Please please get a Mediocre shipping service

Cerridwyn thought this was worth mentioning said

Not one that is so far below mediocre as to be at bar with a pile of dung that the flies are revolted by.

Latest FedEx stoopidity.
6/01/2016 - Wednesday, 3:10PM - Arrived at shipping site in Texas -
6/02/2016 - Thursday - 11:58 pm - scanned in Colton CA - about 10-12 miles PAST me
6/03/2016 - Friday - 5:38 pm Arrived at FedEx location - In Industry, about 45 miles fruther west
6/03/2016 - Friday - 8:26 pm Arrived at FedEx location - Chino smartpost (make that stoopidpost) location
6/04/2016 - Saturday - 8:08 am In transit In transit to U.S. Postal Service

Why not just ship smaller things USPS. It’s mediocre but gets here in about 1/3 the time (It would have been here Friday)