Not a narc: drug question
8A friend who grows his own medical marijuana offered me some because his plants are doing really well. I said I don’t even know what I’d do with it, unless I made a tincture or something. He said Tincture? I’ll give you my sugar leaf trim, since it’s too harsh to smoke! So now I have this sugar leaf trim, which I guess needs to be dried out a litte more and then decarboxylated? And then I make a tincture? He has assured me that it’s OK if I screw it up, there’s a learning curve, and I can have more in the future whether it turns out really good or really bad.
So I’m going to try it, even though decarboxylation is going to stink up the whole house. It’s silly because I’ve never been a stoner, at all. Does anybody have any suggestions on, well, any part of it, but especially the part where I’m certain to stink up the whole house with this weird, skunky smell.
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What the fuck is “decarboxylation” and why do you need to do it? (serious question, gratuitous use of fuck, because … @carl669)
And “tincture”? Isn’t that just what normal people call “tea”?
As to the cannibis ingredient, I have no idea. I don’t use the stuff in any form, medicinal or otherwise What someone else puts in their body is their business, other than the vaccine, only because not getting the life-jab affects me and my loved ones and everyone else’s.
@mike808 Decarboxylation changes THCA(cid) into THC. It happens naturally as the leaf dries, but one can speed up the process to retain the flavor and increase the concentration. One would do this when cooking with the herb to ensure the psychoactive experience is preserved or even enhanced.
Marijuana does not prevent the coronavirus. I am a chef, I am not a doctor.
@mike808 If you got the jab and it is effective why does your neighbor have to take a jab to protect YOU? If your jab doesnt protect you how will his jab protect you?
@mike808 @Nate311
THC tincture
Perhaps a poultice of pot
A soothing syrup
@dyounghbic @mike808
If neighbor is poked
They’re less likely to get 'vid
And then infect you
People are attack vectors
Prolong pandemic
@dyounghbic @mike808 Unvaccinated people are more likely to contract covid. The more people who get covid, the higher the likelihood of new mutations.
Those mutations result in variants like Delta which is capable of breaking through the vaccine.
The more covid is allowed to spread freely in the wild, the more variants which have the potential to resist the vaccine and become more highly contagious and/or more deadly.
If everyone had gotten the vaccine as soon as they became eligible, there’d be no Delta variant, no breakthrough cases, no more need for masks and social distancing, no more Covid.
But, because some people believe Bill Gates is trying to inject them with 5G to control their minds and/or that Covid is a Liberal hoax created to get their favorite president out of office and/or because they’re not “sheep” who will do what the government tells them to, even when the government is trying to keep them from spreading disease that could kill them and others, Covid will likely remain a threat indefinitely.
@mike808 Short version as explained to me: you have to heat it up at relatively low temperatures to make it get you high (and/or activate the CBD component); a tincture is is herbs steeped in alcohol (usually; some use glycerine or vinegar) to release their medicinal value, so basically an unsweetened homemade liqueur.
@dyounghbic @mike808
Currently about 90% of the hospitalizations and virtually all (99%) of the deaths are unvaccinated. In the state of Alabama we are running a deficit of ICU beds.
If you get COVID due to being unvaccinated… that’s on you.
If my (vaccinated) loved one dies because they are hit by a drunk driver or have a heart attack, etc, and there are no ICU beds available due to the preventable COVID patients clogging up the system… That’s on YOU too .
@chienfou @dyounghbic
The same way that me driving sober protects my neigbor (and everyone else) and my neighbor driving sober protects me (and everyone else).
650,00+ people are dead. How many more have to die for you to understand covid doesn’t give a fuck about your “freedom” to kill other people by being a willful victim, carrier, and spreader for even worse mutations than Delta.
Getting the life-jab is the most pro-life thing you can do for yourself and everyone you come into contact with, regardless of what they do or fail to do.
@chienfou @dyounghbic @mike808
Seven hundred K
Two per thousand US folks
Murdered already
Do you have one of those immersion heaters for sous vide?
Grind and seal it and cook at 203° Farenheit for 90 minutes. Then let it cool back to room temperature before you open it. Almost no smell.
-also not a narc
Nate 3 eleven
Rolling in with some real facts
You the MVP
@replicacobra This is my favorite haiku about me. Perhaps the only haiku about me. It is magnificent. Thank you.
@Nate311 I do not, that’s a great idea but for the future. I have a pressure cooker, and there are directions online for instant pots which I assume are close enough, but I never use my pressure cooker and don’t remembe how. You did just remind me that I got a vacuum-sealer in an IRK a few years ago that’s sitting in my basement, and maybe there’s a way to utilise that in this project. Thanks!
Grinding it and decarbing in that manner loses a ton of thc, and crushes the turpenes. If you want good oil, or tinicure, it’s essential to decarb correctly. I explained a bit more precisely, (probably rambling) further down this thread.
(also also not a nark)
Do not put in a pressure cooker use a oven.
Explains how to do it in the article
@Star2236 Toaster oven OK, or would the temperature fluctuate too much?
@mossygreen @Star2236
Nooo, definitely not a toaster oven.
I live in Michigan, grow medicinally, and sell cbd oil. I’m happy to walk you through. I don’t smoke it at all, but use the oil faithfully. I don’t remove the thc, because why would you want to? It’s the best part! But I live in a state where it’s legal, so do your own research.
You decarb by placing your bud, or plant matter, on a rumpled piece of Reynolds Wrap on a cookie sheet, and baking with another crumbled piece of foil over top. (This keeps your thc from evaporating and escaping) 220 degrees for 45 minutes. Buds are always the best, so maybe your friend will share if you ask pretty please. You’ll want whatever you use to be roughly the same size - about an inch. If you’re making oil, you put it in a slow cooler, on the lowest setting, with a one part greens to three parts coconut oil, (or whatever carrier oil you like), and simmer for 12 hours. Afterwards, you run your product through a strainer lined with fine mesh, (I use cheese cloth) to remove debris.
The oil is so incredibly versatile! 3 drops under the tongue for anxiety. 5 drops for insomnia. My husband rubs it on his knees for arthritis, and my best friend swears it’s the best lube on the planet.
Hope yours turns out great, and feel free to whisper me with any questions.
@punkynpye great info! i wish i could use it for anxiety but sadly it just gives me more. even low thc/high cbd gummies are a bit much! i do have slightly better luck with smoking if i get sativa. michigander here too
You just said a bunch of stuff that I don’t understand.