@The_Baron Yup. Free phone service for life with Ooma.Makes perfect sense to have a VOIP landline. Good for emergency calls... and hey... its a free extra phone number.
Never know when you'll next forget to plug the cell phone in to charge... you can still call with a landline. :)
@unixrab since it does not have Bluetooth, was going to say you could plug your speaker dock into the handsets. . . but the handsets don't have a headset jack either.
@phatmass fun fact, if you use certain extentions that change your IP to UK , you can watch all of better call saul on netflix and new episodes hours after it airs. also the US version of netflix will get Better call Saul a few weeks after the finale
@unixrab if only some place existed where we could track down a ton of E.T. cartridges...a place where they have been "dumped" - but alas no such place exists.
@giroro you plug the base into the wall, the phone line into the phone base and the rechargable batteries last about a year. Maybe 8 hours of talking on a charge when they are new.
@Kidsandliz I speak from experience too. I have an older model and I was able to use the phone on battery power during Super Storm Sandy when we lost power for a few days. I had to pull the battery at times because the beeping was driving me nuts.
@spacezorro some of them do allow you to send cell phone calls to them and send those calls to your cell phone but I don't know what this one does (too lazy to google)
@unixrab Petty times for a young unit, but I reckon if I had to do it all again I'd... murder those astronauts just the same. Wouldn't you, folks? Wouldn't... you?
@ptrjon I use them with the uverse that is in this house BUT you have plug a phone wire between the modem and the phone base, plug the phone base into the wall… then you have phone service that way. The people whose basement I live in already had a landline attached to their uverse and so I had get a second one attached with a special splitter. Once you are set up that way it works with uverse.
What are the directions to Meh's offices? Well you just hop on a time machine and travel back to 1990, when people had landlines and Irks smoked cigarettes.
@jqubed To mock the shallow, vulgarized (hence the adjective "dimestore") futurism of people who think it's visionary to assume recent marketing trends have changed everything forever. No diss intended to Bucky F.
There are some good uses for a landline phone 1) teen gets their cell phone taken away 2) while teen does not have cell phone with this brand you can pick up and it won't click (does say conference call if they look at the headset) so you can listen to find out if they plan to sneak out... 3) when the cell phone battery is dead
@unixrab... OR, how about you pay $50-100 a month on your cell, and with my Ooma, I pay less than $5 a month for my landline. Enjoy spending that extra $1000 a year...
@ModusPwnens I only got one 4 years ago and then I got a 10 cent a min phone and pay $30 for 2 months, 300 min. Add in the landline tied to uverse - so I use that when I am home to save cell min and that is $30/mo total (uverse is not mine, people where I live have it). I only got the landline because I wasn't allowed to make personal calls on a work phone and the ghetto van breaks down so often I need one to call towing. Most people do not have my cell number because I see no reason why I should be reachable 24/7 by phone. If someone died - those people who'd call me already have my number. Everyone else - that is what an answering machine is for. No good reason that I can think of where I need to be accessible all the time. Sometimes I wish my kid did not have my cell number.
She hated the two sets of playground-color kitchen cutting boards. And pointed out I already had ten or so other cutting boards of various materials, none quite so ugly.
She made fun of me for ordering the cheap bar glasses a week ago, pointing out that we have all those glasses in spades. I couldn't know this. I don't know where she hides that shit. I drink from mason jars.
I refresh the MEH-tab shortly after midnight, she's walking by, she wants the landline phones.
Our marriage is saved.
Perhaps she warmed to Mediocrity when she opened the box with VMP socks this afternoon. Doesn't matter, we're in couples counseling. MEH will have to go.
I still have 3 earlier version Panasonic phones I use for a landline. Only cause the local internet company keeps offering the internet, tv and phone bundle for slightly more than the internet alone would be. Used for outgoing calls only.
So glad I spent so much time in the Buckminster Fuller exhibit at that museum in Chicago in 2009 so I could get that joke at the end of the writeup. But I don't know what a landline is so the rest of it didn't make any sense.
I get the feeling that at the staff meeting that discussed this particular Friday offering there was a general sense of "just post it and then leave the office. last person, just get the lights"
So apparently I'm one of the few people that find holding a cell phone to my ear uncomfortable for more than a few minutes. Phones like this + ooma, worth it.
What a slew of douchenozzles. There's about a billion reasons to still have a land line or a "not cell" phone. FFS.
Maybe if your smartphone wasn't like a fucking extension of your body (and existence) you'd understand. Go outside, see the trees (without tweeting about it or posting it on Instagram)
@Pufferfishy PS - Panasonic makes a decent phone. Don't have this one, but have a 5 handset model that supports cell forwarding and I love it. And no you fucksticks I don't have a land line - I have FiOS.
@Pufferfishy I happen to agree there are lots of valid reasons to have a "landline", but in this context, a FiOS phone line is a landline, same as U-verse, Ooma, and Vonage. You might be thinking of a "POTS" (Plain Old Telephone Service) line from ma bell.
Why all the whining and belly-aching about folks still having landlines? Isn't meh.com a hoarder hangout? You gotta keep that landline. . . just in case.
Are you kidding me with this? Maybe more half the country still has land lines but not half of your customers! I would be less than 20% of people that use Meh, have land lines, and I bet they all have phones already. This is not going to sell well.
@hellx Oh it might to people with teens. These phones do not stand up well to repeatedly being thrown against the wall by an angry teen who has had their cell phone put in cell phone jail. They actually manage to survive being dropped fairly frequently, it is the deliberate can I make a hole in the wall with a phone action they don't live through very well LOL. For a while there bratchild thought that if she broke the house phones she'd get her cell phone back. Nope. Then she'd have no phone. Tough luck for her then. I started with 4 headsets and 4+ years later have 2 working ones which isn't bad all things considering the behavior of a troubled kid ( I adopted her as an older child and she has more than her share of issues stemming from what she lived through prior to me).
I have these http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00ISKW2VY/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Which are great by the way, they do have bluetooth and they link to my wifes and my cellphone, we also have a VoIP land line which is free for us! (more on that later) So when I saw these, each individual headset costs about 30 bucks... and we wanted to add two more, so these came in just at the right moment. I bought a set just to use the headsets with my existing phone system:
Now, for my "land line" I bought a while ago an OOMA here on meh... turned out it was defective and meh did not have a replacement, so I had to send it back, which turned out to be a mixed blessing. Since I really wanted to have a cheap phone service I did some digging and found out that there is a company OBITALK, that makes these wonderful devices the OBI 100 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004LO098O/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and they use googles voice full potential: and google voice IS 100% FREE , so you just end up paying for the device alone... no monthly fees no 911 service fee.. no nothing.... and in case you want/need 911 service, you can add it to your obi account for a dollar a month. so yeah, long story short, this is a great deal!, thanks meh!
@Pufferfishywe can even text to 911 in our market. I think they implanted it for folks who were in dangerous situations where they could not make noise.
It's a good gift for my girlfriend. She's got a landline, and the phones plugged into it are kinda like these, but they sat out in a garage one winter and the cold killed the displays. How and why? I dunno. But she'll appreciate getting replacements. And also the battery in one of hers doesn't hold a charge anymore, and she hasn't gotten around to getting a replacement for that, so she's down to one working handset.
@getkind Okay, now that's impressive. I whined about non-shipping at 8:12pm and my shipping notice came in 22 minutes later. Is that customer service, or what?
Condition: Refurbished
Warranty: 90 Day Panasonic
Estimated Delivery: 3/11 - 3/13
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Base station
1x Secondary charging station
2x Handsets
4x AAA batteries
Front view
Side view
Back view
Mouse call
Price Check
$59.95 List
$56.99 at Amazon
90 days
God no.
We miss you
@lichme that's not a short enough pier
What the crap is that?
People still have land lines?
Good price for that kind of phone though.
@The_Baron SHOCKER: you can use these with FiOS or an Ooma.
@Pufferfishy I am aware of VoIP. Just being a jackass.
@The_Baron Yup. Free phone service for life with Ooma.Makes perfect sense to have a VOIP landline. Good for emergency calls... and hey... its a free extra phone number.
Never know when you'll next forget to plug the cell phone in to charge... you can still call with a landline. :)
Maybe if it was $1.50
@Skylord123 what you think the goddamn lochness monster is having a sale..
I have a land line against my will. The phone I have hooked up is from 1995. I found it at Goodwill!
@SpartanIV You have something against your will from Goodwill?
ouch... a speaker dock with handsets and an answering machine! is it bluetooth compatible?
@unixrab since it does not have Bluetooth, was going to say you could plug your speaker dock into the handsets. . . but the handsets don't have a headset jack either.
Better Call Saul is not on Hulu.
@phatmass then don't say anything about it!
@phatmass fun fact, if you use certain extentions that change your IP to UK , you can watch all of better call saul on netflix and new episodes hours after it airs. also the US version of netflix will get Better call Saul a few weeks after the finale
I guess it's a dock? Does it have a speaker in the little one?
These aren't the speaker docks I was looking for.
@Headly You rang? Sorry I wasn't there to take your call. Next time, leave a message on my machine and I'll get back to you ASAP.
I don't think meh could get anymore meh tonight
Gee, next week it'll be a phone with a rotary dial.
@eeterrific that actually sounds pretty great
@eeterrific Oh Yeah. Those are quite retro.
@eeterrific That I would buy.
It's Friday... Is that a speaker phone dock?
I look forward to Meh's deal on black and white tvs tomorrow.
@Superjimtendo nah... it'll be an Atari 2600... WITH E.T.!
@unixrab Except that is useful
@camille well... E.T. can use today's item
@unixrab if only some place existed where we could track down a ton of E.T. cartridges...a place where they have been "dumped" - but alas no such place exists.
Apparently Indiana is the only state that still has landlines
Just found my grandma's birthday gift. I hope she has not learned the word "meh"
Okay, okay, we get the message. Everyone who bitched about speaker docks better apologize.
@ModusPwnens but you just bitched......
I guess I can't use it with power outages... which is the only reason for a landline.
@on You can use it during power outages until the rechargeable batteries run down.
there's batteries in the phone, but what powers the receiver?
@giroro you plug the base into the wall, the phone line into the phone base and the rechargable batteries last about a year. Maybe 8 hours of talking on a charge when they are new.
@heartny No you can't use it in a power outage as the base needs powered too. I have an older version of these and I speak from experience.
@Kidsandliz I speak from experience too. I have an older model and I was able to use the phone on battery power during Super Storm Sandy when we lost power for a few days. I had to pull the battery at times because the beeping was driving me nuts.
@heartny You must have a different model than I do. Wonder what is true for this one.
Can I connect this somehow to my iPhone?
@spacezorro some of them do allow you to send cell phone calls to them and send those calls to your cell phone but I don't know what this one does (too lazy to google)
I was going to say "meh" until I saw that BACK VIEW!!! rawwwr!!!
Who in the hell still uses a physical answering machine?
@capguncowboy Hipsters.
@capguncowboy me. My cell phone is 10 cents a min and my landline is $15/mo
@Kidsandliz, buy an Ooma. I pay $4.30 a month now.
@haydesigner or even better, get an obihai with google voice. I just pay $12/year for e911. Google voice is FREE.
@capguncowboy Me- plus I get the occasional reverse 911 call on it
@haydesigner better yet. Travel back in time and grandfather ypurself in before you were required to pay taxes monthly on the ooma.
These will sell out. Nostalgia is so "in" right now.
meh is finally selling AAA batteries...
yeaaaaah, get it Oklahoma and Indiana!
I have a similar model plugged into my ooma. Panasonic cordless are usually good quality phones.
Is this comptible with my wifi or wireless provider? What are wires anyway? These would have been awesome in 2001.
@ptrjon I'm sorry Dave - these are not awesome in 2001
Petty times for a young unit, but I reckon if I had to do it all again I'd... murder those astronauts just the same. Wouldn't you, folks? Wouldn't... you?
@ptrjon I use them with the uverse that is in this house BUT you have plug a phone wire between the modem and the phone base, plug the phone base into the wall… then you have phone service that way. The people whose basement I live in already had a landline attached to their uverse and so I had get a second one attached with a special splitter. Once you are set up that way it works with uverse.
What are the directions to Meh's offices?
Well you just hop on a time machine and travel back to 1990, when people had landlines and Irks smoked cigarettes.
THIS I would have bought - just to hook it up to my VOIP and answer incoming calls on it.
Wait, why bring Buckminster Fuller into this write-up @JasonToon?
@jqubed Haha I thought so, too; and I'm way too old to be a hipster.
@jqubed To mock the shallow, vulgarized (hence the adjective "dimestore") futurism of people who think it's visionary to assume recent marketing trends have changed everything forever. No diss intended to Bucky F.
Ummm .............
That "pittance" for landline service is like $45 a month. Almost $30 of it is taxes and you can't just bundle that away.
@giroro not if it is connected to uverse $15/mo
@Kidsandliz So is mine $15 plus tax.
@giroro ooma is free once you buy the base. ($100).
Taxes are about $3 a month most places.
My rat is famous!
He can even be a mouse!
What talent!
Tell him his family is so proud!
Don't have a landline. But I did buy an Ooma for thirty bucks at radio shack. So I sort of could use this, if I didn't still have my old ones.
There are some good uses for a landline phone
1) teen gets their cell phone taken away
2) while teen does not have cell phone with this brand you can pick up and it won't click (does say conference call if they look at the headset) so you can listen to find out if they plan to sneak out...
3) when the cell phone battery is dead
@Kidsandliz I solved all those problems by having dogs instead of kids. :)
@pepsiwine a litter would probably be less painful
@pepsiwine you havent got your dogs their own cell phones?
What do thry use their speaker docks for then?
Aww, this almost makes me miss having a landline.
so...what's the breakdown of these votes? 60%old 40%preppers?
@unixrab... OR, how about you pay $50-100 a month on your cell, and with my Ooma, I pay less than $5 a month for my landline. Enjoy spending that extra $1000 a year...
@haydesigner Do you seriously not have a cell phone?
@haydesigner "NO PAYPHONES!?!? hang on...let me run home to make a call..."
@ModusPwnens I only got one 4 years ago and then I got a 10 cent a min phone and pay $30 for 2 months, 300 min. Add in the landline tied to uverse - so I use that when I am home to save cell min and that is $30/mo total (uverse is not mine, people where I live have it). I only got the landline because I wasn't allowed to make personal calls on a work phone and the ghetto van breaks down so often I need one to call towing. Most people do not have my cell number because I see no reason why I should be reachable 24/7 by phone. If someone died - those people who'd call me already have my number. Everyone else - that is what an answering machine is for. No good reason that I can think of where I need to be accessible all the time. Sometimes I wish my kid did not have my cell number.
@Kidsandliz well..you're reachable here...so... we'll let you know stuff as needed.
@ModusPwnens... I do. I have a Tracfone, and I average about $7 a month.
I still have a 3 or 4 handset Panasonic phone which was depicted as "Mediocre" in 2006...I've no Idea why I bought the next item: The Lips of Death
My wife is appalled I even look at MEH.
She hated the two sets of playground-color kitchen cutting boards. And pointed out I already had ten or so other cutting boards of various materials, none quite so ugly.
She made fun of me for ordering the cheap bar glasses a week ago, pointing out that we have all those glasses in spades. I couldn't know this. I don't know where she hides that shit. I drink from mason jars.
I refresh the MEH-tab shortly after midnight, she's walking by, she wants the landline phones.
Our marriage is saved.
Perhaps she warmed to Mediocrity when she opened the box with VMP socks this afternoon. Doesn't matter, we're in couples counseling. MEH will have to go.
@wkw I bet it was the subliminal message on the offer's title that won over the wife. She loves Psych.
@wkw you got a box with your mediocre socks??? Not fair. Mine came in one of those impossible to open cheap-ass plastic bags.
@RedOak i havent got my socks yet.
I still have 3 earlier version Panasonic phones I use for a landline. Only cause the local internet company keeps offering the internet, tv and phone bundle for slightly more than the internet alone would be. Used for outgoing calls only.
So glad I spent so much time in the Buckminster Fuller exhibit at that museum in Chicago in 2009 so I could get that joke at the end of the writeup. But I don't know what a landline is so the rest of it didn't make any sense.
@briann Wow...the phone with wires?
@margot ohh...the charger?
I get the feeling that at the staff meeting that discussed this particular Friday offering there was a general sense of "just post it and then leave the office. last person, just get the lights"
Maybe it's cathartic
@unixrab I suspect this meeting began; "Great news Shipping Team, you guys get a breather because Friday we are seling..."
25 bucks for a phone i dont use? what the heck? oh, i received the socks, how did you guys know my size, you guys are the best!!! go meh!!!
@bacon4jason Waaahhhhhh they didn't know my size and mine are too big. They are sized for men.
@Kidsandliz you know what they say about small feet lol...sorry man you set me up for it
@Kidsandliz the socks arent quality socks, so youre not missing much but we do love free stuff
Buggy whips next hella please
Not only do I still have a landline, I have a trimline model on the wall, working fine, and a spare in the garage for power outages.
First order emails return, now meh.com customer service can be reached at MAdison 1-8303.
@mcanavino that's really funny. Too bad no one under 90 will get it.
@defibrillator Under 90??? Numbers were still operating that way in the early 60's in big cities, longer in rural areas.
@mcanavino My B-I-L (England) answers his phone "(city)-0202."
No Georgia Red. . . for that alone, meh.
So apparently I'm one of the few people that find holding a cell phone to my ear uncomfortable for more than a few minutes. Phones like this + ooma, worth it.
What a slew of douchenozzles. There's about a billion reasons to still have a land line or a "not cell" phone. FFS.
Maybe if your smartphone wasn't like a fucking extension of your body (and existence) you'd understand. Go outside, see the trees (without tweeting about it or posting it on Instagram)
@Pufferfishy PS - Panasonic makes a decent phone. Don't have this one, but have a 5 handset model that supports cell forwarding and I love it. And no you fucksticks I don't have a land line - I have FiOS.
@Pufferfishy I happen to agree there are lots of valid reasons to have a "landline", but in this context, a FiOS phone line is a landline, same as U-verse, Ooma, and Vonage. You might be thinking of a "POTS" (Plain Old Telephone Service) line from ma bell.
Why all the whining and belly-aching about folks still having landlines? Isn't meh.com a hoarder hangout? You gotta keep that landline. . . just in case.
Are you kidding me with this? Maybe more half the country still has land lines but not half of your customers! I would be less than 20% of people that use Meh, have land lines, and I bet they all have phones already. This is not going to sell well.
@hellx Oh it might to people with teens. These phones do not stand up well to repeatedly being thrown against the wall by an angry teen who has had their cell phone put in cell phone jail. They actually manage to survive being dropped fairly frequently, it is the deliberate can I make a hole in the wall with a phone action they don't live through very well LOL. For a while there bratchild thought that if she broke the house phones she'd get her cell phone back. Nope. Then she'd have no phone. Tough luck for her then. I started with 4 headsets and 4+ years later have 2 working ones which isn't bad all things considering the behavior of a troubled kid ( I adopted her as an older child and she has more than her share of issues stemming from what she lived through prior to me).
I'll will be quite perturbed if these end up in my next fuku....and seriously meh, what's the deal? When do we get a crack at the next one?

@tentalces1349 Not sure that a skeleton would have any use for a fuku LOL, now maybe put one IN a fuku….
I don't own a landline. I thought of a gift for my parents but I realised that they too don't have a landline...
I have these
Which are great by the way, they do have bluetooth and they link to my wifes and my cellphone, we also have a VoIP land line which is free for us! (more on that later)
So when I saw these, each individual headset costs about 30 bucks... and we wanted to add two more, so these came in just at the right moment.
I bought a set just to use the headsets with my existing phone system:
Now, for my "land line" I bought a while ago an OOMA here on meh... turned out it was defective and meh did not have a replacement, so I had to send it back, which turned out to be a mixed blessing. Since I really wanted to have a cheap phone service I did some digging and found out that there is a company OBITALK, that makes these wonderful devices the OBI 100
and they use googles voice full potential: and google voice IS 100% FREE , so you just end up paying for the device alone... no monthly fees no 911 service fee.. no nothing.... and in case you want/need 911 service, you can add it to your obi account for a dollar a month.
so yeah, long story short, this is a great deal!, thanks meh!
No landline? Hope you're able to speak when you make those 9-1-1 calls.
@Pufferfishy Cell phones push their GPS coordinates to the 911 operators
@Pufferfishy In the event I need 911 I'm far more likely to be next to my cell phone than a land line.
@Copperweb not in every market they don't - in fact, not in many outside of major metropolises, and even then it's no guarantee...
@Pufferfishy Oh, like my cat could even dial that last 1 before headbumping me in the hopes that I'll feed her and then eating my face off.
@Pufferfishy we can even text to 911 in our market. I think they implanted it for folks who were in dangerous situations where they could not make noise.
Panasonic 3-Handset Cordless Answering System Model#KX-TG433SK is $39.99 new from costco and has 3 handsets. Which is the better deal?
Based on sales, would you care to reconsider that "yes, people still have land lines" comment?
Landlines are being dismantled pretty soon anyway. It'll all be VoIP.
That rat doesn't even use a land line. Probably being bought up by collectors.
How about a poll to find out how long those without landlines have been living in the future.
Me? ~ 14 years.
What color are those phones??! Are they gold or black? It's freaking me out!! 😛
I love purple.
Haven't bought anything from here in over a month! You gotta step up your game and sell useful things
@CloneCommander so much this
It's cheaper than replacing the batteries on my last pair of deal-a-day phones I got from the place that shall not be named.
With a land line they will actually know I AM at home. No sir re bob- No way! Guess where I am... That is the way I like it ;p
Will this phone work with my landline?
@Kleineleh yes.
To no one in particular, I should have bought the damn phones.
@wew there will be more damned phones. Just keep your darned eyes open.
It's a good gift for my girlfriend. She's got a landline, and the phones plugged into it are kinda like these, but they sat out in a garage one winter and the cold killed the displays. How and why? I dunno. But she'll appreciate getting replacements. And also the battery in one of hers doesn't hold a charge anymore, and she hasn't gotten around to getting a replacement for that, so she's down to one working handset.
So ... when is it going to ship? Huh? Huh? Huh?
@getkind Okay, now that's impressive. I whined about non-shipping at 8:12pm and my shipping notice came in 22 minutes later. Is that customer service, or what?