My daughter's freshly hatched baby girl
40Just 1.5 hours old in this photo, (born 10:10pm on the 16th), she is 6 pounds 5 ounces, 19 inches long. Her 2 and 3 year old brothers were fascinated. The 3 year old pointed at her and asked, “What dat?”. I told him a baby. His sister. He turned and looked at me, shook his head no and said, “No sisser. I got bruwder gwama”. (opps photos seems to be upside down. Don’t know how to fix that).
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Congratulations Grandma, she is beautiful!

@mfladd thanks!
Excellent. Hope she is a very happy little one!
@f00l So far so good. Not a fussy baby so far.
@kidsandliz Congrats! It’s a beautiful baby girl!
@dashcloud Of course I am biased but my kid does tend to have pretty babies.
Congratulations to all! New babies enter the world, and make everyone happier. When my mother was born a century ago, women couldn’t vote, nobody had electricity outside of the city, and horses were the main people mover. Little sis will probably live to be over a hundred herself, and who can imagine what she’ll see?

/giphy newborn girl
@OldCatLady Yes makes me wonder what their lives will be like and what they will see…
Congratulations… as much as I only wanted boys (I understand boy stuff MUCH better than girl stuff!!) I wouldn’t trade my baby girl for the world… she just makes life so much better… Best wishes for your daughter and hers…
@mikibell My daughter never wanted girls either. Maybe she was thinking back to her teen years where she put me through the wringer and didn’t want to have to deal with that kind of behavior as a parent herself. Something about being afraid of karma perhaps…? LOL
Congratulations! (Also, grandma? I, uh, totally thought you were a guy, and also way too young for grandchildren.)
@jqubed Hmm… LOL. My daughter is 24 so it will be a while before I am ancient. My mother, by the way, says “old” starts at 104. But a guy? And too young for grandkids? How did you figure that (serious question actually - not insulted, rather think it is humorous)?
congrats! and, she’s already got the ‘meh’ expression down pat!
@carl669 Thanks!
We are 29 years too late, but my daughter would have switched her baby brother for your grandson’s baby sister. When we told her I was pregnant, she told us “Boy babies are junk babies”. Lucky we had 8 months to try to convince her they weren’t!
Not that she truly believed us.
@smilingjack I presume at 29 guys are no longer junk - instead she is interested in their junk. Right? (grin).
Congrats! Exciting times!!
p.s. my son born last week is the same weight and length!
@luvche21 It’s an omen. Be sure to introduce the two of them in about 14 years.
@magic_cave shall we consult the mehcronomicon for this @carl669? Anything in there about omens?
@luvche21 @magic_cave let us consult the mehcronomicon.
“For he that would ask of omens, the first movie was good. The rest were shit. So say we all.”
hmm… not quite what i expected. but, the book of meh is unpredictable.
@carl669 Who are ye to misunderstand the holy writ??
@luvche21 there are some who call me… carl.
@carl669 I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that there are many who call you carl…
@luvche21 how did you know!!??! stalker!!
@luvche21 So in about a million years we ought to introduce the two of them LOL. Hope you are managing to get some sleep. : ) And congrats yourself!
@Kidsandliz surprisingly the little guy sleeps pretty well, and it’s been getting even better!
@carl669 I ran your username through a fancy algorithm and searched the interwebs far and wide before I found out. It was hard.
Odd, When I right-click > open the image in new tab, it’s upright. What up with that, @shawn?
@medz something about how the browser ignores EXIF orientation when rendering an image in an HTML page, vs how it uses it when rendering the image directly?
Adorbs! Congrats!

/image it’s a girl!
@narfcake Thanks!
@DaveInSoCal Thanks!
She’s a serious thinker. Boys, watch out. you don’t want to get on her bad side! Gonna be one of those dark-featured beauties.
@macdaddy1 Here are the (just) 3 y.o. (on the left) and (just) 2 y.o. year old. The 2 year old would make a pretty girl (and I am sure, once he is late grade school, he will kill me if he ever finds out I said that) LOL
And my daughter (at a younger age)
@Kidsandliz You evidently make great looking kids who then make great looking kids of their own.
@macdaddy1 Actually it is the 2 year old you don’t want to get on the bad side of. He is hilarious when he does his slow winding up to throw a fit. Big pout, raises his shoulders and then crosses his little arms in defiance bringing his shoulders down to emphasize the crossing of them, glares at you, and then the kicking, flailing arms and wailing beings. It’s hard not to laugh.
@magic_cave Thanks but I can’t claim any credit for their looks. I adopted her as an almost 10 year old.
@Thumperchick Thanks. Hope yours is sleeping through the night by now. Please post a photo update.
@Guitarinsight I have no idea what you did but thanks!
@Kidsandliz My pleasure! I enjoy editing pics. This one is precious.
@Guitarinsight Amazing how open her eyes are.
@Kidsandliz She does seem very interested in what’s going on around her.
She’s gonna be beautiful. And bright and witty and the darling of her big bwuders.
I adore first-hours baby pictures. They’re proof that no matter how bleak the world seems or how bad the news has been, there are still new beginnings and opportunities for us to make our own world a better place. After nearly two years, the first pictures of my grandson are still among my favorites.
Thank you for sharing your granddaughter with us.
@magic_cave Yes these new little creatures are amazing.
what does it look like her umbilical stump look like it has a silver cover over it? They smell so good at that size. I miss my grown kids being that tiny.
@sarahsandroid Actually they hadn’t snipped the umbilical stump off yet. That silver/goldish looking thing has a monitor under it for respiration and is higher than her belly button which is under the diaper.
@kidsandliz Congrats, my spouse and I are tweeners, kids moved out, but no grand-kids yet…
oh yea, similar to another post above from @jqubed, i thought you were a dude - just and assumption with no basis though, sftrange
@DMlivezey thanks for the congrats… weird - 2 of you thinking I’m a dude… assumption had to be based on something though…
@Kidsandliz Um, I thought you were a guy, too. Something about the user name that did it, although upon reflection that’s an irrational conclusion. Glad I could get it fixed in my mind, though.
@magic_cave @kidsandliz
same for me on the user name i think, i thought it was something like kidzland (skimming carelessly) - some gamer thing and i assume all people on Meh. are male and all gamers are male, both clearly faulty assumptions…
There are a lot of women Mehmbers.
@lajivzy yeah but at least the deductive reasoning is ok (If meh=male and gamer=male then since kidsandiz is meh then = male) … gotta work on those assumptions though LOL