Epilators are Satan’s playthings. I used to have an Epilady. If you are that type of masochist and enjoy ripping out one hair at a time then this is perfect for you.
@mediocrebot@RiotDemon either that or somebody there cares about me and doesn’t want to see my legs underarms and, oh dear! my lady bits torn asunder by this demon device.
I was reading the reviews over on Amazon and they’re a mixed bag of low stars from people who are SHOCKED! that an epilator hurts, low stars from people who say it’s crap because it’s low powered, and five stars from people who got it for free. I did notice several people mention that it takes 24 hours of charging to get 25 minutes of battery usage which is quite different from the above specs. Which is correct?
I bought this last time around, and it does the job. If you’ve ever had a tattoo, you know how the first minute is shocking, but then you just kind of accept it. This is similar. I haven’t had battery issues, but I also do not use it daily, or for a half hour at a time.
What time is it? It’s time for another Hallmehrk movie pitch! I was really yanking my hair out trying to come up with something for today. I think this will work:
Rob has backed way down on his law career and spends a lot of time helping his wife with her new dance studio in town.
Kelly is new in town, here to be a new dance instructor. But her moves may be a little urban for this small town to handle.
Jack meets Kelly in the alley behind his store next door to the dance studio, and they hit it off. After a whirlwind affair, they get married.
Now it’s Christmas time, and Nathan has got to get something for his new stepmom. Guess it’s time to start collecting cans. He checks with Mr. Thomas and gets the new Yeezy Moves hip hop dance shoes specially ordered in, so he only needs to collect about four thousand empty cans within their town of two thousand people. He starts a soda drinking contest to try to achieve his goals.
Can he get his new stepmom the shoes he knows will dazzle her? Will they pay off in a dope dance battle montage? You bet, because this is Christmas Shoes II: Electric Boogaloo!
I got one the last time they were available, not for the razor, but the epilator.
At my age, the leg hair thing is pretty much done, I don’t know where it went, but there isn’t much there and in less than five minutes with the epilator, it was gone.
And then the reason I got it. My chin. OMG, I’ve got old lady whiskers on my chin. Less than ten, but those suckers don’t stop growing and plucking them every week doesn’t really do much to stop them from coming back. Using this “rip them out by the roots” product I have a least a month before they start showing their nasty little fuzzy selves again. Not that other people would notice unless I let them grow, but you know that Three Little Pigs saying? “Not by the hair on my chinny, chin, chin”? Try keeping focused on a movie when all you can do is pull on them. And the fact that they even exist just burns into your very soul.
@sammydog01 I got it for my whiskers. The rest is just icing on the cake.
I had wanted one for a while, but never could find anything affordable (read: cheap). This is one of the best hygienic tools I have.
And if I go missing and they need my DNA to see if that bloated body might be mine, the root bulb is still on the hair this little machine ripped out (if I didn’t do a decent job of cleaning the cap).
If it’s damaged, defective, or just DOA, we’ll either refund or replace it at our discretion. Just fill out our support form and tell us all about it.
We DO NOT accept returns if you just decided you didn’t want it, don’t like the color, or just feeling a little buyer’s remorse. You might try eBay - with as cheap as you probably got it, you could even end up making a little off it. Or hone your reputation for generosity by giving it to someone a little less picky.
What’s in the Box?
1x Handle
1x Shaver head
1x Epilator head
1x Bikini cover
1x Travel pouch
1x Charging cable
1x Cleaning brush
Price Comparison
$34.99 at Amazon
90 day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
This is just a powered toothbrush for your… BEWARE!!!
@shahnm Soooooo, another stolen deal?
This isn’t 1000 used mouse traps.
Why is it weirdly faded to red?
/giphy fade to red

What I really to hear the stories of those who have used this torture device, the sucke… buyers of the first listing.
@hchavers From the 'Zon:
Omg. No.
@hchavers I commented below. It does the job. 4 stars, for being an epilator… and being an epilator.
Off topic: The gov’t just shut down. Air traffic controllers must now work without getting paid. Is anybody flying anytime soon?
Uhhhh…can they fix this by next Friday. Please?
@Kyser_Soze Funny, they continue to tax my pay…#notreallyshutdown
worst anniversary present ever.
Epilators are Satan’s playthings. I used to have an Epilady. If you are that type of masochist and enjoy ripping out one hair at a time then this is perfect for you.
@mehgrl I had one. Briefly.
@sammydog01 Then you know. solemn nod
@mehgrl Does it also work for sadists, who enjoy ripping out other peoples’ hairs one at a time?
@mehgrl I’ve had a few, starting with the epilady. Medieval torture devices, all of them.
You guys found a worse Christmas present than a vacuum cleaner. Congrats!
@sublimosa @mediocrebot must be sleeping.
@mediocrebot @RiotDemon either that or somebody there cares about me and doesn’t want to see my legs underarms and, oh dear! my lady bits torn asunder by this demon device.
This deal is a real Panasonic?
Not a Meh special Pursonic?

/image Panaphonic
I was reading the reviews over on Amazon and they’re a mixed bag of low stars from people who are SHOCKED! that an epilator hurts, low stars from people who say it’s crap because it’s low powered, and five stars from people who got it for free. I did notice several people mention that it takes 24 hours of charging to get 25 minutes of battery usage which is quite different from the above specs. Which is correct?
@PurplePawprints I will never find that out.
@PurplePawprints I’ve only charged mine once. But then, it takes less than five minutes to rip the whiskers out.
@PurplePawprints The table in the Amazon listing says 24 hours for 25 minutes. Maybe a Meh minion copied it over wrong?
I bought this last time around, and it does the job. If you’ve ever had a tattoo, you know how the first minute is shocking, but then you just kind of accept it. This is similar. I haven’t had battery issues, but I also do not use it daily, or for a half hour at a time.
@ivymae So in other words, it’s like pancakes, all exciting for the first minute or so, but then you’re like, “meh”?
What time is it? It’s time for another Hallmehrk movie pitch! I was really yanking my hair out trying to come up with something for today. I think this will work:
Rob has backed way down on his law career and spends a lot of time helping his wife with her new dance studio in town.
Kelly is new in town, here to be a new dance instructor. But her moves may be a little urban for this small town to handle.
Jack meets Kelly in the alley behind his store next door to the dance studio, and they hit it off. After a whirlwind affair, they get married.
Now it’s Christmas time, and Nathan has got to get something for his new stepmom. Guess it’s time to start collecting cans. He checks with Mr. Thomas and gets the new Yeezy Moves hip hop dance shoes specially ordered in, so he only needs to collect about four thousand empty cans within their town of two thousand people. He starts a soda drinking contest to try to achieve his goals.
Can he get his new stepmom the shoes he knows will dazzle her? Will they pay off in a dope dance battle montage? You bet, because this is Christmas Shoes II: Electric Boogaloo!
I got one the last time they were available, not for the razor, but the epilator.
At my age, the leg hair thing is pretty much done, I don’t know where it went, but there isn’t much there and in less than five minutes with the epilator, it was gone.
And then the reason I got it. My chin. OMG, I’ve got old lady whiskers on my chin. Less than ten, but those suckers don’t stop growing and plucking them every week doesn’t really do much to stop them from coming back. Using this “rip them out by the roots” product I have a least a month before they start showing their nasty little fuzzy selves again. Not that other people would notice unless I let them grow, but you know that Three Little Pigs saying? “Not by the hair on my chinny, chin, chin”? Try keeping focused on a movie when all you can do is pull on them. And the fact that they even exist just burns into your very soul.
Yeah, it hurts, but it’s worth it.
@lisaviolet Now I kind of want one too. But I still have bad memories of the Epilady.
@sammydog01 I got it for my whiskers. The rest is just icing on the cake.
I had wanted one for a while, but never could find anything affordable (read: cheap). This is one of the best hygienic tools I have.
And if I go missing and they need my DNA to see if that bloated body might be mine, the root bulb is still on the hair this little machine ripped out (if I didn’t do a decent job of cleaning the cap).
@lisaviolet this is why I’ve been thinking about getting one! And Yes! It does burn the soul!
Thanks for the review. I’ve gotten one now
@lisaviolet I almost bought one but remembered I’m trying to not spend any money for a while. I’ll stick to my tweezers for now.
Ha!!! Yeah, right!

@mfladd Socks don’t count, right? The kid needs socks.
@sammydog01 Nope, socks are a complete necessity and do not count against your spending restrictions. Good luck, you are going to need it
I will be ripping hair out by the roots in no time!!
How do I return?
@katie14127 Just go back the same way.
@katie14127 Refer to the FAQ.