Pets! Pets! Pets! Show me yours........
17I know we have had a thread like this before, but…I don’t care. Time for a new one (p.s. @DrunkCat hates when old threads are resurrected - he is moody
I love pets. Many of us love pets. And we need a chance to show them off. These animals put up with us, not the other way around. They offer unconditional love, and in return they just ask for us to treat them well. For those of us who love them best - they are family. They offer us entertainment, joy, love, and funny moments that can’t be replaced.
So now it is time to show us all what great pets are part of your family.
- 47 comments, 189 replies
- Comment
p.s. Do not hesitate showing us pets who have passed and that you miss very much. We all have them.
I will post @Felton10’s African Grey Parrot who is 20 years old (only because I had to help him with the original pic - hope you don’t mind Felton10). I read these birds can live 50-60 years in captivity and Felton10 said he will probably have to add it to the will for his kids.

@mfladd I don’t mind at all you posting it again-I and Walter appreciate the recognition. I’ll send you another one to your e-mail-be on the lookout for it.
@Felton10 I will.
Another picture of Walter typing. No wonder @Felton10 can’t post a pic if his bird does all the work

p.s. glad to know I am not the only one with a messy desk.
@mfladd If you had a bird like Walter-you would have a messy floor also. Walter may be slow as he uses the hunt and peck typing system, but he works cheap-for peanuts.
This is Colby:

He may have delusions of grandeur.
He has a LinkedIn:
He’s also got a Resume:

As far as whom puts up with whom, you’ve clearly never been sat at your computer trying to work when your father lets him out to do his business mid-day and he’s decided he wants to come back in. Incessant, unrepentant howling until his desires are fulfilled.
If I get around to it I’ll get a picture of our other dog.
@jbartus Super cute, but I am not adding that dog to my LinkedIn. And did someone go to Colby College?
@mfladd when we adopted him from the pound his name was already Colby and we liked it well enough so we let him keep it. Not that he answers to it half the time anyhow.
@jbartus beautiful beagle!! I have one myself and they’re awesome
@jbartus Colby Bartus - GISHWHES dog!!
@jk24 he can be awesome when he wants to be.
I sound like I don’t like him but I do, it’s the ones we love that try our patience the hardest. Beyond the aforementioned noise issue and obedience issue he has this annoying tendency to run when it pleases him and walk slowly when it doesn’t. For example, when he’s out in the yard to do his business at 2 AM in the dead of winter and I’m calling him to come in as I stand in the doorway in my boxers freezing my ass off… I swear to god he crawls! Whenever he thinks there’s food to be had though… get out of his way!
Does your beagle exhibit similar issues? Maybe it’s genetic!
@mehbee if he gets picked for the coffee table book IDK what I’ll do, it’ll go straight to his head!
@jbartus I finished my first round of FEGVEP. Got the decorate the bus stop item. Colby should get in the coffee table! I’m going to put good thoughts out so it would be exciting for him(and his big head), you and the teM.
Say hi to Jett:

just gonna pre-empt this: she’s the one on the right, smartasses
@harrison your cat wears glasses? That is so cool! By the way, you’ve got a gorgeous coat, captivating eyes, and magnificent whiskers.
@harrison wait till I post Jade - brothers from another mother.
@mfladd does Jade wear glasses too?
@harrison I love black kitties!
@RiotDemon I had to read that sentence twice.
I’m not moody, you’re moody. >:|

@DrunkCat p.s. those cat pics are great!
@DrunkCat on top of the router (or range extender), hilarious!
@Yoda_Daenerys She’s half bengal and all trouble.
My family had two cats, but my sister moved out recently and took them with her. I miss them. This is my favorite picture I have of them. Loki in the left, Kyo on the right.

I’m also cat-sitting for a friend this weekend and I get to visit these adorable fuzzballs. Charlie and Alice.

@ninjaemilee I love that black nose patch!
@mfladd Me too. I tell my friend she has the cutest cat all the time.
@ninjaemilee long toes. Nice!
@accelerator I wasn’t expecting a complement on my toes…

@ninjaemilee You never know what to expect here. Nice reply gif.
@ninjaemilee ummm. I was talking about Alice’s toes. But, yea, well, ummm, I gotta go now, so toe, I mean, talk to you later.
@accelerator Still seems weird to me, cat toes or not. but anyway, sorry for the confusion.
This is my mother’s dog, Lady (thanks, @RiotDemon, for the picture help). Lady is daughter number one; I’m daughter number two.

@Barney Awwww…
@mfladd Don’t let the cuteness fool you, she’s a scoundrel.
@Barney I love her more for it!
@mfladd Yes, I bet you would.
@Barney Awww, the infamous lady!
@Barney she is so cute.
@mellaine That’s her “Nobody loves me” look, the same look she gave Mom and me when we first saw her at the Humane Society. She melted our hearts.
My packmates are all in heaven now, and work’s new paradigm makes it unfair to bring a new one or two into our Pack. Hopefully in a few years…
@duodec They had a good life, and provided you with the same. I already know that about you.
@mfladd We did our best.
City Cats Amoreena of Malidian (aka, Pinky), blue Abyssinian. No longer with us, but seeing her photo still makes me smile.
@heartny Very elegant looking.
@heartny That is a gorgeous cat! You must have loved that cat to have a painting made - if that is what you did.
@mfladd Thank you. Actually, it’s not a painting. It’s a photograph taken by a professional photographer. I think this really captures her beauty and elegance.
Oh, I love pet threads! Here are mine.

I took these of Ishmael tonight. He was annoyed that I was bothering him while he was trying to watch bugs in the dark.
Recent picture of Torben, our Irish Wolfhound/Golden Retriever mix puppy. He’s five and a half months and is over 65 lbs.
Torben snuggling with Roxy, our Boxer, who will be six in October.

Roxy prefers to be glued to me whenever possible.

Bonus picture from a week after we got Torben, because puppy!

@PurplePawprints I’m so in love with him! I still miss my old Wolfhound/spaniel mix all the time
@PurplePawprints I have to laugh, your puppy is just getting bigger and bigger and bigger.
@PurplePawprints OMG, Torben is fucking adorable (but so are all of them) Ishmael? Biblical, or a Robert Jordan Wheel of Time book fan?
@KittySprinkles Aww, thanks. I’m pretty much in love with him, too. He’s a bit of an asshole right now, but he’s too adorable to ever be mad at. I’m sorry for your loss. We never really stop missing them. Do you have any pics? I’m curious about how big he got.
@Barney He does! Sometimes we almost think we can see him growing right before our eyes.
@mfladd Well, both, but my husband actually chose the name as a nod to Moby Dick. I’m actually reading through the Wheel of Time series now, so I’m a big fan, but wasn’t six years ago when we brought Ishy home. I also know the Biblical reference, but yeah, my husband was thinking of Moby Dick when he suggested it.
@PurplePawprints That cat looks so annoyed. You bother him good! Your dogs are really cute too.
@ninjaemilee Thanks!
@PurplePawprints reading now? Oooooo… spooky

@PurplePawprints Torben is one handsome young man.
@mfladd Indeed. I’m on Book 9. Have you been spying on me?
Thanks, @hutchnow. His beard and eyes just kill me.
This was Twister, who had to leave us at 13 years old.

This is Ellie, who belongs to my daughter and is my Granddog who we totes adore.
@jsimsace Hey stranger! I’m so glad that you posted Twister’s picture. Your granddog looks a little mischievous.
@jsimsace Love the Twister name. The best things about grand-pups are you can spoil them and then give them back. And then do it again.
Pets, yay!!
Spartacus, aka Partycat. The old man was recently diagnosed with the diatbeetus. Getting insulin now and we’re just hoping to see a change soon. He’s anot asshole, but he’s a good one. Don’t touch his games.
And if you put things on his head, he poses like a good boy.
And he’s the light of this boy’s life
Oh…my Dumbledore. Dumdum, Dummy, Idiot, Terrorist. Take your pick of his names. He hides in the dark and then trips you. And insists on walking across my chest every morning at 630. And eats bees, even after getting stung. And is just…off. I adore him.
He’s beyond obsessed with water
@KittySprinkles Black cats Rock. Love the pic with Spartacus and Ez! Halo rubber bands from you? At least your cats are angelic.
@mfladd Any halos worn in this house are done so ironically.
I have had 2 with diabetes. Get a glucose meter so you can see if your kitty goes into remission (both of mine did, current kitty has been in remission for around 7 mo so far). The human ones are not calibrated like the cat ones (their glucose is higher than the human meters says) but are way cheaper. I use a relion micro (sp?) which only takes a tiny drop. Watch the cost of the tester strips as those can break the bank - the ones that go with this one are cheap. You will need to buy those lance things to stab his outer ear for the drop of blood. Get your vet to measure your cat’s blood with this and with whatever they are using so you can calibrate it. Mine reads about 50-60 points low (eg so when it says 50 it is 100-110 or so at the low end and when it was in the 400’s my meter was saying mid 200’s so you kind of have to have a sense of how it goes over the range.
Also if you are using Lantis (again spelling might be off) don’t be mislead by the 30 day expiration (in other countries it doesn’t have a 30 day expiration - here it was only tested for 30 days that is why it is so short here). You will get more like 6 mo (in fact the box mine came in gave an expiration date 8 or 9 mo out. As long as you keep it in the fridge and it is clear it is fine. Try not to shake it as you don’t want bubbles. If you buy the family plan (and add your cat) card at Walgreens for $35 you can get many cat and human meds way cheaper. Call around though for the insulin. I found the price all over the place (still high but I saved around $50)
If you have any questions feel free to email me using my user name and the usual yahoo ending.
@Kidsandliz Thanks for all the info! My neighbor and friend is a diabetic who has also had a diabetic cat. She’s been so helpful. She gave me a vial of lantis.
@KittySprinkles She saved you about $260. No joke. Damn good thing it lasts 6+ mo. My orange kitty (in the photo down further in the thread) only needed shots for 4 months and he is still in remission from that so far… knock on wood. Be sure you check his sugar at least a couple of times a week so you can catch if he is headed towards normal. Mine was in mild insulin shock one time on his way to not needing insulin. If that happens, beside giving him sugar, give him some protein (as the sugar/honey wears off pretty quickly and so the protein will digest more slowly and help stabilize the situation; then watch him for 6-8 hours (giving more sugar is needed) until the Lantis starts to wear off - you can tell from the glucose curve the bet should have done when figuring out his dose, how long before his sugar starts to rise again). On advice from my vet I gave him a small jar of chicken in broth gerber baby food (2.5 oz little jar - nothing in it but meat and broth - make sure nothing else as garlic and onion can kill a cat). It has a strong smell so even if the cat is a bit disoriented they usually eat it.
@Kidsandliz Yeah, it’s about 125 for a vial. We are really grateful.
@KittySprinkles Where’d you find it that cheap (I know you got it free, but $125 WOW)? Around here nothing less than $260.
@Kidsandliz state/local tax differences perhaps?
Here’s my sweet Pixel. I adopted her when she was a kitten after gaining her trust after a couple of months (she was feral living around where I worked). She’s still very independent but can snuggle up when she wants to. She likes to hang out on top of my feet and is obsessed with my yarn (I never let her near it without supervision). She routinely catches flying insects between her paws and loves sniffing boxes from meh.

@HemlockTea Thankfully my old man leaves my knitting and spinning alone. Anyone else’s seems to be fair game though.
@HemlockTea Such a cutie. We also have one truly feral. They want love on their own terms which is fine. You get a bee for the save. I know you might not understand, but it is a good thing.

@jbartus Also thank you for making me this bee in many colors and adding stingers.
@mfladd you’re welcome!
I have 3 that are 15, one of whom I bottle fed as a baby and she lived in my pocket (all my kitties were strays). Then I have goat cat who is 5.5. I had goat cat’s best friend but she died unexpectedly at 3.5. Then I had 4 strays that have finally found homes, 3 that my neighbor abandoned and one that kept trying to enter a restaurant and they were going to shoot her with a shot gun so I took her home (and it killed me to give one of that bunch away as one cat was the best snuggle kitty). Anyway here are mine.

Here are my buddies who were strays who now have homes (each was adopted with one buddy). I had three of them almost 2 years, the other little one 7 mo. They went found homes in groups of two, as their photos are. It killed me to give them away as every single one of them were darling sweethearts, gentle, loving…

@Kidsandliz And they are beautiful. Well done, mom.

And here is my baby that died unexpectedly one night. She was a feral baby I found along the side of the highway in the driving rain. About 5 or 6 weeks old at the time. Turned into a sweet little girl after a couple of days of trying to shred me. She and goat cat were best buddies. Once my 15 year olds die I’ll have to get goat cat an adult cat buddy. I’d have kept the one who was so loving as he played with goat cat a lot, but I was having trouble affording all these babies, and he was really attached to the cat he was adopted with and that cat to him
@Kidsandliz Your cats are gorgeous! I used to have a top-of-the-door stander, too.
@PurplePawprints Thanks. All strays and all sweethearts. I got very lucky. The first time my one cat jumped to the top of the door I was in disbelief. A little rear leg doorknob action on the way up and there was she was. On the flying leap dismount she sticks the landing on the bed. One time I was standing between the door and the bed and her dismount included a bounce (claws in) off my head on the way to the bed. While up there she does vulture and goat imitations, spins 360’s and at one point (unfortunately no photo of that) was up there napping with legs hanging down both sides. How that was comfortable I do not know. The olympic balance beam judges gave her a perfect score.
@mfladd Thanks. I found it really hard to give them up. Where I doing better financially I would have kept them all. I was very attached to them but they all found great homes and are doing well.
@Kidsandliz the one on the top of the door is great. how/did (s)he get up there?
you’re pretty awesome for taking in ‘foster cats’ until they find a home
/giphy karma +1000

@Yoda_Daenerys Flying leap with a doorknob assist.
@Kidsandliz ours have made it to the top of a stand that must be 8 ft. high to get some dried grass, it’s amazing how they can leap!
@Yoda_Daenerys I know. Spring loaded legs.
Super Belle the Wonder Dog:

And Zoe-Monster (just “Monster” for short):

Quiet time:

@ruouttaurmind They are both awesome. Top pic - Belle looks too cool for school! Bottom pic says it all.
Anyone with a drone needs to check out - Meh.'s drone site that @ruouttaurmind is the overseer of (my spam)
@mfladd Thank you! I try not to boast, but they’re awesome furbabies! The monster is SO smart, but she’s obsessed with that damn tennis ball.
And Miss Bell is the sweetest, most calm, docile Lab I’ve ever known. But… It’s a good thing she’s cute, 'cause she’s not too bright.
Finches! A society finch (Charley, left) and an accidental society finch x African silverbill cross (Tater, right). Tater is the dumbest creature on earth, fond of nearly drowning in like 1/4" of water. He was kinda dumped on me six years ago, and he might be about ten years old, which is old as hell for a finch. He’s somehow outlived every other finch he’s lived with. He’s still flitting around and singing his fool head off and trying to mate with Charley. Try as they might, they just can’t make any babies. Such is life.
Finches don’t like human contact (unless they’re hand-fed, which is pretty rare), so they’re more like fish. I love watching them, though.
@currawong Great post. Love to see some more birds here. The fish analogy is golden.
@currawong I LOVE finches! I used to have some Zebra finches in a big flight cage. I find the little finchy “peep peep” they make is calming for me.
Okay, here we go. My wife is a vet’s kid, so we have a decent-sized menagerie. Living in the country helps.
Madge Pie the Tripod Cat. She was a barn cat until she got hit by a car. She lost a leg and some brain cells, and lives inside now.
Kimchi, AKA KimmiCat. Lost her status as house champion farter when we got the dog.
Nutella demonstrates the Reverse Photobomb.
Lucy is a classy lady when she’s not pissing on the stove.
Baxter Rowsdower Richoli, paragon of dignity . . .
. . . “Draw me like one of your French girls!”
Not pictured: three ducks (Gandhi, Andy, and Ollie), six chickens (Buddy, Chiquita, Maya Hengelou, Groucho, Harpo, and Chico), and god only knows how many barn cats (Mamacita, Greta, Archie, Toby, and at least a couple others that I’ve lost track of. Yes, they’re all fixed, thankfully).
@dannybeans Hahahaha. Where do I start? Tripod is adorable. That Nutella pic is GOLD! As is Baxter - draw me. And all the others. Great post.
@mfladd Thanks. They inspire me.
Sweet ghostie cats!
@kingsommer Awesome cat!

So how do you post a pic?
@tinamarie1974 click the little button under the comment text box that looks like mountains (it’s to the right of the 101010 button. then just drag and drop the picture you want to upload.
or, if the pic is already online, just paste the link.
@tinamarie1974 If you need to quickly, send it to me at I am too tired to give directions, and I am not an email stalker.
@carl669 Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarl!
@mfladd mflllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!!
@mfladd Stay in the house Coral

@carl669 Thanks! I was trying to do it from my phone last night and the pic thing isn’t there. I just posted it from my computer
@mfladd Thanks, I was just being too lazy to get out of bed last night to post. I got it up this morning - but thanks for the offer.
@tinamarie1974 you have to rotate your screen on a phone to see the menu to upload photos.
@RiotDemon oooooohhhhhhhh now I feel stupid! Thanks
@tinamarie1974 someone had to teach me this as well. No need to feel stupid. There’s no tutorial for this website, haha.
Here’s a pic of my pal Jasper. We lost him after only a couple of years (tearing-up still). I really miss him.

And here is my Max. He’s currently in charge of my household. He was a rescue dog and looks so much better than when we got him.

@Cheddy Rescue is awesome. Good for you. Jasper still knows you loved him - even in passing.
@Cheddy Fine looking boys!
this is Dexter the prison dog. we got him from a juvenile detention center that pairs a kid with a dog. the kids have to earn their spot by behaving and doing some other stuff. the kid then takes care of the dog (grooming, playing, training etc) for 8-10 weeks. the dogs are available for adoption after the 4th week or so. but, you can only take the dog home for the weekend. you have to bring it back so the kid can finish training. it’s a really awesome program and i’d recommend it to anyone that’s looking for a dog in western washington. it’s called Canine Connections.
at the end of training, you can go to the dog’s “graduation”. the kid gets to show off everything they’ve taught the dog. it’s very cool to see how much pride they have in what they’ve done for these dogs. at the same time, it’s very sad. obviously, these kids form quite a bond with the dog they’re training. at the end of graduation, right before you take the dog home permanently, the kid gets to take the dog off to the opposite side of the gym to say goodbye. it’s heartbreaking.
if you decide to adopt from there, please go to the graduation. take time off work. do whatever you have to do to get there. seeing it will restore some of your faith in humanity. also, bring the kid something. i asked the director and she said the kids always appreciate food. so, we made him 6 dozen homemade chocolate chip cookies. he was insanely excited when we gave them to him. as i looked around the gym, no one else, and i do mean no one, brought their kid anything. nothing. not even a fucking box of twinkies from the gas station. sorry, but this pisses me off.
so, don’t be a dick. bring something. anything. we love our dog beyond measure. and that young man was a very big part of making him adoptable.
one more pic. Dexter’s first Christmas with us.
@carl669 His little tongue sticking out is cracking me up!
@ruouttaurmind that’s actually a piece of apple he stole from a plate i accidentally left on the couch. i think he froze like that because he thought he was busted.
@carl669 damnit. @sammydog01 must be chopping onions in here. I surely can’t be crying because of these posts.
@carl669 That is fucking awesome. Great program. And kudos to you for recognizing the kid who put all the work into training him (now I am pissed off). That puppy is a born model. I am sure your adorable son absolutely loves him. I want a mini-carl puppy pic - So Say We All. Plus I think that is somewhere in the Mehcronomicon.
@carl669 not that you were by any means obliged to or anything, I am just curious. Did you reach out to the boy afterward, keep in touch with him and send him photos of Dexter, invite him to visit Dexter perhaps? I’m just curious, it seems like something I would appreciate were I in that boy’s position. Don’t get me wrong the cookies you brought him were an awesome thing to do, just curious if there was any more to the tale.
Regardless that’s an awesome program, I’m going to have to look for something like that around here.
@RiotDemon I’m doing some onion prep myself!
@carl669 Dexter is way cute. We have Canine Connections here also but it’s in an adult facility rather than a juvenile. I read a story about one of the inmates and how much the program changed him. It wax wonderful and touching. The power of an pet’s love is infinite, at least I think so.
@mehbee I’ve watched a tv show about the canine prison training program. The inmates get put on a ridiculously long waiting list, and they have to keep up the good behavior, otherwise they get taken off the list. They all talked about how it made them feel important again. The love of the dogs for the inmates was really special. In the end, you get a dog much more ready for adoption, and you have an inmate that got to feel useful and made a difference.
@jbartus i did talk to the director about this exact thing. because of their age (i think our kid was 15, maybe 16) and facility/state rules, they can’t facilitate direct contact between adopters and the kids outside of the program. makes sense from a safety standpoint i guess. however, we did send regular updates and pictures. he did seem like a really sweet kid. i’m hoping he only got busted for something small, like shoplifting and wasn’t there for much longer after we adopted Dexter.
@mfladd as requested. the boy decided to cart the dog’s tennis ball all around the yard. that dog was glued to the side of that stroller the entire time. i should start doing that instead of using a leash on walks.
@carl669 He is a bigger boy now. Both of them.
@mfladd yeah. it’s fun and sad. i have a pic of the very first time they met. the boy was all wrapped up in a blanket like a tamale. dexter comes over, sniffs him and looks at me as if to say, “this doesn’t smell like a burrito”.
@carl669 you, sir… if I were religious I would doubtless say ‘God Bless You’ but you’ll just have to settle for my high esteem. It’s a shame that the world of constant suspicion we live in prevented you from direct contact, I wish they’d have reached out to the parents on your behalf to at least try, but good on you for having the thought and making the effort. I don’t know where @mfladd’s head is tonight but I’m gonna take care of business:

Hopefully he won’t mind!

@jbartus Not at all. I am just tired.
@jbartus @mfladd i try to be a decent human being.
also, i just had taco bell on thursday. one of my twice a year cravings kicked in. (i crave taco bell about twice a year. each time, i go, i eat and then wonder what the hell i was thinking.)
@carl669 you did more than most decent human beings I know would bother with. What did you feed your craving with?
@carl669 i only read the first sentence, thought your little boy was in juve already, just like outlaw pete
oh yea, there’s a kids picture book about outlaw pete your boy might like.
great program you’re a part of there - way to go!
@jbartus that craving can only be answered with taco bell. hence the “wonder what the hell i was thinking” part after the craving.
@carl669 I meant more like what did you order at Taco Bell?
@jbartus nothing fancy. the craving usually entails 2-3 tacos and a burrito supreme. i know, weird. you’d think i’d at least crave something more complex if it’s only gonna happen a couple times a year.
My daughter’s two kitties:
Claire, we helped rescued her this past Winter. When her family decided they didn’t want her anymore and locked her out of their home. She found refuge under my car (which wasn’t being driven) for a significant amount of time and choose Kali as her human.
Coal, he’s a prince.
@MzSooze Who locks a Kitty they have owned/taken care of, out of their home? Grrrrrrrrr. They are both precious and kudos to your daughter for taking them in.
@mfladd From what their children told my daughter - Claire (formerly Molly) “didn’t get along” with the other cats in the home. Not sure how true that is since she gets along great with Cole and Cleo (not pictured). The family just moved so I won’t have to worry about it happening again.
May I just say the pet love that you people show is awesome. So many rescues, so much PETS! Great community - Just say’n.

Or, perhaps it is the pet love to us.
@mfladd I’m a firm believer that animals choose their humans, at least when the opportunity is available. Those are the bonds that are exceptionally special.
Chuka - Siberian Husky that I grew up with. She is still missed by me. My first dog that I loved.

@mfladd you had a house dog? lucky! all i had were the street dogs.
when i was around 1 or so, i would feed the street dogs at my grandmother’s house in india. apparently, one of them kind of adopted me and would always hang around and intercept other dogs if they got too close. there’s a picture somewhere of him and me. i’ll have to find it.
the dog at one of the hotels in the philippines also adopted me. he would follow me around the beach and keep the other dogs away. he’d also lay right by my towel while i was swimming. i didn’t even feed him initially. he just started following me around.
i’m very glad Dexter adopted me.
@carl669 Well now you made me feel bad for having a house dog with that story. But glad you were adopted by dogs.
@mfladd cropped it for you so people could get a better look (also removed red eye and allowed Photoshop to do minor enhancement)

Chuka looks gorgeous, I’ve always had a soft spot for huskies!
@mfladd Cute pic! One of my friends actually had a white husky named Chuka. How odd!
@jbartus Ahhh…you are a good man @jbartus.
@carl669 you
ateare a world traveler, both now and then/image now and later

I love pets, Just lost my "bestie " of 15 years a week ago.
@mparadiso29877 so sorry to hear that.
@mparadiso29877 I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my Malcolm last year. I take comfort in knowing he had an excellent, well-loved life. I know your baby did too.
@mparadiso29877 I’m sorry for your loss.
@mparadiso29877 sorry to hear about your loss
I too have lost my beloved pets through the years and it’s always hard and I still miss mine that are gone
Praying for you over your loss of your beloved family member aka pet.

@looseneck Shadow staring at Pokemon
@looseneck Kota is “huskie” fabulous! And you have a pokemon “tracker” dog - that is awesome.
Buddy and Sam - Buddy is my moms dog (read puppy brother) and Sam (the white one) is my baby. They are best buds!
@tinamarie1974 They are awesome pups and they couldn’t have posed for a better pic!
@mfladd Thanks, although this is not a picture pose. This is the come on pet me, give me a treat OR give me attention pose. They may be SLIGHTLY spoiled
It’s a picture of a picture, but he was a good boy!

@ELUNO He was quite handsome.
@mfladd Thank you! He was quite hairy for a German Shepherd, but it made him look even better.
@ELUNO I agree. The added fur adds a another dimension of luvability.
This is Roxi. She’s a rescue from Arkansas. She likes to visit Meh every now and then and sniff all the weird stuff we have.
@jk24 Roxi is adorable! It’s always interesting to me to see all of the different coat variations on beagles. It’s hard to tell because he’s getting old and going gray/white but Colby was almost exclusively brown and black with very limited light coloration, I love Roxi’s white patches!
@jbartus Definitely! My previous beagle was very dark/black. Roxi’s coat seems to be very unique from what I’ve seen in other beagles. She also has lots of freckles on her face and legs!
@jk24 we got Colby when I was 13 and I really didn’t have any idea he was a Beagle, my prior experience with Beagles had been from Shiloh which is a very light colored Beagle, mostly tan and white with a black back whereas Colby is mostly darker brown and black
@jk24 Who could not love that face?
now that i got my man back it’s would be unfair if I don’t share my experience to the whole world on how i got him back.That is why I am here this day to let the world know that there are real powers in spell casting as DR Aziza has proven to me by bringing joy and happiness to my relationship and my family in just 2days after i got him contacted . I never believed in any of these things until i loosed my boyfriend, I required help until i found a great spell caster,who cast a love spell for me, and he assured me that I will get my boyfriend back in two days after the spell has been cast. two days later, my phone rang, and so shockingly, it was my boyfriend who has not called me for past 6 months now, and made an apology for the heart break, and told me that he is ready to be my back bone till the rest of his life with me.Dr Aziza released him up to know how much i loved and wanted him. And opened his eyes to picture how much we have share together. As I’m writing this testimony right now I’m the most happiest girl on earth and me and my boyfriend is living a happy life and our love is now stronger than how it were even before our break up. So that’s why I promised to share my testimony all over the universe.All thanks goes to Dr Aziza for the excessive work that he has done for me. Below is the email address in situation you are undergoing a heart break, and I assuring the whole universe that as he has done mine for me,he will definitely help anyone that takes time to get him contacted or +2347064493769

/image out damned spot out
the forum’s first spam?
This might be a job for the mighty @Thumperchick!
/giphy spam-be-gone

Woah, that first giphy was definitely NSFW
@PurplePawprints lol, but it was hilarious.
@RiotDemon It was! I was tempted for about a second to leave it, but decided not to sully this thread instead. I’m remembering it for later, though.
@cherly how in the ever living fuck do i dial a +? i’m trying to reach dr aziza but you left out critical information. please help me! i need the doctor to help me get my money back from a nigerian prince that was supposed to send me money.
@carl669 most phones map it to zero, how to access it on the other hand is another matter entirely.
This is Keith, my Sulcata tortoise. I was kinda’ excited because after a week or so he had finally started eating. He was about 2 weeks old at the time.
A few days later
He eats just about anything green, but he prefers lettuce. I try not to feed him lettuce very often though as it has almost zero nutritional value.
He’s a little bigger now, but I haven’t had time to make a video in months
@capguncowboy The first turtle post. Why am I not surprised you would come up with something different. He rocks!
My daughter caught this little guy hopping in our yard a few weeks back. She really wanted to keep him and I really wanted her to let him go. We compromised. She agreed to name him Sir Anthony Hopkins if I let her keep him. We’ll probably let him go in the spring when he’s full grown and not so adorable anymore.
@capguncowboy And another. Frog love - good luck having her let him go after all that time.
@mfladd my daughter loves critters of any sort. She is always catching bugs and trying to bring them in the house. We actually have 4 Firebelly Toads and another frog as well. They live in the tank with our RedEared turtle.
When she’s not outside catching bugs and other creatures, she’s inside cuddling with our 5 cats and 2 dogs. She said she wants to be a vet when she grows up, so I like to let her have a variety of pets. Maybe it’ll save me some money later on in life
This is Crimson. She just turned 2 a little over a week ago:

And this is her little big sister Clover. She’s about 8 now:

And this is how I find them at least 3 mornings a week when I come out of the shower:

@djslack It’s a good thing you had your camera with you when you were taking your shower.
@Barney i’m guessing it’s a camera phone. I keep mine with me all the time too, but that’s only because I don’t want to miss a phone call from Bad Horse and The Evil League of Evil
@djslack Chevy

And Jetta
Say hi.
crap. how did Jetta go sideways?
@daveinwarsh love the names! Hi back!
@barney, @capguncowboy is right, it’s my phone.
@djslack @daveinwarsh

@djslack Lassie! Love the bottom pic of them together.
@daveinwarsh Your pups deserved there own post, not a reply. They are very handsome. Any reason you picked car names?
@mfladd Thank you for the photo fix.
@mfladd I’ve always owned a Chevy. When I sold that last '72 Nova, I needed to come up with a Chevy fast! My wife named the Sheltie & kept with car names. Never owned a Jetta, she just liked the name… I’ll do their own post with new photos, if I can get them to pose for it!
![My new furbaby ][1]
[1]: My new furbaby.
@Brandysnap So frickin cute! Enjoy the new furbaby!
![my cats mutz (kitty, kitty, kitty in macedonian) and rosie (from rosalita by The Boss)
I guess it’s time for a cat nap with your sibling, that’s the life!]1
@carl669 did i do something wrong? i saw your post (thanks!) on drag/drop photo here. butt is the end result that the reader has to click the link (see “1” above)
/image butt end result

/giphy butt end result

/woot butt end result
/youtube butt end result
/captionbot butt end result
@Yoda_Daenerys Click on that little mountain thing at the bottom of the dialogue box, then drag and drop your photo and click on upload. Don’t mess with anything it then puts in your message. Click on say it. Pretty kitties by the way. My first two (long dead) were both brown and black tiger.
@Yoda_Daenerys when you upload the photo and it says “enter your description here” that’s only when the photo doesn’t load fully on the website, so just leave it alone unless you want to put something there, but it’s not necessary. Just make sure your actual post text goes outside of all the jumbled stuff that the uploader adds to the text box.
Here’s your photo for anyone that missed the link:

@Yoda_Daenerys Your kitties rock. Luv, that they luv each other.
@RiotDemon @kidsandliz y’all are so helpful i’m starting to get verklempt
i did do the ‘enter description here’ bit earlier - maybe that hosed it…
here’s another attempt, and fyi - the fluffy one is a male who has had transgender surgery, and the short hair is his litter-sister.
he’s a dog in his behavior and is super annoying around your ears. she knows she’s the boss, but still hangs around us quite a bit anyway, especially if she needs heat:
@Yoda_Daenerys super cute cats.
This is Peaches:

She’s a real sweetheart. As best we’ve been able to piece together we think she was born under a barn or something in Nebraska and when the farmer found the litter he took them to the shelter. This as a first encounter for a pup was somewhat traumatic, as you might imagine, and has left her very timid, but once she gets used to you she’s very loving and you won’t find a more friendly dog.
For those wondering she’s a mutt, we’re pretty sure she’s a mix of a Jack Russel Terrier and a Border Collie. She’s way prettier in person but I took a real lousy photo and it’s dark now…
@jbartus You have another you were holding back? So much cute. And the eyes remind me of these - my kids love.

@mfladd those pets remind me of:
@mfladd not holding back, just needed to get a photo of
Here is sweet Blue and Swiper.
/giphy swiper no swiping

@capguncowboy i feel like this gif should be set to benny hill music.
@capguncowboy what is it, and why does he keep putting it on the ground for the fox to steal?
@hollboll Black cat love back atcha. Thank you for posting them.
@RiotDemon It’s a sock for a golf club. It protects the head on your driver from damage when it’s in the golf bag
My three kitty boys. Two were adopted from the local shelter and one was a rescue. As you can see, they are very close.
This is their bird buddy, Abe.
@lordbowen That is some serious kitty love. And do they actually allow Abe access to that love. Or is he just a watcher who doesn’t want to look like a meal?
here are my four dogos.
@dgo Ahhhhhhhh… that is a great pic! What breed is the one standing? (looks like a rabbit-dog)
The others. Greyhound, G. Shepard, Taco Bell dog?
So much greatness in that pic.
@dgo So many cute faces!
@mfladd the one standing is a mix schnauzer/poodle. the far right is a whippet. the chihuahua is the boss and the GSD is afraid of her. this is the only pic in 3 years that has all of their attentions, treat-baited or not.
My guy Felix, miss him.
@reinheitsgebot Love the color. black/brown head - white/grey after the collar. And he looked like he was very content. Sorry for the loss.
@mfladd Best guess is he was a Jack Russell/Australian Cattle Dog. Had the energy of a 33lb. Jack Russell.
@reinheitsgebot omg, I can see both of those as you have said. Sometimes the best dogs are the mixed breeds.
@mfladd they’re definitely the best dogs as they are way less prone to health issues (usually). Colby is a mess compared to Peaches.
Felix with his neighbor Lucy waiting for dinner
@reinheitsgebot The look is “feed me, or I will put you down” Love it. Great pic.
@lenea9011 If you will allow me - I just started another thread. I will post your pic their and correct.
“there” ack…typing tired gets me in trouble with grammar nazis.
@mfladd ok, thank you
Kanga chillin with the girls.
@accelerator Ahhhh…llama love!
@mfladd I won’t tell the girls but, Kanga and the gang are Alpaca… much sweeter disposition than their Llama cousins and petite too.
@accelerator You are so right, and I am ashamed of my error. Kanga, forgive me!
Baxter. He’s a Honey Badger at heart.
Finnagin. A true beauty. And a good friend.

Coco after haircut ( parents dog at my house as mother is in the hospital)
Durant ( sons dog we are keeping while new house is built) and our miniature schnauzer Erosstros
Some of neighborhood cats I feed