@reclaimercube I support this message, my toothbrush battery is dead and I would need to solder a battery together some cells as they do not sell the batteries, or buy a replacement.
Epilators? They squeeze out all your hairs… So basically a mechanical plucker that plucks out all your hairs as you push it along. That sounds more painful than waxing. At least in waxing it’s all in one go.
Or am I wrong. I’m a guy… I don’t wax or… Umm. epilate, is that a word?
@OnionSoup Epilators are less painful and damaging than waxing, for a few reasons:
The victim controls the epilator, so they can rest or slow down at will.
Wax is hot, and wax warmers generally aren’t smart appliances. So wax from the bottom of the pot is hot enough to burn sensitive skin. It hurts, it’s ugly, and it itches for daaaays.
Rarely – say, a couple of times a year if you get regular services – the end of a wax strip removes a layer of skin. Modern epilators skim over the skin, but I’ve never had any sort of pinch or abrasion from one.
Each wax strip removes a lot of hair at once. It doesn’t hurt THAT much, but it does eventually make your nerves jangle, which can lead to more pain toward the end of a session. I don’t get that effect with an epilator … or if I do, I don’t think about it because I can just take a break.
Worse yet, waxing doesn’t remove every hair, so invariably there’s some tweezing. At the end. When your nerves are already on edge. Done by another person, who has forgotten about her tip and just wants you and your luxuriant pelt to go away at this point.
@OnionSoup I should have said modern epilators. I had an Epilady, which was a nightmare appliance that did a whole lot of excruciatingly painful nothing.
@djslack@The_Tim This woman has no body hair or any evidence of pores, so I don’t think she can be trusted. I think her AI programming gives it a 5/10 since there’s no way for it to determine.
@hchavers@ksujeff99@therealjrn I’ve never considered having my Nasty Parts commune with plant life but I have an open mind. This could be the solution to that “problem” some men have.
@hchavers@therealjrn Well, yanno how you’re born hairless, then at puberty it starts coming in?
Reverse that. I have less than twenty hairs on the inside of each of my calves. Go to shave and “what the hell happened to my hair”?
And that’s not the only place hair is missing. Hardly any on my arms. I quit tweezing my eyebrows because they don’t grow back. I do have to trim them, though, think Larry Hagman or Andy Rooney.
I refuse to draw them on.
But I’m am the proud owner of a fine set of whiskers on my chin. And I’m getting a mustache as well. Getting to be too much to tweeze and I refuse to shave my face.
I do love the word “epilator.” When you hear that word you just know something wondrous is going to happen. I find myself wanting to be epilated. All over. I want to epilate the world, I am not a selfish man who keeps these pleasures, these miracles, for himself. Eyeing the cat (and the dog) I anticipate quality sometime epilating them. Just send me your entire epilator inventory. I cannot be tied down to just one epilator. I need enough to distribute to people that I convert to the joy of epilating. Payment might be an issue but I’ve made many purchases here at Meh Mecca so you can trust me. To rephrase a line from “1984,” “Oh, what a brave new world with such epilators in it.” I shall sacrifice some sleep developing my plan to epilate the world. I can’t wait to start. Can you ship them all tomorrow? I really, really want to get started.
I think that epilator head needs to be painted bright red.
I can see someone groggily walking into the bathroom in the morning, not paying very close attention to what they’re picking up, and… tragedy.
@mike808 You can also use it on legs and underarms, of which the non-management of hair can get you a lot of societal backlash. Not just for lady parts.
@mike808@RiotDemon I don’t mind body hair. Like It’s cool when people trim up or shave, but there are unfair expectations for females when it comes to body hair and that bothers me.
@JoetatoChip@mike808 it’s fine to say that, but to say that a cougar is trying to look like a teenager is gross. Maybe she doesn’t like hair. Maybe it’s uncomfortable.
The first few seconds of using a modern epilator felt like an electric shock and I didn’t think I’d be able to bear it even though I have a high pain tolerance. It gets better quickly. One of the pros is since the hair grows back at different rates you never have a lot of hair showing. Con: Since hair grows back at different rates you are never completely hairless. I do love it though!
@callow I’m somewhat mystified by the way large swaths of my forearms are sparse now. When I paid for monthly waxing, the whole area was sparse. I don’t epilate any patches more often than others, so I have no idea what’s going on there.
I actually have owned one of these for a while now and it’s not that bad. I use it (both the epilator and the razor) only on my legs though. This is a pretty good deal for it, too.
Epilators work great for dog control when riding my bicycle. Some favor pepper spray for over ambitious dogs, but an epilator will send them running while howling in pain at their neat clean legs and pubic area.
Ask the Doctors: Researchers find correlation between pubic grooming and STIs
By Dr. Ko & Dr. Glazier Ask the Doctors
Sep 21, 2018
Dear Doctor: Does getting a bikini wax really increase the risk of getting a sexually transmitted disease? How would someone figure that out?
Dear Reader: Whether it’s a bit of a trim for swimsuit season or the more extreme forms of waxing that leave you completely bare down there, millions of women (and a few men) engage in some type of pubic hair grooming. Now, the results of new research that looked into the practice suggest that, for people who are sexually active, pubic grooming may make it easier to contract a sexually transmitted infection, or STI.
It sounds more than a little alarming, so we’ll start by citing the lead investigator, an assistant professor of surgery at the University of Texas, who stated that while the study did reveal a correlation, it does not equal proof. The title uses the language “representative probability sample.” That translates only to “if … and,” not to the certainty of “if … therefore” when it comes to pubic grooming and STIs.
The researchers began with two statements — STIs are the most common infections among adults, and many adults take part in trimming or outright removing some or all of their pubic hair. (Considering the millions of cases of influenza reported each year, we confess that we were skeptical about the first statement. But STIs encompass a wide range of infections. Digging into statistics kept by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — 14 million new cases of human papillomavirus, or HPV, per year; 1.4 million new cases of chlamydia annually, to name just two types of STI — backed it up.)
The next step was a probability survey in which a group of U.S. residents between the ages of 18 and 65 were asked about pubic grooming habits, sexual activity and STIs. Extreme grooming was defined as having all pubic hair removed 11 or more times per year. Trimming pubic hair either weekly or daily was considered to be high-frequency grooming. STIs and pubic lice were tracked separately. A total of 7,580 people completed the questionnaires. The results, when analyzed, pointed to a correlation (again, an apparent connection, not a direct cause) between pubic grooming and STIs.
Among the respondents to the questionnaire, 84 percent of the women and 66 percent of the men reported taking part in some type of pubic grooming. Those who reported pubic grooming were 80 percent more likely to also report having dealt with an STI, according to the findings. A higher frequency of pubic grooming translated to a higher incidence of STIs. For those in the extreme grooming category, the link between the behavior and STIs was quadruple that of nongroomers. Interestingly, even those who simply trimmed their pubic hair had an uptick in STI reporting. Not part of the study was condom use, or time intervals between grooming, sex and STIs, all of which could affect the results.
As for what may be going on, the researchers posed two theories. One is that pubic grooming may cause microtears and abrasions in the skin that create multiple new pathways for pathogens to enter the body. The other is that the groomers were more sexually active than the nongroomers. The survey results were intriguing enough that more research is forthcoming.
Send your questions to askthedoctors@mednet.ucla.edu, or write: Ask the Doctors, c/o Media Relations, UCLA Health, 924 Westwood Blvd., Suite 350, Los Angeles, CA, 90095. Owing to the volume of mail, personal replies cannot be provided.
What’s in the Box?
1x Handle
1x Shaver head
1x Epilator head
1x Bikini cover
1x Travel pouch
1x Charging cable
1x Cleaning brush
Price Comparison
$49.85 at Amazon
90 day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Tuesday, July 14th - Monday, July 20th
@Stallion Indeed.
Shaving off price tonight
Meh I have anxiously been awaiting for you to post a toothbrush for sale again. I will post this everyday until you finally sell another one again.
@jst1ofknd @reclaimercube If yer teeth get too furry from not brushing, I believe today’s product might assist you.
@reclaimercube I support this message, my toothbrush battery is dead and I would need to solder a battery together some cells as they do not sell the batteries, or buy a replacement.
@reclaimercube @therealjrn
How well do you think it would work for my nose hairs?
@jst1ofknd @therealjrn I personally prefer the pain of tweezers for nose hairs
@jst1ofknd @reclaimercube Tweezers, yes. That way you know you’re alive.
@jst1ofknd @reclaimercube @therealjrn the tears let you know your a man
@reclaimercube Day 12 of our toothbrush campaign. This is the 2nd bathroom related item meh has sold since our campaign started. We are getting close.
@reclaimercube I’m still using my toothbrush with the crap battery.
/giphy sigh
@reclaimercube I bet you could brush some of your teeth with this. And it’s battery operated, too!
Why is the meh button wearing the razor on its face?
/giphy bad meh button
Epilators? They squeeze out all your hairs… So basically a mechanical plucker that plucks out all your hairs as you push it along. That sounds more painful than waxing. At least in waxing it’s all in one go.
Or am I wrong. I’m a guy… I don’t wax or… Umm. epilate, is that a word?
@OnionSoup Epilators are less painful and damaging than waxing, for a few reasons:
@OnionSoup I should have said modern epilators. I had an Epilady, which was a nightmare appliance that did a whole lot of excruciatingly painful nothing.
Video review:
@The_Tim The pain is about a 5 out of 10.
(That was just on her arm.)
@djslack @The_Tim This woman has no body hair or any evidence of pores, so I don’t think she can be trusted. I think her AI programming gives it a 5/10 since there’s no way for it to determine.
WTF is a “Contoured Bikini Comb”?
@ksujeff99 Ask the stylist next time you have you hair done.
@hchavers @ksujeff99
@hchavers @ksujeff99 @therealjrn I’ve never considered having my Nasty Parts commune with plant life but I have an open mind. This could be the solution to that “problem” some men have.
@jewelshound I just assumed everybody had seen the ad.
Do I want a cheap razor that can pull hair near my bikini region?
@hchavers hmmm. do you?
@hchavers @therealjrn That photo. Taken after menopause. Seriously.
@hchavers @lisaviolet Umm…sorry?
@hchavers @therealjrn Well, yanno how you’re born hairless, then at puberty it starts coming in?
Reverse that. I have less than twenty hairs on the inside of each of my calves. Go to shave and “what the hell happened to my hair”?
And that’s not the only place hair is missing. Hardly any on my arms. I quit tweezing my eyebrows because they don’t grow back. I do have to trim them, though, think Larry Hagman or Andy Rooney.
I refuse to draw them on.
But I’m am the proud owner of a fine set of whiskers on my chin. And I’m getting a mustache as well. Getting to be too much to tweeze and I refuse to shave my face.
Epilator!!! Rip those puppies out!
@lisaviolet have you checked your thyroid? My mom lost her leg and arm hair and part of her eyebrows. Hypothyroid.
@RiotDemon They tested it last year. My mom’s hair did the same thing.
@hchavers @lisaviolet @therealjrn
So, when I was a kid, I simply thought that adult women all lost their body hair.
And when I was a teenager, I thought that maybe my leg hair would tone down after a while.
As an adult, I developed the notion that my mom was naturally hairless and I was just part sasquatch on my dad’s side.
But … my mom got a hysterectomy when I was a toddler. Could it be that?
@hchavers @therealjrn @whogots Maybe.
I do love the word “epilator.” When you hear that word you just know something wondrous is going to happen. I find myself wanting to be epilated. All over. I want to epilate the world, I am not a selfish man who keeps these pleasures, these miracles, for himself. Eyeing the cat (and the dog) I anticipate quality sometime epilating them. Just send me your entire epilator inventory. I cannot be tied down to just one epilator. I need enough to distribute to people that I convert to the joy of epilating. Payment might be an issue but I’ve made many purchases here at Meh Mecca so you can trust me. To rephrase a line from “1984,” “Oh, what a brave new world with such epilators in it.” I shall sacrifice some sleep developing my plan to epilate the world. I can’t wait to start. Can you ship them all tomorrow? I really, really want to get started.
Looks like a sub-meh product.
I think that epilator head needs to be painted bright red.
I can see someone groggily walking into the bathroom in the morning, not paying very close attention to what they’re picking up, and… tragedy.
@mehcuda67 Even if they intend to use it, it is still pretty traumatic. Epilators. Not even once.
So this device basically is for making cougar lady parts look like a teenager’s. Do I have that about right?
What messed up self-images we as a society market to women to become and men to desire. Sigh.
@mike808 You can also use it on legs and underarms, of which the non-management of hair can get you a lot of societal backlash. Not just for lady parts.
@HELLOALICE @mike808 Unless you’re in France. Then let your freak flag (and your underarm hair) fly.
@mike808 so judgemental.
@mike808 @RiotDemon I don’t mind body hair. Like It’s cool when people trim up or shave, but there are unfair expectations for females when it comes to body hair and that bothers me.
@JoetatoChip @mike808 it’s fine to say that, but to say that a cougar is trying to look like a teenager is gross. Maybe she doesn’t like hair. Maybe it’s uncomfortable.
@mike808 I don’t shave, but I sure pull on my chin whiskers a lot. It will be nice to have them gone.
Like a guy playing with his beard…yeah, I don’t like it when I realize that’s what I’m doing.
@mike808 Sit – and I mean this as kindly as possible – down, Mike.
@Thumperchick I got the error again, only this time managed to actually put a support ticket in (sorry, I’m terrible at everything).
@HELLOALICE I found it.
“Keeps My crack and cheeks ponderously sleek”
—Nigel SmoothBottom
@Bumplepimp So on fleek.
The first few seconds of using a modern epilator felt like an electric shock and I didn’t think I’d be able to bear it even though I have a high pain tolerance. It gets better quickly. One of the pros is since the hair grows back at different rates you never have a lot of hair showing. Con: Since hair grows back at different rates you are never completely hairless. I do love it though!
@callow I’m somewhat mystified by the way large swaths of my forearms are sparse now. When I paid for monthly waxing, the whole area was sparse. I don’t epilate any patches more often than others, so I have no idea what’s going on there.
Not important, though – epilators are great.
I actually have owned one of these for a while now and it’s not that bad. I use it (both the epilator and the razor) only on my legs though. This is a pretty good deal for it, too.
Epilators work great for dog control when riding my bicycle. Some favor pepper spray for over ambitious dogs, but an epilator will send them running while howling in pain at their neat clean legs and pubic area.
/giphy obscene rebellious paint
/giphy jaded-intelligent-toffee
All this discussion makes me want to go and hug my Emjoi.
/giphy hungry-tidy-conjurer
Ask the Doctors: Researchers find correlation between pubic grooming and STIs
By Dr. Ko & Dr. Glazier Ask the Doctors
Sep 21, 2018
Dear Doctor: Does getting a bikini wax really increase the risk of getting a sexually transmitted disease? How would someone figure that out?
Dear Reader: Whether it’s a bit of a trim for swimsuit season or the more extreme forms of waxing that leave you completely bare down there, millions of women (and a few men) engage in some type of pubic hair grooming. Now, the results of new research that looked into the practice suggest that, for people who are sexually active, pubic grooming may make it easier to contract a sexually transmitted infection, or STI.
It sounds more than a little alarming, so we’ll start by citing the lead investigator, an assistant professor of surgery at the University of Texas, who stated that while the study did reveal a correlation, it does not equal proof. The title uses the language “representative probability sample.” That translates only to “if … and,” not to the certainty of “if … therefore” when it comes to pubic grooming and STIs.
The researchers began with two statements — STIs are the most common infections among adults, and many adults take part in trimming or outright removing some or all of their pubic hair. (Considering the millions of cases of influenza reported each year, we confess that we were skeptical about the first statement. But STIs encompass a wide range of infections. Digging into statistics kept by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — 14 million new cases of human papillomavirus, or HPV, per year; 1.4 million new cases of chlamydia annually, to name just two types of STI — backed it up.)
The next step was a probability survey in which a group of U.S. residents between the ages of 18 and 65 were asked about pubic grooming habits, sexual activity and STIs. Extreme grooming was defined as having all pubic hair removed 11 or more times per year. Trimming pubic hair either weekly or daily was considered to be high-frequency grooming. STIs and pubic lice were tracked separately. A total of 7,580 people completed the questionnaires. The results, when analyzed, pointed to a correlation (again, an apparent connection, not a direct cause) between pubic grooming and STIs.
Among the respondents to the questionnaire, 84 percent of the women and 66 percent of the men reported taking part in some type of pubic grooming. Those who reported pubic grooming were 80 percent more likely to also report having dealt with an STI, according to the findings. A higher frequency of pubic grooming translated to a higher incidence of STIs. For those in the extreme grooming category, the link between the behavior and STIs was quadruple that of nongroomers. Interestingly, even those who simply trimmed their pubic hair had an uptick in STI reporting. Not part of the study was condom use, or time intervals between grooming, sex and STIs, all of which could affect the results.
As for what may be going on, the researchers posed two theories. One is that pubic grooming may cause microtears and abrasions in the skin that create multiple new pathways for pathogens to enter the body. The other is that the groomers were more sexually active than the nongroomers. The survey results were intriguing enough that more research is forthcoming.
Send your questions to askthedoctors@mednet.ucla.edu, or write: Ask the Doctors, c/o Media Relations, UCLA Health, 924 Westwood Blvd., Suite 350, Los Angeles, CA, 90095. Owing to the volume of mail, personal replies cannot be provided.
@therealjrn throw the whole comment away.
@RiotDemon Most of these pat newspaper columns are pretty much bull crap. I am filled with shame for posting it.
/giphy shame