13Huge news for all of our shirt fans! We’re changing things up now that we’ve moved into 2022. No longer will you have to wait until Monday for new designs! We’re adding 2 more designs each week, so this is just the first of two posts this week about the great things happening over at Mediocritee.com.
Why does this matter? Well, with this change, Mediocritee Monday has come to an end. Not to worry, I’ll keep you up to date on the offerings all the same, but going forward the posts will use a new tee-pun title each time around. You’ll see these posts every Monday and Thursday, so be on the lookout for me to tees the offers. See what I did there?
With the “fine print” out of the way, what better time to get the ball rolling than now? Today we have two new designs that will help greatly if you don’t have enough space in your closet. Everyone could use more space and you’ll find that this art is out of this world and worth a view.
doodldo drew up the designs so be kinda and share your thoughts on the offer’s forum to let 'em know what you think. These posts have always been about driving traffic to the discussions on Mediocritee’s forum so I hope to see more of you over there in 2022. It’s a great place to make shirt requests and just chat about the art of attire. Bonus, three of the early commenters with something fun/interesting/clever to say will be highlighted with each post and likely show up in the offer teemails.
See you Thursday!
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