Probe mode is for cooking large cuts of meat or for recipes that require food to reach a certain temperature
Thermometer probe reads the actual temperature of food as it cooks and displays it on the control panel
Lid securely seals in place for safe travel
Crock capacity: 6 quart removable stoneware (6 lb. chicken or a 4 lb. roast)
Warmer capacity: 16 oz
Power interrupt protection keeps slow cooker on during brief power outages (note: last time we sold a slow cooker with this feature, @Moose thought this was a weird feature to call out as he wrote the specs. Little did he know that his own slow cooker at home was turned off because of a brief power outage, and his dinner was ruined before it even started cooking)
@kus Gotta try one. I found an unused one at a pawn shop for $60. The rice does taste better in a semi-pressure system. But I’d never get around to popping $300.
@kus Wife wanted one of those expensive “fuzzy logic” rice cookers. I told her, “I’m the one who cooks the rice and who’s logic is fuzzier than mine?!” I never heard her ask for the rice cooker again.
@kus Italians like macaroni “al dente” which is not too difficult to do with a timer but miss it by a couple of mins and you do have a little bit of a mess that can be covered up by a sauce.
Japanese usually have a pot of rice sitting hot 24/7. Japanese rice should be “al dente” and a fuzzy logic rice cooker not only cooks it perfectly but keeps it warm for a very long time - I have a small one and it won’t dry out the rice until the third day. A cheaper cooker will dry out the rice almost immediately.
A recent Wall Street Journal piece wrote that the number one item purchased by Chinese travelers is a fuzzy logic rice maker from Japan. The Chinese are getting closer to making a decent cooker but the article said they still haven’t been able to crack the code.
TLDR stick with instant rice if you don’t mind mushy spaghetti.
@Tin_Foil hmmm… 16oz of warm margarita? I’d need at least 3k mosquitoes, a funky scented cop with questionable ethics and a rubber sheet covered in the remains of baked alaska for that to work.
@radi0j0hn I have this model and the ceramic pot gets WAY over 140, even on low. Since you can then toss it in the dishwasher after a good scrubbing I’m 100% not concerned with growth. Nowhere that’s got food touching it stays below 140 once it’s up to temp.
Now, if you left it on warm for 12 hours, I think you’d be right, but the food scientist in me would be shutting down the kitchen and putting up plastic sheeting at that point anyway…
@radi0j0hn Not a problem at all, if it was, slow cookers would have been banned years ago.
If you research the subject rather than just stating a feeling, or passing on a misunderstood “rule” your Mom taught you, (~RESPECT~ TO MOM! ) you’ll find there’s a range of times and temps that kill the bacteria.
When you buy most food (like chicken) they always put " Cook to 160° " on the package. That’s a CYA for the seller. Cooking so the interior is at 160° for at least 15 seconds will kill all bacteria. However : Cooking for a minute at 150° or 12 mins at 140° does the same thing. It’s not one temp.
For more info try this site, posted by a Doctor.
[Your Doctor’s Orders - Don’t over cook food][1]
And this one by the USDA specfically about slow cookers:
[Slow Cookers and Food Safety][2]
Many home cooks are now starting to use Immersion Cooking, where you use a water circulation bath to cook food very slowly at low temps (I have an Anova, check on Amazon, a Refurbed one would be a GREAT Meh!! Hint!!).
This tech has been used by 5 star restaurants for years to create super tender and juicy perfectly cooked steaks, chicken, veggies, etc.
Recently the tech has dropped in price from the thousands to under $200. (due to some IndieGoGo projects - the Anova tried to raise $10K and ended up at $1.2 MILLION! )
Ever gotten a 2 inch steak at a high end restaurant and marveled over it’s perfect color through the entire steak and dead on cook, as well as juicy delicious flavor?
Ever got that on your grill at home?
You can’t. You get seared well outside, and gradually less cooked to the center. They get same temp through the entire steak with a crisp crust outside!
They use immersion cooking, and can hold dozens of steaks at a perfect cook in a vat of temp controlled water for HOURS without overcooking or drying out (actually several vats for diff cooks: Med, Med-Rare, etc). They yank one, pull it from it’s vacuum sealed bag, sear it and serve it. YUM!
Any temp over 122° F will kill all dangerous pathogenic bacteria, if done for a long enough time. As temp rises, time decreases.
Yet another refurbished slow cooker. Between these and all the varieties of cheap Bluetooth speakers you’ve really got the market cornered on crap no one wants to buy that would probably burn down their house if they did.
You can also use them for dye baths, which is what I’m using my old one for after I bought one of these last time. Can’t wait to dye some yarn after my upcoming move.
@HemlockTea I bought one for my mom specifically so she can dye her own damned yarn and stop calling me at 6 a.m. to add yet another skein to the shopping list from my shop.
@aristan Ditto. The probe wire was damaged but Hamilton Beach replaced it. I’ve used it with and without the probe with great results. Since I don’t like leaving a crock pot on when no one is home nor getting meals ready in the morning before work, I cook stews overnight.
@callow Mine was a cordless model. Hamilton Beach forgot to attach a power cord. They sent me a whole new crockpot (like brand new, not a refurb), but now i have the old one for spare parts.
Oh, sure, include the warmer this time. First order of blame, @OldCatLady! Just because @sammydog01 still has the badge is irrelevant! She’s innocent now!
I bought this last time and I have already used it several times. I ordered this one for mom. Totally jealous she gets the jewelry pickling pot. So not fair
@huja Unfortunately, I am sending it directly to her. We live in different states. Knowing her though, it may show up in an old Nordstrom’s box this Christmas.
Yeah I got the slow cooker last time too. If I had known that you would put the warmer with it this time I would have waited. I want the warmer. $2 you can sell it to me for $2 , okay tree fiddy.
@compunaut LOL! That was funny!
They wouldn’t know what to do!
I had a propane tank (FULL) start leaking in my garage (NEVER store propane tanks there!!). I put it on the front lawn and called the FD. They rolled a truck and 3 “Senior” guys. They stood there for 15 mins and didn’t know what to do!! (Swear! No exaggeration!) They told me to “let it vent until empty”. Idiots. Turned out there’s a screw in on the safety valve that was loose. I figured it out and fixed it by tightening the screw!! Talk about a lack of training.
I’ve got one from a few rounds ago and its pretty good. I’ve done chilli, brisket, temp holds for both hot and bbq sauces, and I’m also a “university” trained chef. I like it. You will too.
As an on the go jewelry pickler my family and I really love this Hamilton Beach Set & Forget 6 Qt. Programmable Slow Cooker (refurbished) with bonus 2 cup food warmer. I especially love how it Three cooking methods: program, probe and manual and the rest of the family just raves about how it Warmer is powered. The best feature is how it Power interrupt protection keeps slow cooker on during brief power outages (note: last time we sold a slow cooker with this feature, @Moose thought this was a weird feature to call out as he wrote the specs. Little did he know that his own slow cooker at home was turned off because of a brief power outage, and his dinner was ruined before it even started cooking)!!!
In for 4 and of course I got VMP… the shipping might take a bit longer, but it sure is tender when it arrives!!!
"Too bad we’ll probably be selling something boring tomorrow."
Does anyone else think this is indicating a Fuko tomorrow? I never stay up late enough to get one, but maybe someone else will! (If I’m right…)
@getkind this thing will brew double that (throw some grounds in a sock and let steep overnight) and includes a large warming mug! Good luck at the 4pm showing!
I bought this last time, and it’s the only slow cooker I’ve used that actually works. Every other slow cooker I’ve had violently boils whatever you put in it within 2 hours on low, which ruins almost anything. I’ve left recipes with boneless skinless chicken breasts in this cooker for 8+ hours and they turned out perfect. The probe thermometer works great.
@tjamesturner well folks say it stays below boiling, and the image shows a “desired temp” of 160df. that will do chicken and vegitables. here’s hoping it goes just a hair lower so i can do steak. for 25$, i’ll risk it.
@tjamesturner Not worth the risk. According to the FAQs on their website, hot pots are hotter now than they were in the 70s for food safety reasons. The ‘High’ setting heats faster, but the water will be close to a boil on either high or low. And the manual states that the pot switches to ‘Low’ (but stays on) when the target temp is reached.
I have one, love it, and just ordered 2 more. Know what I use mine for, and will use one of the other two for as well??
Yarn and wool dyeing.
Yup. I kid you not. You have to have the water HOT, but not boiling. The instant it boils, the yarn/wool all felts together in a big lump. This keeps it nice and hot and just under boiling for as long as I want, and there’s ample room in the 6qt. to do what I need.
Will the learning never STOP here at Meh today?
AND - the irony of my confirmation? Almost too much to bear.
I got one last time and have used it once with good results. I cooked chicken in it, and the temp probe is an awesome thing to have in a slow cooker. No worries about overcooking and no worries about raw chicken.
I’ve been waiting for this one to come back up for a couple weeks since my wife told me our slow cooker was starting to fade out. I told her how excited I was that we ordered it, and she then told me that our current one works just fine: she didn’t put the food in long enough that one time.
Giphy: useful-cowardly-start
Too late! Getting these bad boys!
I’ve had this model for 4-5 years now. It’s awesome and I use it all the time, but boy is it getting gross. $25 for a replacement plus the warmer is too good to pass up.
Though my ancient hand-me-down crock pot works perfectly well (other than the cracked lid), something with a locking lid that’s not cracked sealed the deal for me. That and the other cool bonus features.
Say… the meh description says that jewelry picking removes “firescale”, but meh’s own source states that “pickle does not remove firescale or firestain. The only way to remove firescale is with abrasives.” [Emphasis added].
This is the product that started me on meh. Got it for my sister as a house warming (heh) gift and she uses it all the time. Still waiting on some good headphones though.
@Kendizzle808 Yeah, it’s a good deal for sure!
For headphones, try Massdrop
They’ve got great deals on high end 'phones and other related audio electronics.
I really liked the temperature probe - that it’ll switch to ‘warm’ when cooked. But “No, we don’t need another one”. My resolve was crocked when I saw the rack that holds the lid.
I’m just now using mine to fix some Trader Joe’s meatballs with some marinara sauce. I’m trying out the probe to heat them up and hold them–so far so good!
The aluminum inside was a little scratched and has a pretty big ding or mar where it looks like somebody used something sharp to clean a spot but it looks pretty good overall. The outside has a couple of little scuffs too but since I’ll be lugging this around for holiday parties and whatnot I’m sure glad that first scuff has already been taken care of.
What’s in the Box?
1x Slow cooker base
1x Stoneware crock
1x Lid
1x Warmer
1x Warmer lid
1x Probe
1x User manual
Cooker and warmer
Temp probe
Lid holder feature
Retail box
Price Comparison
$80 List
Slow cooker: $49 at Amazon
Warmer: $12.99 at Amazon
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
90 Day Hamilton Beach
this ain’t no Instant Pot
This still isn’t an Auto feed scanner …
Hit me up when there’s a rice cooker
@vanslaterco I’ll never understand the obsession with $300 rice cookers.
@kus Gotta try one. I found an unused one at a pawn shop for $60. The rice does taste better in a semi-pressure system. But I’d never get around to popping $300.
@radi0j0hn @kus I don’t care about expensive ones. I just need one that can make more than three cups of rice at a time.
@kus Wife wanted one of those expensive “fuzzy logic” rice cookers. I told her, “I’m the one who cooks the rice and who’s logic is fuzzier than mine?!” I never heard her ask for the rice cooker again.
@kus Italians like macaroni “al dente” which is not too difficult to do with a timer but miss it by a couple of mins and you do have a little bit of a mess that can be covered up by a sauce.
Japanese usually have a pot of rice sitting hot 24/7. Japanese rice should be “al dente” and a fuzzy logic rice cooker not only cooks it perfectly but keeps it warm for a very long time - I have a small one and it won’t dry out the rice until the third day. A cheaper cooker will dry out the rice almost immediately.
A recent Wall Street Journal piece wrote that the number one item purchased by Chinese travelers is a fuzzy logic rice maker from Japan. The Chinese are getting closer to making a decent cooker but the article said they still haven’t been able to crack the code.
TLDR stick with instant rice if you don’t mind mushy spaghetti.
@vanslaterco It’s not meh, but did you see this?
cooking up a “meh” hot deal tonight
Tempting. Might warm up to this deal in 6 to 8 hours.
@Tin_Foil Congratulations. You won the thread.
@Tin_Foil I’m going to stew on it for a while, too.
What a bunch of crock!
…this thing is absolutely useless for margaritas.
@alacrity I disagree. That little warmer pot seems the perfect size.
the big pot makes a nice ersatz ice bowl. (Don’t turn it on)
@Tin_Foil hmmm… 16oz of warm margarita? I’d need at least 3k mosquitoes, a funky scented cop with questionable ethics and a rubber sheet covered in the remains of baked alaska for that to work.
/giphy probe

Looking at the temperature probe makes me feel very uneasy.
Meh to slow cookers, hooray to pressure cookers. Serious concerns about bacteria build-up in any slow cooker.
@radi0j0hn I have this model and the ceramic pot gets WAY over 140, even on low. Since you can then toss it in the dishwasher after a good scrubbing I’m 100% not concerned with growth. Nowhere that’s got food touching it stays below 140 once it’s up to temp.
Now, if you left it on
for 12 hours, I think you’d be right, but the food scientist in me would be shutting down the kitchen and putting up plastic sheeting at that point anyway…@radi0j0hn Not a problem at all, if it was, slow cookers would have been banned years ago.
) you’ll find there’s a range of times and temps that kill the bacteria.
If you research the subject rather than just stating a feeling, or passing on a misunderstood “rule” your Mom taught you, (~RESPECT~ TO MOM!
When you buy most food (like chicken) they always put " Cook to 160° " on the package. That’s a CYA for the seller. Cooking so the interior is at 160° for at least 15 seconds will kill all bacteria.
However : Cooking for a minute at 150° or 12 mins at 140° does the same thing. It’s not one temp.
For more info try this site, posted by a Doctor.
[Your Doctor’s Orders - Don’t over cook food][1]
And this one by the USDA specfically about slow cookers:
[Slow Cookers and Food Safety][2]
Many home cooks are now starting to use Immersion Cooking, where you use a water circulation bath to cook food very slowly at low temps (I have an Anova, check on Amazon, a Refurbed one would be a GREAT Meh!! Hint!!).
This tech has been used by 5 star restaurants for years to create super tender and juicy perfectly cooked steaks, chicken, veggies, etc.
Recently the tech has dropped in price from the thousands to under $200. (due to some IndieGoGo projects - the Anova tried to raise $10K and ended up at $1.2 MILLION!
Ever gotten a 2 inch steak at a high end restaurant and marveled over it’s perfect color through the entire steak and dead on cook, as well as juicy delicious flavor?
Ever got that on your grill at home?
You can’t.
You get seared well outside, and gradually less cooked to the center. They get same temp through the entire steak with a crisp crust outside!
They use immersion cooking, and can hold dozens of steaks at a perfect cook in a vat of temp controlled water for HOURS without overcooking or drying out (actually several vats for diff cooks: Med, Med-Rare, etc). They yank one, pull it from it’s vacuum sealed bag, sear it and serve it. YUM!
Any temp over 122° F will kill all dangerous pathogenic bacteria, if done for a long enough time. As temp rises, time decreases.
It’s time AND temp, not just temp…
Peace Out! PuterPro
@PuterPro Sous Vide - BIATCH
@pcandwifi Hi pcandwifi !
Huh? (He says in his most intelligent voice…!)
Yeah, it’s called Sous Vide. Do you use it?
Yet another refurbished slow cooker. Between these and all the varieties of cheap Bluetooth speakers you’ve really got the market cornered on crap no one wants to buy that would probably burn down their house if they did.
You can also use them for dye baths, which is what I’m using my old one for after I bought one of these last time. Can’t wait to dye some yarn after my upcoming move.
@HemlockTea I bought one for my mom specifically so she can dye her own damned yarn and stop calling me at 6 a.m. to add yet another skein to the shopping list from my shop.
Got one of these last time, though no warmer with mine. Though I had an issue with my order (Hamilton Beach’s fault, not Meh’s), I can recommend this.
@aristan Ditto. The probe wire was damaged but Hamilton Beach replaced it. I’ve used it with and without the probe with great results. Since I don’t like leaving a crock pot on when no one is home nor getting meals ready in the morning before work, I cook stews overnight.
@callow Mine was a cordless model. Hamilton Beach forgot to attach a power cord. They sent me a whole new crockpot (like brand new, not a refurb), but now i have the old one for spare parts.
So probes for everyone!
@aristan Not really looking for

/giphy probes for everyone
@compunaut what, you don’t want an /giphy unexpected probe
@aristan Because of you, I bought one for mom. She can dye her own damn yarn now.
You’re going to want to make this pumpkin pie dip in the little warmer:
Great for potlucks and parties.
@KDemo ok yes I want that now
/giphy mute casual grasshopper

@kphilippe I wonder how long they waved that lizard in front of a nose to get such a shot! (Also, I can’t help but imagine a big HONK every time.)
Have had this model for years, it’s great.
Absolutely not!
Oh, sure, include the warmer this time. First order of blame, @OldCatLady! Just because @sammydog01 still has the badge is irrelevant! She’s innocent now!
@narfcake i tbought @f001 was goat. Or how did the tie end? Can we have a herd of goats and blame both?
@CaptAmehrican I unvoted @f00l after @OldCatLady answered my catshirt question with “zillions”.
Christmas is coming…
just sayin’
I bought this last time and I have already used it several times. I ordered this one for mom. Totally jealous she gets the jewelry pickling pot. So not fair
@Buphey Who says she needs to know it comes with the sidecar?
@huja Unfortunately, I am sending it directly to her. We live in different states. Knowing her though, it may show up in an old Nordstrom’s box this Christmas.
Yeah I got the slow cooker last time too. If I had known that you would put the warmer with it this time I would have waited. I want the warmer. $2 you can sell it to me for $2 , okay tree fiddy.
@lenea9011 god damn monster
/giphy tree fiddy

@thismyusername I’ve been there!
@lenea9011 Children should know you can never escape Mom’s wrath! What was that cub thinking?
@PuterPro I was thinking it was more like a rescue. The fire dept couldn’t get their ladder truck out there

/image ladder truck
@compunaut LOL! That was funny!
They wouldn’t know what to do!
I had a propane tank (FULL) start leaking in my garage (NEVER store propane tanks there!!). I put it on the front lawn and called the FD. They rolled a truck and 3 “Senior” guys. They stood there for 15 mins and didn’t know what to do!! (Swear! No exaggeration!) They told me to “let it vent until empty”. Idiots. Turned out there’s a screw in on the safety valve that was loose. I figured it out and fixed it by tightening the screw!! Talk about a lack of training.
I’ve got one from a few rounds ago and its pretty good. I’ve done chilli, brisket, temp holds for both hot and bbq sauces, and I’m also a “university” trained chef. I like it. You will too.
@Alderuen before anyone says it; yeah I do brisket in a slow cooker sometimes. Come at me.
@Alderuen Does ‘“university” trained chef’ mean you went to university and due to the costs, learned a variety of ways to cook ramen noodles?
@OutbackJon Thats pretty much what I paid for, yes. Chateau Briand Ramen is kind of fantastic
That little warmer would be handy for when I make a batch of queso dip by myself and cry into it, alone and fat.
@currawong Are you my long lost twin?
Entertaining writeup. Thank you.
But… does it have bluetooth? If it doesnt have a phone app I’m not sure my wife can use it.
@therealjrn It worked! Your order number is: purple-faceted-thistle
/image purple faceted thistle

@therealjrn PURPLE!
@narfcake I’m just glad that the fans and staff of meh allowed me to contribute to the purplezation of the community.
As an on the go jewelry pickler my family and I really love this Hamilton Beach
Set & Forget
6 Qt. Programmable Slow Cooker (refurbished) with bonus 2 cup food warmer. I especially love how it Three cooking methods: program, probe and manual and the rest of the family just raves about how it Warmer is powered. The best feature is how it Power interrupt protection keeps slow cooker on during brief power outages (note: last time we sold a slow cooker with this feature, @Moose thought this was a weird feature to call out as he wrote the specs. Little did he know that his own slow cooker at home was turned off because of a brief power outage, and his dinner was ruined before it even started cooking)!!!
In for 4 and of course I got VMP… the shipping might take a bit longer, but it sure is tender when it arrives!!!
@cshillaber Only 9 stars (on a 1-5 scale)? Uh oh …
Is the feeling that I’ve seen this deal before deja stew?
Hmm… Maybe it’s time to upgrade from my crock pot I got for $7 at goodwill
@Magicalyn That’s exactly why I bought one! Just threw my thrift store pot out on Monday due to it taking 9 hours on high to cook some vegis…
@darkdragon Mine’s still kicking, but this was too good to pass up! I use it at least once or twice a week.
Come on Meh, if I wanted my food slowly, I would go to a fancy restaurant. I want it NAO! Brb, going to Mcdonalds.
"Too bad we’ll probably be selling something boring tomorrow."
Does anyone else think this is indicating a Fuko tomorrow? I never stay up late enough to get one, but maybe someone else will! (If I’m right…)
I’m ready for a new coffeemaker. 10-12 cup, insulated carafe.
@getkind this thing will brew double that (throw some grounds in a sock and let steep overnight) and includes a large warming mug! Good luck at the 4pm showing!
Is the smaller warmer ceramic cooker inside removable like the large one??
@jdjj929 I had one, gave it to my Niece. I don’t think it came out, but they sell it separately on Amazon so you could check it out.
@jdjj929 Nope, the inside of the warmer is screwed in.
@Moose AHA! That’s what’s was wrong. I’ve always been screwed up … LOL!
Thanks! I’ll tell my Niece. (She’s sharp, probably knows already.)
Side note: I’m loving the daily emails. Especially the coworker convo.
I bought this last time, and it’s the only slow cooker I’ve used that actually works. Every other slow cooker I’ve had violently boils whatever you put in it within 2 hours on low, which ruins almost anything. I’ve left recipes with boneless skinless chicken breasts in this cooker for 8+ hours and they turned out perfect. The probe thermometer works great.
I’ve already got a similar model (no warmer) and love it. Here’s my favorite slow cooker recipe for marinara sauce:
It makes a LOT: 7 cups usually for me, sometimes closer to 8.
@sanspoint These would go perfectly with that marinara. I’ve tried them, they’re delicious! You need another crock pot:
OMG! My Wife is a meatball fanatic, she’s gonna LOVE these! Thanks! Great recipe!
@callow Those look yummy! Thanks! (I usually bag and freeze my extra sauce in portions, so that’ll help.)
anyone know the temperature range on this guy? I’m guessing boiling and up. to high for me; no sous video, no deal.
@tjamesturner well folks say it stays below boiling, and the image shows a “desired temp” of 160df. that will do chicken and vegitables. here’s hoping it goes just a hair lower so i can do steak. for 25$, i’ll risk it.
@tjamesturner Not worth the risk. According to the FAQs on their website, hot pots are hotter now than they were in the 70s for food safety reasons. The ‘High’ setting heats faster, but the water will be close to a boil on either high or low. And the manual states that the pot switches to ‘Low’ (but stays on) when the target temp is reached.
I have one, love it, and just ordered 2 more. Know what I use mine for, and will use one of the other two for as well??
Yarn and wool dyeing.
Yup. I kid you not. You have to have the water HOT, but not boiling. The instant it boils, the yarn/wool all felts together in a big lump. This keeps it nice and hot and just under boiling for as long as I want, and there’s ample room in the 6qt. to do what I need.
Will the learning never STOP here at Meh today?
AND - the irony of my confirmation? Almost too much to bear.
@shubydoo That’s what I’m using my old one for, too.
@shubydoo I wonder how many of the “refurbs” have been used this way? I can see it now, “Martha, that roast looks a little on the green side”…LOLz
@beachhead “…MAN this roast is tough, Mom…” !!!
I got one last time and have used it once with good results. I cooked chicken in it, and the temp probe is an awesome thing to have in a slow cooker. No worries about overcooking and no worries about raw chicken.
I’ve been waiting for this one to come back up for a couple weeks since my wife told me our slow cooker was starting to fade out. I told her how excited I was that we ordered it, and she then told me that our current one works just fine: she didn’t put the food in long enough that one time.

Giphy: useful-cowardly-start
Too late! Getting these bad boys!
/giphy quickest-brutal-shape

I’ve had this model for 4-5 years now. It’s awesome and I use it all the time, but boy is it getting gross. $25 for a replacement plus the warmer is too good to pass up.
Though my ancient hand-me-down crock pot works perfectly well (other than the cracked lid), something with a locking lid that’s not cracked sealed the deal for me. That and the other cool bonus features.
/image inconsistent-fatherly-bit

Say… the meh description says that jewelry picking removes “firescale”, but meh’s own source states that “pickle does not remove firescale or firestain. The only way to remove firescale is with abrasives.” [Emphasis added].
@GLaDOS Just goes to show you can’t rely on Meh for jewelry making advice. Go figure, can’t trust anyone these days. Shezze.
This is the product that started me on meh. Got it for my sister as a house warming (heh) gift and she uses it all the time. Still waiting on some good headphones though.
@Kendizzle808 Yeah, it’s a good deal for sure!
For headphones, try Massdrop
They’ve got great deals on high end 'phones and other related audio electronics.
I’m rather excited for the temperature probe.
@santh821 I do believe that counts as TMI … LOL!

{Sorry @santh821, that was just too good to let slide!}
@santh821 I bet you are

/giphy excited probe
@salaosantiago LOL! Yeah, it was too easy. {Ducks}
I really liked the temperature probe - that it’ll switch to ‘warm’ when cooked. But “No, we don’t need another one”. My resolve was crocked when I saw the rack that holds the lid.
Order #: evil-drab-map

/r/slowcooking drove the majority of traffic here, but they deleted the thread!
@Kevin Bunch of jerks!
I really just came here to say this is my first deal I purchased that was unpaused at 3pmET. And I’m glad I did.
/giphy flighty-young-lemon

I bought 2 the last time, havnt used em yet, not sure it has a warmer, but it was only 20.00 each
I’m just now using mine to fix some Trader Joe’s meatballs with some marinara sauce. I’m trying out the probe to heat them up and hold them–so far so good!
The aluminum inside was a little scratched and has a pretty big ding or mar where it looks like somebody used something sharp to clean a spot but it looks pretty good overall. The outside has a couple of little scuffs too but since I’ll be lugging this around for holiday parties and whatnot I’m sure glad that first scuff has already been taken care of.
/giphy first scuff