I wear these at family night at the strip club. All the cousins like me to commentate and give my feedback to help them improve. They fit comfortably in my sweatpants pocket when I’m not wearing them.
Forget the glasses bit. A nice quality wide-ish angle still shot from a camera the size of a pencil stub. Very LOMO-like. Not a creepcam. Think artsy for $9.
@Fodder650@MrNews The creepy balloon’s given name was Rover, the rule enforcer that emerged & smothered miscreant prisoners in, or trying to escape from “The Village”.
Sometimes I think meh chooses products not for the sales but just to see what fun will happen in the comments section. If they sell more than a dozen of these, the fall of Western civilization is upon us.
Hey, there have been some IRKs sent out recently that had no TrackRs at all, so I don’t think they’re still walking past that pallet stack carefully so as to avoid triggering a TrackRvalanche.
I bought an inspection cam and it died basically immediately. Also, phones don’t seem to like webcams.
I assume that the focal range on this is such that it would not be suitable for flushing down the crapper? I mean, it has magnets so it should be easy enough to catch it before it hits my septic tank, right? And/or I could guide it.
Water resistant? So when I am out SUPing & see a bald eagle dive for a fish I can press a button & get a picture of it? It actually happened once, the eagle came up empty though.
But then if I did have a camera like this ready it would mean I never see anything awesome like that again.
Now & then I do fall of that board… water resistant… not waterproof.
Well, thanks for all of the candid words. Going ahead with buying one because the winter holidays are coming and also that my spouse loves camera gadgetry. Soooo…
If I wanted something that I was going to struggle to make work for 2-3 hours and then throw in the trash, I’d just get one of those cheap phony “smart” watches…
Sunglasses Not Included
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
$29.97 at Amazon
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Thursday, Jan 30 - Tuesday, Feb 4
Look! It’s the perv cam!!
It’s my spy cam and I will look if I want to, look if I want to, look if I want to!
@hchavers awesome retro play!
@hchavers Everyone knows where my Johnny has gone, thanks to my new PogoCam!
@hchavers @ParadisePete Don’t look down.
@hchavers You would look too if it happened to you.
For that '90s hipster nerd look.
I wear these at family night at the strip club. All the cousins like me to commentate and give my feedback to help them improve. They fit comfortably in my sweatpants pocket when I’m not wearing them.
They fit comfortably in your sweatpants pocket when you’re not wearing the sweatpants?
Is that a pogo cam in your sweatpants pocket or are you just really really surprised to see me?
I’m going to give the benefit of the doubt due to the extremely small size of the camera & say…
No… that’s a penis.
I’m thinking of getting this because it might be fun to take pictures or videos of the dogs with.
Forget the glasses bit. A nice quality wide-ish angle still shot from a camera the size of a pencil stub. Very LOMO-like. Not a creepcam. Think artsy for $9.
Okay fine. Got one to do pictures of my pets.

/giphy enticing-peppy-bubble
That looks like super elastic bubble plastic in motion! That’s cool!
@Fodder650 Is this the creepy balloon from “The Prisoner” series?
@Fodder650 @MrNews
Nah. Those were opaque.
@MrNews Yeah that was a white ball.
@Fodder650 I thought this might be one of those balls… on acid.
@Fodder650 @MrNews The creepy balloon’s given name was Rover, the rule enforcer that emerged & smothered miscreant prisoners in, or trying to escape from “The Village”.
Oh boy, POV pornography, here I come!
Wait a second, I’m going to need another person for this…
@ShotgunX Well, not necessarily …
@Kyeh @ShotgunX
@ShotgunX I just use a mirror.
Sometimes I think meh chooses products not for the sales but just to see what fun will happen in the comments section. If they sell more than a dozen of these, the fall of Western civilization is upon us.
64 sold in an hour, so I guess a giant asteroid is heading our way!
@Kerig3 @txag96 And I’m gonna take one final, glorious video of the final, glorious 30 seconds of mankind:
/giphy obnoxious-triangular-drug

I thought for sure that these would become the next packing peanuts, after the TrackR’s run out!
They still might, there’s time.
@lonocat The TrackR’s running out? Ahahahahahahahahahahaha Gasp! hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
@ciabelle @lonocat
Hey, there have been some IRKs sent out recently that had no TrackRs at all, so I don’t think they’re still walking past that pallet stack carefully so as to avoid triggering a TrackRvalanche.
The video quality is a lot better than I was expecting. For the price I’d expect it to be similar to a camera on toy-grade quadcopter.
Which has been more common on Meh in the last five years? Pogo Cams or candy corn?
/giphy camera candy corn

@er1c It worked! Your order number is: polite-tyrannical-eel
/image polite tyrannical eel

@er1c @mediocrebot
I bought an inspection cam and it died basically immediately. Also, phones don’t seem to like webcams.
I assume that the focal range on this is such that it would not be suitable for flushing down the crapper? I mean, it has magnets so it should be easy enough to catch it before it hits my septic tank, right? And/or I could guide it.
Water resistant? So when I am out SUPing & see a bald eagle dive for a fish I can press a button & get a picture of it? It actually happened once, the eagle came up empty though.
But then if I did have a camera like this ready it would mean I never see anything awesome like that again.
Now & then I do fall of that board… water resistant… not waterproof.
Out of sight!
I bought one so I can take dumb videos of chickens.
Video is time limited. Best use as a still-image camera. Beeping cannot be turned off…so no creepcam…sorry! LOL.
Well, thanks for all of the candid words. Going ahead with buying one because the winter holidays are coming and also that my spouse loves camera gadgetry. Soooo…
/giphy hesitant-clumsy-seat

Google Glass for the poors!!
If I wanted something that I was going to struggle to make work for 2-3 hours and then throw in the trash, I’d just get one of those cheap phony “smart” watches…
Or you could just order anything at all from Wish dot com…
Ahh hell, will give it a try for some low budget fun

/giphy simplistic-bewildered-yam
Mine was DOA. Charged it up, but it won’t even power on.