Non US issues credit card
I wanted to buy stuff from meh. I wanted to ship items in US. with a billing address in UK. I see that the the zip code in the billing information accepts only numbers, whereas in UK our post codes are alpha numeric.
Any pointers on how to resolve this?
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@suryatamada You'll need a package forwarder company that gives you a US address- everyone not in the US (including the Canadians, and the South Koreans) uses one. If you check the FAQ here: this is the official answer.
Sorry about that, but I do hope you go through and order anyway!
of all sites, quickbooks was one I spotted first and it says your cc provider may have alternate zip codes stored that validate for a U.S. based AVS zip code check like ours:
"For transactions that have problems due to such a zip code situation, the card holder will need to contact the card issuing bank to determine if there are options for using their international card with U.S. based businesses that require a 5-digit numeric zip code. It is the responsibility of the card holder to provide such information when processing an international card."
(that responsibility bit is aimed at the merchant not just hacking in some known-to-work zip to bypass the security "feature" - but if I knew the zip to enter I'd obviously tell you here)
snapster@ thanks for the info. This is what i am looking for.
I already have a valid shipping address. Needed info for using non US billing address.
Try calling your bank or credit card issuer. Ask them to help you setup the US shipping address you use as an alternative billing address for the card.
Many credit card issuers will try to help with this, but not all.
You may also be able to use a service like Visa Checkout to get around this (if your CC is a Visa).
VISA Checkout doesn’t require a Visa card, it’s like PayPal.
Or does using a Visa card with Visa Checkout allow more billing address control?
Does Meh use Visa Checkout?? Does Visa Checkout offer virtual card #'s?
@baqui63 @f00l Look at the date. A spammer necro-ed this thread …

/giphy splat
@narfcake oh. yeah. duh. sorry.