@CrossIT I think everyone mis-understood @CrossIT. He said "celling projection". I believe he must be in prison and needs to be able to project time in his cell. I thought the prison guards took care of waking everyone up.
@ruouttaurmind yeah! where's the Swahili, or better yet Klingon?! (same question i pose the self checkouts when they ask me to choose a language to begin. they only give us 3 choices..English, Spanish, and, for some reason, Polish...)
@earlyre .. What's wrong with Polish? It's just a language (it's not like pig latin or one of those other exoctic ramblers like frenchoneze or slobovian).
@unkabob nothing wrong with Polish, other than it being a choice fully out of left field. if there's one thing this region ISN'T known for, it's a large number of polish speaking folks.
@one_two3456 ... I'm in.. I think they only had five clocks and tried to convince us that 584 people bought the whole ball of wax in less than thirty ticks?.. A fuku I could imagine but a talking clock that 3 amazonians down thumbed? Naw! ('course I'd of downthumbed too if I had to pay those prices).
Reviews not so good on amazon... problems with lack of volume control so unit only screams at you. So if you are ex-marine missing your drill sergeant, this may be just the ticket.
Hard part of that is they have been selling trash for three weeks. I just started coming by the next day. This thing sold out and it's not even close to a good product. I think they just super under priced it to get people to come back. If they keep this up in canceling next month. No point in paying for mvp If this is what we get.
@densa Meh is doing a great job psychologically programming us login on time and be excited to buy whatever it is as fast as we can. And I'm liking it ...
Been looking for one of these for quite a while to replace the one I had that broke after 15 years of use. The damn thing sold out before I was able to read through the description and specs :(
@unkabob I don't know how that happens. You would think if someone cancels, the number would decrease for a second until someone else buys it and then it sells out again at the same number as before.
@RedOak@unkabob I have heard rumors that people monitor for an hour after the sellout by constantly hitting refresh waiting for someone to cancel. When that happens, the buy button comes back and they are able to buy it. At least that's what they said. It's still showing as 584 but I'm positive I saw the number higher than that -- at least 588 at one point.
@cengland0 certainly meh has the capability to turn a sale back on and could even set it up to do that automatically depending on inventory. But I suspect they don't for a handful issue, especially since they need Fuku fodder anyway. It seems to be very common for the gate-shut "final" count to wiggle downward within the 60 minute cancel window.
@cengland0 & RedOak.. Thanks guys.. I was curious that maybe it showed different on other computers.. I just probably missed those times. Another meh conspiracy theory debunked.
So how many people (like me) bought this solely to see what goodies Oregon Scientific will end up sending them as warranty replacements when these most likely die an early death like the weather radios did?
Screw you Texie-Westies. I show up 9 minutes late and all 587 are gone. I blame you, @narfcake, for selling out before I could decide that I didn't want one anyway. Maybe @JonT will sell the one they took pictures of. Probably not.
@mellowirishgent Oh I'd image there is an endless supply of people who need corrected on Yahoo comments. Ignorance (and stupidity) reigns supreme there.
I don't regret missing this one... apparently it just speaks the time, and doesn't scream at me to get my lazy ass out of bed in a profanity-laced tirade. That's the kind of talking alarm clock I need.
@einrad That rating should be relative to a distance but no distance was stated. You should see something like 100 dB at 1Khz at 1 meter. So that 100dB could be with your ear directly on the speaker for all we know.
How did this sell out so fast? Is it really that popular or did they have virtually zero in inventory? Is this some kind of mind trick? Because now that it's sold out I'm desperately trying to figure out if there is a reason I want it. Next time I should just buy first and think later. HAH, there's the trick!
Best luck ever. I almost bought a very similar alarm clock a few days ago that cost 3x as much. But I talked myself out of it because do I really need to have the time projected on the ceiling? Well apparently I do because I grabbed one before it sold out.
@christinerenee that is the best feature of any alarm clock. Don't forget to pack it with you for vacations. It sucks not having the time projected when you're used to it.
@Mehrocco_Mole , et al. . . From the site: "What is Checkout.org? Checkout.org is run by Mediocre Laboratories, an ecommerce concept innovator. All deals offered are in stock and available for a limited time only. Offers on Checkout.org are a collaboration between the Mediocre Laboratories team and our partner publishers."
@Alien88 So how do you find their actual sales page without a link like you gave us? For that matter how did you find that link? Back up to just checkout.org and there is no link to see what they have on sale. Back it up just to deals and you get irk.
@Kidsandliz read "What is checkout.org", above. That is the point - Mediocre labs is providing a virtual back room for other sellers to clear stuff out. Those links show up on those other sellers' sites.
I clicked meh last night and didn't get the credit! 102 in a row and I got screwed and it reset... You suck meh. I give up. Unless of course you will rectify this grievous error on your part in which case I will be back to being a meh-ish fan.
@n8mack33 Likely you were accidentally signed out by meh. It doesn't stick if you aren't signed in. Happened to me after a run over even more than that, and several other times too.
@elpepe this clock has some benefits to those of us hard of hearing, and you won't need to put on glasses to see the numbers - (unless you have good eyes)
@elpepe Does your cell phone have an FM radio in it, a projector, talk the time, and have a 100dB alarm? Does it keep the screen on so you can see the time in the middle of the night?
@elpepe My thoughts exactly. I keep my phone next to my bed and always use its alarm for whenever I need to get up. Even if this clock hadn't instantly sold out, I still would've passed.
@elpepe that phone spends enough time near my precious parts during the day . . . the last thing I want is it sitting a foot away from my brain all night. And I'm allergic to tinfoil.
@ChunkyBitz No problem, just happened to own one long enough to have studied that clock face very closely on sleepless nights - knew it was a Spartus immediately. Great clock, as I said, mine would still be with me if I had chosen a first wife better.
@jqubed It was just with some of the things she took when she (finally) cleaned her stuff out . . . If I could have included it in the itemized list of property which I would have liked to retain / get back, it would have been near the top - but by that time I was told it had been "dropped". It was a gift from my father (who had by that time passed away). I'm sure she didn't remember that when she took it (at least that is what I tell myself). I miss the clock. I don't miss her.
@SIMBM I really don't miss her, she was bat-shit crazy, and not in a good way . . . But I am human and what I really miss may be the immutable fact that we never really love again like we do with the abandon of the first time you roll that deep (so I miss what I wanted it to be, which fell well short of what it was - but in that context both she and I are equally culpable for the demise and I accept that). I'm wicked happy with @MrsPavlov and my life now. She's bat-shit crazy in a good way. And although I love my wife now more than I thought I ever could love again, there is the juvenile innocence that happens (the blinders, if you will) with the first that you never get back. And, sometimes, that is really for the best, even though you may miss it a little bit.
Crap, sold out!!!! 7:00 am here and it appears these sold out VERY quickly. I am kinda pissed as this would have been my first Meh order and my 7 yr old daughter has been asking for her first alarm clock so she can get herself up for school in the morning (which I will pay anything for anyway). But this would have been perfect for her. Oh well.
@cinoclav Thank you for that. I will have to ask, as she is 7 going on 14 - Seriously :( (remember when 7 was 7). I will have to find out whether Hello Kitty still is relevant to her. She would like the projector I think, but was hoping for an annoying voice to tell her to get up - besides mine.
OK... so I have a theory why they sold out so quickly... They wanted to set them to check Meh... Only explanation I can come up with. Also If this didn't sell out I may have bought one, probably not... But knowing it sold out... Meh... Thanks again @Narfcake I didn't have to spend more money, The wife thanks you also!
Also, this is bugging me, probably more than it should; what is the opposite of the scapegoat?
@jqubed Big PURPLE fan! Loved the purple PowerNow portable chargers, the PURPLE collapsible water bottles that were featured, the PURPLE Belkin keyboard and case, and the PURPLE (Lilac) Contigo Shake and Go tumblers!!!!!!
hey hey! I have to take back my silent profanities directed at narfcake due to the sell out. :-S I got an error when I bought one last night at 12:03 and then it was sold out so I figured I missed it. Yet, I have an order number! I'll go now and sit quietly in the corner until tomorrow.
Once again, my alarm was set and deliberately, albeit sleepily, passed. No ragrets. That said, did anyone else see the $5 price and think "Fuku!"? Took me a moment to slow my heart rate once I rolled over back to slumber.
If it's anything like the Oregon Scientific weather radios, it will stop working after a week, you'll sleep through half of your shift, and promptly get fired. Good job, suckers! ;)
Dang it. I would have been all over this like like a German with a bowl of strudel. My last sci america was a dud i paid 10 bucks for, sent back and got over $100 worth of goodies to replace it. I hope all these come broken and defective as well so you get cppl ahit too!
These just arrived today - nice job shipping quickly, meh!
Just in time for a bday gift for our daughter.
Quick observations after a simple test: 1) Nice overall product. 2) I don't recall any of our older alarm clock displays being so clear and easy to read. . . Or including the date. 3) The FM reception is not bad, but the sound quality is not surprisingly tunnel-like with that tiny speaker. 4) Voice time announcement, as the very limited reviews indicated is LOUD -- even on the low setting. So loud the product designer must have been extremely hard of hearing.
But for 5 bucks, if all you wanted was a digital clock/date display to that was easy to read from across the room, this would do nicely!
I waited until bedtime to try to set up my new alarm clock, and now I'm ready to tear my hair out. Is anyone else having trouble? Maybe I'm just too tired for this shit.
@christinerenee didn't test alarm setting but that can be frustrating on a lot of clocks. My all time favorite for alarm setting ease (got me thru flexible schedule of grad school + many years):
@christinerenee . . . Followed closely by (with weekend mode it has 4 alarms, those knobs on the sides twist up/down time - Costco used to sell this for $15-20):
Got my three, all three setup and going well. Kids got one in their rooms and the wife and I in our room also. I love being able to see the time on the ceiling. I don't however understand why you would need to reverse the image.
Still my “rad-est” purchase on meh. Radio -great; Time projected on ceiling -the best; Low power mode that still tells the time(dim) and keeps all settings saved on dead back up batteries after accidentally being unplugged for a month- superb. (still a little loud though) Oregon Scientific has a special place in my purchasing memory.
After over 3 years of daily use the projection system on all 3 clocks is failing, some digits just don’t show anymore. This is one of the more useful Meh purchases and I’d love to figure out how to fix the projection…but I’m afraid it would be a surface mount solder requirement or more…afraid to disassemble now.
@tightwad Maybe try contacting Oregon Scientific and tell them how much you like these clocks and ask for help? In the past they’ve been pretty responsive, and have even sent replacement goodies to some people. Wouldn’t hurt to try.
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 Year Oregon Scientific
Estimated Delivery: 5/18 - 5/20
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Alarm Clock
1x 120volt AC adapter
3/4 view
Retail box
Everything included
Bottom view with settings and backup battery compartment
Poptarts for scale
Price Comparison
$39.90 at Amazon (third party)
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
90 days
This deal is a snoozefest
@lichme This deal is tired
@lichme 12:07ET, the damn thing sold out while i was reading the specs :(
No celling projection ? for that alone Meh
@CrossIT No? "Projects time on ceiling in red with focus adjustment"
@CrossIT but it does
@CrossIT right up there in the specs, buddy: "Projects time on ceiling in red with focus adjustment."
@CrossIT "Projects time on ceiling in red with focus adjustment"
@CrossIT From description "Projects time on ceiling in red with focus adjustment"
@CrossIT what are you??? Crazy???? you scared me half to death!!!!!
@CrossIT Projects slime on the ceiling.
@CrossIT I think everyone mis-understood @CrossIT. He said "celling projection". I believe he must be in prison and needs to be able to project time in his cell. I thought the prison guards took care of waking everyone up.
@CrossIT I feel like you may have missed the part where it says, "Projects time on ceiling in red with focus adjustment." You're welcome!
@CrossIT Wait, people actually want this feature?
Even at $5 with VMP I'll pass, Meh!
Uh, yeah. Meh defined.
What an alarmingly good deal.

Why oh why must I? And now I want pop tarts. Why must you include edible things that aren't included.
the pop tarts better be included bizarre-tense-grain
Anyone else find it funny that 1.18" is considered jumbo?
That's what she said? (OK, it's tired....)
"Verbal report of time, day, and date (English, French, Spanish, German, and Italian)" No Esperanto? No dice.
@ruouttaurmind yeah! where's the Swahili, or better yet Klingon?! (same question i pose the self checkouts when they ask me to choose a language to begin. they only give us 3 choices..English, Spanish, and, for some reason, Polish...)
@earlyre .. What's wrong with Polish? It's just a language (it's not like pig latin or one of those other exoctic ramblers like frenchoneze or slobovian).
@unkabob nothing wrong with Polish, other than it being a choice fully out of left field. if there's one thing this region ISN'T known for, it's a large number of polish speaking folks.
@ruouttaurmind Klingon would be cool.
@Fish_Kungfu I'd buy 10 if it would announce the time in Klingon. But then can we also get Romulan and Cardassian.
@earlyre ... Yep.. Now Klingon.. I've known a few of those guys (they keep sucking down all my prune juice).
Screw the mehs, I'm in for 3!
@Fish_Kungfu Are you going to set them up across the room so it's like super annoying when you wake up.
@bigj8705 That's an excellent idea!
from the manual: "NOTE If projection is illuminated, do not look directly into the projector" just in case any of you were tempted.
@carl669 A warning on a laser pointer once said, "Warning: Do not shine laser in remaining eye."
Meh. You guys are scaring me. Do you want to talk about something?
@Ninjamoogle I think meh is popular enough for a good conspiracy theory. Any takers?
@one_two3456 meh sellouts only happen to increase woot sales, @snapster is actually a amazon shill . @jont is paid in russian money.
@one_two3456 ... I'm in.. I think they only had five clocks and tried to convince us that 584 people bought the whole ball of wax in less than thirty ticks?.. A fuku I could imagine but a talking clock that 3 amazonians down thumbed? Naw! ('course I'd of downthumbed too if I had to pay those prices).
@unkabob Us suckers are born everyday. I was too late, but I think I would buy just about anything for $5 bucks. Pitiful to say.
@mick .. That makes two of us, I was also primed.
@communist don't be jealous of my rubles.
Reviews not so good on amazon... problems with lack of volume control so unit only screams at you. So if you are ex-marine missing your drill sergeant, this may be just the ticket.
@katbyter 2 words: Foil. Tape.
@katbyter or chewing gum.
Timely. Meh.
This thing scares me.
14 year old - got two...
@djames85 Get out of my head. I have a 16 year old. I got two too.
Those reviews though. I was all in, but now I'm gonna hold off. Alarm volume is quite high and projector doesn't swivel or move.
Don't know why, but I didn't even hrsitate to buy this thing :P
What flavor are the Pop-Tarts?
I could have bought one, but I was deciding between getting one or two when it sold out :/
@JazzyJosh I knew I wanted 2 but I was reading up on them :/
I'm soo mad at you guys.
@one_two3456 okay. I guess the lesson here is that I should login ahead of time.
Hard part of that is they have been selling trash for three weeks. I just started coming by the next day. This thing sold out and it's not even close to a good product. I think they just super under priced it to get people to come back. If they keep this up in canceling next month. No point in paying for mvp If this is what we get.
@akoroka Well, we did volunteer to be "lab rats" in their "experiments in ecommerce"
@akoroka oh you're right, if you're paying for something called "MVP" that's not us so there probably isn't any point in paying for that.
Thank God it sold out, I almost bought two!
@mehdaf I wish you had...
@mehdaf wish I'd have gotten one
I would've bought it, had it spoken Esperanto.
holy hell those went fast! i can hear the east coasters complaining already...
@carl669 I'm an East Coaster, I got one, and even I'm complaining. Complaining that they got my fiver.
Sold out in 5 minutes? Wow... Meh...
@JadenKale 3 mins!
What, did they only have 3 of these?
@saodell So is the time on the clock predictive? (except for the day and date)
That sucks...sold out while I was reading the reviews on Amazon. Meh!
@densa that's what you get for reading reviews and not just blindly buying stuff.
@densa Meh is doing a great job psychologically programming us login on time and be excited to buy whatever it is as fast as we can. And I'm liking it ...
@JonT That's how I ended up with all these charge stick things. If I only knew!
really, 6 minutes the deal is sold out? I did not want one anyway Meh!
Ugh, sold out between the time I hit the buy button and the second buy button to actually buy it!
@elangomatt Me too! Damn you narfcake!
@earlyre You have to use the @, so @narfcake understands what he did wrong.
@pwinn What I did right! I saved you money!
@narfcake Oh, you! I was never going to order one of these. But thanks to you, earlyre didn't ensure you got an email. So I fixed your mistake there.
Sold out in 7 minutes?? How many were you selling Meh? 10?
@376matt 587 units
Who do I blame for selling out while I was trying to checkout?!
@narfcake you.
I was debating then hit buy and sold out. Wow
@carl669 Dammit!
All of you folks who bought Meh.com t-shirts, and now everyone is checking this place out
@saodell Oh sure, blame it on the shirts ...
@narfcake You better checkout yo'self before you sellout yo'self.
@thekenya But @snapster is known for selling out.
Aaaaand @ChunkyBitz loses his K.
Well that was fast. You were right, it sold out before i read it.
@thekenya ...Yo. Chill. No need to yell.
This VMP bait . . . worked on us. Have kids too young for cell phones but old enough that they need to be learning to wake themselves.
Been looking for one of these for quite a while to replace the one I had that broke after 15 years of use. The damn thing sold out before I was able to read through the description and specs :(
this sucks.
Saved by the "Sold Out." Almost bought one for my 18 year old soon to be college student. She never gets out of bed unless I repeatedly check on her.
@marvelljones This thing got me out of bed every day while I was in college. Still have it (sans the vibrator--donhttp://www.amazon.com/Sonic-Alert-SB300-Vibrating-Display/dp/B000EX5HRO/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1430885781&sr=8-7&keywords=sonic+alarm
Wow lame. I really need a new alarm clock. This looked like a fantastic deal. Sad it sold out so quick.... :(
This is a deal I can get up for!
You only made 3200 on a sell out.?
Does that even cover the employees pay for the day
@msujp That is one reason why this site is so great, no product is too meh to offer.
This really should have been on sale for Cinco de Mayo since they call it a Talk-O-Clock.
I think the speed of sellout is actually faster then a FUKU/FUKO
@cengland0 I think you are right, it sold out quicker than the Fuku's! The Fuko beat it by two minutes since the servers actually worked that day.
What'd they have six of these?
@PocketBrain 586 units were sold. I think I saw 588 at one time then it decreased to 587 and now 586. I think some people may have canceled.
@cengland0 ... Damn! My read-out is 584 and I've refreshed three times.. What the hell???
@unkabob I don't know how that happens. You would think if someone cancels, the number would decrease for a second until someone else buys it and then it sells out again at the same number as before.
@cengland0 because once they've locked out the day with "sold out", the sale is done.
The hand full of cancel strays become DOA backups or Fuku/Fuko seeds.
@cengland0 ... Still shows 584 on mine just as it did 7 hours ago. Does it show a different number on yours?
@RedOak @unkabob I have heard rumors that people monitor for an hour after the sellout by constantly hitting refresh waiting for someone to cancel. When that happens, the buy button comes back and they are able to buy it. At least that's what they said. It's still showing as 584 but I'm positive I saw the number higher than that -- at least 588 at one point.
@cengland0 certainly meh has the capability to turn a sale back on and could even set it up to do that automatically depending on inventory. But I suspect they don't for a handful issue, especially since they need Fuku fodder anyway. It seems to be very common for the gate-shut "final" count to wiggle downward within the 60 minute cancel window.
@cengland0 & RedOak.. Thanks guys.. I was curious that maybe it showed different on other computers.. I just probably missed those times. Another meh conspiracy theory debunked.
It's okay cause meh will resale this at some point. I think I'm calm now
@thekenya The reselling is when they don't sell out.
@cengland0 they must find a way. if not they will still find a way
I didn't want one.
I didn't need one.
But now that it sold out in 7 minutes I really wish I got one.
@Yakroot You read my mind. Heaven help us all if they find another pile in the back room.
Well that didn't take long
So how many people (like me) bought this solely to see what goodies Oregon Scientific will end up sending them as warranty replacements when these most likely die an early death like the weather radios did?
@Pavlov I was gonna... but got here too late ;)
Screw you Texie-Westies. I show up 9 minutes late and all 587 are gone. I blame you, @narfcake, for selling out before I could decide that I didn't want one anyway.
Maybe @JonT will sell the one they took pictures of. Probably not.
Wow, that write up worked exceptionally well.
Got one now i can set the alarm for 12am so i dont get shutout at 12:02 haha
Meh are such sell-outs!
"$5? I'll take one! Okay, let's see what I bought...an alarm clock, cool"
Now how am I supposed to get out of bed? Sold out at check out! You could almost swear that thing even makes breakfast and brings it to your bed.
Damn, I actually needed a new alarm clock as mine is barely audible.
wow, i was going to buy one... guess this proves it "you snooze, you lose!"
Is it good biznaz to be sold out 23:53 mins in a day ? Im happy your soldout but its fuccing stupid !!!!
@mellowirishgent ...you did not spell "fucking" correct. Your comment in and of itself was lacking...but particularly on the "fucking" part.
@studerc Im from Brooklyn what can i say
@studerc Guess you didnt get a clock that explains your frustration !!!!
@mellowirishgent *you're. As in, "I'm glad you are soldout..." You're welcome.
@Mehrocco_Mole It must suc being an english major with nobody to correct except meh commentors lol pathetic really pathetic :)
@mellowirishgent Oh I'd image there is an endless supply of people who need corrected on Yahoo comments. Ignorance (and stupidity) reigns supreme there.
I don't regret missing this one... apparently it just speaks the time, and doesn't scream at me to get my lazy ass out of bed in a profanity-laced tirade. That's the kind of talking alarm clock I need.
So glad this sold out before I checked. Woulda bought one and ticked off the wife!
@JonT More like "0.00347 day only"
Damn. You snooze you lose. In for none.
It seems like only Californians and Texans buy anything from Meh
@Mdsuave13 ... That's about right.
@Mdsuave13 population by state:
1) California = 39 mil
2) Texas = 30 mil
3) Florida = 20 mil
4) NY = 20 mil
. . . and it drops off rapidly after that.
Sold out? Well the community of people who stay up until midnight to buy stuff must have sleep problems.
Darn it to heck! What is the point of working overtime if you sellout of the stuff I earn the money for?
@yakkoTDI Save it for tomorrow night.
100 dB? Awesome! That'll wake her up!!!
@einrad That rating should be relative to a distance but no distance was stated. You should see something like 100 dB at 1Khz at 1 meter. So that 100dB could be with your ear directly on the speaker for all we know.
Sell out much?
How did this sell out so fast? Is it really that popular or did they have virtually zero in inventory? Is this some kind of mind trick? Because now that it's sold out I'm desperately trying to figure out if there is a reason I want it. Next time I should just buy first and think later. HAH, there's the trick!
@p3dal its $5 for a probabbly $20 item and its semi-useful for the dorks that stay up until 12:01am for some reason and then have to be awake at 8am
@p3dal They had somewhere between 584 and 588 units sold
@communist 5:20 a.m. but who's counting....other than me counting the 3 I got
Best luck ever. I almost bought a very similar alarm clock a few days ago that cost 3x as much. But I talked myself out of it because do I really need to have the time projected on the ceiling? Well apparently I do because I grabbed one before it sold out.
@christinerenee that is the best feature of any alarm clock. Don't forget to pack it with you for vacations. It sucks not having the time projected when you're used to it.
To everyone who missed this deal, the reviews suck and it sucks, don't feel bad!
@Stallion If that's how it wakes you up then I wish I would have bought one for each residence.
@eyewerks lol
@Stallion but but but its cheaper than an 11in sub at subway
@communist True, but the sub is way tastier.
@ChunkyBitz The sub will still wake you up in the middle of the night.
Here, you can buy these instead:
@Alien88 Is this a joke? $15???
@Stallion how do you use that website?
@thekenya No clue to be honest, but I know its owned by the guys over at Mediocre labs.
@thekenya you dont, all the links are hidden(like the old moofi woot site) you have to be linked to it by someone or some website
seems expensive
@Alien88 What else are they offering and how did you find this?
@Mehrocco_Mole , et al. . . From the site: "What is Checkout.org?
Checkout.org is run by Mediocre Laboratories, an ecommerce concept innovator. All deals offered are in stock and available for a limited time only. Offers on Checkout.org are a collaboration between the Mediocre Laboratories team and our partner publishers."
@username the $5 shipping is included in that price.
@Alien88 Guess they had to make up for all the free ones they sent us. I still haven't used mine.
@Mehrocco_Mole the magic internet is how I found it :p
@Alien88 So how do you find their actual sales page without a link like you gave us? For that matter how did you find that link? Back up to just checkout.org and there is no link to see what they have on sale. Back it up just to deals and you get irk.
@Kidsandliz read "What is checkout.org", above. That is the point - Mediocre labs is providing a virtual back room for other sellers to clear stuff out. Those links show up on those other sellers' sites.
@Kidsandliz What @RedOak said. Just be crafty with google searches and you can see past / current sales.
@Alien88 I did the same thing. Looks like we didn't miss out on much. Now another site I'll have to check! Do you think a Fuku/Fuko may show up on it?
@Alien88 I got some of those for free, thanks Meh! But I forgot where I put them. They are still in their uncut boxes somewhere in my piles of crap.
As someone who has a fairly substantial hearing loss, I would have loved to gotten one. :-/
@haydesigner same here. Oh well lets hope they put them up again
@haydesigner WHAT?!? (Hmm, that's not nearly as funny as it is in person.)
@haydesigner @enigma while 7 times more here is one that is louder http://www.solidsignal.com/pview.asp?p=sa-sbb500ss&utm_campaign=email_Flash_sa-sbb500ss&utm_medium=email&utm_source=inhouse&location=01
bought 1, looked at ebay prices, bought 2 more. dope.
@kidlebron guess that means we'll see about 350 of these up on ebay in the next week or two
I clicked meh last night and didn't get the credit! 102 in a row and I got screwed and it reset... You suck meh. I give up. Unless of course you will rectify this grievous error on your part in which case I will be back to being a meh-ish fan.
@n8mack33 Likely you were accidentally signed out by meh. It doesn't stick if you aren't signed in. Happened to me after a run over even more than that, and several other times too.
Why bother with meh if you don't have a chance to buy? Mediocre is right. I think I' done with Meh.
Baby Arm.
All of the blame belongs to @narfcake. That is all.
@gommiebears if the shirt fits
@TerriblyHuang ... then it's not Anvil?
do the people who bought this not have cell phones?
because every cell phone i have ever had in my life has an alarm clock INSIDE OF IT and I sleep beside my cell phone EVERY NIGHT.
@elpepe this clock has some benefits to those of us hard of hearing, and you won't need to put on glasses to see the numbers - (unless you have good eyes)
@elpepe Does your cell phone have an FM radio in it, a projector, talk the time, and have a 100dB alarm? Does it keep the screen on so you can see the time in the middle of the night?
@cengland0 everything but the projector. (bluetooth speakers can easily get to 100 db)
@elpepe I bet you paid more than $5 for that bluetooth speaker.
@elpepe My thoughts exactly. I keep my phone next to my bed and always use its alarm for whenever I need to get up. Even if this clock hadn't instantly sold out, I still would've passed.
@elpepe that phone spends enough time near my precious parts during the day . . . the last thing I want is it sitting a foot away from my brain all night. And I'm allergic to tinfoil.
@elpepe The phone/alarm has to be far enough away that I can't hit snooze while still asleep...otherwise I would still be asleep from Monday...
I would have bought one of these, but my Sparta 1150 has been working non-stop for over 30 years with no signs of failing.
I did buy a chrome Clocky a couple of years back, but I've never used it.
@ChunkyBitz Did you by chance mean a Spartus 1150?
GREAT clock, lasted for years!
@Pavlov Hmmm...must have gotten auto-corrected. Stupid tablets.
@ChunkyBitz No problem, just happened to own one long enough to have studied that clock face very closely on sleepless nights - knew it was a Spartus immediately. Great clock, as I said, mine would still be with me if I had chosen a first wife better.
@Pavlov Lmao - She got the clock? Or did you throw it at her and break it?
@cinoclav She got the clock. Then she broke it.
@Pavlov That must've been some clock for it to have been included in the settlement!
@jqubed It was just with some of the things she took when she (finally) cleaned her stuff out . . . If I could have included it in the itemized list of property which I would have liked to retain / get back, it would have been near the top - but by that time I was told it had been "dropped". It was a gift from my father (who had by that time passed away). I'm sure she didn't remember that when she took it (at least that is what I tell myself). I miss the clock. I don't miss her.
@Pavlov Well, you miss her, but your aim is improving....
@SIMBM I really don't miss her, she was bat-shit crazy, and not in a good way . . . But I am human and what I really miss may be the immutable fact that we never really love again like we do with the abandon of the first time you roll that deep (so I miss what I wanted it to be, which fell well short of what it was - but in that context both she and I are equally culpable for the demise and I accept that). I'm wicked happy with @MrsPavlov and my life now. She's bat-shit crazy in a good way. And although I love my wife now more than I thought I ever could love again, there is the juvenile innocence that happens (the blinders, if you will) with the first that you never get back. And, sometimes, that is really for the best, even though you may miss it a little bit.
are you serious sold out of god damned clocks in under 1 hour
what kind of clock is this
jesus clock hopefully
@afwaller under 7 minutes actually
They sold out in something like 5-6 minutes.
Only 584 of them. What? My alarm didn't go off. Oh wait. It is this crap. @narfcake i'll thank you for this sellout. Blame should go both ways!
Oh HELL no!
This is just simple math 12am+$5=Instabuy. IF it sucks? Donate or resell it. 4th straight purchase in a row for me.
Does anybody really know what time it is?
No AM radio? How will I listen to Imus?
East coast never had a friggin" chance!!
@debjoisme I officially nominate you to be our voice - East Coasters unite and stop this injustice! (or we could just stay up later)
@mfladd the ONE night I went to bed early pfffft
Can I get a double-ultra-meh button to click when a deal sells out within the first half hour it's posted to express my displeasure?
Crap, sold out!!!! 7:00 am here and it appears these sold out VERY quickly. I am kinda pissed as this would have been my first Meh order and my 7 yr old daughter has been asking for her first alarm clock so she can get herself up for school in the morning (which I will pay anything for anyway). But this would have been perfect for her. Oh well.
@mfladd Aww, get her something cute. This one also has a projector in it.
@cinoclav Thank you for that. I will have to ask, as she is 7 going on 14 - Seriously :( (remember when 7 was 7). I will have to find out whether Hello Kitty still is relevant to her. She would like the projector I think, but was hoping for an annoying voice to tell her to get up - besides mine.
@mfladd My gf is 45. She'd like a Hello Kitty clock. It may be the one damn thing that all women never outgrow.
OK... so I have a theory why they sold out so quickly... They wanted to set them to check Meh... Only explanation I can come up with. Also If this didn't sell out I may have bought one, probably not... But knowing it sold out... Meh... Thanks again @Narfcake I didn't have to spend more money, The wife thanks you also!
Also, this is bugging me, probably more than it should; what is the opposite of the scapegoat?
@sohmageek It is their goal to sellout. Here's an article from the founder ( @snapster ) about sellouts being their goal. https://meh.com/forum/topics/why-sellouts-are-our-goal
@cengland0 yes I realize sell outs are their goal. It would be foolish to not have that as the goal.
A man with one clock knows what time it is. A man with two clocks is never sure.
@defibrillator Why would a man ever let his clocks get out of sync of each other?
@defibrillator I knew I'd heard that before: Segal's Law
Leave it to Wikipedia to get way too serious about it, though.
You had me at Orange Numerals.
I am finding this business model does not work with my spending habits. My wife thanks you. Don't spend that 3K all in one place!
Baby Arm!!!!
@PurpleCave - New employee?
@KDemo Nah! Just a Baby Arm fan!!!
@PurpleCave Are you a @Barney fan too? How do you feel about purple?
@jqubed Big PURPLE fan! Loved the purple PowerNow portable chargers, the PURPLE collapsible water bottles that were featured, the PURPLE Belkin keyboard and case, and the PURPLE (Lilac) Contigo Shake and Go tumblers!!!!!!
how come the nights I decide to not check I miss out on the good stuff!!!!!!!!
@ThoR294 Last night was obviously not the night you're speaking of.
hey hey! I have to take back my silent profanities directed at narfcake due to the sell out. :-S I got an error when I bought one last night at 12:03 and then it was sold out so I figured I missed it. Yet, I have an order number!
I'll go now and sit quietly in the corner until tomorrow.
@one_two3456 Silent ones are preferred over the verbose ones. :) Thank you.
No Georgia Red. . . for that alone, meh.
@jrwofuga And I mean, it's a clock! When aren't their numerals red? But not this one!
Once again, my alarm was set and deliberately, albeit sleepily, passed. No ragrets. That said, did anyone else see the $5 price and think "Fuku!"? Took me a moment to slow my heart rate once I rolled over back to slumber.
If it's anything like the Oregon Scientific weather radios, it will stop working after a week, you'll sleep through half of your shift, and promptly get fired. Good job, suckers! ;)
@VeeDubTDI on the other hand, we have several Oregon Scientific clocks in our home that have far outlasted the La Crosse crap we tried.
Dang it. I would have been all over this like like a German with a bowl of strudel. My last sci america was a dud i paid 10 bucks for, sent back and got over $100 worth of goodies to replace it. I hope all these come broken and defective as well so you get cppl ahit too!
These just arrived today - nice job shipping quickly, meh!
Just in time for a bday gift for our daughter.
Quick observations after a simple test:
1) Nice overall product.
2) I don't recall any of our older alarm clock displays being so clear and easy to read. . . Or including the date.
3) The FM reception is not bad, but the sound quality is not surprisingly tunnel-like with that tiny speaker.
4) Voice time announcement, as the very limited reviews indicated is LOUD -- even on the low setting. So loud the product designer must have been extremely hard of hearing.
But for 5 bucks, if all you wanted was a digital clock/date display to that was easy to read from across the room, this would do nicely!
Thanks meh - great VMP re-up bait!
I waited until bedtime to try to set up my new alarm clock, and now I'm ready to tear my hair out. Is anyone else having trouble? Maybe I'm just too tired for this shit.
@christinerenee didn't test alarm setting but that can be frustrating on a lot of clocks. My all time favorite for alarm setting ease (got me thru flexible schedule of grad school + many years):
@christinerenee . . . Followed closely by (with weekend mode it has 4 alarms, those knobs on the sides twist up/down time - Costco used to sell this for $15-20):
Got my three, all three setup and going well. Kids got one in their rooms and the wife and I in our room also. I love being able to see the time on the ceiling. I don't however understand why you would need to reverse the image.
@tightwad if you live in Australia you need to reverse it because you're upside down.
@JonT I forgot about that.
Still my “rad-est” purchase on meh. Radio -great; Time projected on ceiling -the best; Low power mode that still tells the time(dim) and keeps all settings saved on dead back up batteries after accidentally being unplugged for a month- superb. (still a little loud though) Oregon Scientific has a special place in my purchasing memory.
After over 3 years of daily use the projection system on all 3 clocks is failing, some digits just don’t show anymore. This is one of the more useful Meh purchases and I’d love to figure out how to fix the projection…but I’m afraid it would be a surface mount solder requirement or more…afraid to disassemble now.
@tightwad Maybe try contacting Oregon Scientific and tell them how much you like these clocks and ask for help? In the past they’ve been pretty responsive, and have even sent replacement goodies to some people. Wouldn’t hurt to try.