Possum Head Chronicles series 3?
13@Matthew, on December 1st of last year you said you had a new subject for a third series of Possum Head Chronicles. Will we ever meet our new deceased friend? My daughter and I loved the possum and woodchuck adventures in skull preservation and we'd be ever so joyous were new PHC material to come out at long last.
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I vote for JBL OnBeat Micro
@gabemyers I vote for Donald Trump, or Ben Carson.. They don't seem to be using their heads for anything useful.
@BabyBear Like all the others running are? The whole thing, everyone one of them, democrat or republican, is just pitiful. And we have to pick one of these jokers to be our president?
I have no idea what happened to make @matthew hate/fear the PHC, but he has never answered us when asked about PHC Series 3. Perhaps it... changed him. Broke his heart. Murdered his family. I fear we will never know, as the trauma must be too deep.
@Thumperchick Once the "video a day" crush ended, @matthew has been taking a well deserved break. I fear, however, that the pressure release has made our Matthew complacent, and dare I say, lazy??
We love you Matthew, please bring back more PHC. It is hunting season, so there are lots of dead deer around if you need a large mammal.
@Pamtha Man, if the only hangup is that he looked at the whatever-it-is/was head and just wasn't feeling it, as you say, it's hunting season and I live in South Dakota. If it's something people hunt around here, I could probably get him one (and then figure out how to ship it).
You know what? Let's go all Saw on this. If he sends me the whatever-it-is skull, I'll do it. That way my daughter can be part of the thing she loves!
I called off the most recently planned PHC series after reviewing applicable rules in the state where PHC videos are produced, and that's all I'll probably say about it.
But I did save some duck heads and feet from last year's waterfowling season, and have had it in the back of my mind since then to try to preserve them in some interesting way. It's been a year now! A whole new duck season is already under way. I should get on that.
If people have access to legally-obtained specimens they think would make good material for PHC videos, they are encouraged to reach out to me! Shipping is not as difficult as it may seem upon initial contemplation. (Professional taxidermists have the raw materials for their clients' trophies posted to them all the time. I mean, what's the worst that can happen? It spoils?) But there are some guidelines.
Just so you understand: If you send me stuff for use in PHC videos, you are not getting it back.
P.S. That's my secret @Pamtha - I was always lazy
@matthew Did... did you just invite us to send you dead things? You're a brave soul.
@Thumperchick I take that as a yes, so the next time my neighbor's cat decides to leave me a "present" ...
@matthew Hmm. Feet?
You tell me what you'd be interested to get and I'll put out a feeler. I may not have an axe, but you have my postage!
@matthew "Legally obtained"... I now have a vision of you skulking around, meeting shady people in dark alleys for some black market vermin heads. Or maybe it is more Godfather horse head in the bed. Either way, TIL that there are laws about mammal body parts that i hope never impact me. Stay legal, dear @matthew. Of course, the Mehtizens may be willing to pay your bail...
@Pamtha Hey, man, I need to score. You got any horse? What? Jesus, man, no! I mean ACTUAL horse. You got any Clydesdale? Shit, place I'm at, palomino would do just to get me… hold on, is that FRESIAN?!? Damn, that is some grade A#1 primo equine there! Yeah. Yeah, just the head. Yeah, I'm experienced. I learned a long time ago to pace myself. One minute I do a hit of appaloosa, then I wake up and I've won the Triple Crown. I ain't doin' THAT again. I ain't in college no more. MAYBE a hoof for the morning. I know that shit's strong.
@matthew You know, it occurs to me I know a couple guys who work at a certain (perfectly legal— seriously) place. Maybe they or their associates are cleaning up as they may be occasionally called to do. Maybe they see something. Maybe they clean up a little different that day, you get me? Seriously, you want me to ask these guys about the possibility of scoring some roadkill? Fractures from collisions might pose some interesting challenges.
@matthew "According to the Washington Administrative Code, it is illegal to possess wildlife found dead except as authorized by permit." aka no collection of roadkill allowed. I'm guessing that's the issue.
I has a sad, because I was really looking forward to more disgustingly interesting videos.
Hey, I know! If you come visit me in Canada, we can do the PHC3 together in the Great White North!
@matthew Dude, it's illegal to pick up roadkill in Texas? F'ing fascists!
@mikey He's not in Texas. I don't think he'd have this problem if he were in Texas.

@matthew, what jurisdiction are we talking about so I can make sure your subject is legally-sourced?
@ManiacClown it seems like the important thing is to obey the rules of the places from which any specimens are collected.
@matthew Oh, that's certainly true. I just figured it would be good to know on both ends.