Pondering the IRK hunt during a meh-RATHON!

cbilyak went on a bit of a rant said

I am a working mom of two school age children who are physically in school. A normal morning is busy getting myself ready and them off to school without forgetting anything. Today I sat down at my computer after the normal routine and thought to myself, “why does today seem so unusually calm when it was a regular schedule?” Then it hit me, by Golly! I scored an IRK at around 1am Central Time, so I was not refreshing my device every two minutes while trying to get the kids ready today. It seriously felt life altering compared to last meh-RATHON! when I was not so fortunate to get the late night IRK.

Last night while I was fighting off the Sandman as I refreshed my screen every 120 seconds, I kept questioning the wisdom of missing sleep in my quest for that IRK that will inevitably not contain the Unicorn item we all yearn to receive. Well folks, the missing hours of sleep was DEFINITELY worth it to have a morning free from Device Refresh Addiction. Good Luck to all that have yet to bag the IRK.