No snow this winter and I miss it. Post cool snow photos
4I live in the deep south. I miss snow (mind you I am not talking about blizzard after blizzard and shoveling the driveway)… Post cool winter snow pictures on this thread. In college we built an 80’ long, very tall snow dragon (too bad no pics of that) that took all the snow in the residence hall quad (up state NY snow belt too), another time an 8’ tall fort (as a kid) in our front yard and we hoped the news station/newspaper would just randomly drive by to take a photo of our masterpiece (didn’t realize we had to call them LOL). As kids slept in an igloo we made out of the plow pile in the church parking lot next door… Someone posted this to a list I am on and it made me smile…
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Oops typo in the title “is” for “it” (too tired, too much grading for too many hours) @woodhouse sometime when you have time could you please fix that for me. Thanks.
@Kidsandliz Ask and ye shall receive!
Ice an inch thick:

Some more pictures of the snow.
What % of years do you get snow that sticks to the ground for more than 1 day? (Not ice.)
I presume its spring there now?
@f00l Been spring all winter LOL. We had ice once this winter. They salted once, apparently while it was still raining (so it would wash away anyway), and then wondered why they had to shut the highway for several days for the ice to melt and make the roads passable again (a ton of trucks stuck too). Apparently it never occurred to them to salt a second time. Stupid dumb ass city. Of course this is the city where a past mayor decided to take matters into his own hands, got himself a posse to knock down an alleged (not even gone to court yet) drug dealer’s house. Instead they took out the front wall of a neighbor’s house. Typical for around here. Stupid, corrupt, incompetent, never their fault…
Here’s a pile of snow a few feet high

Can you get rid of the security? Hypothetically asking for an “acquaintance”.
@PlacidPenguin sure…just don’t ask how and be prepared to transfer bitcoins
I had the perfect codenames, but I only realized afterwards how annoyingly perfect they were.
Did you get the birdseed for the birds yet?
@PlacidPenguin the birdseed was hijacked by squirrels. squirrel tracker is on the case
same here in chicago. unseasonably warm.
You made me boot up my laptop, LOL. I took these photos at a local park on Dec 27, 2015. No snow this Christmas. I live in the desert, we get a little snow every couple of years, but we only get nice snow like this every couple of decades. Even so, it was gone the next day, and Christmas two days before was in the high 70’s, people are wearing shorts in my Christmas photos. These aren’t black and white pictures by the way, just no color in the scenes.

@moondrake Those are really pretty.
I took these the same morning at my house, Simba in the snow, a little bird staying warm in the juniper under the eaves of my porch, and some impressive icicles considering it only got cold and started snowing about 12 hours earlier.
We are having a sandstorm here today, it’s already blown a couple of trucks over on the freeway and done quite a bit of property destruction, so it’s nice to look at photos of pretty weather.

@moondrake Nice photos
From a while back. 70º here today as well.
@brhfl Yup, I think I remember it snowing only once and sticking. We have had a very mild winter here in MD so far - but March is here - you know it has at least one it. Raining now.
Don’t worry there is always the April surprise.
Two feet of snow
(Snow photo of questionable coolness)
(Snow video of unquestionable awesomeness)
Video that I took during a recent snowfall.
That’s a lot of snow. I guess you got rid of the security.