Post your Meh button-click masterpieces
48Meh has provided an extremely low-resolution canvas for us to paint on with our Meh button clicks. Since September, I have been turning each month into a picture. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to document it after the Meh button-click history disappeared, but now it's back!
For September, I made a car, but it ended up looking more like a turtle:
In October, I made the Loch Ness Monster, complete with water rippling effect:
November I made a TIE Fighter from Star Wars:
Since that time I have been spelling out "MEH" slowly - this month is the 'H.'
Feel free to post your own masterpieces!
I mean surely you all haven't been just clicking the damn things every day for some meaningless streak? Or actually trying to communicate what you thought about the product?
- 21 comments, 31 replies
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Very nice!
If meh were our school and they put out a yearbook, you would get my vote for "Most Creative."
@pitamuffin We should do some sort of annual awards.
@jqubed And each winner gets just one mediocre sock.
@jaremelz where a goat has taken a bite out of the toe
@Kidsandliz We're kind of bitey.
I've been wasting my clicks this whole time.
Your screen refreshes once per month, and each screen line takes a week to draw! Oddly, your screen resolution (and dimension) changes depending on what month it is.
I love your Slow Art.
Now that's dedication!
Um...I'm gonna say it's a boot. Yeah, a boot.

@JonT Clearly a Kuribo's Shoe from Mario 3.
@Starblind you're so right!
@JonT The 2nd best Mario power up ever (after Tanooki Mario)
@JonT Looks like a train engine to me.
Wow, that's awesome! Now I need to plan ahead for March!!
I made a rowboat.
Mind blown. Amazing!
@darksaber99999 I was planning a multi-month display, but that was when you could still see all the months at once. Once you couldn't see more than the current month, it stopped that idea.
Guess I should try again now that you can see more than one month at a time again.
Too funny. I was dedicating this month to making a face with the faces, but February was too low res. I think I'm just going to write a few words in binary.
April is a llama:
@darksaber99999 Whatever happened to spelling 'meh'?
@brhfl I did it, but I thought the historical clicks would remain available, so I didn't get screenshots in time.
@darksaber99999 Bummer!
@darksaber99999 Someday we'll fix / return that feature and then you'll triumph!
the most meh execution of the most meh of faces :|
I call this, "Sigh of relief".

Funny you posted this - today was when I finally hit 100 straight clicks and was going to crow a bit about it. I was one of those ones who thought you bought or clicked Meh so missed some early ones and for a long time didn't bother because I was already down.

I had this plan a while ago and then messed up in the second week. meh
Some one with a lot more patience than I could present generations of Conway's Game of Life.
I don't know what to call this other than sad. Ironically, I managed to keep my streak going despite two days of dealing with food poisoning and while having a phone signal for no more than 30min or so for a few days. What did me in was getting up early for Dark Lord Day this past Saturday and somehow I just didn't think of meh at all until when it finally hit me, I realized it was like 15 minutes past 11 that night.
@wilstev What in the eff word is Dark Lord Day?
@marklog Short story long: it's a once a year beer festival at one of my favorite nearby breweries, 3 Floyds in Munster, IN. Last Saturday in April every year they have a huge festival with tons of guest breweries pouring rarities, metal bands playing, and 3 Floyds release their Dark Lord Russian Imperial Stout which is only available at the festival.
@wilstev Three Floyds is one of my favorite breweries not nearby at all to me. I got my hands on some collaboration bombers after developing a relationship with my local beer store, and have gotten my hands on some Zombie Dust from time to time.
@wilstev I have a perfect streak going for May.

@wilstev My streak of 135 in a row was broken by Meh forgetting yesterday's click. It's not the first time...I usually log in 15 minutes early (there's an alarm on my tablet) to verify that the click is still registered, and several times it wasn't. Tonight I was otherwise occupied and couldn't double-check. Oh well, it was kind of fun. Guess I'm done clicking it, since it's pointless anyway and Meh can't seem to fix the random's just not worth the effort. (It was only 135 because I didn't have Internet access for two months.)
Talk about a gravedig
@Cerridwyn i don't understand your post so i'm just going to put a llama here.
@carl669 A gravedig is when someone replies to a very old forum thread
@Cerridwyn look at that, i learned something today. but i still stick by my llama comment.
@carl669 so we should have an official llama to go with the goat?
@Cerridwyn 'tis a damned fine idea. what purpose what the llama serve though? the goat is for blaming, the llama would be for...?
@carl669 spitting on things?
@thismyusername but doesn't Quentin Tarantino already have that covered?

@jaremelz so, we could use the llamas as a goat delivery system? it would move around the goat army much faster than this at least:
@carl669 Yes! And old goats get carried. Although you look slightly uncomfortable with it.

@carl669 being smexy
@Cerridwyn I've always heard/seen/used the term "nerco" or "necromancer" for this.
You have way more control than I do! I MUST PUSH THAT BUTTON!!!
@tohar1 How does one randomly revive a thread that has been quiet for 2.5 years.
/giphy revival

@dzieciom Wow! I didn’t realize that until you pointed it out! #WalkingDead maybe?
hadn’t noticed it either:

SON OF A BITCH!!! How the hell did I miss a day! and not even realize it! Damnit!
I had over a year perfect…
Think I’ll go ahead and re-necro this thread out of mourning for the click faces #clickfacegate.

/giphy mourning