
werehatrack went on a bit of a rant said

Coca-cola is currently shipping its “Coke Starlight” special edition beverage, which apparently isn’t as Coke as its name. Evaluations are all over the map about the flavor, and not enthusiastic. (“I won’t buy it again” is a common refrain.) Starlight is scheduled to be available through sometime in August, so I’m figuring that the distributors are going to be sick of looking at those pallets of it along about the second week of October, and it’ll have a better than Coke Zero chance of showing up here shortly afterwards if they don’t dump it to BigLots! instead. (And that might be the smarter move, but there are apparently things even BigLots! doesn’t want, so go figure.)

It behooves us to be prepared for the possibility of its presence here, ideally with comments already edited and polished to razor-sharpness just in case. For my part, I might bum a sip from my daughter in preparation; she bought some, but hasn’t opened it yet.

Who knows? Maybe it’s not weird and vaguely unappetizing. Given their ad copy about it, my expectations are limbo-championship low.