I had to look it up. I have never heard or seen prolly before. My Grammarly keyboard doesn’t recognize it as a word. It keeps suggesting Polly as a possible solution. I thought maybe the Meh writers we’re either making up a word like pro-ly.
Bah, Meh didn’t make that up. That goes all the way back to the late 90s - early aughts… online gaming. Also the source of meh & woot for that matter. Quake, Quake 2, then the MMOs. At least that is where I first heard errr saw it used (same with meh & w00t!). “Probably” is too hard to type: the PBAL keys are all over that dang keyboard. We had to type everything as there wasn’t the bandwidth of decent software for VOIP yet.
Yes & teh word prly is easier therefore better. The word “prolly” has worked it’s way into everyday english. At least in my workplace & household.
More importantly, “broasting” is a real thing - Wikipedia says it’s “a method of cooking chicken and other foods using a pressure fryer … invented by L. A. M. Phelan in the early 1950s.”
It’s an informal adverb.
But you prolly already knew that…
Too long, use “prly” instead.
@awk To me that looks like “poorly”. “Prbly” is what I’d use. Just a thought.
Your Grammarly keyboard let you write that sentence?
@djslack it did not. It was freaking out. I had to switch it off.
Bah, Meh didn’t make that up. That goes all the way back to the late 90s - early aughts… online gaming. Also the source of meh & woot for that matter. Quake, Quake 2, then the MMOs. At least that is where I first heard errr saw it used (same with meh & w00t!). “Probably” is too hard to type: the PBAL keys are all over that dang keyboard. We had to type everything as there wasn’t the bandwidth of decent software for VOIP yet.
Yes & teh word prly is easier therefore better. The word “prolly” has worked it’s way into everyday english. At least in my workplace & household.
@Joedetroit I would suspect pre-school kids made it up well before that when they couldn’t pronounce probably.
? Don’t know what that is.
But, according to the Urban Dictionary,
PBAL = Poor Broke-Assed Lesbian.
IE a human leech.
So I’m having some trouble understanding the phrase “PBAL keys” as used in your post.
PBAL keys
So … Keyboards as social and financial and friendship hazards in themselves. Within the LBGTQ arena of the online gamng community.
I’m so out of it
But … Who knew?
@Joedetroit @Kidsandliz
Nah. Not this time. That’s (to me) a clear contraction created by impatient and driven, slang-using typists in an informal online setting.
@Joedetroit “Da na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na Bah, Meh”
More importantly, “broasting” is a real thing - Wikipedia says it’s “a method of cooking chicken and other foods using a pressure fryer … invented by L. A. M. Phelan in the early 1950s.”
Broasting! What’s next? Prolly fryaming.
I came here for truthiness.
Just farking/frakking with ya.
Yolo, brohims.
Right time, right place!
@mike808 News & science fiction don’t mix well.
@mike808 @rtjhnstn
War of the Worlds transcript.
@mike808 @PlacidPenguin @rtjhnstn
(lines 49-50)
Ode On A Grecian Urn, 1819
Technically, Keats did not mention truthiness. I suppose he’s in the clear with those lines.
I always liked probly better
I had a high school business teacher that pronounced it “proberbly”. Though I have to admit that I prefer that to “prolly”.
@tunnel rush “prolly” is the abbreviation for “proberbly”. This is slang so you will find prolly better.