New Star Wars

sohmageek went on a bit of a rant said

In effort to totally ruin my geek cred (well maybe only a little... there were good points, Natalie Portman was the 1st best of the star wars movies...) With the new star wars a little over 2 months away, are people looking forward to it? Are you excited? Will it have my favorite character in it (Jar-Jar... it's me do you really expect anything else?)

Full disclosure, I like the premise of star wars... I like the universe of star wars, the powers everything... I thought that the story was immerse and we were rushed, or we had too much background. It felt too much like a sci-fi Romeo and Juliet, where we knew too much before it started... which is partly why I liked Jar-Jar... he was a bit off the wall and didn't really fit in. I just can't say that the star wars movies were my favorite. There was too much story to cram into too little time. It needed the fan fic, the comics, the cartoons to fill in little gaps of assumed knowledge and to expand upon things. Also... Yes I prefer Star Trek.