And I'm alive! Hooray! Sampled a variety of whiskey, bourbon, and scotch. Chased with wine. Ate a bunch of steak, then hid under a giant lady bug pillow pet and passed out.
I no longer drink, but when I imbibed, I was a quiet drunk. I would sit and pleasantly smile at everyone's comments until someone would say something that set me off. Then I would snap off one of the offending party's arms or legs.
@Barney I occasionally have a small glass of wine. I've always been a cheap drunk. Luckily for all around me, I'm a happy drunk. I find everything funny. My metabolism is pretty efficient, and it seldom lasts all that long, but I'm a great audience for stupid jokes while I'm unsober (unsober is too a word).
Oh wait, I forgot. I'm a great audience for stupid jokes all the time. :-} Proof follows:
@Shrdlu They were fun days, (back then, I was a lurker), but now we can have fun days here. I'm glad you finally decided to make the move and come over here.
@jaremelz How did the sexy pillow fight become a thing? I mean, believe me, I understand the appeal of hot women in lingerie bouncing on a bed as much as the next man, but pillow fights are something I associate with being a kid. There was nothing sexy about it. A lot of it was trying to see if there was some way to land a painful blow on your sibling/cousin using only a soft pillow (answer: yes, if you swing hard enough and hit the right place, followed by trying to convince them not to tell your parents). It feels weird to me someone would look at that and think of it as sexy.
@jqubed As it was once said in some tv show or movie when a character was asked why he likes watching women fight, "because there's always a chance if they're that close, they'll kiss".
Maybe it's just an excuse to get women in their nighties and close enough they could kiss.
have you tried going on ??
@communist You're awesome and i hate you. This seems like a dangerous subreddit to know about.
I'm not a think as you drunk I am.
Assume the position.

I bet somebody isn't geocaching this morning...
I used to get drunk. I liked it.
And I'm alive! Hooray! Sampled a variety of whiskey, bourbon, and scotch. Chased with wine. Ate a bunch of steak, then hid under a giant lady bug pillow pet and passed out.
Not geocaching today. I'm geocouching.
@DaveInSoCal Did you drink in the right order ?
liquor after wine all is fine
wine after liquor sicker and sicker.
or is it :
wine before liquor, never sicker, Liquor before wine, all is fine
Well it's one of those. Have a nice nap.
This was just the beginning
@DaveInSoCal Was it your birthday ? spys tray/plate next to bottles
@DaveInSoCal I feel sick just looking at those. They would make for a very bad morning for me. And how are you feeling?
@ceagee no, it was my 3 yo nieces bday
@pitamuffin it was not an awesome morning.
@DaveInSoCal ooooh four roses is good!
take me drunk, i'm home again
I no longer drink, but when I imbibed, I was a quiet drunk. I would sit and pleasantly smile at everyone's comments until someone would say something that set me off. Then I would snap off one of the offending party's arms or legs.
@Barney Purple Passion?
@mediobarkre I'm a lover not a fighter; I prefer a Slow Screw.
@Barney I occasionally have a small glass of wine. I've always been a cheap drunk. Luckily for all around me, I'm a happy drunk. I find everything funny. My metabolism is pretty efficient, and it seldom lasts all that long, but I'm a great audience for stupid jokes while I'm unsober (unsober is too a word).
Oh wait, I forgot. I'm a great audience for stupid jokes all the time. :-} Proof follows:
There's more, of course. Those were fun days.
@Shrdlu They were fun days, (back then, I was a lurker), but now we can have fun days here. I'm glad you finally decided to make the move and come over here.
@mfladd And not all fights are bad!
@jaremelz How did the sexy pillow fight become a thing? I mean, believe me, I understand the appeal of hot women in lingerie bouncing on a bed as much as the next man, but pillow fights are something I associate with being a kid. There was nothing sexy about it. A lot of it was trying to see if there was some way to land a painful blow on your sibling/cousin using only a soft pillow (answer: yes, if you swing hard enough and hit the right place, followed by trying to convince them not to tell your parents). It feels weird to me someone would look at that and think of it as sexy.
@jqubed As it was once said in some tv show or movie when a character was asked why he likes watching women fight, "because there's always a chance if they're that close, they'll kiss".
Maybe it's just an excuse to get women in their nighties and close enough they could kiss.
That or it's the bouncing.
@jqubed @jaremelz Next thing you know there is street violence. Can't we all just get along?

@mfladd Ooooh, I wanna play! I'll just grab my pillow.

@jaremelz F that, I am taking the fight to them.

Hey! little help here!
@jaremelz I guess it's just a rule 34 kind of situation. But still: child's play.
Been there, done that. Can't remember if I'm blameable.
We should have a Drunk Posting Night some time.
I would be but the WA sin tax on it is $35/gal.
@DrunkCat that's why you stock up at costco in portland.
@carl669 Portland has the second highest spirits tax in the Union, though to be fair it is only $23/gal.
That's gonna be me in two weeks at Disneyland.
I took an ambien.. does that count?
if you sent me in your kitchen I'm likely to sleep do your dishes. just make sure someone turns off the sink when I'm done. I always go wrong there.
Wish I were drunk. Need to be drunk. Worked on taxes. Then filed extension. Fuck it.
@f00l I do an extension every year as a rule. Reduces stress considerably, without drunk taxes
I also tend to file extensions. Then i reliably and responsibly leave off dealing with it until 8pm Oct 13th.
@f00l my soul mate !
@f00l Working on taxes here right now. Well, not really, but I installed Turbo Tax and printed out some stuff.