Pick a pic
12Pick a picture off of your (phone/computer/camera Facebook etc) and throw it down here and tell us the story behind it.
This picture it’s a thing my friend and I used to do to each other. We’d grab a handful of wrapped straws and hide them somewhere for the other to find. It initially started with say a small container of barbecue sauce or a single straw and escalated to this.
In this picture it’s not great, but I tossed a handful into his glove compartment. He sent me this picture 3 or 4 days later and simply left the message “you son of a bitch…” in a text. Man, I miss those kinds of moments.
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Patio we had mudjacked less than a month ago has developed a noticeable lip between the two slabs. It was over an inch before the fix which was a major trip hazard. It was nearly level just after the job. Will this get worse or did it just settle a bit? I can tolerate it if it stays like this. I need to fill the gap with some self-leveling expansion joint stuff, but I worry it won’t last long if it’s still shifting. Anyone know if some settling/shifting is typical after mudjacking?
@medz Given the whole point of jacking up the slab is to make it level, I would guess it’s not typical.
@narfcake I read somewhere that the mud mix is pretty heavy because it’s so dense. If the ground below is squishy, the extra weight could cause it to settle more. The guy says if it gets to 1/2 inch, he’ll come out and pump it up again.
I picked my very first picture I posted to Imgur. Somebody had sent @del a bunchie so she had posted a group of pictures and vids of @Bunchesca about town. One of which where Bunchesca was driving a car outside a grocery so I made a learner’s permit so everything would be all legal-like.
Last year for my birthday (which happens to be today), everyone in the office pitched in and got me this super sweet thrift shop Hawaiian koa wood bowl full of Halloween candy! Well, the bowl was from a thrift shop. I assume the candy was from the market. The pic does no justice to the massive scale of that bowl. It’s at least 16 inches across at it’s broadest point and about 9" tall. They all laughed that I was more excited about the bowl than the candy. They all thought it was just something cheap to hold the candy.

@ruouttaurmind happy birthday!


/giphy happy bday!
@ruouttaurmind happy happy
@narfcake @tnhillbillygal @tinamarie1974 @djslack, Thank you all for the birthday wishes! But won’t somebody please covet that sweet koa bowl? It’s one of my most treasured gifts!
Srsly, thank you all for the birthday greetings.
@ruouttaurmind it is a sweet bowl.
@djslack I see what you did there…
@djslack @narfcake @ruouttaurmind @tinamarie1974 @tnhillbillygal. Happy birthday! And I covet that bowl…hard!
/giphy covet

@mehbee That Winston Supreme Canadian will give you the shakes every time!
@ruouttaurmind I think Giphy let me down last night

/giphy happy birthday to you
@ruouttaurmind how many

/giphy birthday spankings
do we owe you? There’s gotta be a cut-off once you reach a certain age…
@thejackalope Ya, at my age it’s considered “elder abuse”.
@ruouttaurmind Happy Birthday seriously late but that day was part of my moving saga (still not done)and I am still catching up on meh. Hope you got to celebrate in a style that you wanted.
The bullshit prices that my local thrift stores place on bicycle shaped objects.

@narfcake I think my new adult-sized walmart bike was that price or less.
@medz Before that, another store had a Next Avalon listed for $199. Brand new, it’s $99.
(ETA: $94, actually.)
Kev paid $31 new for this Pacific Evolution. He got ripped off.
@narfcake You can tell he is an expert too, because he calls the seat a “saddle”.
@medz I stumbled on his channel a while back and kept watching since. He bike commutes and knows his stuff. Moreso, I feel his approach that one doesn’t have to spend $$$ to get a decent bike is better than those of other content creators that can mountain bike full time on a sponsor’s equipment, parts, and funding.
Actually explaining the differences between a cheap bike versus a “real” bike is also much more helpful than the typical mantra of simply “don’t buy a bike from a big box store” that’s chanted by those in the cycling community. Not everyone can or wants to spend
$500$1000$1,500 for what some consider an “entry-level” bike.one time I was out drinking beer and a fiat randomly caught fire!
@LordSalem Hot Italian cars? That’s typical, no?
@narfcake I like how he just accepts that Ferraris do that. Just randomly catch on fire. Like a Scorpion and Frog situation.
Also, his reaction to the fireman taking an axe to the car is just precious.
@PocketBrain He’s almost a lost cause. Besides, the 355 isn’t exactly known to be issue free.
Hubbie had asked me to walk to the creek and show him how high it was and how the fence was holding up.
@tnhillbillygal You put a crick in my neck.
I just thought it was a nice sunset.
@eonfifty Gorgeous!
At my house we are “afraid” of different things. My oldest is “afraid” of pens because of a character in the movie Awakenings. My youngest is “afraid” of hinges and the ground because “…there are feet down there” (a fear I have decided to share). I am “afraid” of triangles.
My daughter drew several of these around my room. I left this one here just because.
/youtube awakenings woman scared of pen
My oldest son wanted me to share this picture of his dog Otto. He wanted to see how his dog would look as a “gangsta”.
@jst1ofknd The dog looks really cool.
@tinamarie1974 No cutline for the pup with the glowing eyes?
@ruouttaurmind he is fixed, and apparently possessed!
One more: I saved a broken decorative plate from a dumpster and tried to repair it in a kintsugi style.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kintsugi I used clear epoxy mixed with filings from a scrap piece of copper pipe. I think the color of the plate is too close to that of the copper for it to stand out.
I should have bought a gold Olio and used filings from it.
@eonfifty Maybe you can highlight the repair with gold paste/wax from a craft store
@eonfifty Kintsugi. That explains that scene from The Man in the High Castle. He was being so careful to do what was obviously a really bad job at putting that little cup back together. I like the philosophy behind it, though, now that I am aware.
Vintage Budweiser sign I picked up at an auction for a few bucks. They’ve sold on eBay for $50 or more!
I was looking for an excuse to share my photo. I have a Boring Company Not a Flamethrower and I bought a purge mask.
@reclaimercube you seem fun!
@reclaimercube @RiotDemon or psychotic…lol…but let’s go with fun
@reclaimercube whoa buddy, where are the toothbrushes?
@reclaimercube Go big or stay at home, eh?!
@Targaryen I most definitely created a thread with the toothbrushes in a selfie ❤️❤️❤️
@reclaimercube i blame you for hearing about the flamethrowers too late to get one.
@carl669 they came in beyond clever packaging too!
@reclaimercube i hate you even more now. well… not really. but maybe a little.
@carl669 @reclaimercube Yeah… that would be cool to have. A real conversation piece, lol!
@carl669 @reclaimercube Do you want mustard on your biscuit, Carl?
I took this photo in Vik during my trip to Iceland. My sister and I were checking out a black sand beach and I thought this was so pretty. Still don’t know what it is, whether it’s a rock formation or man made. I’m learning towards rock formation.
@mehbee Wow. Amazing image.
@mehbee Oh my God I want to be there now. Please.
@reclaimercube It was an incredible trip for sure!
@mehbee Quite ancient I would guess. I’d a had to go see.
@mehbee It is an amazing place - Avril Lavigne - Head Above Water (Official Video) at 3:32. I feel odd knowing that …
@stolicat That’s so cool, its in there several times but the time you picked is almost my photo, and my sister and I walked on that same beach and saw some of the same things in the video. It’s a beautiful country for sure.
When I saw this listing I thought, “How is this a deal?!?” It has since been fixed.
@msklzannie Personal rule: I never pay more than $20,000 over MSRP for anything. So this Chevy was a non-starter.
@msklzannie maths is hard.
This cool antique looking wine bottle opener my dad brought home from the thrift shop he volunteers at.
@moonhat I scrolled down REAL slow looking at it trying to figure out what it was without reading your text. Couldn’t, lol. Looks pretty!
This display in Hobby Lobby made me laugh.

I’ve seen sideways but upside down is a new one for me.
@djslack “SEND NUDEZ” is quite subversive, for Hobby Lobby.
@djslack Blame the goat. I’m leaving this anti-gravity, though.
This is a photo I took of a drink in my hand, 20 minutes and three blocks after I suddenly realized I walked out of a restaurant with their cup. In fact, three waiters and the receptionist waved goodbye to me before I left, seemingly not seeing the crime in progress. They were shocked when I brought it back.
[VMod edit: Fixed. Original pic is here].]
@PooltoyWolf Also this is the first time in many months that any of my images have uploaded the wrong way…now I’m worried again, because this is something I cannot correct on my end!
@PooltoyWolf awww, your recent wolf pack gathering spawned a cub!!! Congrats!
@PooltoyWolf Fixed.
@narfcake Thank you!!
@llangley Heh, thanks! That’s Lucky, the only one who’s small enough to follow me around most places. The company who made those (Rhode Island Novelty/RINCO) quit making them a decade ago and I’m always looking for them. Here’s a better pic of Lucky. Ignore the scruffy nerf herder that is me.
One of my bird feeders at the old house.

This was every friggin’ day.
@lseeber A lot of gang activity there huh?
@lseeber Trash pandas!
@therealjrn Yup. I can’t tell you how many feeders they’ve stolen and run off with.
@lseeber They’ll break them too.
Squirrels will go to even greater lengths:
@lseeber I bought a rather similar Brome feeder a few month ago. Definitely the best we’ve owned for keeping squirrels out. Fortunately the one raccoon I see around hasn’t attempted any thievery yet.
@narfcake Yep… been dealing with both species for yrs. They’ve broken plenty and I’ve found pieces throughout the woods. They especially like the suet. The raccoons and the squirrels.
@cinoclav Yeah… it’s working pretty good with the squirrels although, they learned to climb the pole and kick it to make the seed fall out to the ground. sigh. Now I’m at the new place. No coons thus far but the deer are into everything. They get on their hind feed and knock the feeders around to scatter the seed and eat it.
@narfcake Seen that squirrel vid a few times. They will go to great lengths for that seed!
I tried the baffles…they weren’t baffled.
@lseeber @narfcake that is too funny! Those are some pretty smart criminals!
@cinoclav Good… hope he doesn’t. And watch for multiplication. We had 2 (coons) then we had 5. Then we had 3, then 4, then 2, then 5 again. And now I have no idea. I really woulda thought the coyotes around would have eaten them all by now. They came into my yard plenty of times after the dogs all passed too.
@cinoclav Actually… it’s the seed disk on the other feeder that they really want.
i was looking through old pics the other day and ran across this one.
this is Don. i kind of consider him my first dog. when i was in the Philippines, there was a beachfront hotel called Apo Idon. i think Don was kind of like the hotel dog/mascot and he would wander around the grounds freely. for whatever reason, Don would just follow me whenever i’d go out on the beach. there were other guests from the hotel there, but he followed me. if stray dogs came near me, he would chase them away. if i just sat on the beach, he would sit by my feet. i was Don’s human, if only for 2 days. even though i only knew him for such a very short time, i still think about him. wherever you are now Don, i hope you’re still picking random humans to follow and watch out for. i think you and Dexter (my “second” dog) would have been good friends.
@carl669 that is really sweet, Carl! I am wishing good luck at life for Don, too.
@carl669 what a sweet boy.
Fine, I’ll turn my phone sideways to upload a picture… A friendly reminder from your local dive bar.
These are my knuckles. The U-shaped ring of bloody pricks are from getting bit by a black rat snake I picked up. 10 days later, all but one scab was healed. When I looked at it under a microscope, I saw and removed a tooth he had left inside my finger. Still have the tooth.
@thejackalope Shoulda left him be, lol. We had a Texas rat snake in our basement for 4 yrs. We let him be. Being in the forest vermin would get into our basement when the weather turned so we liked him being there. Every time it shed we’d find the skin in the same place on the freezer. Then I accidentally stepped on a baby and killed it so there must have been another.
@thejackalope I agree with Iseeber, black snakes, rat snakes and especially king snakes are welcome at our yard. (All prey on copperheads that infest NC). A large black snake will pose to threaten but I have never had one bite. You may have actually picked up a black racer - they will bite if provoked.
“Another fun fact about black racers: they are much more aggressive than black rat snakes, not at all the kind of chap you want to give a lift to in your truck.”
@Zebra @Iseeber
Definitely a black rat snake, not a black racer. Too thick, and not as aggressive as a racer (had a 7ft plus one that lived in our shed growing up). And had the faint patterning of a rat snake. Other han disturbing his sunbathing, no harm was intended. Just catching him for show and because I like snakes. Side note, first snake to ever bite me was indeed a racer. But just a smaller one; I was probably 7-8 years old at the time. They are mean, but hard to catch!
@thejackalope @Zebra lol… one time when I was a kid I caught a snake (I used to snake hunt a lot) and picked it up to show my uncle who proceeded to yell at me to throw it, it was a copperhead. I was still in the learning phase, lol. Fortunately, it did not bite me. But there generally weren’t too many toxic snakes in my area so I could basically hunt and grab snakes willy nilly most of the time.
Well, I saw one sunset picture, so I figured we’d need a sunrise picture to balance it out. I took this one looking down the street I live on while walking the dog last week…“Sunrise over Dorothea Court” is what I call it.

The Cat did it !

WHAT CAT? We don’t have a Cat…
My house seems to be the local B&B for wildlife. This is from my bedroom window. Apparently, this one needed a nap after a hard night of raiding the fruit trees and bird feeders:

@rockblossom Aw, so cute.
@Barney But pure evil when awake.
@rockblossom I had a pet red raccoon when I was a kid. Dad and I found him half dead on a fishing trip. We think he had been abandoned by his mama or his mama had been killed.
We nursed him back to health (almost lost him a couple of times) and he actually became a pretty good pet. Except he loved to torment the dogs.
@Barney @rockblossom oh Barney that sounds so wonderful! How long did you have him? Did he have a name?
@moonhat We had him about six years. I named him Red, called him Reddy. (Yeah, not too imaginative, huh?)
@Barney @moonhat an actual tanuki?

/image tanuki
@RiotDemon I’ve never seen one of those. Don’t know what they are.
My raccoon looked like a regular raccoon, only he had a red coat. Not bright red; a light red. His stripes on his tail were a little darker, as was his mask. He was a beautiful little guy. (Haven’t been able to find a picture, here, close to what he looked like.)
@RiotDemon He kind of looked like this, but not so much white.

@Barney tanuki means raccoon in Japanese, but they are the red kind. I didn’t know different red raccoons existed here.
/image super Mario brothers tanuki

@rockblossom Are you describing raccoons or
@RiotDemon Tanukis are (canine?) natives. Raccoons are an invasive (ill-advised) import from America.
Last April leaving Las Vegas I had Pokemon going; that’s a screenshot of McCarran airport taken while in the plane at the gate.
We had friends over for a nighttime pool party last night-my friend Brianne and I decided to try some unicorn jousting with my new floaties I just got from Morningsave. A couple of the guys had an epic unicorn race, and one unicorn suffered fatal injuries. Oh well, at least they were cheap.