By what metric/standard are these considered “fake?”
For my money, if Meh says these are “real freshwater pearls” then I believe them. These are being purchased to be worn and enjoyed, not to be locked up and handed down for generations as a priceless relic. So long as they’re not plastic then they are fine by me.
@melonscoop They could be shell pearls, aka Majorca pearls, man made from ground pearls in much the same fashion as the oyster does it but a lot faster. They are often more lustrous than natural pearls. They also tend to be pefectly round. But fresh water pearls, which are rarely perfectly round*, are not nearly as expensive as saltwater pearls, and at this price point there’s no reason to believe they aren’t real.
*Saltwater oysters make only one pearl at a time, so they are usually completely round. Freshwater oysters make several at once, they are nestled together and tend to have a flat side and are often elongated. Some pearls are quite off round, and are still well favored and can be sold at just as high prices as the traditional round saltwater pearls. See baroque and keshi pearls below. The most I’ve paid for pearls were for a couple of strands of tiny titanium and rose keshi pearls.
@rkess88 doesn’t come with the earings, but I think these are higher quality pearls. I got the last deal for my wife for Christmas but wish I’d held out for this one
@dbhyslop these aren’t the same pearls as the last one? I got that but I haven’t opened it (obviously, because it’s a Christmas present for not-me). Should I give in to my hoarder instincts and get this one too? What’s the difference?
@RDW0409 Probably too late, but yes they’re different pearls. The earlier deal had pearls rated AA and semi-round, while these are AA+ and mostly-round to round. The last deal had more pearls for the same price so something had to give.
Bought some Pearly whites – just don’t want to see pearly white (gates) yet though I am turning old enough to light a forest fire with candles on my birthday cake Tuesday … on a good side note, it pays to procrastinate as thanks meh #finishingmyChristmasshopping
Eh, my mom is terrible to shop for. She insists that all she wants is time with her kids.
She has white pearl earrings… So I at least know she likes pearls. I hope she doesn’t mind the black necklace. I think it looks cooler than white. Too bad this wasn’t a set, but the pearls look rounder in these photos than the last set, which is why I didn’t buy those.
/image late voluptuous quiet
/giphy late voluptuous quiet
I’m glad to hear positive comments about these necklaces, as I wasn’t sure if I wanted to risk a sight-unseen purchase of pearls. I did all my gift shopping on line this year except for my DIL, who cheated by putting toys for my grandson on her Amazon wish-list. I was planning to go fight for a parking space at the base exchange tomorrow, but I may just skip that altogether. I need the necklace by 5pm Monday the 26th, so I really hope the speedy shipping is indeed speedy.
She was gettin’ bombed
And I was gettin’ blown away
And she held it in her hand
And this is what she had to say
A pearl necklace
She wanna pearl necklace
In for one of the white ones. Been looking for a present for the step-mom, and she’s retiring on the 24th… seems like a great addition to the Old Lady Starter Set.
I got the black ones last time around. Look, I’m not a pearl guy, but if someone threw these to me in a parade, I might not figure there was anything special about them.
WTF??? When the f does MEH begin their sales? I’m pretty mehffin tired of receiving your emails at 7:59 am only to find a big fat SOLD OUT message. Not that I was planning on purchasing this item, it happens quite often and I’m not feeling the love.
@RiotDemon Ah, good to know! I’m occasionally awake at that time so I guess I’ll have to make the effort to stalk them, rather than waiting for a “thanks for playing” message. Ty RiotDemon!
@bloondie2 you’re welcome. They usually reserve some inventory for the 8am crowd, that’s probably why they send that email right before 8, but you have to be quick sometimes.
@jbrookebarrow The pearls are “natural” and so are the dyes.
Will anyone be around to care when some alien archaeologist finds them sifting through the glowing rubble and green glass aftermath of the Trumpocalypse?
I looked it up. You meant Woot’s Bag O’ Crap. Had to Goog.le it. But thanks! I picked up two dozen Crap Bags. I’m getting Pearl Necklaces for every woman in my family. Those bags are such a good deal!
Me in past: "Why be a VMP? I haven’t seen anything I want."
Me Today: “Damn I missed that my wife would like that!”
<Joined VMP>
Me Now: “Damn, I can’t buy it because I joined today.”
Can someone tell me what the deal with the certified value is?
I have to imagine it’s a lie, because otherwise it would be worth the effort to resell them.
@dashcloud if you are interested in buying these to resell, you’re missing the point. Get them if you are planning to spend less than $40 to make someone’s month with a nice pretty necklace.
Well, I was surprised when I got a text from my wife saying something from meh was delivered. Had to think of a quick excuse as to why I had something from meh, so I told her it was a couple mini helicopters and some cheap smartwatches. I think I covered for the ridiculously fast shipping. Next time don’t do so great with the shipping meh.
@Thumperchick ah I got it. I must’ve bent the little clasp piece a bit when opening it because it wasn’t hooking that well. I just opened it up a bit more and it works just fine now. Thanks so much for your help. And for anyone else. The pearls are nice. Some imperfections on them, but, for 35 dollars I cant complain.
Mine came in one day only as well. And I just got a shipping notice e-mail (about 24 hours after package arrived). The gray pearls have a pinkish hue, but they are definitely not pink.
I just got my tracking. They shipped yesterday. Says they should be here tomorrow. Looks like they shipped 2 day FedEx. They’re still sitting in Texas according to tracking… But at least that’s not far from Florida.
Thanks meh. recieved an email the shipped this morning, except the package had already arrived yesterday. They look pretty nice, but im no expert. I also received a $50 gift card to their website which is a nice surprise.
For future shoppers or for those who havent received their package yet, the necklace I received is ~17 inches long and has 53 pearls. The clasp is a unique design and I would say it’s easier to put on than a traditional hook/loop clasp. The actual pearls look good. of course, if you start looking at each individual pearl, you’ll start to see some flaws, but for 32 dollars i’m not expecting jewelry to rival the queen of england. hopefully this short review can help someone out.
Update folks - I tried to use the $50 gift card to pick up a pair of earrings for valentines, but there’s a minimum $100 order to use the card. It doesnt say that on the gift card package, but instead on the fine print on the back of the gift card itself. I, for one, am quite dissapointed.
Nothing here yet from including tracking info but seems like the package might get there before the info does. They said it would be here before Xmas so they still have a couple days to git r done.
They arrived and I’ve gotta say, I own several pearl necklaces and this one is by far the prettiest and best. If they go on sale again I will certainly buy more!
received today, pearls are round and very similar, but otherwise they are barely grade A pearls, nowhere close to being AA+. Wondering how the quality is on other peoples orders. If someone has the same experience or a different one, please let me know.
@upbeatanime how does one distinguish between a Grade A pearl and a Grade AA+?
For what it’s worth I’m happy for the money spent, I don’t expect a whole lot from a necklace sold for $110 no matter how much the claimed value thereof is. The pearls seem nice and aren’t notably misshapen or discolored to my (untrained) eye.
The grey are nice and worth it, the black are terrible. No luster, they just look like black matte beads on a string. I honestly don’t think they are really pearls.
@mtb002 You can test them by rubbing them between your front teeth. If they are pearls, they will feel slightly gritty. If they feel smooth, they aren’t real pearls.
I was being facetious, I shouldn’t have used honestly. Black pearls aren’t really black most of the time, they have a beautiful sheen/luster that makes them look grey/blue/purple/green depending on the light. The black set I received really have terrible color/luster, they are just flat black and look like beads and I wonder if anyone else’s are disappointing or if I just got unlucky. YOu can’t win 'em all on meh. The grey are fine, about what you’d expect a $50-$75 strand of this size to look like, so that was a win.
The pearls themselves appear to be of high quality. However, the tiny metal (silver? white gold?) loops that hold onto the clasp were deformed and opened in mine, causing the clasp to fall out. I’m afraid to attempt any fixes with my fat fingers for fear of making it worse. I emailed Meh and I hope they have extras for exchange.
DEC 23, 2016 | 05:54PM CST Original message overground wrote: FedEx
tracking says it will not be delivered until the 27th, and I need them
for Xmas as meh promised, so I’m kind of freaking out. I’ve modified
the shipment to be held at the local facility, but really, that’s
gotta be the last place I want to go tonight or tomorrow. What gives,
DEC 27, 2016 | 12:37PM CST Holly replied:
Hm. This shipped 2-day air and left on 12/20 so that should have
arrived in plenty of time. I do see you were able to pick it up on on
12/24 though!
DEC 28, 2016 | 03:09PM CST overground replied:
Holy hell, Holly! How did you see that? Are you watching me? I’m an
idiot for not having read the fine print when subscribing for VMP. I
suppose then, I would have known it stood for Vouyer-meh.-Plenty
(which would make a meh.-tastic order number).
I am so embarassed! The only reasonable defense I can muster is that
it was Christmas Eve, and yes, I was slummin’ it. Had I known I was
brought across to the minor leagues with all the mid-level wigs at
meh. as my audience, I would have gussied up my garb - big time. Just
a little heads up from your people and I would have provided the meh.
cubicles with endless fantasy fodder. Seriously. The meh. Holiday
Party, 2016 could have been canceled and payment on the meh. sweat
shop workers’ bonus checks stopped. Because everyone would have
witnessed a spectacle so legendary, they absolutely would have begged
to work the whole of 2017, sans wages. “OMG!?, WTF!?, Creeper
alert!!”, I imagine you uttering. They all do, so I’ve trained to
dismiss it as an understandable, yet adorably ignorant statement,
little Miss Holly of meh…
What it be; had I been privy to meh.'s surveillance techniques, I
would have first begun my primping routine by a total body spritzing
with a thin coating of Crisco (family secret). The complex base sheen
produced has actually hypnotized some folks to the point of nausea.
Wait 11 minutes until tacky - perfection takes time. The final step of
this transformation comes in the form of the sultry slither I’ve
perfected - it’s the only way I’ve found to get rocking in my Paw
Patrol Bootay shorts. Rawwwrrrrr! Sometimes, I will ring the orderlies
hotel butler for help with that part.
This is for realz, yo. The experience kicks off once your eyes have
stabilized and focused on a fuzzy, dull glow - the hue, many describe
close to that edible, whitish school paste. Your breath will abandon
ship. No longer in control, you feel as a drunkard- your vision taking
thirsty gulps of the deliciously flabby sight of my runway subpar
model body. Your fancies are helpless to resist the tickling. If you
were rich, you’d be setting your VCR timer. A parallel dimension is
revealed which only I can unlock for others. Next time let me know
meh. is tuned in and I’ll show you folks. Because there really are no
words, but I think now you have at least somewhat of an idea.
Check it out, dear Holly. When asked, FedEx operator 58008 relayed
that I positively would not have received it in time had I not
performed the emergency HHR (Halt Hold Retrieve) tactics I learned
during my two tours in Nam (1997 & 2003). There’s gotta be some love
for an orphan tryin’ to rise up from the g-hetto - left with no choice
but to offer up his body in exchange for the bus tokens required to
brave the 7.3-mile pilgrimage to Oxnard’s scenic FedEx distribution
center. You know this to be truth. This all, because he can’t bear to
be the one who finalizes the pitch-grey tarnish on Meh’s spotty
reputation. And because his meh. and Pap smeared his dreams by
abandoning him at the tender age of 38. Because the street has groomed
his color-indifferent appreciation for the giving and receiving pearl
necklaces - black and white and needless-burgundy-orangutan.
He is aware that should feel shame - yet is rendered helpless to
battle emotion when confronted with the myriad of sensations which
trigger his haunting smile. The faint aroma of bleach. Sunlight
reflecting off the fresh morning dew. All bring back fond visions of
the creamy, silky smooth ropers of natural pearl adorning his neck and
chest. A treasured holiday gift which leaves him feeling more than
compensated for services exchanged for public transit fare.
Your shrewd insight has forever decked my halls. All bow to Holly!
Fa-blah-blah-blah-blah. Sí, técnicamente la orden fue recibida antes
de Navidad. So you are absolutely right, I’m sorry for ever thinking -
You know, meh? Depending on your idiot customers to keep your promises
from draining to empty is pure genius. I imagine I’m not alone by
feeling that you have filled secret crannies, voids, crevices and
orifices with meh-ricales. Or maybe I am.
What’s in the Box?
1 x Pearl Necklace
1 x Travel pouch
1 x Certificate of Authenticity & Valuation
1 x Pearl Care Instructions
Black with bag
White with bag
Grey with bag
Pink with bag
Price Comparison
$550 Certified Value, $119 List
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
120 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Thursday, July 9th
Pearls again? Meh.
@mdszy Wish i had a necklass like that…
/giphy what’s in the box

Just when I’m starting to doubt the value of my VMP membership… Meh totally pulls through.
@melonscoop you know these are the same fake woot_boc “pearls” as last time, right?
By what metric/standard are these considered “fake?”
For my money, if Meh says these are “real freshwater pearls” then I believe them. These are being purchased to be worn and enjoyed, not to be locked up and handed down for generations as a priceless relic. So long as they’re not plastic then they are fine by me.
@melonscoop They could be shell pearls, aka Majorca pearls, man made from ground pearls in much the same fashion as the oyster does it but a lot faster. They are often more lustrous than natural pearls. They also tend to be pefectly round. But fresh water pearls, which are rarely perfectly round*, are not nearly as expensive as saltwater pearls, and at this price point there’s no reason to believe they aren’t real.
*Saltwater oysters make only one pearl at a time, so they are usually completely round. Freshwater oysters make several at once, they are nestled together and tend to have a flat side and are often elongated. Some pearls are quite off round, and are still well favored and can be sold at just as high prices as the traditional round saltwater pearls. See baroque and keshi pearls below. The most I’ve paid for pearls were for a couple of strands of tiny titanium and rose keshi pearls.

@moondrake Very cool - thanks for sharing! They all look lovely, however and wherever they were formed.
Two older women, who were rivals in a social circle, met at a party.
“My dear,” said the first woman “Are those real pearls?”
“They are,” replied the second woman.
“Of course the only way I could tell would be for me to bite them.” Smiled the first.
The second responded “Yes, but for that you would need real teeth.”
@Pavlov I see you put some teeth into that joke – I was waiting to see how you “capped” it off!
@AttyVette Don’t bite off more than you can chew.
@mike808 Not having teeth must suck.
@meshneiarin I see what you did there.
@meshneiarin Gnaw, I’ve got a full set of orginal pearly whites. /rimshot
I don’t think much of your “Certifiers”. $32, huh?
The pearl necklace I got your mom were rush delivery too
(I hate myself)
@PenguinOnTheRox Oh cum on! Don’t be so Hard-On yourself.
@PenguinOnTheRox Yeah, she told me about you Mr. McFeely
@PenguinOnTheRox Oh god yo mama, a moment of silence pleze.
Hopefully these are long enough to twist strands together, I’m ordering the black and grey to try it with.
/image ludicrous cheesy beginner

@An_Onion that guy is like if you crossed Jason Segel and James Franco
Just bought these for my mother.
Think I’ll just say I got her “a necklace” if anyone asks…
@mcanavino ‘A necklace. With pearls.’
@AKMA Ha, that sounds like a “back of the truck” sort of thing; " Oh yeahs, we gots all kinds of items for the laady, like necklace with pearls…"
I was hoping this offer would come through again before Christmas. Too bad it doesn’t come with earrings though.
@rkess88 doesn’t come with the earings, but I think these are higher quality pearls. I got the last deal for my wife for Christmas but wish I’d held out for this one
@dbhyslop these aren’t the same pearls as the last one? I got that but I haven’t opened it (obviously, because it’s a Christmas present for not-me). Should I give in to my hoarder instincts and get this one too? What’s the difference?
@RDW0409 Probably too late, but yes they’re different pearls. The earlier deal had pearls rated AA and semi-round, while these are AA+ and mostly-round to round. The last deal had more pearls for the same price so something had to give.
Well my VMP went to waste in November, I’ll be damned if it gets wasted in December!
I believe this is meh’s way of referring to its customers as swine.
You win this round meh, you got me with this one…
Bought some Pearly whites – just don’t want to see pearly white (gates) yet though I am turning old enough to light a forest fire with candles on my birthday cake Tuesday … on a good side note, it pays to procrastinate as thanks meh #finishingmyChristmasshopping
Guaranteed to appraise for double?
@DMO Earl’s a sellout!
/giphy i love this website very much and i buy stuff here everyday

Well I’ve already got white and black so why not pink? /giphy silky-bawling-hole
What? The Chevy Tahoe is not built in Tahoe?

So the Boston Steamer in the Fuku doesn’t come from Boston? I’m crushed.
Already bought MIL gift…
another gag gift?
I bought a strand for myself since my husband wouldn’t.
To quote the late Zsa Zsa Gabor;
“I am a marvelous housekeeper. Every time I leave a man, I keep his house.”
@mehdaf Are you suggesting I leave my husband?
@jbrookebarrow use his credit card and he then will have bought them for you after all
@AttyVette If I’d been able to, I would have and then I would have all four colors coming my way.
Got the grey. Got every other color you’ve ever sold so what the hell nocturnal-unobtrusive-cougar
<img src=“
” alt=“Image result for nocturnal-unobtrusive-cougar”/>
Eh, my mom is terrible to shop for. She insists that all she wants is time with her kids.
She has white pearl earrings… So I at least know she likes pearls. I hope she doesn’t mind the black necklace. I think it looks cooler than white. Too bad this wasn’t a set, but the pearls look rounder in these photos than the last set, which is why I didn’t buy those.
/image late voluptuous quiet

/giphy late voluptuous quiet
I’m glad to hear positive comments about these necklaces, as I wasn’t sure if I wanted to risk a sight-unseen purchase of pearls. I did all my gift shopping on line this year except for my DIL, who cheated by putting toys for my grandson on her Amazon wish-list. I was planning to go fight for a parking space at the base exchange tomorrow, but I may just skip that altogether. I need the necklace by 5pm Monday the 26th, so I really hope the speedy shipping is indeed speedy.
/image nostalgic-very-crow

/giphy nostalgic-very-crow
In for a set of grey for the grandma!

/giphy combative-floppy-nutmeg
/image emerald-understanding-art

Grrrr no black ones left…but…pink!
/giphy emerald-understanding-art
@AmazingChicken maybe some will be in the VMP sale later?
@mktbilling doubt it. I think they just hold some quantity, not color choices.
Damn it, the black pearls are always sold out by the time I’m awake.
Of course I’d cancel my VMP last week.
/giphy nutritious-childlike-comb

She was gettin’ bombed
And I was gettin’ blown away
And she held it in her hand
And this is what she had to say
A pearl necklace
She wanna pearl necklace
What an earthy-brutish-start to my Monday!
In for one of the white ones. Been looking for a present for the step-mom, and she’s retiring on the 24th… seems like a great addition to the Old Lady Starter Set.
$550 is the “list”, they actually sell them for $119 at their site: Pacific Pearls
Ok I know all about casting pearls before swine. Got any pigs in stock?
I got the black ones last time around. Look, I’m not a pearl guy, but if someone threw these to me in a parade, I might not figure there was anything special about them.
Carp. Grey sold out while I was ordering.
And no black left.
I have a set just like this- they look and feel like colored BEADS. (They’re probably made in a slave-labor factory in Jhziiiiina.)
At this price, you could buy Manhattan twice, and still have enough left over to get Staten Island. MEH!!
@MrNews I hope they feel a little better than that. If not, I’ll blame meh… wife knows it’s sometimes a crapshoot.
These are really nice. Definitely not “colored beads”…they have some heft to them. Wife loved them.
/image daring-transparent-measure

2280 sold. Looks like a lot of people just realized that shopping time is almost over.
WTF??? When the f does MEH begin their sales? I’m pretty mehffin tired of receiving your emails at 7:59 am only to find a big fat SOLD OUT message. Not that I was planning on purchasing this item, it happens quite often and I’m not feeling the love.
@bloondie2 2salty4meh
@bloondie2 it starts at midnight eastern.
@RiotDemon Ah, good to know! I’m occasionally awake at that time so I guess I’ll have to make the effort to stalk them, rather than waiting for a “thanks for playing” message. Ty RiotDemon!
bloondie2 i’d rec MVP too. = no ‘sold out’ anti-love AND free shipping for just $5.00/mo. #happy
@bloondie2 you’re welcome. They usually reserve some inventory for the 8am crowd, that’s probably why they send that email right before 8, but you have to be quick sometimes.
are the pink black and grey died to color?
@miko1 Yes. With few exceptions, colored pearls are dyed.
@jbrookebarrow The pearls are “natural” and so are the dyes.
Will anyone be around to care when some alien archaeologist finds them sifting through the glowing rubble and green glass aftermath of the Trumpocalypse?
@mike808 What is this even in reference to?
I sure hope this isn’t a harbinger:
/image zesty-abhorrent-offer

Hell I still haven’t received the pearls I bought here a month ago…they were supposed to be for my wife’s birthday 12/14.
@nltownsend843 What did customer service say?
You DID send a message to customer service, right?
They are pretty good at resolving stuff.
I haven’t inquired with them…were still within the “expected delivery dates”
No one else buy these so I can.
@vanslaterco you know these are the same fake woot_boc “pearls” as last time, right?
@keithalangilber I don’t know who Woot Boc is, but he needs to quit following me around.
I looked it up. You meant Woot’s Bag O’ Crap. Had to Goog.le it. But thanks! I picked up two dozen Crap Bags. I’m getting Pearl Necklaces for every woman in my family. Those bags are such a good deal!
No ‘idiot’, moi. VMP me snagged a ‘black’ set so call me a ‘magnificent bastard’, TY.
Got a set of the pink ones for my cougar side piece. Ok, not really, they’re for my mom. I’ll keep giving my cougar my pearl necklace instead.
/giphy real-uncaring-alarm

Me in past: "Why be a VMP? I haven’t seen anything I want."
Me Today: “Damn I missed that my wife would like that!”
<Joined VMP>
Me Now: “Damn, I can’t buy it because I joined today.”
@arnmac you know these are the same fake woot_boc “pearls” as last time, right?
@keithalangilber ok maybe for my daughter then.
@keithalangilber why do you keep repeating that?
/image lovely-astonishing-crab

Shenanigans! This is clearly a lovely astonishing lobster
/image abject quality coat

/giphy abject quality coat

@f00l the IKEA monkey!!
How many times can I fall for the same b&s?
@keithalangilber thrice. but that’s the limit.
look forward to gifting these
/giphy juvenile-subdued-cannon

Hey!! I signed up for “vpm” and it still isn’t letting me buy my pearls.!! I wanna pearl…
@benbben1 you have to be vmp the day before.
@RiotDemon but I wouldnt of signed up if I didn’t want that deal of the day!!

now I don’t know what to do.
@benbben1 cancel your vmp, if you didnt buy anything, you get a 1 month automated refund
@benbben1 what he said. I would suggest reading the FAQ and the thing about what VMP is. A lot of info there.
Can someone tell me what the deal with the certified value is?
I have to imagine it’s a lie, because otherwise it would be worth the effort to resell them.
@dashcloud if you are interested in buying these to resell, you’re missing the point. Get them if you are planning to spend less than $40 to make someone’s month with a nice pretty necklace.
/image prickly barbarous burst

/giphy prickly barbarous burst

Wait. These are real, right?
Ya gotta have meh! In for a couple of these strung up oyster beads.
got the white for my daughter…hope they are as beautiful in person
Got in under the wire using the wife’s account. She’s got VMP and she’ll never think to look there!
/giphy vertical striped spaghetti

/image vertical striped spaghetti

@Mehrocco_Mole that’s some fine lookin spaghetti.
@carl669 She’s a lady and a tramp.

Did they move the delivery date from the time this posted?
Well, I was surprised when I got a text from my wife saying something from meh was delivered. Had to think of a quick excuse as to why I had something from meh, so I told her it was a couple mini helicopters and some cheap smartwatches. I think I covered for the ridiculously fast shipping. Next time don’t do so great with the shipping meh.
@SteveCrowder did they post a tracking number on your page?
@SteveCrowder. Already? Mine still say processing
@riceatusc mine too
@SteveCrowder That’s the mini fans. Happened to me too
@riceatusc Still processing here, too, and now the delivery date shows Dec 26. Hmm. I wonder what gives.
@SteveCrowder I’m starting to doubt that we’ll get these by Xmas.
For those who have gotten theirs. How does the clasp work on this,necklace?

@ccunning so it just kinda…hangs there?
@pohgo Not quite. You hook it in, which is what you see here. Then it slides into the oval piece and clicks into place, making it a more secure clasp.
@pohgo Watch this:
@Thumperchick ah I got it. I must’ve bent the little clasp piece a bit when opening it because it wasn’t hooking that well. I just opened it up a bit more and it works just fine now. Thanks so much for your help. And for anyone else. The pearls are nice. Some imperfections on them, but, for 35 dollars I cant complain.
@pohgo glad to help! Thanks @heartny & @ccunning for the handy visuals.
Hope no one was expecting AA+ pearls for $35
@ccunning Yes, because that’s what they are advertised as…I won’t be expecting AAA pearls.
Mine came in one day only as well. And I just got a shipping notice e-mail (about 24 hours after package arrived). The gray pearls have a pinkish hue, but they are definitely not pink.
I just got my tracking. They shipped yesterday. Says they should be here tomorrow. Looks like they shipped 2 day FedEx. They’re still sitting in Texas according to tracking… But at least that’s not far from Florida.
Thanks meh. recieved an email the shipped this morning, except the package had already arrived yesterday. They look pretty nice, but im no expert. I also received a $50 gift card to their website which is a nice surprise.
For future shoppers or for those who havent received their package yet, the necklace I received is ~17 inches long and has 53 pearls. The clasp is a unique design and I would say it’s easier to put on than a traditional hook/loop clasp. The actual pearls look good. of course, if you start looking at each individual pearl, you’ll start to see some flaws, but for 32 dollars i’m not expecting jewelry to rival the queen of england. hopefully this short review can help someone out.
Update folks - I tried to use the $50 gift card to pick up a pair of earrings for valentines, but there’s a minimum $100 order to use the card. It doesnt say that on the gift card package, but instead on the fine print on the back of the gift card itself. I, for one, am quite dissapointed.
@rkess88 I got matching earrings from Morningsave for a song. No gift card needed.
Nothing here yet from including tracking info but seems like the package might get there before the info does. They said it would be here before Xmas so they still have a couple days to git r done.
I got them plus the $50 gift card. Nice overall package in my opinion
@bugger *$50 off $100.
buy it again
They arrived and I’ve gotta say, I own several pearl necklaces and this one is by far the prettiest and best. If they go on sale again I will certainly buy more!
received today, pearls are round and very similar, but otherwise they are barely grade A pearls, nowhere close to being AA+. Wondering how the quality is on other peoples orders. If someone has the same experience or a different one, please let me know.
@upbeatanime how does one distinguish between a Grade A pearl and a Grade AA+?
For what it’s worth I’m happy for the money spent, I don’t expect a whole lot from a necklace sold for $110 no matter how much the claimed value thereof is. The pearls seem nice and aren’t notably misshapen or discolored to my (untrained) eye.
@jbartus mine are very discolored (more like specked and lined) about 40% of the pearl, while I believe grade AA+ is like 5% only.
The grey are nice and worth it, the black are terrible. No luster, they just look like black matte beads on a string. I honestly don’t think they are really pearls.
@mtb002 You can test them by rubbing them between your front teeth. If they are pearls, they will feel slightly gritty. If they feel smooth, they aren’t real pearls.
I was being facetious, I shouldn’t have used honestly. Black pearls aren’t really black most of the time, they have a beautiful sheen/luster that makes them look grey/blue/purple/green depending on the light. The black set I received really have terrible color/luster, they are just flat black and look like beads and I wonder if anyone else’s are disappointing or if I just got unlucky. YOu can’t win 'em all on meh. The grey are fine, about what you’d expect a $50-$75 strand of this size to look like, so that was a win.
The pearls themselves appear to be of high quality. However, the tiny metal (silver? white gold?) loops that hold onto the clasp were deformed and opened in mine, causing the clasp to fall out. I’m afraid to attempt any fixes with my fat fingers for fear of making it worse. I emailed Meh and I hope they have extras for exchange.
I received the black that I had ordered. No complaints, good color & luster. Wish that I had ordered more.
Ordered pink and grey look nice wish I ordered third string for third daughter
White strand I got look atrocious. The black looks as one might expect at this value.
sent a note to customer service, but never got mine. FedEx seems to be holding them hostage.
Order# needless-burgundy-orangutan
DEC 23, 2016 | 05:54PM CST Original message overground wrote: FedEx
DEC 27, 2016 | 12:37PM CST Holly replied:
DEC 28, 2016 | 03:09PM CST overground replied:
@overground @Hollboll
OK, too many words and I’m cold. Either one of you up for doing a tl;dr?
@overground what kind of drugs did you take before sending that email? I just want to know so everyone can avoid.
Barkeepers Friend mixed with Preparation H BBQ style thinly spread on a baguette.
And cracked cocaine.
the wife likes them