'd like.

It's a pair of twenty dollar earphones that are fitness earphones plus they ship custom made ear cups if the ones they provide aren't good for you, so what the hell, it was a pretty good deal.

Also the only thing going for the Martian is that it looks like a luxury watch, but the pebble and Apple Watch and Moto 360 watch outclass it, good for a gift though.

Also rip David Bowie bye now I have to study for finals bye