New Year New Ewe (January 2021 scapegoat blame thread)
17Well, we made it. Tattered, tired, and tremulous, but we’re here.
@PocketBrain helped us ring in the New Year, but we’ll be starting 2021 with a new sacrifice, @Star2236. Let’s hope for a smoother ride this time around.
If it’s not, well, you know who to blame.
- 26 comments, 120 replies
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Unblame. Finally got my health insurance back.
Unblame. My youngest got into his first pick dream college. And my oldest is graduating his. Figured I’d start the new year with some good news.
Minor blame. College costs are still unaffordable for too many people.
@mike808 Congratulations to both of them!
@mike808 Blame. Too much for me specifically.
Unblame… scheduled for an 0845 slot to get the Moderna vaccine… whoohoo! At least I was able to do it on ‘company time’ since I am working 2300-1100 in the ER tonight/today. (so… if I have any adverse reaction I won’t have far to go!)
@chienfou Defense contractor here. They are floating possible early access to the Moderna vaccine courtesy of the USN.
To quote Nike… Just do it
@chienfou have you? If so, any adverse reactions?
I have a co-worker who was part of the AZ trial and was told his arm was VERY sore for ~ a week after. Also he felt sluggish for a few days. Otherwise no real concerns.
Got mine (Moderna) on 1/6/21 at work after working from 2245 to 0800. Took about 20 minutes total to do paperwork and then stay 15 minutes to be sure no adverse/anaphylactic reactions. Went back to work and finished my ~12 hr shift (til 1115). I can tell where I got the shot, but it is not painful, just barely sore. No other effects I could tell, though I was tired after working 12 hours overnight. Feel fine today. So far so good.
TL:DR go for it!!
@chienfou good to hear, and I am guessing you may have been a little tired after a 12 hr shift anyway?!?!?
@chienfou @tinamarie1974
Yay!!! Glad to hear you got your shot. Is this the two-dose kind, so you’ll have another one in a few weeks?
A friend of mine is getting his on his birthday, tomorrow (or today, for you easterners.)
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974
Precisely! Those ‘night-into-day’ shifts are the worse. I can do 1900-0700, or 1500-0300 without any problem, but those last 2 or 3 hours of the 2300-1100 always get me. Even the 0300-1500 is better.
yes, I think all the ones in the US right now are 2 step. The Moderna (the one I got) is 4 weeks apart, the Pfizer is 3.
I’m hoping we can get this ball rolling, and at the very least it well be a criteria for travel so we can start going places again. I think that would maybe be an inducement for some of the hesitant ones.
/eightball are congratulations in order?
My sources say no
I actually enjoyed my stint as pre-dead goat. Hope yours is all you dreamed it would be!
Blame: As I woke up today and reflected on another year I was reminded of my fifth birthday (like every year). The days leading up to my 5th birthday my mom would tell me, wow you are going to be a big girl on the 9th, are you excited? I remember waking up and leaping out of bed, so very excited. I stood up and looked down to my toes and started to cry. Mom came running in to see what was wrong and I exclaimed, mom I am not a big girl. I am still little, what happened!!
Guess what. Got up today and I am STILL short?!?!?!??! My mom clearly does not know what she is talking about
Unblame, because well, I survived another year of happiness and heartache. I am a stronger and hopefully better person because of it!
Hope everyone has a good day
@tinamarie1974 Hey - did you see up higher on this thread your growing collection of birthday wishes?
@Kidsandliz nnnoooooo checking now! Thanks
@tinamarie1974 You’re not short, you’re space-efficient.
@PocketBrain @tinamarie1974 The first time I read that comment I read it as “space-deficient”. LOL
Plus side of being short compared to tall: it’s unlikely your knees will be crammed against the seat in front of you, the seats in a car likely will give you decent thigh support because it won’t be too short, you can wear a hat in any sub compact cars without worrying that by doing so your head touches the roof, you don’t have to duck and/or crunch over when existing some of the smaller cars, short length jeans are far more often to be in stock than long length jeans, you might actually be able to have the shower head be above your head rather than have to scrunch down because it is level with your shoulders… Just sayin’ (grin).
Hope you had fun today!
@Kidsandliz @PocketBrain all good points, but I always call it vertically challenged. One thing though, even short length jeans are too long and need to be altered
It was a good day, thanks!
Blame - My cats believe they own my (twin) bed and if I am lucky I get about 1/3 of it. They also dictated the cheapo (would have bought a crap meh one but had already bought the cheapest one IKEA was selling) IKEA quilt since the younger ones tend to claw the stitching and I didn’t want the lovely hand made ones I own wrecked.
Unblame - they want to cuddle with me every night.
@Kidsandliz They’re gorgeous kitties.
@Kyeh Thanks although they all picked me. I didn’t pick them.
Who are not showing are feral kitty who had dug her way under the covers (that lump to the left of the front and middle cat) and my one who will be 20 in early March who has taken ownership of the cat heating pad where she warms her old bones.
The one closest in the photo is 12. I found her on the median strip of the highway in the driving rain on the way to work. She was about 6 weeks old. “Interesting” to have a kitten at work all day when you have no cat food, dirt box, cat cage… at work… LOL.
The next back is campus kitty who is about 4. Someone dumped her on campus during the last weeks of classes. She had come up to me several times on the way to class and I couldn’t snatch her then as there is no way I wouldn’t get into trouble bringing a cat to class. I snagged her immediately after the winter graduation ceremony. I was returning to the office from that to get the rest of my stuff, she came up to me, I picked her up, put her in the car, she did the wild try to escape through the windshield trick (think Garfield cat action) for about 10 seconds and then settled down. She then acted like she had always been my cat. She was around 1 at the time and had been physically abused (teeth broken off and infected, jaw bone fragments loose in her jaw).
The orange one is ‘backyard bird feeder dinner bait kitty’ who is roughly 2. Snatched him out of the backyard when I realized he wasn’t a neighbor’s cat, rather abandoned by his family due to how thin and scruffy he was (he was not feral).
@Kidsandliz I’ve only had one who was "off the street " - an orange tabby with the swirls rather than stripes; he was a gorgeous kitty.
The others have been Humane Society rescues. They’ve all been great. I admire people willing to adopt the unfriendly cats but I always try to find affectionate ones. My current one, Toby, was the biggest chance I’ve taken since he was so super shy at first, but he didn’t seem hostile at all. And now he’s a big (13 lbs!) sweetheart.
@Kyeh Glad he is a sweetie. You needed a love bug.
@Kidsandliz Thanks; yes, I did!
@Kidsandliz Unblame: I have a Queen and these two leave me plenty of room.
@PocketBrain I wouldn’t be able to fit a queen bed plus dresser, cat tree, etc. in a 9x10 bedroom. I’d imagine I’d have enough room too if the bed was big enough since none of these cats are huge. Of course since some of them insist their preferred spot is hard up against me I could have the biggest bed in the entire world and they’d likely still crowd me.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh Orange tabbys are the greatest! My off the street orange boy was rescued from my front yard on one of the coldest nights 7 years ago. Didn’t know if I was going to keep him or not so I agreed to foster him until a friend that worked at a vets office could re-home him. Take him to the vet and find out he wasn’t fixed and had one undescended testicle. Common in dogs but quite rare in cats. Neutering was not a snip-snip but exploratory surgery. Thankful for the “rescue rate” that the vet gave me! The vet suspects that he was abandoned from his previous family because they found out how much the surgery would be. The whole week prior to the surgery, I called him my One Ball Wonder. Needless to say, I kept him and now Squeaker is just the best lap buddy, purr monster, shoulder riding, gooshie food loving dude around.
@ironcheftoni @Kyeh My orange baby also had one undescended testicle. And a voice box that doesn’t work. My vet told me that cats who have undescended testicles have a higher cancer rate. Not sure (as I forgot to ask and now keep forgetting) if that was in general or only if it wasn’t removed (eg testicular cancer or at higher risk for many kinds).
@ironcheftoni @Kidsandliz @Kyeh for dogs the cancer rate is higher if not removed. The other concern is why didn’t it descend? Is it wrapped around something.
My pom that passed away last year had that issue when he was a pup, had to have exploratory surgery to have him fixed and found it was wrapped around his stomach. Poor guy
@ironcheftoni @Kyeh @tinamarie1974 So if they have surgery to remove that testicle - at least in dogs - there aren’t additional problems? This cat was fixed when he was about 8 mo old and that is when was discovered and he had the additional surgery to remove it too.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @tinamarie1974 Good to know. I’ll have to ask my vet about the cancer risks.
@ironcheftoni @Kyeh @tinamarie1974 please post what you find out.
@Kidsandliz @PocketBrain
My friend has a king bed and his cats have always slept right up next to his face! He said he doesn’t mind except the whiskers tickle.
@ironcheftoni @Kidsandliz I agree about orange tabbies; our first three were orange tabbies. Then I ended up with a black “smoke tabby” - he looked all black but his undercoat was white, and now I have a big tuxedo cat.
One interesting thing - the third orange boy was the sweetest-smelling cat ever! The top of his head smelled like beeswax.
Unblame because the pup just saw his first snow fall. He was both confused and excited at the same time. He kept jumping in the air trying to catch the in his mouth.
Can’t wait for our first accumulation to see what he thinks!!
@tinamarie1974 Take some videos if you can! Snow is yekoP’s favorite thing in the whole world (other than Aunt Beth, that is).
@ybmuG I was having to hold his leash as he hurt his front paw - I am trying to keep him from running on it (he was trying). Hopefully next time I can, and will post
@tinamarie1974 @ybmuG Hey if he needs to ice his paw, being in the snow is going to work for that .
How did he hurt his paw?
@Kidsandliz @ybmuG unsure what he did. Did x-rays and nothing is broken, has some inflammation.
@tinamarie1974 @ybmuG Well it is good nothing is broken. Maybe he poked a tiny tiny hole in himself that no one can find and it is now inflamed? Odd. Hope he recovers quickly.
@Kidsandliz @ybmuG who knows, paw seems to be getting better. I am going to pay attention though. I THINK last time he had this issue it was pretty cold out, and it was cold again (ice storms) over new years. I am wondering if his paw is just sensitive to cold weather?
@tinamarie1974 @ybmuG Maybe his paw got frost nip? That can cause swelling in humans. Try booties if it is really cold out. Of course he may end up doing the shake paws in the air dance the first time you put them on.
@Kidsandliz @ybmuG it is possible, although he is never in the frigid cold any longer than necessary - I go out with him to ensure it is all business! That said puppy paws can be sensitive.
My other thought is that he has anxiety issues and when he is put in his crate (I leave the house or at night ) he completely FREAKS out and kicks at the door with his front paws trying to break out. This is a work in progress and patience as well.
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 does he have a crate buddy? A favorite toy or sock or something that he has with him in the crate? When yekoP was training I had to sleep on the couch next to his crate one night reassuring him every hour or so. But I didn’t take him out, just made sure he knew being in the crate was OK. After that, he did fine.
@tinamarie1974 @ybmuG I bet you are right about front paws and the crate being the cause. Maybe negative reinforcement of a sore paw will teach him not to do that.
@ybmuG no crate buddy or blanket…he would eat them. I have chew toys in there for him, but he kicks them or throws them around the crate to make noise/wake me up.
@kidsandliz @ybmuG His crate is in my bedroom about 5’ from my bed, so I am there and can try to consol him, but it doesn’t seem to help. He clearly has anxiety issues and we (me, my family, vet, trainer) think he was abused before he found me, so lots of baggage to unpack. Wonder if there were issues with being crated as well. He is currently taking herbal supplements that are SUPPOSE to calm him down, they are meh. Now working to see of some other form of meds will help with his anxiety. We have tried one that did nothing, another that made his eyes cross, tongue hang out and drool. So those were both no-go’s. I have a call scheduled with his dear vet to see what our other options are until he can calm down and deal with his anxiety in his own.
Aaahhhhh the joys of pet ownership…would be easier if he could talk!! Then he could tell me who did this to him and I could go kick their ass!!
@tinamarie1974 @ybmuG Animal abusers need to be punished far more heavily than they are. Campus kitty had been abused, teeth knocked out, bone fragments in her jaw… yet she came right up to me on campus and she is now my biggest love bug. Took a while though for her to completely understand that I wasn’t going to abuse her. She’d be triggered by things (that to me were unexpected) and then be terrified and run. She doesn’t just run though, after she runs she hides for a long time. Took time and me learning what her triggers were to try to avoid them. Now she isn’t especially triggered, but heaven help me if I do something to her that hurts. Eye drops for her current eye infection is one example and I have to do a different thing each time so that she doesn’t run knowing those are coming. Stepping on her tail or paw is a disaster.
@Kidsandliz @ybmuG agree, for pupper it seems to be men with a hoodie or coat. A man holding something, etc. My poor father, he has so much patience (thank goodness). He doesn’t run anymore, but barks/nips or hides under my coffee table.
Assumimg/hoping in time his anxiety settles down
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 past abuse changes the game a bit. Hopefully the vet can figure something out. AND puppo realizes that you’re the best thing that has happened to him and he relaxes. May just take some time. But it’s definitely worth it! For BOTH of you! Glad you found each other.
@Kidsandliz @ybmuG I am glad I found him, I doubt most people will have the required patience with him. He will get there…eventually…I hope
@tinamarie1974 @ybmuG With the kind of attention you are giving him I’d guess he will. It just may take time. My abused kitty took ages. My friend adopted a 4 or 5 year old dog who had been abused and presumed he’d be beaten every time he was touched. He finally got over that about a year later.
Unblame. Made me laugh.
Congratulations, @Star2236!
I’m looking forward to seeing some fabulous, stylish 🥿SHOES!
@Kyeh @star2236, me too! Congrats
/giphy shoes
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974
Does that mean I’m goat this month?
@Kyeh @Star2236 yup
@Kyeh @Star2236 @tinamarie1974 congrats! It only took a few elections!
@Kyeh @RiotDemon @tinamarie1974
It’s a holiday, I’ll start tomorrow
@Kyeh @RiotDemon @Star2236 @tinamarie1974
Well you do have an hour or so of early overtime and sometimes goats got a few days off at the beginning of their term…
Um nope. You are on duty as long as you have the goat icon by your name.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @RiotDemon @tinamarie1974
My goat, my rules. No post on holidays or birthdays and luckily my birthday is this month.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @RiotDemon @Star2236 me too!!
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @RiotDemon @tinamarie1974
Congratulations, which day?
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @RiotDemon @Star2236 the 9th. You?
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @RiotDemon @Star2236 @tinamarie1974
Oh boy…
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @RiotDemon @tinamarie1974 @ybmuG
That’s right!
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @RiotDemon @Star2236 @tinamarie1974
/image hang on to your butts
/giphy happy birthday pup
Happy Birthday!
/giphy Happy birthday
Unblame, Happy Birthday
@Kyeh thank you
@Kidsandliz be still my beating heart! A WW cake!! Thank you!
@Lynnerizer why thank you!!
@CaptAmehrican I think I like this cake most of all! Thanks!
@tinamarie1974 Guess what. For $14.99 you can have that very cake if you order it from Walmart no less. And their cake is pretty good in my opinion.
@Kidsandliz Walmart has good cake, but my mom and I made homemade sicilian cupcakes last night. Ssooooooo good
@tinamarie1974 Home made if often much better than store bought.
You’re VERY welcome!
My parents are coming. I really whish they would just… Not. Now I have to clean
@unksol maybe tell them you will go to their place instead?
@Kidsandliz I just generally disagree with their decision to go anywhere because my mom had a liver transplant. And my dad is getting up there. And I don’t think they should be going anywhere. Never mind to places with germ breeding kids. Or then go grandma’s. But. Whatever
@unksol Yes traveling at all is questionable. Especially now with all the exploding number of cases and the more contagious version loose. I haven’t seen mom since Christmas 2019 (lives 1000 miles away) and it is hard on everyone. She has been in assisted living “jail” since early March and for a while in covid jail (she got it from an aide who worked there). The isolation has been hard on her and hard on the rest of us not having seen her, in my case, in just over a year.
Blame? Unblame? We are less than a blink in the eye of the universe. Refigured yet again by a different method and matching an earlier estimate by someone else, “the universe is 13.77 billion years old—give or take 40 million years”. If we live until we are 80 here is the percent (we lived vs how old the universe is) that we will have existed 0.0000000580973%
@Kidsandliz Just you wait until the white dwarfs start to wink out…
@PocketBrain But if you are still around then you still won’t be older than the hills. Right?
@Kidsandliz But at the same time, everything in the universe has been around since the beginning (in one form or another). Just arranged in different patterns.
Blame : you didn’t remind me to put the recycling out last night for this morning pick up. Combo with no pick up last week due to new years I have a ton of recycling. Bad goat.
Count yourself lucky that recycling (hopecycling?) is even an option. They cut it all out here in my town 2 yrs or more ago and we were taking it to the county seat 20miles away. Damned if they didn’t quit there too!
@chienfou well that is the goats fault too.
@CaptAmehrican I not only forgot the recycling, I also forgot the garbage as well.
2021 FUIYOH !!!
Uncle Roger hit 3M subscribers and will finally get a weejio of Uncle Roger making fried rice! So much MSG!!!
So, did the instant your brain read “Uncle Roger”, you read the rest of this in his accent?
Uncle Roger makes Egg Fried Rice
Well, goat, you’re off to an all time great start.
/image disastrous
Blame! My 17 year old dryer just retired without notice!!!
@OldCatLady Well that sucks. I hope it can be cheaply fixed.
@Kidsandliz @OldCatLady You know, there are some wonderful Youtube videos on fixing appliances - I fixed my dryer several years ago - woohoo! Of course, the guy demonstrated it in a beautifully clean spacious area, and I had to do it in my cramped dirty basement, but it works! Even if you don’t want to do it yourself, you could figure out what to tell the repair person, so you don’t get bamboozled into paying too much or replacing it unnecessarily.
Unblame because pupper got a bath today and he has hair gone wild!! Makes me giggle
@tinamarie1974 Cute! It looks like he IS getting pretty big, as predicted?
@Kyeh he is getting tall, but has not gained much weight lately. He is 35 lbs right now @ 8 months. I think he will be closer to 50 lbs fully grown. Def not the “small” dog the shelter predicted!
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974
But definitely still a ‘keeper’!
@chienfou @Kyeh but of course!!! Just more of him to love
@tinamarie1974 He’s like a gangly teenager right now, I guess. Does he eat a lot?
@Kyeh pretty much and acts like one too! He goes from trying to kiss me to nipping the back of my arm! Some days he barely eats anything, other days up to three cups of food. It is crazy.
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974 I’m surprised he can even see LOL. So do you need to cut his “bangs” on a regular basis? Or you could pretend he is a girl and put his forehead hair in a pony tail with a cute bow.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh usually it stands up a la Einstein, but for some reason it is droopy today. Ill have to give it s day or two to see if it perks up.
I did threaten him that if it doesn’t start sticking up he is getting a barrette. Side effect of covid, long conversations with the fur babies!!
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 He’ll look like a giant Shih Tzu!
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh this is what I thought of
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 Your pup is much cuter.
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974
Please do let us know when he answers back in English. Or that you think he is doing that. Help is only a padded cell away. Right?
Actually the heck with training him with other stuff. Train him to do that and that dog that ‘talks’ by pawing buttons on the floor will have nothing on your dog (grin).
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 I want my cat to speak like this one:
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974 My cat had jumped up on the chair arm when I played this so I played it again and she looked very worried turning her head looking all over from the safety of being right next to me.
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974
Worried about rival cats, maybe?
Blame because the puppers trainer is moving home to Ghana next Sunday and we will need to find someone new.
Sigh…we were making so much progress
Blame I went to the dentist yesterday and have my first cavity
@CaptAmehrican oh that sucks. Sorry
@CaptAmehrican @tinamarie1974 Gosh that is amazing that you have gone your entire life up to this point without one. I am impressed!!!
@CaptAmehrican @Kidsandliz I thought the same thing. I brush and floss and get cavities ALL the time. Good for her though, very lucky!!
@CaptAmehrican @tinamarie1974 In my case I didn’t have fluoride in my water until I was 5. My youngest sister had it from prenatally. She has had a grand total of 2 cavities. I have had far more than that.
Of course fluoride is likely only part of the explanation. Genetics probably play into it (both my parents have had a lot) and I know mouth bacteria also play into it. I read, ages ago, an interesting study where prior to dating 2 people had dissimilar mouth bacteria, after dating for a while or married, their mouth bacteria mix became far more similar. I also read several studies where people with recent or current cavities have a different mix of mouth bacteria than those who don’t/haven’t. Some discussion of trying to control cavities by bacteria. Moral of that research? Perhaps don’t kiss anyone with recetn cavities?
Blame - sign up page for covid vaccination. There are 460 apts open in the state through Feb 2 (they haven’t opened the weeks after that).
@Kidsandliz um…well I guess it is good that so many people actually want to get vaccinated? Hang in there!
@tinamarie1974 Well I suppose that is good - the trouble is that is for the ENTIRE state! Then that isn’t so many.
When I posted the above there were only a handful of counties with apts, none around me as those were all gone. Now none in the entire state. The department of health stated that once these shots are given out the state is out of vaccinations and won’t be getting another shipment in for around a month. They hoped. They gave no indication if they held back vaccinations for shot #2 for anyone. Sigh. This is a totally disastrous roll out in my state.
@Kidsandliz Geeez - that sucks.
@Kidsandliz Maybe you should take a quick trip to Florida!
@Kyeh Thanks. Pretty far to go though and I’d bet FL will try to cut that off so that folks who actually live in FL can get them first. I was thinking about going back to AR since they initiated contact with me if that comes through before here does. Wouldn’t be nearly as far. Of course I rarely go anywhere and the volunteer work I do is away from people so people who have to (due to their job) be out doing things daily should likely have priority even though technically I am on a higher priority list. Hopefully things will eventually speed up as more vaccines come to market.
@Kidsandliz Well, I hope so. You have the dreaded underlying conditions…
So here is something new. Not sure if it is a blame or unblame. Apparently there was an argument last night over taking a bath. The 7.5 year old argued that he shouldn’t have to take one since when you wear a mask (at school) no one can tell if anyone stinks or not.
We finally got some snow for the pupper. He 🥰 it!!!
He seems to like to eat or snort it, shake his head and run like mad
I have a few videos, but alas it does not seem as though they can be uploaded?!?!?
@tinamarie1974 Put them on youtube and then put the link. If your real name is on your youtube accounnt make a new account for this.
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974
You can also turn them into gifs and then upload the gif to meh.
Blame - they make those Victor and Victoria TaC Brew tea makers way too damn fragile. Mine made like a lemming over the kitchen counter this afternoon.
@ironcheftoni I thought they were plastic when I ordered mine- I’m shocked they made it here in one piece. But so far the glass is ok, I’ve just had one of the electronic units go poof. I wish I could send you one of my spares.
@sammydog01 i have the infuser pot too so I’m not totally tea maker-less. I love that timer because I would forget about it. Jasmine tea that’s steeped too long gets bitter. Whisper your address to me and I can send you the timer.
@ironcheftoni Aww thanks, but I bought a tea maker and a spare then a coffee maker and a spare before I realized that all but one part were interchangeable. That’s why I have so many dang glass parts.
Blame: The house-owner of my residence has allowed his contract with the realtor to lapse, and they are pushing me out 4 months before the lease is up. I guess the “little guy” doesn’t have rights when it comes to rental contracts. I have 30 days to purchase the place or GTFO.
Oh, and you guys can still complain about 2020, but just not here.
@PocketBrain Well that sucks! The realtor is the one handing the rent? I thought leases were a legally binding contract unless the house was sold (in which case 30 days notice). You typically can get a 30 min free consultation with an attorney. Also posting on avvo might get you an answer. Nolo you might have written about a situation like this and what can and can’t be done with respect to the lease. For example if this is a lease violation on the part of the owner (or if the realtor has to transfer the remainder of the lease to the owner).
@PocketBrain This might help as it has to do with leases when the owner wants to sell - it does appear your lease is in effect until the end unless the landlord put an early termination clause in your lease if the property is for sale and sold (which doesn’t sound like your case).
Links to state landlord laws
@PocketBrain This is probably a better link for landlord tenant laws by state
@Kidsandliz @PocketBrain
My guess is that the realty company has been taking your rent and stiffing the owner on their lease revenue. So the owner filed for eviction today, the day the eviction moratorium is over. Since their lease is with the realty company, they are the “tenant”, and you are really a sub-let.
Maybe you can cut a lease directly with the owner?
@Kidsandliz @mike808
I’ve got an agreement with him for a couple of months; I’m thinking to purchase the place for now, make a few improvements, possibly look for a house with a better kitchen. It’s so small I can barely function in it; I don’t know how he fed a family in there unless they subsisted solely on hot-pockets.
@mike808 @PocketBrain or maybe they functioned on cereal and carry out or eating out. Lol. One of my cousins only had pop and beer in his fridge.
Blame - today was the first day the group I fall into could sign up for the covid vaccination and it was actually worse than trying to get an irk. Most of the time the page doesn’t even load. So far 14 times I have made it all the way to the end, chosen an apt time, hit submit, and then after having it parked on processing (sometimes for as much as 5 or more minutes, sometimes pretty instantly), I get an error message. Now no apts left through Feb 2, no days after that listed to even sign up.
Of course that there is no place in my county to go at all, the entire county north of me and east of me each only have one place to go each with only 27 apts a day, and this website is the sign up site for the entire state I am not surprised. But if they are only vaccinating 162 people a week in each county (not counting the health care facilities vaccinating their own employees) we may all be dead of old age before we all get vaccinated in this state. Sigh.
Meant to post this when I first saw it in December. (paging @carl669) Oops.
ps (BLAME)
BLAME. I had about 280 or 290 click faces in a row and didn’t do it yesterday. Didn’t even come to meh apparently as when I looked to see what was for sale yesterday I didn’t recognize having seen it recently. My record is 408 and total I have something like 3400+ so I guess I shouldn’t complain. I clearly don’t do records well. LOL