Orphan Black
11Just finished the whole series, that was quite a ride! And some amazing acting, especially by both clones, Tatiana Maslany and Ari Millen.
I hadn’t heard much about it, other that it was worth watching. I think I was expecting more emphasis on sci-fi, but I’m really glad I went into mostly unspoiled. The constant twists and surprises were a lot of fun.
And what a sense of humor! I’ve never laughed so hard at such grim scenes and events. I should have felt bad, but they were mostly such scumbags.
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welcome to clone club.
We watched the series earlier this year. I ended up buying the full series set on eBay and copied it to a hard drive. It’s ready for re-watching via Plex.
The pencil scene had us screaming.
@lisaviolet We were fans of the series…enough that I bought this Funko…I wished Dr. Leekie’s character had lasted a little longer.
@januarymick That is great!
I watched through season 3, but then it seemed like the writers were running out of interesting/plausible plot ideas and had settled into soap opera territory, so I stopped after the first few episodes of season 4.
But yeah, Tatiana Maslany was great. Loved the tag line: She was duped.
@macromeh It did kind of seem like “secret conspiracy of the season” at times, but I’d suggest finishing it out. Not everyone got a happy ending (some quite the opposite), but a few did, and they wrapped all the loose ends as far as I could see.
@blaineg @macromeh Ugh. I crapped out about the same spot, would suffer half an episode every three or four months, but couldn’t get back into it. Weird kid, Lost-level madness with the genetics, no real motivation for the characters. The writers were just sleepwalking from scene to scene.
You’ve almost talked me into trying one last time, but it looks like it left Amazon. :sigh:
The first season or two were pretty good. Less crappy CGI than She-Hulk.
@macromeh @stinks I’d say the good guy motivation was pretty clear, your life and the lives of everyone you care about.
The bad guy motivations seem to be a mix of “for science!”, power, and money.
Orphan Black can be best graded by which season number you are watching.
Season 1 = 1st bestest
Season 2 = 2nd
I would still watch the clones again, and recommend it. Tatiana and her blue screen partner did a wonderful job with the characters.
Tatiana Maslany was the reason I watched She-Hulk.
I regret some things in my life…
I would not admit to watching She-Hulk to anyone IRL.
@G1 A friend refers to She-Hulk as Orphan Green.
I’ll tell the whole world I watched and enjoyed She-Hulk. The season finale was amazingly over the top. They straight out skewered so many Marvel tropes. I’m surprised they got away with it.
@G1 “Tatiana Maslany was the reason I watched She-Hulk.” on this point we concur…
after her nuanced performance as (it’s been a couple years…) 8? different clones…
I’ll basically watch her in anything.
I FREAKING LOVED “She-Hulk, Attorney at Law”
yeah… Disney could have spent a bit more on the CG…but that seems to be a bit of a pattern…(Luke’s face at the end of “The Mandalorian” season 1?)
Where is this streaming?
The Just Watch app answers that (for legal viewing)
Not currently available on a service like Netflix or Prime Video.
I don’t know where it was originally available during the series run.
@f00l Thanks - I’ll give it a shot!
@f00l @shahnm I’m not sure about original airing, but it was a BBC/BBC America production, made in Canada.
The show was always (deliberately?) fuzzy about it’s location. There were prominent Canadian locations, and all the cash was Canadian, the license plates were Canadian too.
But the evil Army group was American, the evil government organization was the CIA, and Langley was mentioned a number of times.
@blaineg @f00l @shahnm it was on prime video during the original airing…might have been included with prime…but I don’t remember…
@shahnm It was on AMC+, BBC and Hulu.
There’s another Orphan Black coming out and the original was pulled from the streaming apps. It happened two weeks before I decided to download it using Playon. I kept putting it off, then it was gone.
@lisaviolet @shahnm I hadn’t heard of a spinoff, but they’ve cast Krysten Ritter (Jessica Jones). No word on any other cast members.
Another clone line, I guess. I don’t really see any need for this, other than a cash grab. The series ended well.
@blaineg @lisaviolet @shahnm OTOH, I really liked Krysten Ritter in the Jessica Jones series…
@blaineg @macromeh @shahnm I did, too. I was sorry when it ended. I did get annoyed with the Trish line. Enough Trish, more Jessica.
This is the first I’ve heard of Orphan Black (I don’t get out much…) but it sounds interesting.
Where’s the official/canonical/legal place to watch it?
I have found
Are there others?
@xobzoo It looks like I need to remember to refresh pages before commenting on them… this was already asked 20 minutes earlier…
I loved Tatiana’s acting through the entire series. It was chef’s kiss! Each of her clones was utterly believable as its own entity and each one’s mannerisms, body language and speech was unique and consistent. How she kept all of them straight, I will never understand. That was a really well deserved Emmy she won for it!
Allison and Donny were my favorites and they always added a bit of palate cleansing comic relief when things were getting intense or confusing. The money dance…OMG!
For those who miss the show, they’ve done a few seasons of a serial podcast with a continuation dealing with the fallout of the reveal. I haven’t listened to the latest season of it yet because I was waiting for them to complete it so I could binge listen instead of waiting week to week and just haven’t gotten around to it yet. It’s worth a listen.
@twiladavisreed My favorite clone was Helena, so unhinged, and disconnected from the real world. And such a terrifying, competent, violent, force if you cross her, or threaten “the babies”.
And somehow she looks almost nothing like the others. Again, phenomenal acting.
She got some great back story reveals in the last season, including her odd appearance.
@twiladavisreed Thanks for the tip on the podcast!