Name our huge rat
Ain't it cute?
The rats name was asked about over on the Mediocre Forums, and we figured that since the rat came from the community they should name it too.
I like Master Splinter but it's not too fitting for a lab rat. Splinter wouldn't take that shit and would spin kick any scientist that tried to experiment on him in the head.
Anyway…suggest some names, vote on your favorites and we'll pick the top 10 or so to vote on again later and officially dub the rat whatever you decide. Maybe I'll even make a little hat with its name on it.
- 92 comments, 53 replies
- Comment
Mehstache the Mouse
I can't believe no one beat me to Willard.
We could call him Pack Rat but our shipping sucks so....well maybe that fits then. meh.
I kind of like Pack Rat because I used to play a game online by that name and its original developers were all in Carrollton. After a few...
Successful years, they tired of the project and sold it to someone else who seems to have ruined it. Fitting.
Firewheel Design? Icon Buffet was so much fun ...
Regis. Meaning royal. Because of 'rat kings', one of nature's most mysterious and disturbing phenomena. Won't post pic here because pretty gross, but there's pics on Google Images for the morbidly curious. May or may not be a hoax. I also like Regis.
needs banana for scale
Master Eugene Hornswoggle
middelmådig -- it's Norwegian for mediocre. I'm pretty sure it's a Norwegian rat anyway, so it's suiting.
Sir Poopsalot
Mr. Moustache
Wallace ('cause he's on a wall)
I don't know why but he looks like a Wilbur
"Preston" - Jeff Bezos' middle name.
I was going to vote for that and then I thought I couldn't do that to a rat.
Sir Frances McToots, Esq.
He's an attorney rat?
No. Just a title of respect. I dislike that lawyers have claimed this term as their own.
Bill S Preston wasn't a lawyer, but he was an Esquire.
Ratticus Finch, Esq. ?
:thumbs up:
The Brain
I'm thinking more Pinky
@Ryaneil The mustache suggests he's plotting to take over the world. But he is cute like Pinky.
Definitely Pinky. Narf!
So he gets a name and we got numbers? Zero works for me.
i need to see this movie again
I believe it's on Hulu (or at least it was awhile back.)
Ramblin' Rodriguez
Mehkey Mouse
Seemehore or Seymore.
Ratapotomous Rex
Nah, we like this rat. Butters would be more endearing. And he can share the good news about the DMV.
Reepicheep - the bad ass rat from Narnia.
I can't believe no one has said Ben.
Lewis - after the Lewis Rat Labrat Species.
I wanted this where someone would actually see it:
♫ He lives on the wall
He's a rat with no name
He'll never live down the shame
No one remembers
The rat with no name
Cuz if you got no name
No one remembers your pain
fa la la
laaaaaa la la la laaa ♪
(Could name him Horse, since the horse in this song has no name, it would be kind of mehta.)
Princess Tickle Whiskers
Mr. Bezos
I had a rat named Splinter. Son named him. He was a good rat.
I had a rat named Basil from Faulty Towers. He was a good rat.
I vote for one of those.
Not Ratatouille?
Why aren't we coming up with girl names?
After she gets her lip waxed . . .
That mustache is a temp. they change out those once in a while
Aha. What else does the rat wear? Spectacles I hope? Maybe a monocle?
Rous the Rodent of Unusual Size
For those of you needing inspiration here's Rattypaedia. I'll throw Charlemagne in the ring.
Rick Perry.
Maybe Erl for short.
His Name is Erl
I had a few rats as pets growing up, and I loved them all. The first 3 I had were named Max, Max II, and Max III because I was a kid and had no creativity - though the last one was officially named Maximus Esquire III (the third).
I also had a rat named Scout, and I inherited a pair named Fender and Toaster.
Great pets.
Nice, I had gerbils. I named the first one Cujo, when he died the next one was Cujo Jr. (he only had three legs!). Never saw the movie
WHAT? You missed the opportunity to call the third one Max: Beyond Thunderdome?
Nibbles le Souris. since the mouse-tache makes him look french.
Mehkey Mouse
@Mac454 beat you to it. I can't believe you didn't read every single entry that every one else painstakingly thought to post. gee whiskers.
Senor Scaperat. Responsible for all late deliveries and meh click record fails.
Motorized Rat In Dressing Room Prank
That was quite humourous!
Brett Ratner
Rat Muttledge?
this please.
As a fellow Matt, I felt a little bad about suggesting this. Not bad enough, obviously. But a little.
Just need to point out that this would = Rat, the Rat.
@Thumperchick You say that like it's a bad thing
Maybe it should be Ratt Muttledge?
Baltar - BSG reference as well as an anagram
I brought a banana for scale but got really hungry in the car and ate it on the way here, so I had to use the peel:

holy hell that's a giant rat! or a very very very tiny banana.
that's what she said
Thank you @katylava; for making the joke I talked myself out of.
Hey, what's that on the wall above the rat's other ear? I see a small grey spot. Does your rat have fleas or sumthin?
@bluedog that's a screw, there's another on the other side which is what I hung the banana peel on.
@JonT: Ahhhh...okay. I'll wait for @kaylava to make the inevitable joke about screwing the rat with your banana.
Rutherford. After Rutherford B. Hayes, the "meh" of US Presidents.
Scraps. Because, you know, lab rat experiments. Plus, the name's full of crap.
darth garth
Scrotum - I just made this word up. It sounds very intellectual and lends itself to someone who is very deep and philosophical. I will now post and then check to see if this word already exists.
how about Mutorcs?

Great. Now I'm going to have to read the book again.
Great name. The eponymous Algernon is a laboratory mouse who has undergone surgery to increase his intelligence by artificial means.
@killdevil Beat me to it.
Nezumi, "Zoom" if you uncouth louts want to anglicize it. But, surely, a Japanese rat is responsible for packing our fukubukoro.
Gargantor The Destroyer
Capt. Scuttlebutt
Just saying, it has rat, it has mediocre kind of...
Professor Ratigan.
Gilda "Rat"ner
Gozer the Gozerian
Name him Prince. No, name him The-Rat-Formerly-Known-As-Prince.
its not that I don't have an opinion but every name I could think is alre this post above.
the only thing I could think to add is Silent Bob.
"What the f- is the Internet?"
Jekyll or Hyde...
She/he 's your pet "Peeve"
I call the big one Bitey
"Our Customer Base"
"Hugh Drot"
Emil or Remy.

le mousrato
Mehry Jane
(an infamous party girl)
Well... Did I miss it? What was the outcome? What is the rat's name?
@silverqueen There's a second thread on possible names
MehMo or MehMo Toself
MehTa Data
I asked the cats. Their overwhelming choice is "Dinner".
@lisaviolet Based on the picture with the banana, maybe they should start with a capybara and work their way up.
Rocky can take it and he'll share. He's a pretty big cat as you can see by the photo I've included.