@thismyusername Only the new white chocolate mini eggs were left at my store. I miss when mini eggs still had cadbury chocolate, but they are still pretty good candy.
@metaphore yea the shell seems to be the magic difference... I wish they would make a year round version.
The royal dark ones are a pretty good addition as well... but they get "exclusives", first it was walgreens then it moved to target, who knows who will get the royal dark next year.
The Just Born Company is near us, we get lots of Peeps throughout the year, many flavors, many shapes. We also know of a few outlets that always have they a half price year round so we don't wait till after a holiday to get them cheap
@Collin1000 Haha, good old Bethlehem. I remember travelling there to see Weird Al in concert when I was in high school. Found it oddly appropriate that G.O.D. (Guaranteed Overnight Delivery) semis were in abundance.
@butterflybeauty My dad opens fresh packs and puts them away for quite a while until they are very stale ( or should I say "ripe" ) and then eats them.
@The_Baron I suggest that you try combining them with dark chocolate. Milk chocolate might be too sweet. And the ones that come precoated aren't very good. I love Peeps, but I pretty much always eat them with chocolate. Dove is a holiday favorite.
My wife, who sometimes rolls her eyes at my meh fixations, was quite amused (as was I, of course). But I worry that she might have a thing for @matthew Anyway, she wanted more, so we watched several (not just with @matthew's mug, but various), some of which she did roll her eyes at but I think she might have enjoyed most of them. It was fun.
@matthew Hey now. Yes, she is cool (though, honestly, she's also perhaps the goofiest person I've ever known) and yes she is seeing someone and seems pretty serious about it. But I'm always a little afraid she'll come to her senses.
Post-easter is better discount candy than post-halloween, IMO. Got a lot of cheap jelly beans, cheap marshmallow peeps, cheap chocobunnies, cheap cadbury creme eggs. All that good stuff.
First I have to say I loved this clip Secondly peeps are best stale anyway and thirdly one of my favorite Easter traditions is peep jousting or peep wars.
@matthew Yellow and white are the best of the peeps. I tried a few of the weird new ones and was not impressed. Fresh and stale are both good. I generally do not have the willpower to let them age long.
I would be much heavier than I am if I had access to cheap peeps more often.
@speediedelivery you might find you let them go uneaten longer once you’re sitting on a surplus of Peeps bought cheap. It takes the urgency away.
Plus, you’ve probably never found your Peeps limit. At a quarter a box, you can! It’ll be fewer boxes than you think. It might be one box.
I chowed down on the Peeps shown in this video the minute shooting was done, but am still waiting for the right moment to scarf any of the numerous other boxes I purchased on the same outing. Stocking up is the secret to transcending desire. Go out and buy a ton of Peeps.
It's probably too late, actually.
I feel a sugar rush coming on...

I paid 74 cents for a box today.
Oh no, @matthew is in clearly Big Peeps' pocket...
(loved this to pieces, or peep-ses?)
I stocked up on cadbury mini eggs at 1/2 off
Now i have to go blow the budget at Walgreens.
@thismyusername Only the new white chocolate mini eggs were left at my store. I miss when mini eggs still had cadbury chocolate, but they are still pretty good candy.
@metaphore yea the shell seems to be the magic difference... I wish they would make a year round version.
The royal dark ones are a pretty good addition as well... but they get "exclusives", first it was walgreens then it moved to target, who knows who will get the royal dark next year.
@f00l Don't blow your wad on a Wednesday night!
I haven't laughed out loud at a meh video in a while. Good job guys!
I got some gingerbread peeps back in January for a nickle. I only bought them because they looked like they would be super disgusting. They were.
The Just Born Company is near us, we get lots of Peeps throughout the year, many flavors, many shapes. We also know of a few outlets that always have they a half price year round so we don't wait till after a holiday to get them cheap
@somf69 I am so jealous!! You are lucky!
@somf69 HQ in Bethlehem, PA, featured in another Meh song....
@Collin1000 Haha, good old Bethlehem. I remember travelling there to see Weird Al in concert when I was in high school. Found it oddly appropriate that G.O.D. (Guaranteed Overnight Delivery) semis were in abundance.
Oh - what did he say exactly? "all marked down half-off post-holiday (?) peak Peep time, go buy a bunch"
Thanks for updating the peeps about the peeps. Do they make them in Dum Dum flavors?
@DaveInSoCal then take them out and put on ice cream
@DaveInSoCal two at a time and give each a toothpick to pop the other one. peep wars!
Buy them to create your very own peep show!

@malyon Heehee! Love the Peeps exotic dance club

@curtise That was the moment for me too.
@curtise - It's his expressions that get me.
Funny vid....nothing better than stale peeps, though I never tried the microwave idea.
@butterflybeauty My dad opens fresh packs and puts them away for quite a while until they are very stale ( or should I say "ripe" ) and then eats them.
Roast them over a fire!
@callow peep s'mores

We had a microwave in college when they were just coming out. We microwaved Peeps and cockroaches. The cockroaches survived. The Peeps not so much.
@sammydog01 That's the only thing Peeps are good for, watching them swell up in the microwave.
@Teripie Peeps make good emergency pincushions, are great for target practice, and they are a reasonably good replacement for packing peanuts.
@sammydog01 hopefully not at the same time....
@matthew Thanks, I texted my peeps the PSA on the Peeps. I do not like Peeps myself. (Good thing there is no down vote button for my anti-Peep stance)
@caffeine_dude I think 74 cents for a box of Peeps is about a dollar too much.
Lake Erie, walleye capitol of the world!
PSA: Peeps are gross
@The_Baron I suggest that you try combining them with dark chocolate. Milk chocolate might be too sweet. And the ones that come precoated aren't very good. I love Peeps, but I pretty much always eat them with chocolate. Dove is a holiday favorite.
That had a distinct "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" vibe to it. Which is to say I enjoyed it immensely. Thanks @matthew.
This provided me with a hearty chuckle.
Where's my marshmallow stick? Time for flaming baby chick and bunny torches!

@matthew How low does your voice go. Can you work that into a future video or point me to a past example?
My wife, who sometimes rolls her eyes at my meh fixations, was quite amused (as was I, of course). But I worry that she might have a thing for @matthew
Anyway, she wanted more, so we watched several (not just with @matthew's mug, but various), some of which she did roll her eyes at but I think she might have enjoyed most of them. It was fun.
Nice work, @matthew. But stay away from my woman.
she sounds cool, is she seeing anybody?
@matthew Hey now. Yes, she is cool (though, honestly, she's also perhaps the goofiest person I've ever known) and yes she is seeing someone and seems pretty serious about it. But I'm always a little afraid she'll come to her senses.

I was gifted one of these a few years back. No calories at all
@ceagee I have a pink rabbit one.
@stardate820926 Of course you do.
I love peeps...so many haters out there. They were $0.50 at Walmart, we bought a few boxes...and I am dieting so no eating for me!
I think @matthew deserves a raise, no matter how much he makes right now.
Post-easter is better discount candy than post-halloween, IMO. Got a lot of cheap jelly beans, cheap marshmallow peeps, cheap chocobunnies, cheap cadbury creme eggs. All that good stuff.
Soylent Green is Peeps, y'all.
First I have to say I loved this clip
Secondly peeps are best stale anyway
and thirdly one of my favorite Easter traditions is peep jousting or peep wars.
I got the standard yellow and the sour watermelon. Maybe I'll sell them when the peep market swings back up.
Important update:

@matthew Yuck. Cheaps Peeps!
@matthew where the heck are you finding Peeps at this time of year? O_o
@matthew I think @christinewas might want to know where this sale is taking place

/image cheap peeps
/giphy cheap peeps

… and it just goes to show that everything leads to a cat video!
Grocery Outlet, y’all. Other colors were not quite as cheap.
@matthew Yellow and white are the best of the peeps. I tried a few of the weird new ones and was not impressed. Fresh and stale are both good. I generally do not have the willpower to let them age long.
I would be much heavier than I am if I had access to cheap peeps more often.
@speediedelivery you might find you let them go uneaten longer once you’re sitting on a surplus of Peeps bought cheap. It takes the urgency away.
Plus, you’ve probably never found your Peeps limit. At a quarter a box, you can! It’ll be fewer boxes than you think. It might be one box.
I chowed down on the Peeps shown in this video the minute shooting was done, but am still waiting for the right moment to scarf any of the numerous other boxes I purchased on the same outing. Stocking up is the secret to transcending desire. Go out and buy a ton of Peeps.
@matthew I am afraid to buy more, what if I still eat the all? I really shouldn’t be buying any but I do not have that much willpower.
That’s what I like about @matthew; he’s got all that woot/meh money plus the Internet fame, but he still shops at the Grocery Outlet.
Peeps are gross.
@RiotDemon I can only eat a third of one before I get extreme diabetes.
@ELUNO they take everything good about a marshmallow and totally destroy the flavor and cover it in grit. No thanks.
@RiotDemon The idea on paper is good. Make a delicious thing more delicious. Sadly, it turned out the complete opposite.
@ELUNO 00:55 is where it becomes relevant
@ELUNO I like how the co-host guy asks him if he’s sure it’s his favorite. Proving he thinks they are gross.
@RiotDemon lol. Yeah, both Andy and Conan make nasty faces after trying them.
Peeps are disturbing. I can’t have them around. So if they are around, they must disappear.
@f00l By eating them all?!?
What a thing to suggest.
No, I don’t eat them. I could never eat them. (At least, not while anyone is looking.)
I set them free to frolic in the sweet land of rainbow ponies.
@f00l @ELUNO
@f00l This is you then.
@RiotDemon That is cruel! Free the peeps!