Not a narc: drug question

mossygreen thought this was worth mentioning said

A friend who grows his own medical marijuana offered me some because his plants are doing really well. I said I don’t even know what I’d do with it, unless I made a tincture or something. He said Tincture? I’ll give you my sugar leaf trim, since it’s too harsh to smoke! So now I have this sugar leaf trim, which I guess needs to be dried out a litte more and then decarboxylated? And then I make a tincture? He has assured me that it’s OK if I screw it up, there’s a learning curve, and I can have more in the future whether it turns out really good or really bad.

So I’m going to try it, even though decarboxylation is going to stink up the whole house. It’s silly because I’ve never been a stoner, at all. Does anybody have any suggestions on, well, any part of it, but especially the part where I’m certain to stink up the whole house with this weird, skunky smell.