My goat my birthday
9It’s my birthday! Send me presents! Don’t you hate when you get old and you have nothing to open on you your bday? I bought some lottery scratch off tickets and I can see if I won won the the lottery but that’s about the it. Oh I did save a beauty subscription box that’s been sitting at my door for 2 weeks to open today. After Xmas feels like you get the chaff bc you just got presents and them it’s time for presents again. Anybody else have any January birthdays and feel it too? Do you need a present?
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Happy Birthday to a near birthday twin!
Mine was yesterday. Yes, as a kid I did get the chaff because my mother would say at christmas. “you have one more gift but I held it back for your birthday” 
@ironcheftoni that’s terrible! She shouldn’t have told you she was holding a gift back (not saying she shouldn’t have held one back, just shouldn’t have told you that she was
Happy belated Birthday!
@ironcheftoni @j2 My sister has an early Jan birthday and she’d get far more than the rest of us got on our birthdays (christmas we were about equal) as mom felt sorry that christmas and her birthday were so close together. She also did not get winter clothes since those were needed well before her birthday in the snow belt. Those of us with fall birthdays got a ton of school clothes for our birthdays (and so had a skimpy school clothes pile until then).
@ironcheftoni I guess I was lucky. My sisters birthday was just under two weeks before Christmas and I was a few weeks after. She always thought it was important that our birthday celebrations were separate and special. So a family party with presents and a party with our friends. That said no friends ever showed up to my sisters friends party (except for cousins). It was just too close to Christmas
Happy belated birthday. I have two second cousins in the same family with birthdays of Xmas eve and New Year’s Eve, I always felt bad for them to. Yours sounded horrible.
Happy Birthday both of you!
/giphy goat birthday

/giphy Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday!
/giphy Star birthday

@Star2236 I’m not sure what that pink animal is, but happy birthday!

@Kyeh @Star2236 maybe a Llama
@Star2236 @tinamarie1974 I think you’re right, a very fluffy llama.
@Kyeh @Star2236 @tinamarie1974 So Fluffy
Happy Birthday! I think a dance is called for.
I’ve watched that like 5 times, I love it.
I’ve never much liked my birthday, so I annually schedule a Mirthday, which is much lower pressure and invariably delightful.