I've figured out how to solve our daily revenue problem! We've sold out too quickly too many days in a row, and since we can't increase inventory, just run the leftover Neato Botvac's, toute suite!
Got one in a fuku. It does a decent job, but often gets stuck in a corner. Also the screen doesn't work an I have to do a hard reset often. If you don't have rugs with tassels, and a clean house it works well.
I have the earlier model, I had to send back 3 of them before I managed to get one that actually worked. Now that it works, it's really good - but it was a pretty major annoyance to keep boxing them up and sending them back to Neato.
Their customer service was pretty decent, but looking at the Amazon page there's a lot of people that have similar issues with having to send them back repeatedly.
@Gypped There seem to a lot of people who just WANT a robot cleaner so badly that they ignore the fact that, generally, we are living in the "Commodore 64 era" of home robotics. I got a refurb Neato from W--t and it still had a dirty Q-tip in it from the previous owner AND the system was no good. But I stopped right then and got my money back. No Jetsons stuff yet.
Man all I have is hardwood floors, I hope that I did not just make a big mistake. ( remarkable-stingy-beam ) I still have a tri-star and a older Kirby. 220 is quite a bit of lettuce to be tossing out...
Hey, this actually seems like an OK deal. The Wirecutter (technically, their sister site for household goods) picked the D80 (a newer version of this product) as their runner-up robot vacuum, and that was at double the price. Usually I expect Meh to offer a mediocre product at a somewhat low price, but this is an exception, I guess.
@lhollow oh yea for sure, the thing is... if you are a random chaos kinda person the roomba is for you, but if you are even slightly ocd the neatos are the way to go.
@TouranRowan Your Roomba would likely become jealous and resentful of all the attention the Neato would be getting...something similar to having another kid.
I've been wanting one of these for quite a while. After much research I've concluded that Neato is the brand to go with if you're going to pull the trigger on this sort of thing. Right now all my money is tied up in ridding the house of carpet, but this is next on the list...followed by a Ring Video doorbell, Hue lighting, a bigger TV, home theater sound system for said TV...plus a few more things that make my wife's eyes glaze over whenever I mention them.
@Dizavid I've been keeping a close eye on the dirt the kid and dog have tracked in on the wood laminate and tile that we do have...and it hasn't budged an inch. Something or someone is going to have to clean it up...I prefer the "something" option.
I have an older model by this brand and loved it, but after about 6 months it could never go more than a few minutes without giving me an error code "I had a battery issue and had to restart" rendering it basically useless. If I swap the 2 battery packs around it would be ok again for a few weeks then started doing it again. Should I pay the $50-ish for a new set of batteries that may or may not be the culprit, or just pony up for this guy?
@jaypeeh the word is that they made vast improvements to the battery in the botvac models. I am taking the chance on this. I was sick of spending $40 every 6 months for batteries and the $90 lithium batteries seemed too risky. Can't complain because I got it in a fuku but, still the refurb costs were already creeping up on the price of this one. So I canned it. Fwiw, my Roomba from the twofer sale is still going strong and accessories cost less ($40 total for all new brushes, filter and battery..running like new). But I'd still prefer a Neato that works well, hopefully this is it.
Oh, meh, why do this to me now? I have a new job that is promising to pay me stupid money, but that won't be for like a month. Right now I cannot frivolously buy a robot vacuum, even though I really want to.
Cute story. One time on my older model robovac, I programmed it to start a cycle for a few hours after I went to work. When I got home, I walk into my bedroom to find about a 4x4 area of my carpet that had the most foul, runny dog shit, smeared all over the place in oddly geometric, almost robotic, patterns. I follow a brain set of tread marks to the robot, which looked like it had just been off-roading on a rainy day. You see, my dog had left a nice carpet brownie between the time I left and when the robot started. I didn't even bother to clean the carpet, I just cut the entire section out and left it that way. But I couldn't bring myself to throw away the rather expensive shit-bot, so I cleaned the 'shit' out of it. It made it's way into every nook and cranny. Every bristle of the brush, every recessed screw hole, all around the inside of the suction chamber.. Not long after that the thing pretty much became useless (battery issue, as I mention in another comment) for seemingly unrelated issues.
It's kind of funny that the manual cautiously warns you not to bathe it since the neato is sometimes referenced as being sentient. But that's crazy right. ...Right?
Anyway, thinking about getting another for the 2nd floor. It's like having a maid clean up while I'm at the gym. Plus, I'm sure they can't learn how to traverse the stairs, sync up and, plan to take over. nah.
I picked up a D85 last month and it does the job well as long as you prep the room beforehand. It really likes to try to get under things that are just barely taller than the bumper but lower than the laser turret (like my Ikea entertainment center). It also likes to climb on things that are just shorter than the bumper but still too tall to drive on.
With those obstacles out of the way, it'll do the entire ground floor of our house in an hour or so. The bin is always completely full of cat hair (we have two) and dust after running it every two days so I say mission accomplished. It's also just plain fun to watch as it maps out a room and works back and forth across it before moving on. Yes, I'm easily amused.
OK, glad to see there are at least 105 other "suckers" out there! I had to justify my VMP, and with the plethora of bluetooth meh, and my inability to play captcha insanity fast enough, this at least seems useful, so I'll gamble that the run of worthless junk that we already have 4 or 5 versions of will continue.
I don't know what's more irritating on an almost daily basis: Sansa's or bluetooth junk? Right now, I'm going with bluetooh!! (but that's only because they probably haven't made a sansa device in the past decade..lol)
I have a base model Roomba (Purchased from Woot) and a Neato XV-21 (Purchased from Meh). Both have places where they shine. Neatos have a suction to them where as the base models of Roomba do not. Roombas are far superior for Wood/linoleum floors, where as the Neato works way better on Tile, carpet, etc.
Overall, i prefer the Neato. With 4 cats, it does a great job with cat hair/ kitty litter.
My neatohas been running every weekday since I received it from Meh back in October-ish 2014. Does it get stuck? Absolutely! But, it still has vacuumed more while no one was home than my Dyson(Purchased from Woot) that hides in the closet.
Ended up buying this newer model to give our old neato a break.
Also as a note on the model number being Costco's version of the Botvac 80. I just recently purchased a Samsung TV where they did a similar thing; the TV is the same as the 8500 series best buy sells, but the warehousers sell the 850D. Literally the exact television excepting a dark bezel colour (and cost me $700 less). The warehousers do this a lot apparently to prevent price matching/competition with the other stores (as far as I can tell).
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 Year Neato (Six month for battery)
Estimated Delivery: 4/20 - 4/22
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Robot Vacuum
1x Combo Brush
1x Side Brush
1x Integrated Charge Base
1x Power Cord
5x Standard Filter
1x Roll of boundary markers
1x User Guide
Retail box
Top view
Everything included
3/4 view
Price Comparison
Was $300 at Costco
$299.99 (Used) at Amazon for similar (333 reviews, sold third party)
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
90 days
feeling nostalgic LOL
@Pony i think he earned something
@rlesueur He who? What? Huh? Your comment confuzzles me.
@Pony Bath is the phrase that won me free neoprene cases once. Yup, I'm the originator.
@Stallion I was there for that craziness, but didn't remember who started it. Well done. ;)
@Pony :) I STILL have some of those darn cases kicking around somewhere
@Stallion Ha! So do I- and I didn't get any free ones.
This deal sucks.

Got this real life true story joke that takes 30 minutes to tell ...
But the 1 minute punchline is ...
Friend from Arkansas said he was fixin' to sew up something or other. Another friend immediately chimed in, no, you're sewing to fix them up.
Sorry, vacuum cleaner cleaner reminded me of that one.
@mehhead A nice clean joke...
The shape of this thing always irritates me.
@tartanknickers what do you have against cleaning in corners?
@thismyusername They clearly live in a planetarium.
@thismyusername logic- meh.
No "cash/o" for clean sweep tonight - guess I'll brush deal off tonight
I've had Neatos and I've had Roombas.
FWIW, Neatos are definitely better, but also louder. (Because it is an actual vacuum, not just a sweeper.)
@haydesigner the botvacs are a bit quieter than the xv series.
@thismyusername Good to know, thanks!
Nothing poops up on the Costco site
@mcemanuel, these aren't meant for poop. Trust me. My dog wanted to find out.
@mcemanuel Did you try pooping down? It is lot less messy.
Why does everyone say "take a shit"? Shouldn't it be "leave a shit"? Or am I doing it wrong?
@MehnofLaMehncha No cause you might take it with you.
Meh I'll pass
I've figured out how to solve our daily revenue problem! We've sold out too quickly too many days in a row, and since we can't increase inventory, just run the leftover Neato Botvac's, toute suite!
Got one in a fuku. It does a decent job, but often gets stuck in a corner. Also the screen doesn't work an I have to do a hard reset often. If you don't have rugs with tassels, and a clean house it works well.
The wife wants one... What to do? Make life for her easier? Meh-be
Sucks. Night, see ya tomehrrow.
This is great for pet owners.
@yakkoTDI I thought for sure she'd freek out
What is this "vacuum the floor" thing of which you speak?
Leaf blowers are way more efficient/effective than vacuums.
I have the earlier model, I had to send back 3 of them before I managed to get one that actually worked. Now that it works, it's really good - but it was a pretty major annoyance to keep boxing them up and sending them back to Neato.
Their customer service was pretty decent, but looking at the Amazon page there's a lot of people that have similar issues with having to send them back repeatedly.
@Gypped There seem to a lot of people who just WANT a robot cleaner so badly that they ignore the fact that, generally, we are living in the "Commodore 64 era" of home robotics. I got a refurb Neato from W--t and it still had a dirty Q-tip in it from the previous owner AND the system was no good. But I stopped right then and got my money back. No Jetsons stuff yet.
@radi0j0hn I got my refurb Neato from the same place this summer. It is sitting, inoperable, while I wait for their customer service.
Mad boring yo!
(too bad this probably wasn't the right place for it)
@curtise nicely done.
If only it were payday. I just paid my mortgage, now a week of no money ahead.
Not a vote of confidence when someone says "I've had several" for a relatively new product.
yesssss ive been waiting for months for this. and we just got a dog so the urgency for an upstairs robot just got srs.
My old xv-21 is still going strong (replaced battery packs last year) and my new botvac 85 from meh is also still going strong.
In fact this morning I dumped out a crap load of dog sheddings that it had collected.
@thismyusername Did you get the Lithium Ion batteries?
@caffeine_dude naw did some "knock off" ones from amazon these ones:
so far so good.
Looks like it came out of the 90's
@rapiollymega It's disappointing that the box doesn't have one of those perspective glowing laser grids on it.
Man all I have is hardwood floors, I hope that I did not just make a big mistake. ( remarkable-stingy-beam ) I still have a tri-star and a older Kirby. 220 is quite a bit of lettuce to be tossing out...
@bigtom67 hardwood floors and a dog here... totally worth it.
@bigtom67 Found the 50th Anniversary Tri-Star (1939-1989) at SA Thrift store for $10. Looks like a rocketship from the old, old Flash Gordon serials.
Mad Boring yo
This is why my Fuko hasn't shipped isn't it? All that remain and Irks corpse gets put into Fukos?
Hey, this actually seems like an OK deal. The Wirecutter (technically, their sister site for household goods) picked the D80 (a newer version of this product) as their runner-up robot vacuum, and that was at double the price. Usually I expect Meh to offer a mediocre product at a somewhat low price, but this is an exception, I guess.
It would be worth $220 if it could pick up as it vacuumed. Maybe even a buck or two more.
@lhollow does shoving count? cause it will shove crap out of the way...
@thismyusername Better than the Roomba in the video? I'm sure the Roomba missed a spot or two.
@lhollow oh yea for sure, the thing is... if you are a random chaos kinda person the roomba is for you, but if you are even slightly ocd the neatos are the way to go.
$100 and I'll bite.
I want to save Irk, but I honestly cannot afford something that expensive unless it is something I want extremely badly.
Wait there is no bluetooth speaker on it.... I am confused
@Conklaven "Bluetooth speaker sold separately."
Bought a roomba refurb off of woot 3 years ago, it's still going and sucking up.
Do I need another robot sucking machine???
@TouranRowan Only if it works on your di... nah, too easy.
@TouranRowan Your Roomba would likely become jealous and resentful of all the attention the Neato would be getting...something similar to having another kid.
I've been wanting one of these for quite a while. After much research I've concluded that Neato is the brand to go with if you're going to pull the trigger on this sort of thing. Right now all my money is tied up in ridding the house of carpet, but this is next on the list...followed by a Ring Video doorbell, Hue lighting, a bigger TV, home theater sound system for said TV...plus a few more things that make my wife's eyes glaze over whenever I mention them.
@hutchnow You won't need this anymore if you have no carpet...
@Dizavid I've been keeping a close eye on the dirt the kid and dog have tracked in on the wood laminate and tile that we do have...and it hasn't budged an inch. Something or someone is going to have to clean it up...I prefer the "something" option.
@hutchnow Oh, that's fair.
I have an older model by this brand and loved it, but after about 6 months it could never go more than a few minutes without giving me an error code "I had a battery issue and had to restart" rendering it basically useless. If I swap the 2 battery packs around it would be ok again for a few weeks then started doing it again. Should I pay the $50-ish for a new set of batteries that may or may not be the culprit, or just pony up for this guy?
@jaypeeh Upgrade to lithium batteries and your old model will perform much better.
@jaypeeh the word is that they made vast improvements to the battery in the botvac models. I am taking the chance on this. I was sick of spending $40 every 6 months for batteries and the $90 lithium batteries seemed too risky. Can't complain because I got it in a fuku but, still the refurb costs were already creeping up on the price of this one. So I canned it. Fwiw, my Roomba from the twofer sale is still going strong and accessories cost less ($40 total for all new brushes, filter and battery..running like new). But I'd still prefer a Neato that works well, hopefully this is it.
Oh, meh, why do this to me now? I have a new job that is promising to pay me stupid money, but that won't be for like a month. Right now I cannot frivolously buy a robot vacuum, even though I really want to.
Cute story. One time on my older model robovac, I programmed it to start a cycle for a few hours after I went to work. When I got home, I walk into my bedroom to find about a 4x4 area of my carpet that had the most foul, runny dog shit, smeared all over the place in oddly geometric, almost robotic, patterns. I follow a brain set of tread marks to the robot, which looked like it had just been off-roading on a rainy day. You see, my dog had left a nice carpet brownie between the time I left and when the robot started. I didn't even bother to clean the carpet, I just cut the entire section out and left it that way. But I couldn't bring myself to throw away the rather expensive shit-bot, so I cleaned the 'shit' out of it. It made it's way into every nook and cranny. Every bristle of the brush, every recessed screw hole, all around the inside of the suction chamber.. Not long after that the thing pretty much became useless (battery issue, as I mention in another comment) for seemingly unrelated issues.
Don't make my mistake.
It's kind of funny that the manual cautiously warns you not to bathe it since the neato is sometimes referenced as being sentient.
But that's crazy right. ...Right?
Anyway, thinking about getting another for the 2nd floor. It's like having a maid clean up while I'm at the gym. Plus, I'm sure they can't learn how to traverse the stairs, sync up and, plan to take over. nah.
Too bad you cant get 2 and then breed them. Or maybe not?
Well, at least it won't sell out in an hour...
@jiltant An hour EST?
MEH shouldn't try to clear stuff this expensive out at the middle of the month. Being a pensioner, I have MUCH more money at the beginning...
I picked up a D85 last month and it does the job well as long as you prep the room beforehand. It really likes to try to get under things that are just barely taller than the bumper but lower than the laser turret (like my Ikea entertainment center). It also likes to climb on things that are just shorter than the bumper but still too tall to drive on.
With those obstacles out of the way, it'll do the entire ground floor of our house in an hour or so. The bin is always completely full of cat hair (we have two) and dust after running it every two days so I say mission accomplished. It's also just plain fun to watch as it maps out a room and works back and forth across it before moving on. Yes, I'm easily amused.
Speaking of hacking with the laser mapping unit...
If you have one of these that died, can I have the corpse? I will pay shipping.
The laser scanner is really decent, but they cost more than I usually spend for a hobby robot part.
@hamjudo I would also be happy to have dead ones for parts. I'll pay shipping too!
OK, glad to see there are at least 105 other "suckers" out there! I had to justify my VMP, and with the plethora of bluetooth meh, and my inability to play captcha insanity fast enough, this at least seems useful, so I'll gamble that the run of worthless junk that we already have 4 or 5 versions of will continue.
I don't know what's more irritating on an almost daily basis: Sansa's or bluetooth junk? Right now, I'm going with bluetooh!! (but that's only because they probably haven't made a sansa device in the past decade..lol)
Even though @curtise already said it, I'll say it too. Mad boring yo
I have a base model Roomba (Purchased from Woot) and a Neato XV-21 (Purchased from Meh). Both have places where they shine. Neatos have a suction to them where as the base models of Roomba do not. Roombas are far superior for Wood/linoleum floors, where as the Neato works way better on Tile, carpet, etc.
Overall, i prefer the Neato. With 4 cats, it does a great job with cat hair/ kitty litter.
My neatohas been running every weekday since I received it from Meh back in October-ish 2014. Does it get stuck? Absolutely! But, it still has vacuumed more while no one was home than my Dyson(Purchased from Woot) that hides in the closet.
Ended up buying this newer model to give our old neato a break.
Damnit, go downstairs to grab my credit card, and they're sold out.
Also as a note on the model number being Costco's version of the Botvac 80. I just recently purchased a Samsung TV where they did a similar thing; the TV is the same as the 8500 series best buy sells, but the warehousers sell the 850D. Literally the exact television excepting a dark bezel colour (and cost me $700 less). The warehousers do this a lot apparently to prevent price matching/competition with the other stores (as far as I can tell).
@meh Yup. I ran into the same thing mattress shopping. I ended up with a nice Sealy from Sam's, but it was a Sam's specific model.